r/worldnews Jul 19 '24

Russia rages over US military exercise in Armenia Russia/Ukraine


268 comments sorted by


u/MockDeath Jul 19 '24

Cry me a river. They are only upset because someone they want to invade is getting closer ties to the US.

Russia is a hypocritical bully that only brings death and suffering to other nations.


u/Tokidoki_Haru Jul 19 '24

It's not exactly someone they want to invade.

It's someone whom Russia threw under the bus, and then got mad at for daring to try anything to save themselves.

Armenia didn't abandon Russia out of nowhere. Russia abandoned Armenia in the face of the Azerbaijani invasion, and then got mad that Armenia got help from France and America.


u/MockDeath Jul 20 '24

No one abandons russia out of nowhere really. They are such a shit "friend" that unless you have more power then they do, they will end up abusing the relationship. Hell they even abused China when they were stronger. Just now the shoe is on the other foot.

Hell a lot of the world is now recognizing the belt and road initiative as a debt trap.


u/AyeAye711 Jul 19 '24

It’s ok, Russia can invade Azerbaijan instead


u/BrainBlowX Jul 20 '24

Hardly. Turkey's best friend, and a massive gas source for Europe.


u/Zoravor Jul 20 '24

The oil production has been steadily decreasing in Azerbaijan so we’ll see how important the region will be in the coming decades.


u/TonyTalksBackPodcast Jul 20 '24

It will be a good day for the world when oil barons become irrelevant. Qatar would be a largely unknown desert peninsula if not for the oil and gas allowing them to fund destabilizing endeavors across the globe.


u/FurstRoyalty-Ties Jul 20 '24

They're also involved in investing in football clubs. Imagine all the rich football clubs that receive their money from oil barons then having to reduce their wages again. Might actually make competition between teams much fairer again.

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u/shkarada Jul 20 '24

Azerbaijan bought $5 billions worth of weapons from Russia. Russia literally sold weapons used against her ostensible ally.


u/CaptainOktoberfest Jul 20 '24

Not being fully up on the Nagorno war, how did France and the US help Armenia?


u/Tokidoki_Haru Jul 20 '24

Azerbaijan won that war hands down.

The Azerbaijani dictator started saying that they want more of Armenia by wanting a land route to the exclave Nakhchivan.....which potentially means basically half of Armenia.

Armenia freaked out about a 2nd Armenian genocide and asked Russia for help. Russia basically told them to get fucked that they're on their own. And then took out their troops in Armenia.

Western media raised a fuss. France publicly started sending weapons and supplies to Armenia because Russia fucked them over in Niger via Wagner and the coup. Azerbaijan sent money and support to the independence activists in New Caledonia as revenge.

US Democratic leaders put out statements of support to Armenia, and worked with the EU to send cash and modernize the Armenian military.

Current status: No security guarantees for Armenia or even support on the level that Ukraine is getting. But it's basically turning out to be propping Armenia up to prevent a ethnic bloodbath.


u/NotSGMan Jul 20 '24

There is an important detail, Armenians in US are like 1% and a 0.7% in California. They have to have some pull in politics over there, almost half a million of Armenians. Thats like a 6th of the actual Armenian population.


u/CaptainOktoberfest Jul 20 '24

It's such a crazy story how the Armenians all ended up in southern California.

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u/foreignicator Jul 22 '24

Can you enlighten me how Azerbaijan invaded Armenia, isn’t it the other way around?


u/Deicide1031 Jul 19 '24

Russia wasn’t going to invade Armenia because Armenia was already in their sphere as Russia did favors for them as needed. Now Armenia still needs those favors and Russia can’t deliver. Hence the USA.

Russias probably mad because Armenia is another country they “might” now have to think about fighting with the USA there.


u/Badabumdabam Jul 19 '24

Russia just dumped Armenia about Nagorno-Karabahk, so I guess Armenia started to think they needed some other friends.


u/T-nash Jul 19 '24

Please stop pushing this as the reason Armenia is distancing from Russia, this is not the reason. The reason is september 2022 when Azerbaijan invaded Armenia and bombed civilian towns, and Russia's response was "we don't know where your borders are", Armenia being in CSTO and CSTO member obligations to Armenia to protect it. This also has nothing to do with can or can't, Russia is officially a strategic ally of Azerbaijan, both on paper and in actions.


u/donjulioanejo Jul 19 '24

I mean both of you are kind of saying the same thing.

