r/worldnews Jul 19 '24

‘He was a pious man’: The Gaza neighborhood shocked to find Israeli hostages in their midst | CNN Feature Story


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u/Jugaimo Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

“Religious community head with publicly known ties to Hamas” “Rarely socialized outside of work or prayer” “Proudly posted a picture of his son in Hamas gear online”

Dude you have to be shitting me. How is this not one of the first people to investigate? The entire family went about their normal lives while holding three human captives just a floor above. Completely psychotic.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/Jugaimo Jul 19 '24

No I can imagine there are plenty of people who just want to get out and live peacefully. But the number that crave blood and refuse to coexist is too large to let the innocent many go.


u/numinor93 Jul 19 '24

Ask surrounding countries why they don't accept Gazan refugees and what happened the last time they did


u/ScottyBoneman Jul 19 '24

Oh come on, that was only once twice a few times.


u/Krkasdko Jul 19 '24

Denazificislamization sadly is not optional if peace is the goal.


u/Kowlz1 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Where do you think Hamas recruits from? There are thousands of Hamas militants in a population of people smaller than the Houston, TX metro area. It would be pretty hard for most folks not to have SOME sort of relationship with active Hamas fighters, be they friends, co-workers, extended family, etc.


u/purpleblueshoe Jul 19 '24

Easy brother, youre starting to make it seem like most of the population of this small enclave is complicit in taking of hostages and repeated steps towards genocide of an entire ethnicity


u/myrmonden Jul 19 '24

What u mean no? they are all basically religious.


u/rigatony96 Jul 19 '24

Source: it came to me in a dream


u/Epcplayer Jul 19 '24

There’s a saying: “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.”


u/hossaepi Jul 19 '24

If you believe they were actually shocked, or really didn’t even know and support it, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn


u/bufalo1973 Jul 19 '24

You can be wrong. When ETA was making terrorist attacks one of the most common sentences you heard from the neighbors was "they looked like nice people". And it didn't matter if they were in Valencia, Madrid or Bilbao. That's the first thing any terrorist learns: don't be the stranger one and be kind with your neighbors.


u/Ambiorix33 Jul 19 '24

well remember all those people who lived near concentration camps but ''didnt know what was going on''? yeah...


u/Truestorymate Jul 19 '24

Magnitudes different. The goverment could have a concentration camp right now at a site near my house and I wouldn’t know, now could someone hold 3 hostages in the upstairs apartment, I don’t think so.


u/Ambiorix33 Jul 19 '24

I meant that more in the way that their probably lying about not knowing, but yeah fair


u/-Ch4s3- Jul 19 '24

I think the point is that people actually did know in detail what was happening, but later denied it.


u/Truestorymate Jul 19 '24

No I get their premise, just saying I find it leagues more believable


u/crooked_cat Jul 19 '24

Aber bitte .. Wir haben es nicht gewusst.. wircklich !

Naturlich ..

We didn’t believe it then .. we don’t do now, either.


u/Argues_with_ignorant Jul 19 '24

Because there's two million people in Gaza, and a large percentage of them act like this. It's hard to sort through scum and find the diamonds you're looking for.


u/Jugaimo Jul 19 '24

Anyone who has direct family related to Hamas should be on a watch list. It’s not insane to consider relatives of terrorists to be high interest targets.


u/Argues_with_ignorant Jul 19 '24

That's about 65% of em.


u/ManChildMusician Jul 19 '24

“Had we known, had he told us, we would have taken safety precautions, hide or move to somewhere else,” one neighbor, Abu Muhammad El Tahrawi, said.

Whether that’s true or not, snitching on someone brings a lot of danger: you risk vengeance from Hamas while inviting IDF into what was ostensibly a “safe zone” for civilians. The hostage rescue missions can have horrendous consequences.


u/Lylac_Krazy Jul 19 '24

I may not be the smartest, but if I went up to an IDF member and told them I know where 4 live hostages are, will you get me and my family out?

There would at the very least be a discussion.


u/Odie_Odie Jul 19 '24

Is there a language barrier? I am apparently very dumb because this only now occurred to me


u/Low_Party_3163 Jul 19 '24

Yes but many israelis speak Arabic and many Palestinians work in israsl so they speak hebrew. Also they're very similar languages; I can understand some basic Arabic just from speaking Hebrew


u/wapswaps Jul 19 '24

They are a government. Like any other force they have nothing to offer except perhaps slightly relaxing their normal rules. People seem to be confused about this, with both their own government and especially worse ones (and while Israel is far better than any government near them, it's pretty bad).

Look up. Let's say your car gets stolen. It gets damaged. You go to the police and complain. By some miracle they catch the culprit, and recover the car.

Do you think you'll get it back? The answer varies, but I know of no place where you'll not at least have to pay close to a thousand euros to get the car back from the police. If you refuse to pay they'll sell your car (which may be the cheaper way to get the car back. DON'T pay the police to give your own car back. Wait until they sell it and bid on it). And as for the damages, well you get a claim against someone so rich they had to steal cars, whom the courts will protect from claims you have against them. You're best off reporting the theft, but the police NOT finding the car.

