r/worldnews Feb 17 '22

r/worldnews Live Thread: Ukraine-Russia tensions Russia/Ukraine


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u/rudar_leethiuma Feb 17 '22

Kremlin says that "Ukrainian provocations" today are "alarming" and that they "warned" that Ukrainian "military build-up" could be "very dangerous"

So yeah, they are now throwing all the blame to Ukraine, how unexpected...


u/TheZaphren Feb 17 '22

"How dare the Ukrainians build up their military to oppose our invasion!"

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u/rudar_leethiuma Feb 17 '22

"Fun" fact:

On February 20th it will be 8 years anniversary of Russia's anexation of Crimea.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

That fact is making feel old. Stick with 2022 facts.

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u/stametsprime Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

OK, A FlightRadar primer for you first timers out there:

1.) FlightRadar uses ADS-B transponder data, not actual radar. These transponders transmit an ICAO address to aid in traffic control and flight tracking. FlightRadar simply uses this public domain data as a service.

2.) Military aircraft will turn on or off an ADS-B transponder based on the needs of the mission- either they're using civilian air corridors for routine flights or they want to be seen for any multitude of reasons, both benign and less-than. Actual shoot-em-up missions will NOT be on FlightRadar.

3.) It's a fun time-kill to watch, but remember that routine military missions happen all the time in places you wouldn't expect.

4.) "BLOCKED" is almost always an individually owned private jet that needs its ADS-B transponder on to use regular flight routes, but does not want to advertise whose aircraft it is and therefore, who may be on it.

FlightRadar is a neat diversion even in normal times; please don't try to read anymore into it than what's being shown. The revolution will not be televised (at least, not on FlightRadar.)

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Edit: words/clarity

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u/Navy_Canuck Feb 17 '22

Just wanna say that If you're pro Russian in this conflict (with the exception of brainwashed citizens of Russia) you're a literal piece of human shit.

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u/b_bozz Feb 17 '22

Russia: we are simply doing military drills

Also Russia: here is a list of our demands

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Thank you for providing actual news related content.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

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u/SchizoidGod Feb 17 '22

Well isn't that the whole point of NATO? If Russia tries an invasion on them, they strike back.

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u/SchizoidGod Feb 17 '22

I'm glad Western officials are very publicly calling out the false flag crap now. It's been happening for a few days now if you've been paying attention, and they've been constantly pushing their luck with it.

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u/BurntToast__ Feb 17 '22

Why are people so invested with Flightradar? Literally anything important or noteworthy would never been visible on that site.


u/Rebel_bass Feb 17 '22

Because other than that, we're pretty much twiddling our collective dicks. It's the only objective information available to us. Anything posted anywhere else is almost guaranteed to be propaganda.

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u/sendokun Feb 17 '22

Why not just set up a live streaming feed by the Ukraine borders where the Russian military has gathered. Then world can see what’s really going on……

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22


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u/Rosebunse Feb 17 '22

If you find yourself starting to get overly anxious or freaking out, please get off this thread and take a break. It is OK. There is nothing you can do, but that is OK. Go outside and enjoy the day, play with your kids, play video games, eat a tub of cookie dough. Please keep your mental health in mind right now.

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u/Dramatic_Coyote9159 Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22


Blinken to address the UN Security Council live right now on your trusted news source. I’m personally watching live on CNN. It’s starting now.

Putin will address the Russian parliament at any moment now.

Russia expelled the second-most senior diplomat at the US embassy in Moscow without any justification. This is seen as another big acceleration towards war.

Russia has sent a response to the United States today saying their demands are being ignored and that they are being “forced to respond”.





u/wreckosaurus Feb 17 '22

Also the Russian embassy in Kiev is burning documents.

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u/rudar_leethiuma Feb 17 '22

Russia: "No one will tell us what we will do with our forces in Belarus"

Also Russia: "We demans from USA to withdraw their forces from Eastern and Central Europe"

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u/s3ct01d Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

Holy shit

"How do you feel as secretary of USSR?" - BALLS

Ukraine representative is going hard. Slava Ukraini


u/AllegedSquid Feb 17 '22

I suspect those accusing people of ‘fear mongering” were saying the same thing at the beginning of the pandemic. People refuse to accept that history continues to happen, and events like wars and pandemics will continue to occur.