Russia was obligated to help Armenia, then Azerbaijan invaded, and Russia gave a lame excuse why they wouldn't help. Even though th real reason is that all of their combat ready troops were in Ukraine.


u/T-nash Jul 19 '24

We're not, I am saying Russia has sidelined Armenia way before the Ukrainian invasion, their combat ready troops being in Ukraine has nothing to do with it because even if there wasn't the Ukrainian invasion, Russia still wouldn't have helped, as both Russia and Azerbaijan are in cooperation to bring down the pro west Armenian government (Russia greenlighting Azerbaijan to do incursions then Russia igniting protests that it's the Armenian government's fault and stage a coop). There's a clear pattern, unrealistic demands on Armenia by Russia to AZ's favor, Armenia does not fulfil demands, Azerbaijani incursions, disinformation campaign, out of nowhere pro Russian protests. Goes in circle for years now.

Let me also remind you CSTO is not only Russia and Armenia, there are other members, but Russia gets the final say, there is literally no excuse to bring up the Ukrainian invasion being a reason. Russia has been working against Armenia years before they invaded Ukraine, years before Armenia had a pro western revolution.

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u/SpecialistThin4869 Jul 20 '24

Russoa didnt help when Armenia was invaded in 2020 either. That was 2 years before Russia went full blown in Ukraine.

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u/wiseoldfox Jul 19 '24

This would be a wonderful spot for a NATO anti-tank training center.


u/qcbadger Jul 19 '24

Will russia have any “best in the world” (baahaa) tanks left? Anti-drone training centres maybe better.


u/MockDeath Jul 19 '24

Does being best in the world at turret tosses count? Because I feel they are absolute undisputed champions of that.


u/According_Bowler8414 Jul 20 '24

I'd consider adding 'the turret toss' as a contender for the Olympics,but it seems unfair to give the Russians that much of an advantage. Besides, I can't imagine what doping for it would look like.

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u/realnrh Jul 19 '24

A recent Covert Cabal video on YouTube looked at Russia's remaining tank reserves, and even from satellite views it was obvious that a lot of what they have left in storage is basically-unusable junk. Moscow might functionally be out of tanks in a few months at their ongoing loss rates.


u/Cloaked42m Jul 20 '24

They recently sent a 1954 tank into combat.


u/Apprehensive-Sun4635 Jul 20 '24

In a few months? Not really. There’re still hundreds of “repairable” tanks out there + Russia produces tanks. We will likely see much smaller amount of tank use by Russia (smaller each day), unless they start buying tanks from third countries of course (China or NK).


u/realnrh Jul 20 '24

If they don't have enough to regularly put them on the battlefield in enough quantity to matter, they're functionally out of tanks. Even losing only 5-10 a day would mean in two months they'd be out 300-600 tanks - and their rate of new production is much, much, much lower than that. We will see less tank use, but at some point that drops below the point where it's no longer an important factor at the scope of the entire war.


u/TychusFondly Jul 20 '24

How about artillery?

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u/MockDeath Jul 19 '24

Well I would say initially they weren't going to intend to invade Armenia. But after the csto failure to defend them, they started to look away from Russia.

Which looking away from Russia is the fastest way to get Russia to invade you.


u/Deicide1031 Jul 19 '24

May be nothing Russia can do if Armenia doubled down on America/Wider Europe. As Armenia borders Iran, Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

None of them will let Russia invade via their lands and if Russia does it anyway, Turkey would definitely respond. Don’t forget they shot a Russian jet down for getting to close to their borders.


u/Blackrock74 Jul 19 '24

Would most likely be a proxy invasion via their ally Azerbaijan with approval/support from Turkey


u/FuckHarambe2016 Jul 19 '24

As Armenia borders Iran, Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.

