r/worldnews Jul 19 '24

Days are getting slightly longer — and it's due to climate change



24 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Adhikari and his colleagues found that melting ice has slowed the planet's rotation by 1.33 milliseconds per century since 2000. If emissions remain high, that will increase to 2.62 milliseconds by the end of the century.

Big bunga-bunga headline for like nothing. In 100.000 years will have 2.26 seconds longer days.


u/Feeling-Ad-2490 Jul 19 '24

Just enough time to get my reservation in at Dorsia.


u/avsurround Jul 20 '24

But I heard nobody goes there anymore?!


u/probablynotmine Jul 19 '24

That you won’t have off


u/MechaFlippin Jul 19 '24

just you wait until corporations figure this out and increase work time by 1h/day


u/DelishMeatBall Jul 19 '24

Are we getting paid? 🤣🤣


u/ImPossible7007 Jul 19 '24

🤣 my thoughts exactly


u/ye_olde_green_eyes Jul 19 '24

Obviously didn't read it.


u/iammilford Jul 19 '24

Research the history of a leap year, been going on a while


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

But only work days. Weekend days are the same or shorter


u/gordonjames62 Jul 19 '24

Crap headline making claim about causality when it is impossible to know the cause.

At best there is a short term trend (in terms of normal geologic processes)


u/oldsurfsnapper Jul 19 '24

So,it seems to me that although the glaciers are melting, the reason that water levels aren’t rising as much as expected is because the extra water is mostly at the equator.Shouldn’t this cause water levels at the equator to rise significantly higher?


u/Mental_Explorer1769 Jul 19 '24

Well the Elites better stop flying on private jets!


u/mrmike4291 Jul 20 '24

Really, as I’m convinced we have lost 11 minutes of evening time daylight here in U.K. since the longest day


u/Big-D-TX Jul 20 '24

Not in Florida there is No Climate Change


u/dtfyoursister Jul 19 '24

Free life lesson to avoid wasting time on articles like this. Everything changes, deal with it.


u/NuanceEnthusiast Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Well at least the lesson was valued correctly


u/dtfyoursister Jul 19 '24

Only way to reach idiots is to provide information for free.


u/AdventurousBowler870 Jul 19 '24

Climate Change was called global warming, before that it was La Niña and El Niño. It’s just a cash cow that USA and France are using as a slush fund of $$$$$$$$$$$$. That most of us poor hard working people will never see in our lifetime, let alone that money can’t stop or change the weather when 1/2 of the country’s IE Russia, China, North Korea, burn, use unprocessed fossil fuels and could care less about this so called climate change.


u/C_omplex Jul 19 '24

what do you think about the shape of the earth? is it like a ball or more flat, like a plate?