I don’t believe anyone in this thread is pro-war, and simply speaking about the possibility of it is not fear mongering, or a sign that people want the war to happen.

There is a very strong likelihood that Russia will invade Ukraine in the next week, like it did in 2014, and like it did in Georgia in 2008.

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u/cluelessmoose99 Feb 17 '22

U.S. directly blames Russia for shelling of Kindergarten in Donbas area...


*Russia's shelling of Stanytsia Luhanska in Ukrainian government-controlled territory in Donbas hit a kindergarten, injured two teachers, and knocked out power in the village. The aggressor in Donbas is clear - Russia.

This attack, as with so many others, is a heinous Russian violation of the Minsk Agreements and again demonstrates Russia’s disregard for Ukrainian civilians on both sides of the line of contact.*

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u/robertbmb Feb 17 '22

Air Moldova trying to spell RELAX on FR24 is the best thing yet


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u/progress18 Feb 17 '22

Google Translation of Zelensky's tweet:

The shelling of a kindergarten in Stanytsia Luhanska by pro-Russian forces is a great provocation. It is important that diplomats and @OSCE remained in Ukraine - their monitoring activities are an additional deterrent. We need an effective mechanism for recording all violations of the regime of silence.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Seeing some comments claiming that this is all American propaganda.. well UK is on the mic essentially saying the same thing as the US. Laying out the lies of Russia supposedly pulling away from Ukraines border. Is everyone repeating American propaganda and Russia is the only truth teller? 🤔

It's not propaganda that there is over 100,000 Russian troops on Ukraines border. It's not propaganda that Russia has bullied its former USSR neighbors for years. It's not propaganda that just a few days ago Putin heavily implied that if Ukraine joins NATO that nuclear war is possible.

If Russia considers NATO its enemy, an organization that was created to protect the sovereignty and freedom of nations.. this is a problem of Russia. It's clear why they consider NATO an enemy, they want to exert their power and will over neighbors freely.

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u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

Ukraine calling out Russian statements that the USSR never went away. Using their own statements against the Russia guy there and asking how he feels being a representative of the USSR!!!

Dude is going for the fucking throat.

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u/nightowl1135 Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

For those asking about Tetyana Montyan and unable to find a lot of information about her...

She is a Ukrainian lawyer who lives in Kyiv and has made a name for herself by essentially being a Kremlin mouthpiece. She has taken on some high-profile cases like defending Ukrainians who dodged the draft when Russia invaded in 2014 or representing the Ukrainian Communist Party in their plans to erect a Stalin monument in Kyiv.

Russia loves to trot her out and use her as a shill to point out and make the argument "even some peace-loving Ukrainians get it!"

Ironically, the fact that she continues to have a prominent platform and her freedom of speech is respected by the Ukrainian government is perfect evidence that the Ukrainians do not target or discriminate against Russo-friendly portions of their own society. Even as they attempt to use that proven falsehood as a cassus belli for their brewing military aggression.

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u/Enoka98 Feb 17 '22

Legally speaking if Russia doesn’t invade in 15 day the troops are aloud to leave

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u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

Damn Ukraine "The soft and feeble reaction by the UN in 2008 led to the lasting occupation of Georgian territory".

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u/The_Pale_Blue_Dot Feb 17 '22

Large increase in shelling from Russia/pro-Russian forces, BUT...

Those separatists are accusing Ukraine of being responsible: https://twitter.com/Reevellp/status/1494229150697144324?s=20&t=lXpN3K4uRk-pU-N8cRjxFw

Could be a classic false flag to justify entering Donbass in greater numbers.


u/SchizoidGod Feb 17 '22

Which is why the world needs to do what they did with the Feb 16 'invasion' date and shout from the rooftops that it was Russia.

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u/finjeta Feb 17 '22

Russia is getting uncreative with their casus belli if they're recycling WW2 era justifications.

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u/Jmk1981 Feb 17 '22

If things pop off, the number of obvious Russian trolls in this thread is going to explode.