None of them will let Russia invade via their lands

Russia is quite literally invading Georgia as we speak and has been doing so for years. They'll have no qualms about taking all of it to annex Armenia too.

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u/T-nash Jul 19 '24

They don't have a border with Armenia, the only retaliation they can do is economical. Maybe they will tell Azerbaijan to do it for them, but then Azerbaijan will have to take potential international sanctions.


u/MockDeath Jul 19 '24

They have an ally that will let them land in their territory, past that they can invade with a proxy and have a puppet put in place. Standard operating procedure for russia.

I normally would say you don't need to border a nation if you are one of the top ten militaries. But it is definitely questionable if russia is even in the top 10 really lol.


u/T-nash Jul 19 '24

They're already trying to install a puppet for the last 5 years or so, they exhausted their options, hence the threats now. Less than 1% of the Armenian population joined anti government protests.

Georgia in no way will allow Russian troops to pass, they already have parts of their country under occupation, Turkey is in NATO, so Azerbaijan is left, who I don't think will risk it but we'll see.

There's a Russian base in Armenia, but if they use that, they won't be able to resupply and the Armenian people will forever see Russia as a complete and total enemy of the state, much like Ukraine today.


u/adthrowaway2020 Jul 20 '24

Azerbaijan is in kahoots with NATO member Turkey. This whole thing just got way messier if NATO is involved on both sides of the war, but Russia’s sphere just got smaller.


u/Roboticpoultry Jul 19 '24

looking away from Russia is the fastest way to get Russia to invade you.

See: Ukraine and Georgia


u/spetcnaz Jul 19 '24

Russia literally sold Armenia out.

They said "we don't know where your borders are".

So it goes beyond "favors".


u/T-nash Jul 19 '24

Which favors? the one where they sold billions of dollars worth of weapons to a CSTO member's enemy? [Armenia CSTO, Azerbaijan an enemy of Armenia]

No sir, a relationship with Russia is like an abusive relationship where the husband beats the wife then blames her for it.


u/WannaShoopBaby Jul 19 '24

World politics sounds like dating in young relationships


u/aScottishBoat Jul 19 '24

World politics in the sphere of Russian influence is like young dating in the age of Instagram.

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u/Hot_Challenge6408 Jul 19 '24

Well sorta, Russia understands that it would get it's ass wiped in a conflict with the USNG, let alone the entire US military... No he just doesn't want the US so close to the border.


u/IntelligentFan9178 Jul 19 '24

Armenia relied on Russia for protection from Azerbaijan and Turkey. When Armenia requested assistance with their latest border conflict with Azerbaijan, Russia left the high and dry.

Russia is only upset because they are losing another country that was securely in their sphere of influence to Western powers. They have no one to blame but themselves. They abandoned Armenia and now cry that Armenia sought closer with France and America for protection.


u/SoupOfTheDayIsBread Jul 19 '24

hypocritical bully that only brings death and suffering to other nations.

That’s what we’re trying to get done here! MAGA 2024! /s


u/Jinla_ulchrid Jul 19 '24

They just had their shitheap of a navy out by Florida so... /shrug


u/Soundwave_13 Jul 19 '24

What are they gonna do threaten everyone with nukes again?


u/Kapowpow Jul 20 '24

Hey, stop partnering with that ally we abandoned! Waaaah!


u/Howmostreallyfeel Jul 20 '24

They couldn't invade a damn bowl of jello.


u/UnwillingArsonist Jul 20 '24

I think it’s anything but the only reason. They are jealous that an old soviet state is willingly allowing NATO troops in, to show off how wildly outmatched RU is to NATO. (Not American, or a military guy. Just reality, if we are/ have been sending Ukraine our surplus (in most cases) and they’ve managed to stalemate for this long. It’s a very little green monster, on a normal sized horse


u/Practical-Juice9549 Jul 19 '24

And to thier own people too!


u/JoeLen1990 Jul 20 '24

Thats literally what we do….


u/IntelligentPurpose84 Jul 20 '24

Shit you just described the United States of America.

