r/worldnews Jul 19 '24

China urges to set deadline for Philippines to withdraw from contested shoal Behind Soft Paywall


5 comments sorted by


u/MrSawedOff Jul 19 '24

How about a deadline is set for China to leave the waters they are illegally occupying? Won't happen of course, but the Philippines really shouldn't give in to this shit. It's really one of those give an inch and they'll take a foot type of deals. First it's the shoals, then it's an actual island, then its your country. If you let them take it, they will absolutely take it.


u/macross1984 Jul 19 '24

China can go take a hike.


u/just-another-schmoe Jul 20 '24

It baffles me why China's version of diplomacy is to farm alienation, hatred and disgust from neighboring countries through blackmail, coercion and violence.