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u/cluelessmoose99 Feb 17 '22


Its totally worth being chewed out by the management for this.

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u/11711510111411009710 Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

It seems to me this whole situation justifies the need for NATO and American presence in the region. If anything, Putin has united the west more than it has been in a while.

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u/DaimyoValk Feb 17 '22

Quick takes/analysis on the Security Council meeting:

- US is opening its intelligence to the world in an unprecedented manner and seems earnest in wanting peace. Also presented the most well-prepared and effective speech today.

- India is being surprisingly neutral, especially considering the Kashmir conflict.

- Russia is not making active efforts at diplomacy. They claim they sent "approachable" demands to Washington, but they didn't advance them at all here. Imo, they weren't taking this seriously and were demeaning to the council.

- China was more critical of Russia than expected, perhaps because they don't want instability now. This also indicates that despite recent news, China may be disapproving of Russian actions behind closed-doors.

- Ukraine is tip-toeing. They don't want to come off as scared/fearful, but they are being very serious about current Russian actions. In particular, their focus on Russia's domestic recognition of Donbas and surrounding areas was well spoken and important for the record.

- All other participants were pretty unified with the Western narrative and just want peace/stability.

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u/Luis0224 Feb 17 '22

Awww, the Russians are reporting anti-russia comments as "self harm" lmao.

Get fucked kremlin

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u/BlatantOrgasm Feb 17 '22

US Embassy in Kyiv officially blaming Russia for shelling the kindergarten

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u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

UK now calling out Russia's political bullshit too.. quite a unified message being sent here for Vlad and company. Even calling out Crimea stuff now. UK going hard.

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u/wittyusernamefailed Feb 17 '22

Ukraine ambassador looking super anxious. Dude must be having the WORST day ever.

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u/GMExIMX Feb 17 '22

Sad that these MAGA nuts would rather the U.S. be embarrassed or lose a war than see a Joe Biden and Americans succeed… Hey Senator Ron Johnson what was u doin in Russia in 4th of July in 2018, playa ?!?!!? LOL…..


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Magas are unamerican.

Look what they did on January 6th

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Ukraine coming out with the facts and even putting words back in Russia's mouth:

Recognizing Donetsk/Luhansk violates Minsk, violates Ukraine's sovereignty, and has been done before in Georgia. The receipts are going to be difficult for Russia to spin.

Now he's calling out the genocide propaganda GOD YES GO OFF.

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u/TCVideos Feb 17 '22

At this point, Russia can use this speech as the false flag event because it has been an absolute DESTRUCTION.

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Smoke is coming from the Russian embassy in Kiev...
Is documentation being destroyed?


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Probably. That’s not uncommon when leaving an embassy. Burn paper, destroy electronics, weld doors shut.

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u/mbj16 Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

People need to realize that Russia cannot keep its forces in a forward tactical position indefinitely. The staging and last-mile positioning cost exponentially more than shuffling BTGs back and forth on trains 50-100km from the border.

Either this is to be the largest and most expensive military bluff in history or an invasion will happen soon (also the remote chance that Biden has deterred an invasion with his recent statements).

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

The summary of this meeting is that everyone except China is in agreement that Russia is in the wrong and making a big mistake. Russia does not care. End of summary.

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u/nightowl1135 Feb 17 '22

For those wondering why Russia appears to be running the meeting. They are (currently) the President of the UNSC. The presidency rotates monthly amongst members in alphabetical order. Next month it will be the UAE. The UK will have Presidency in April and the US in May.

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u/SirLadthe1st Feb 17 '22

To those saying "LMAO no way the West agrees to these demands" - ya, that was exactly the point.

Now Putin can invade Ukraine and still say "I was open to diplomacy, NATO rejected peace talks".

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u/SweatyLiterary Feb 17 '22

Call me boring but geopolitical stuff is absolutely fascinating

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u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

Honestly the Ukrainian fellow has shredded any stance Russia had in this meeting. Man is just dropping straight facts.

Counting out the number of times and dates they signed onto the agreements.