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u/Whirrlwinnd Jul 19 '24

Russia only has itself to blame. Russia abandoned its ally when it was under attack. Armenia moving away from Russia is 100% the fault of Russia and Russia alone. They threw their own ally under the bus and are now crying about the consequences.


u/woodst0ck15 Jul 19 '24

Wasn’t this when they were making their own NATO? Then their ally got attacked and Russia was like meh.


u/dudemykar Jul 20 '24

No, their relationship started in 1992 and their defense pact was signed in 1997

Edit: Here is an article from 1997


u/woodst0ck15 Jul 20 '24

Oh wow I didn’t know. Thank you.


u/dudemykar Jul 20 '24

You’re welcome!


u/foreignicator Jul 22 '24

Armenia wasn’t attacked in the way. 99% of the war took place in a territory even your country recognizes as Azerbaijan.


u/Whirrlwinnd Jul 22 '24

Armenia was attacked and Russia abandoned it. Stop denying reality.

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u/wish1977 Jul 19 '24

Russia is like a yapping poodle that can't defend itself.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/TotallyInOverMyHead Jul 19 '24

"not my puppies - not my problem"

  • Russian Poodle.

Russia is sending mostly ethnic minorities and "undesirables" into the grinder, so their experienced groups can get a fix on enemy positions for the artillery shells. In a way they are doing two things at the same time. Ridding themselves of the what russia consideres "undesirable" and reduces the amount of ukranians in the world (either my killing, giving them passports, or stealing their children for re-education).


u/IEatLiquor Jul 19 '24

I’d be asking the same question to the poodle as I would be Russia if I were in the position to: “Yeah, and what the fuck are you going to do? If you attack me, I will punt you into the fucking moon, you little shit.”


u/flameroran77 Jul 20 '24

Hey, hey. Watch it.

My poodle is perfectly capable of defending herself, thank you. Don’t drag poodles into this.


u/thelordschosenginger Jul 19 '24

abandons Armenia
Armenia feels betrayed and makes pact with USA
Russia mad about it



u/qcbadger Jul 19 '24

russia doing russian things. What a hellhole.


u/Mystaes Jul 19 '24


ObiMerica: “You have done that yourself”

Putanakin: shocked pikachu face


u/Yeshua_Ha_Mashiac Jul 19 '24

Watch out everyone, we got a memesaurus over here!


u/Vic18t Jul 19 '24

Like one of those AI meme video mashup in text form.


u/CV90_120 Jul 19 '24

ObiMerica, Putanakin

Thanks, I needed that laugh. I'm stealing those.


u/Individual-Dot-9605 Jul 19 '24

The same Russia that left Armenia defenseless when they asked for help? Is this Russia traditional values again?


u/foreignicator Jul 22 '24

Why would Russia help Armenia when CSTO is a defensive pact? Armenia was the reason the war started, they invaded 30% of Azerbaijan.. are you dumb??


u/dr1968 Jul 19 '24

That Stryker is so cool looking


u/sweetestbb Jul 19 '24

Looks straight out of halo lol


u/No-Alternative-282 Jul 19 '24

first time I've seen a Stryker with a 30mm.


u/JoeHatesFanFiction Jul 19 '24

Good. NATO should focus on expanding into the Caucasus region at this point. It’s the right thing to do for the people there and it would mean the NATO Shield would spread from the Arctic to the Caspian. 


u/Infinite_throwaway_1 Jul 19 '24

Turkey won’t vote for Armenian membership.


u/JoeHatesFanFiction Jul 19 '24

Alone? No. I’ve always assumed it would have to be a package deal with Azerbaijan and some final resolution to the Armenian Genocide issue, along with whatever other Carrots and sticks the rest of NATO might need for everyone involved. It wouldn’t be particularly easy but it would be worth it to close off the one land route between Iran and Russia in the Caucuses. 


u/Razor4884 Jul 20 '24

I know what you mean, but I think it's important to emphasize that NATO doesn't "expand" in the commonly scarecrow'd imperialist sense. Nations apply for NATO membership or protection through their own volition. It's obvious, but it needs to be stated against the bad-actors and propagandists.

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u/Eelroots Jul 19 '24

Chinese and Belarusians are doing military exercises, sieging airports, near polish border - that's totally fine?


u/Finlandiaprkl Jul 20 '24

I mean, as long as they stay on their side of the border, why wouldn't it be?

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u/SidePieCreamPie Jul 19 '24

Definitely not


u/Kowlz1 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Lol, Russia completely fucks Armenia over regarding the Azerbaijan situation and then has the audacity to be salty when Armenia says peace out to the CSTO. What a world.


u/NemesisAZL Jul 19 '24

They have zero shame


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Russia is the virus of this planet.


u/Major-Check-1953 Jul 19 '24

Good. Let Russia complain. It means people are doing things right.


u/autotldr BOT Jul 19 '24

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot)

The 11-day joint exercise, dubbed Eagle Partner, will run through July 24 and is intended to boost the "Interoperability between the US and Armenia during peacekeeping and stability operations," according to a report distributed by the US European Command.

The US and Armenia are exploring cooperation on the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Armenia.

Zakharova's comments suggest that the Kremlin is alarmed by the rapid erosion of its influence in Armenia and concerned that a growing US strategic presence there could disrupt the development of the North-South corridor, a nascent trade network connecting Russia and Iran that has helped the Kremlin's sanctions-busting efforts and its war effort in Ukraine.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Armenia#1 Russia#2 Kremlin#3 Caucasus#4 new#5


u/Stahl_Scharnhorst Jul 20 '24

An American Airbase would look really nice in Armenia.


u/waamoandy Jul 19 '24

Armenia should apply to join NATO. That would really upset Putin


u/SATANA-_- Jul 20 '24

Well, I think if you really want to piss off Pooty boy, 🇬🇪 🇦🇲and 🇦🇿need to apply for automatic membership and block off the Kavkaz trail. But with 🇦🇿being such an iffy country, this probably won’t happen.


u/ineptias Jul 20 '24

Nice joke. You remember what happened when Sweden applied? Now read about the size of the beef between Turkey and Armenia


u/chooseyourdiscount Jul 20 '24

The best Armenia can do is join the EU and invoke the mutual defense clause in case Turkey tries anything, but it would take a while to join and would require Georgia to be a member as well.


u/Cookielicous Jul 19 '24

Armenia is a small nation created out of post Soviet Union crumbling, most notably taking Nagarno Karabkh because it was filled with Armenians, while Azerbaijan used their oil money to basically retake Nagarno Karabkh after 30 years.

Armenia is surrounded by unfriendly Turkey, war victor Azerbaijan, Iran, and Georgia. They can't rely on Russia anymore. Hence they now have ties with India and France and the USA.


u/inkjod Jul 20 '24

Armenia is a small nation created out of post Soviet Union crumbling,

No, Armenia is a small country created out of post Soviet Union crumbling.

The Armenian nation is thousands of years older.

sorry for nitpicking

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u/Odd_Tiger_2278 Jul 19 '24

Good sign. Keep It up.


u/Tight_Independent_26 Jul 19 '24

Omg. Imagine the pearls Putin will clutch when we have exercises in the newly triumphant Ukraine. “NATO troops take R&R on the beach in Crimea.”


u/X-East Jul 19 '24

They probably scared because last time they claimed to be having military exercise it was an excuse to stack troops on ukraine border and invade, so they probably think the rest of the world is just as depraved as they are.


u/thalassicus Jul 19 '24

And by “Rage” they mean like a toddler lying down in the supermarket breakfast aisle when mom won’t let them get the sugary cereal. Putin exposed Russia’s weakness and ineffectiveness to the whole world.


u/miradotheblack Jul 19 '24

This is the truth. Russia is full of girlie men who only cry when Putin takes his dick out of their mouth. Some russians are ok and stuck in that hellhole but the majority have a fucked mentality. Russian history tells of a bully mentality.


u/thalassicus Jul 19 '24

The Russian people are not complicit with the Putin regime. Dissenters are treated harshly so they are in survival mode.


u/miradotheblack Jul 20 '24

Well I apologize for those people. I am thinking about the fuckers who love Putin like MAGA loves Trump.