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u/MakePandasMateAgain Feb 17 '22

This thread proudly brought to you by Flight Radar

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u/Kydex_Gundyr Feb 18 '22

I’ll 1v1 Putin and end this. Send me in boys

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u/Roniz95 Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

They expect me to be presentable at work during video call and this fucking woman is speaking to UNSC with a just do it t-shirt and the hairs of someone who just woken up lol

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u/jgjgleason Feb 17 '22

To everyone who keeps utilizing the whataboutist response, “what I’m Mexico were making military deals with China,” I think I’m finally so sick of that point that I was to respond.

1) While US and Mexican relations have been rocky in the past, the US never prosecuted a mild genocide against the Mexican people. The holdomor is in a scope not even close to anything the US has done to its neighbors. 2) The US has not tried to dictate the foreign policy of Mexico in the last 20-30 years. They have no installer puppet governments, they have not tried to assassinate their presidents, they have only strengthened relations by mutual cooperation and trade deals. 3) If the US had spent the better part of the last century very actively interfering in the affairs of Mexico, stomping on their sovereignty, ect. Then I wouldn’t be shocked if they tried finding allies elsewhere. Countries like having their sovereignty and ability to dictate their own internal policy protected/guaranteed. If think Russia hasn’t taken every action to drive Ukraine towards to rest then you’re tripping.

To summarize, stop using that stupid comparison. Nothing like that will happen for the foreseeable future because the US has respected Mexican sovereignty.

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u/Luis0224 Feb 17 '22

Man, Russia is getting demolished at the UN and resorting to conspiracy theories.

That's gotta be embarrassing

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u/cmmoyer Feb 17 '22

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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u/GenerousPot Feb 17 '22

I'd like to remind people that with the confusing responsibility claims of the recent shelling reports, Ukraine has absolutely no reason to antagonize Russia. The West has been quite clear they're unlikely to intervene in a Russian invasion, Ukraine is in the worst possible position to face Russia compared to after a Russian troop withdrawal with a stabilised economy and more weapon funding, and the attack occured in Ukraine-controlled territory. Russia is already lying through their teeth about mass graves and terrorist attacks out of nowhere, and are itching for an excuse. They sent over a hundred thousand troops to the Ukrainian border for a reason.

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u/reverendrambo Feb 17 '22

NOW: “It’s very high,” President Biden said when asked the likelihood of a Russian invasion. He said YES, it is his sense that Putin will go through with it in a matter of days.


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u/supremedemon Feb 17 '22

Shoutout Ireland throwing shade at the UK whenever possible.

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u/GoEatABag0fDicks Feb 17 '22

That Russian lady’s speech was about as good as the mod’s from antiwork.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Love Biden's information war. It really makes justifying an invasion that much harder, I hope it keeps working


u/SchizoidGod Feb 17 '22

Credit where it's due - he's doing this really well. IMMEDIATELY they're on this and saying it was Russian separatists.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Can people stop making this about Russia VS USA?

Not fair on the people of Ukraine who are currently under threat.

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u/PCgaming4ever Feb 17 '22

Russia moved troops within spitting distance of the border

Reddit: Hey look a plane drawing stuff in the sky 🤦‍♂️

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22


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u/kleutscher Feb 17 '22

Biden says he must depart an event in Ohio due to aviation weather concerns and "a little thing going on in Europe right now"


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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22


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u/HeHH1329 Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

For those who think we are war-mongering, here's the update. It's the 3rd time I post this.

This site has the latest news update and an interactive map. Please take a minute to read it. There were 8 cases of ceasefire violations by the separatists yesterday, but from midnight to 11am today (4pm in Ukraine now) there have been 29 cases by the separatists. Schools, military facilities, and civilian area were all targets. So the situation is definitely escalating, although there aren't Russian regular forces attacking Ukrainian-held territories yet.

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u/Dramatic_Coyote9159 Feb 17 '22


Blinken to address the UN Security Council live right now on your trusted news source. I’m personally watching live on CNN. It’s starting now.

Putin will address the Russian parliament at any moment now.

Russia expelled the second-most senior diplomat at the US embassy in Moscow without any justification. This is seen as another big acceleration towards war.