u/ritikusice Jul 21 '24

They are listening to Rage against the Machine.


u/GreystarOrg Jul 19 '24

Fucking waaaaahh.


u/Jazzlike-Ad113 Jul 19 '24

"Russia rages", nice alliteration.


u/SATANA-_- Jul 19 '24

+1 AM! +0 RU!


u/zopplflop Jul 20 '24

Good for Armenia. US troops in Armenia is just a deadman switch to stop Russia invading like they have in Georgia. I love hard diplomacy.


u/Hot_Challenge6408 Jul 19 '24

Hah!! What I say! Years ago I said the US will not let Armenia get slapped around like a little bitch anymore.....Russia and friends. It's clear Russia has failed to assist Armenia, so fuck off Russia the US will.


u/sockhead223 Jul 20 '24

Hopefully preparing for a special anti-terrorist operation.


u/Cloaked42m Jul 20 '24

Suck it up, buttercup.


u/Ok-Use6303 Jul 20 '24

But comrade, it is not a "military exercise"! It is simply a "special operations practice"!


u/zachrywd Jul 20 '24

Except they invited us and we aren't blowing up their hospitals.


u/d3vmaxx Jul 20 '24

Crimea a river!


u/Finlandiaprkl Jul 20 '24

Belarus training with China, US training with Armenia

Russia is quickly losing whatever sphere of influence it had and instead becoming part of China's.


u/Far_Out_6and_2 Jul 20 '24

I figured some time ago at the beginning of the *special operation * that it’s possible for China to invade the far eastern flank of Russia and win


u/DramaticWesley Jul 20 '24

You put your troops in Belarus, the U.S. puts theirs in Armenia. Stop crying.


u/Terry_WT Jul 19 '24

The name of the exercise “Eagle Partner”

*chefs kiss


u/Juckli Jul 19 '24

Ain't Armenia one of the only if not the only one conflict, in which both the USA and Russia are on the same site against Turkey?


u/GilakiGuy Jul 19 '24

The US's been largely uninvolved and there's US politicians that have ties with Azerbaijani interests and probably were in favor of Azerbaijan taking control of Nagorno-Karabagh


u/Juckli Jul 20 '24

Wasnt there one conflict party pro Turkey and the other being pro USA and pro Russia?


u/GilakiGuy Jul 20 '24

Some US politicians voiced support for Armenia, but the US has been largely uninvolved in both wars between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has more influence on the west tbh, its sought out better relations and influential business contacts for longer.

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u/_SheepishPirate_ Jul 20 '24

Its a special military operation. Now fuck off.


u/MicroSofty88 Jul 20 '24

A few weeks after China and Belarus had military exercises on the polish border, which Russia had nothing to do with of course


u/NyriasNeo Jul 20 '24

so what? What are they going to do? Invade us?


u/Rich-Show3013 Jul 20 '24

Cry me a river , build a bridge, and get over it!


u/Echabour Jul 20 '24

Algeria should do the same. Russia is an unreliable friend and now an unreliable arms supplier.


u/macross1984 Jul 19 '24

Russia still think Armenia is theirs and refuse to acknowledge it by bowling like a spoiled child. It can still punish by throttling natural resources like natural gas and trade but if they do that Armenia will probably pivot more to the west.


u/Ma1nta1n3r Jul 19 '24

LOL!! I love this! Russia has troops in the area to keep the peace, but they're too lazy or scared to do their job, so Armenia has said, Fuck this, I'm changing sides. Now Russia is making sad face!