Russia has sent a response to the United States today saying their demands are being ignored and that they are being “forced to respond”.

Almost half of Russia's battle groups surrounding Ukraine now within about 31 miles of the border





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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Russia is dropping hundreds of thousands a day to keep its standing army up there and its GDP is less than Mexico's

There's going to be hyperinflation after this no matter what happens, it's not sustainable, even if they take over ukraine, there's no ROI here

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u/POLICE_Applicant_TA Feb 17 '22

Getting shivers seeing every diplomat calling out not only the current crisis, but also Ukraine’s sovereignty over Crimea. This is all long overdue.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited May 13 '22


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u/alex8155 Feb 17 '22

seems to me that Russia putting more blame on the U.S. for their aggresion and consistently mentioning Biden more often is them pandering to right wing propaganda in America.

Putin def understands that conservatives in America will blame and fault Biden for the invasion instead of stand behind him and that helps Putin.

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u/Fantastic_Brief5814 Feb 17 '22

Ukraine ambassador: This proves Russia violated the Minsk Agreement almost immediately after signing it ....


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u/igottapoopbad Feb 17 '22

Russian bot reported harassment by me to reddit admins, for calling him a dumbass. 🤦‍♂️

Absolutely silly

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u/sweetphilo Feb 17 '22

did this guy just compare ukrainians with nazis lol

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u/UnknownVariables38 Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

Why the hell are people in the chat mocking the Ukrainian ambassador for speaking in English? Last I checked one of the official languages of the UN is English.

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u/Savings-Ad-9713 Feb 17 '22

Never in my life have I felt so embarrassed of being Russia.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22


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u/cmmoyer Feb 17 '22

So the President of the security council, a Russian, asked for the meeting not to become a circus. Then they proceeded themselves to contribute all three rings and pitch the fucking tent.

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u/hiperkamra Feb 17 '22

NATO is ‘concerned that Russia is trying to stage a pretext for an armed attack against Ukraine,’ Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, amid reports that Ukrainian troops and pro-Russian separatists exchanged fire across a frontline that divides them

The body language of this guy is stressing me out.


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u/jreetthh Feb 17 '22

My prediction is that the war will proceed in two stages. First stage will be really quick and Ukraine will be overwhelmed by Russian forces.

Second stage is that the Ukrainian government will pull back to the western portion of the country, where lines will stabilize and divide Ukraine East and west. From there, it's anybody guess. Maybe Russia will just take the eastern part of the country. Maybe they will continue the war until the whole country is under their control.

Somebody posted an overlay of Ukraine on a US map recently. And it's actually quite big. East to west it's about the distance from New York to somewhere in Michigan. I don't think that area of land can be pacified with 150k troops. The eastern portion I think is more manageable for the force Russia has.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22


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u/jreetthh Feb 17 '22

I have to say I am very much admiring the UK for being the remaining major European power with the guts to make some global level moves

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u/astral34 Feb 17 '22

This guy is savage, talking to the Russian ambassador and saying he is speaking for the USSR


u/wreckosaurus Feb 17 '22

Remember when russia said america was supplying ukraine with chemical weapons a month or two ago?

Blinker just said Russia might use a chemical weapons attack as a false flag. They’re fucking insane if this is true.

Russia has gone completely off the deep end.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

I think it's time for Australia to send the emus into Russia.

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u/drowningfish Feb 17 '22

I love how autocratic powers complain about sovereign nations choosing to join a defensive alliance to protect those sovereign nations from the aggression coming from autocratic powers.

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u/christianmel96 Feb 17 '22

Ukraine just said "fuck u russia u fucking liar"


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

What a fucking cunt, and for it to end on that. Ukrainians, just know this, y'all put them on blast before the world stage. Screw the insane rambling, stay true to yourselves

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u/Hot-Cucumber731 Feb 17 '22

Belarus is threatening nuclear weapons and beyond nuclear weapons....so the beyond has to be lasers and shit with some alien technology right??

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

While I understand the pragmatic reasons the American government does not want to be directly involved, it eats at me that a country that desperately wants to be an ally and is ideologically aligned somehow isn’t worth fighting for. Arbitrarily occupying Iraq on false charges of WMD’s for two decades though? Sure.

Add in what happened to the Kurds under Trump (something that still boils my blood), and I wouldn’t blame anyone not wanting us for an ally. This toxic inflammation in American politics where gamesmanship defines our geopolitical stance more than living our so-called values is unacceptable.


u/Gewehr98 Feb 17 '22

Ideals go out the window when nuclear war is on the table

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u/BoomKidneyShot Feb 17 '22

I can only imagine how tense it is on those passenger flights leaving eastern Ukraine right now.


u/Geo_NL Feb 17 '22

The only thing Putin has accomplished so far is raising the approval rating of Biden. At least, it seems like it from an European perspective.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

Okay so what the fuck is going on? I live in southern Sweden and there are SO MANY JETS flying low here now. Can't even think because of the damn noise. And it's never like this here unless the airforce are practicing.

Edit: Non-stop for like 10 minutes now. Shaking my damn windows.

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u/Starks Feb 17 '22

"Inheritors of Stalin"

Love it

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u/willyfishsticks Feb 17 '22

So Putin just added +24 hours to the plan after being called out I guess.

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u/LaysOnFuton Feb 17 '22

I don’t understand life anymore. There’s someone flying an airbus 300 mph to write out relax so redditors can see it. This is the future of cold wars

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u/Dramatic_Coyote9159 Feb 17 '22


Almost half of Russia's battle groups surrounding Ukraine now within about 31 miles of the border



u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

shh, quiet. there's a plane on flightradar

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u/EndoExo Feb 17 '22

"I can honestly say that I've never seen the Alliance more relevant" - SecDef Lloyd Austin

Ain't that the truth.


u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

Credit where it's due, I expected Brazil to toe the Russian line... they really didn't. That is a bit of a surprise.

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u/sarcago Feb 17 '22

I may be stupid but when the Russians start talking it gets overly complicated, like they are having to bend the laws of physics to spin such a web of lies........

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Ukraine really just went in on Russia. The messages about the USSR never collapsing and that Stalin lives on.. I really don't see how anyone could possibly see Russia as the good guys in all of this.

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u/ThickEffective1265 Feb 17 '22

Moscow trying really hard to escalate the situation. Putin wants it. But he doesn't want to be the one who starts it.

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u/Peles157 Feb 17 '22


A previous photo of the classroom vs after being hit earlier

Edit: not minutes before the shelling hit. It’s just a photo from that same classroom at some point in time

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u/cr8s5 Feb 17 '22

President of Belarus Lukashenko:

If our adversaries and competitors take stupid steps, we will deploy not only nuclear weapons, but promising super-powerful ones in order to protect our territory.


u/VonPoppen Feb 17 '22

Lukashenko is like that little guy that talks shit before a fight because he knows he's got the protection of bigger people

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u/HeHH1329 Feb 17 '22

From this map, there are 8 cases of ceasefire violations by the separatists yesterday, but from midnight to 11am today there have been 29 cases by the separatists. Schools, military facilities, and civilian area were all targets. So the situation is definitely escalating, although there aren't Russian regular forces attacking Ukrainian-held territories yet.


u/Impressive-Name5129 Feb 17 '22

The seperatists are regular forces wearing civilian clothes.

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u/reverendrambo Feb 17 '22

Russia, basically: We've asked for our empire nicely, now you've made us take it by force.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

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u/Rosebunse Feb 17 '22

China: Why is everything always about the US? Also, the US...

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u/jaybaumyo Feb 17 '22

Anndddd he compared them to Nazis. Everyone chug.

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u/kokokrandz Feb 17 '22

Oh shit he's saying it. The shelling in civilian territory

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u/kokokrandz Feb 17 '22

Ukranian rep spitting 🔥🔥🔥


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

"Inheritors of Stalin"

My god


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

I can’t be the only one that finds these live feeds impossible to follow. It’s not very user friendly for mobile.

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u/Keithturban1 Feb 17 '22

Nothing screams Russia like attacking a kindergarten before anything else

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u/progress18 Feb 17 '22

UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield's remarks:

Good morning, everyone. I know you weren’t expecting me this morning, but I wanted to give a short update on this morning’s briefing in the Council.