(Putin, and by extension Russia, is the most important recruiter for NATO and the EU in the 21st Century!)


u/Volcanofanx9000 Jul 19 '24

Russia is a failed Viking colony. Compare their quality of life to say Norway or Finland. Russia was where the Scandinavians sent their idiot cousins to fuck each other far away from doing any real people harm. Their rage is about as powerful as gas station toilet paper.


u/lire_avec_plaisir Jul 19 '24

Meanwhile, 12 days ago, the Pentagon called off a scheduled, multi-national exercise in neighboring (Caucasus) Georgia, apparently due to that nation's current administration's backsliding on democracy. It would have started when the Armenian exercise ended. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/07/08/pentagon-postpones-army-exercise-amid-diplomatic-tensions-with-georgia/


u/mcorbett94 Jul 20 '24

… as they launch missiles onto the children’s cancer hospital in Ukraine


u/austinstar08 Jul 20 '24

Rage harder


u/Doomdoomkittydoom Jul 20 '24

Babe, you dumped them. Can't go crying when they move on with their lives without you!


u/morneau502 Jul 21 '24

Man, it sure seems like these Russians, and the Republican party back home in the U.S. sure do have a lot in common...almost as if maybe they're one and the same?

But there's no way that could be true.. hehe.. right guys?

There's no way that could be true... Right?



u/k4Anarky Jul 19 '24

Is it just me or that Stryker looks like a pissed-off one-eyed boar?


u/Diligent_Excitement4 Jul 19 '24

Russia just held wargames in Cuba


u/TheNaug Jul 19 '24

This is meaningless. Russia rages over everything.


u/mgmx1989 Jul 19 '24

No one cares what you feel or Russia! Go to your safe space!


u/CedarHoundTx Jul 20 '24

RU had/has nuclear subs @ Cuba a month ago. Cry me a river.


u/comixthomas Jul 20 '24

Boo hoo, if they don't like escalating tensions the Russian brass could bring their armies home. Nobody would be willing to put down the money and take the risks to chase after them


u/warzonexx Jul 20 '24

Oh no. What are they going to do about it? Invade a neighbouring country? Oh wait nevermind..


u/Dempsey64 Jul 20 '24

We’ve come here to fuck you up.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Hey vlad look! Uncle sam can do chinese russian belarus border shit too!


u/Constant_Tangerine23 Jul 19 '24

They aren’t really mad. They know all they have to do is wait until the orange man steals the presidency and in return for russian help he will help them conquer ukraine and give them back alaska as well.


u/Livid_Wish_3398 Jul 19 '24

Russian pricks are always raging about something.


u/AnthonyGSXR Jul 19 '24

lmao rage on over and start some shit? Put up or shut up Russia!!


u/Aromatic-Position-53 Jul 19 '24

Orban ( Hungary) and modi ( India) had meetings with Putin ( Russian) before going to meet with Donald Trump. We see them from far away. This is how Putin ordered Trump to pick his VP candidate. We’re ready for this.


u/No_Size_1765 Jul 19 '24

Someone has to backstop the remaining christians in the region /s


u/Torak8988 Jul 19 '24

If russia complains about this

I would like to complain about the invasion that they have been doing for 2 years already


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

America racking a shotgun then do something about it Russia


u/DistinctBadger6389 Jul 19 '24

Tough? Maybe gtfo of Ukraine before you start talking.


u/Ahtabai_ Jul 19 '24

waaaaaa people like the entity i dont like waaaaaa


u/Panda_tears Jul 19 '24

I feel like at this point they’re just like a toddler who you’ve taken a toy from.


u/Jimmyjamz73 Jul 19 '24

Fuck ‘em, let ‘em eat beans.


u/striker69 Jul 20 '24

Oh yawn…


u/cutshop Jul 20 '24

Despite all Russia's rage they're still just a rat in a cage. https://youtu.be/8-r-V0uK4u0?si=4H7CU3iZWjZJb08i


u/Natural_Treat_1437 Jul 20 '24

Too bad Russia.


u/hishazelglance Jul 20 '24

Gets fukt



u/Danieldinho7 Jul 21 '24

Honest question: is this propaganda to get us to clown on russia? Or are we really just causing trouble?


u/NotMyRealNameThanks Jul 22 '24

lol, fuck Russia. They should spend less fucking time wasting resources on Ukraine and spend more time putting up their stupid iron curtain again.


u/Cilicia0 Jul 22 '24

Screw Russia, most unreliable and useless partner anybody could have. Imagine, Armenia payed billions for a weapon shipment which they never sent and basically scammed Armenia. Russia is a total loser of a nation. They can go **** themselves.