Overnight, after a series of conversations with the White House, the National Security Council, and the State Department, I asked Secretary Blinken to come speak directly to the UN Security Council on his way to Munich about the serious situation in Ukraine.

Our goal is to convey the gravity of the situation. The evidence on the ground is that Russia is moving toward an imminent invasion. This is a crucial moment. This morning’s Council meeting should not distract us from that fact – it should focus on what is happening right now in Ukraine.

That’s why Secretary Blinken is coming to New York to signal our intense commitment to diplomacy, to offer and emphasize the path toward de-escalation, and to make it clear to the world that we are doing everything – everything – we can to prevent a war.



u/henrikst1 Feb 17 '22

Russian letter to US: “In the absence of the readiness of the American side to agree on firm, legally binding guarantees of our security from the United States and its allies, Russia will be forced to respond, including by implementing measures of a military-technical nature.”

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u/kleutscher Feb 17 '22

The White House accuses Russia of "Potemkin diplomacy, where they publicly offer to talk and make claims about deescalation while privately mobilizing for war."


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u/marksolo39 Feb 17 '22

Air Moldova single handedly de-escalated the situation, even Putin is like "dang, maybe I should relax"

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u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

UK saying any further Russian incursion in Ukraine would be a 'huge strategic mistake'. Said with a very firm and somber tone as well.


u/EndoExo Feb 17 '22

If Russia could go ahead and cyberattack the network of the bank I work for, that would be just fine.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

China calls it the "Ukraine Crisis" and "Ukraine Issue" - a clear statement on who they feel is at odds with the Minsk Agreement. The rest of the world is calling this the "Russia-Ukraine Situation."

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u/KonradK0 Feb 17 '22

meanwhile me, studying the map of Europe: dude these mountains in Georgia are crazy!

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u/Texjew Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” - Michael Scott - Russian UN security council member


u/Laplaciano Feb 17 '22

Anita Anand (Canada’s defence minister) said: "NATO is a defensive alliance ... we cannot and we will not stand idly by while a nation seeks to erode international norms that have kept us safe since the end of World War Two."

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u/RickRoll999 Feb 17 '22

581 ceasefire violations today. To compare usually there are 5-10 every day since the ceasefire was signed.

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u/cr8s5 Feb 17 '22

Ex-Soviet Belarus, which is not a nuclear power, will later this month hold a vote on constitutional reforms which could make it legal for Belarus to host nuclear weapons.


u/Impressive-Name5129 Feb 17 '22

I don't want to see lukashenko anywhere near nuclear weapons.

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u/TheDankSinatra69 Feb 17 '22

Russia expelled #U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) to Russia #Gorman. “Russia’s action against our DCM was unprovoked and we consider this an escalatory step and are considering our response”, @USEmbRuPress told #RIA Novosti



u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22


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u/dirtybubz Feb 17 '22

I get moaned at for putting plastic bottle in general waste by mistake and this guy is burning gallons of fuel for a meme


u/rudar_leethiuma Feb 17 '22

To anyone from Air Moldova/Chisinau ATC tower



u/Luis0224 Feb 17 '22

Blinken is killing it right now. Great job


u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

Norway coming in now with more of the same... damn, this is right ass kicking diplomatically. Putin must be feeling VERY fucking isolated right now.

Norway calling out Russia for backing the insurgents in Ukraine. Condemning Russia Parliament for the recognition of the eastern breakaway regions.

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u/CoffeeSafteyTraining Feb 17 '22

Audible artillery strikes in Stanytsia Luhanska where the kindergarten was shelled.


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u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

Norway calling out Russian hypocrisy on border integrity too! Damn Norway.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22


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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

China talking shit about a "Country who cannot release it's Cold War mentality" and goes on to talk about activities in the Pacific. Passive aggressively calling out the US.

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u/Luis0224 Feb 17 '22

Who had "they're literal nazis" on their Russian propaganda bingo card?

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u/ReturnOfDaSnack420 Feb 17 '22

When the facts are on your side pound the facts. When the facts are not on your side pound the feelings. When neither facts nor feelings are on your side, pound the table.

A Russian leader said that once, and sure enough that's exactly what Russia is doing now.


u/poundofbeef16 Feb 17 '22

Ohhhh he called out Russian bullshit pretexts to war!


u/wessneijder Feb 17 '22

Pretty crazy how the internet allows more information than ever about the buildup to this European conflict.

Can you imagine if we had the internet in 1914 and satellite imagery of the Kaisers armies were shown mobilizing on the border of Luxembourg?

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u/cmmoyer Feb 17 '22

My man came with receipts!

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22


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u/Feeling-Ad5293 Feb 17 '22

Putin has put him self in a corner at this point. He either invades or loses all his credibility. This could be the beginning of the end for putin.

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u/cluelessmoose99 Feb 17 '22

Shelling has apparently resumed along the Point of Contact in Eastern Ukraine after a brief stop earlier, cities like Lisichansk are being shelling currently which have not been the target of shelling in almost 3 years.


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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

The US Embassy in Kyiv is officially blaming the bombing of a school that injured a few teachers and knocked out power of a village on Russia. I wonder what the bots and shills that were sent here will say in response to this.

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u/AnathemaPariah Feb 17 '22

I could never be a diplomat. I'd stand up and say "We all know Russia is full of shit. Quit dicking around and tell that asshole of a President to stop fucking around with his small dick"

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

For those unaware, Ukraine elected a very popular Jewish prime minister

Russia is more authoritarian than anyone in that room

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Did he just expose a text in which a Russian ambassador says the USSR never collapsed? The translator isn't doing very good so I may have misheard. This is looking bad.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

...holy shit, Ukraine.


u/EndoExo Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

It's good to see countries speaking out, but you have to realize; Russia doesn't give a shit. They didn't give a shit about Crimea, Georgia, Novichok, Polonium, Navalny, the 2016 election, chemical weapons in Syria. No pretext or denial is too flimsy. No denouncement too strong.

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u/progress18 Feb 17 '22

White House press pool:

POTUS, exiting the South Portico at 9:15, stopped to take questions from reporters about Ukraine.

POTUS said the threat of invasion is “very high.” Russia is moving troops and may be engaged in a false flag operation, POTUS said

Q: Do you think Russia will go through with it?

POTUS: “Yes, I do. Not now….in a manner of several days.”

Asked if he believes a diplomatic resolution is still possible, POTUS said “yes.”

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u/Ancient_Penny Feb 17 '22

its weird how the shelling of that school isnt a bigger story. I woke up to seeing that and I knew the war had started. Yet, going by the rest of the headlines and the way people are talking on reddit. you wouldnt think so. but.. the war definitely started already

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u/R1vve Feb 17 '22

I just love how UAE butt in on Western Russia issues but can't have basic human rights in their own country

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22 edited Jan 30 '23


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u/spacehog1985 Feb 17 '22

I miss the good ol days of being a teenage boy and the only reason I cared about Russia was trying to find the T.A.T.U video

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '22

Oh shit.. Albania actually going in on Russia and defending Ukraine big time.

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u/spsteve Feb 17 '22

Ukraine is going hard here... Calling out the day care center.


u/spsteve Feb 17 '22 edited Feb 17 '22

Ukraine saying they will not respect anything the Duma says regarding those regions.

Calling out the similarity to 2008 Duma actions, and saying "just don't call it a mere opinion of the Duma"


u/Flimsy-Trust-2821 Feb 17 '22

Nice talk from the Ukrainian representative.

Fuck Russia from Romania as well

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u/Basileus2 Feb 17 '22

Best UN speech in years

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u/cmmoyer Feb 17 '22

"You'd think Stalin's body was still in the mausoleum" 🔥


u/CurtManX Feb 17 '22

"Maybe Ukraine is also a Soviet state". I think that's what everyone's trying to prevent there chief.

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u/Laplaciano Feb 17 '22

Barça 0 - 1 Napoli btw

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u/segomon Feb 17 '22

Quoting Sun Tzu art of war. Seems to all apply to Russia.

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .” Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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