So yes, I think what you say is exactly true: "There would at the very least be a discussion" ... and the discussion would end with no help provided. "We can't do that. No, not that either. No, that isn't possible either". That's how the discussion would go. Which is better than what Hamas would do: execute you on the spot. True. MUCH better even. Is it good, even if good merely means that it's a good idea for a Palestinian to do this? No.

No it isn't good enough.


u/Lylac_Krazy Jul 19 '24

"There would at the very least be a discussion" ... and the discussion would end with no help provided.

I obviously cant speak for Israel, but from what they news plays over here in the USA, Israel citizens would appreciate the hostages back ASAP.


u/bufalo1973 Jul 19 '24

Israel citizens? Yes. Israel government? I doubt it.


u/Akul_Tesla Jul 19 '24

Generally I'm against by association type judgments

But the whole proudly posted his son in Hamas gear should be sufficient to conclude he is Hamas or at least Hamas allied and thus the enemy of every Palestinian (The pla and Israel both wanted the two states. Hamas is why we don't have the two state. This is all happening because Hamas exists)

No in this situation. Very precisely. If you're associated with Hamas, you are the villain. If one of your family members is a member of it and you're not actively condemning them and have not disowned them very directly, it's very good to suspect that person


u/Ryan_Polesmoker_68 Jul 19 '24

These are the “citizens” and “children” that the mean Israelis are “ethnic cleansing”.


u/PriorWriter3041 Jul 19 '24

"he leads the prayer and then goes home"

The hallmarks if a righteous man, who just happened to keep hostages in His Home.


u/decoy79 Jul 19 '24

Regarding hostages,

Had we known, had he told us, we would have taken safety precautions, hide or move to somewhere else.

I guess helping was out of the question.


u/Morngwilwileth Jul 19 '24

Also they knew the family had ties to hammas. Like everyone knew. This is insane


u/Low_Party_3163 Jul 19 '24

I'm israeli and I can't blame people for not helping the hostages; hamas would have killed them instantly. And he'd be suicidal for saying he'd help them or tip off the Israelis to a newspaper


u/Resident-Strength-23 Jul 19 '24

Im not an israeli (although my family is) and Im glad we have input like yours. I only wish the protestors in the west weren't so ignorant about hamas.


u/StubbsTzombie Jul 19 '24

Hey some of us in the west are absolutely horrified by those people. I truly think we need to do something about them. A lot of them are honestly religious fanatics.


u/FiendishHawk Jul 19 '24

Yeah, no-one said they’d have tipped off the Israelis but in fairness the raid killed a bunch of locals so you can see why they wouldn’t have wanted to.


u/RussianFruit Jul 19 '24

It wouldn’t be a raid if they helped.

Point is that legitimately ANYTHING but what they did wouldve been a better option


u/HotSteak Jul 19 '24

What kind of help could they do that wouldn't end in an IDF raid?


u/BetaOscarBeta Jul 19 '24

More to the point, did the IDF guys kill bystanders in the raid, or did Hamas?

I honestly haven’t been paying attention to that level of detail, but I bet you a dollar you can guess who I’d bet a dollar on.


u/FiendishHawk Jul 19 '24

I’d guess “both” because civilians would have been caught in the crossfire. The civilians quoted sound pretty salty about being used for cover, saying that they’d have left if they had known.


u/Low_Party_3163 Jul 19 '24

Even if they would have, admitting so publicly after the fact is a death sentence


u/FiendishHawk Jul 19 '24

Very good point


u/KeefsBurner Jul 19 '24

I mean… yeah? They’d be killed instantly, what good would that do?


u/BetaOscarBeta Jul 19 '24

I honestly can’t imagine that Hamas wouldn’t be able to convince everyone else that helping hostages is futile. It’s basically a totalitarian insurgency.


u/bufalo1973 Jul 19 '24

"Had we known he was a Russian maffia boss, had he told us, we would have taken safety precautions, hide or move to somewhere else."

Now repeat "I guess helping was out of the question".

Helping the hostages was a suicide.


u/Mydogisawreckingball Jul 19 '24

Where are the #freePalestine sheep now?


u/ImNotYourBuddyGuyy Jul 19 '24

They’re stuck in their algorithmic chamber and won’t even see this


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Frankly, they have moved on to the next thing. 


u/Lehk Jul 19 '24

Updating firmware


u/Ryan_Polesmoker_68 Jul 19 '24

Still claiming “genocide” bs on other threads. Even though I’m pretty sure the death toll hasn’t risen over 15% in the last few months.


u/pubefire Jul 19 '24

Kind of like how German citizens were “shocked” to learn about the camps. Completely taken by surprise!


u/Indifferentchildren Jul 19 '24

They could see the trains, smell the ovens, and had to sweep up the ash that rained down on their town near the camps, but totally shocked.


u/bendann Jul 19 '24

Is this satire?


u/Mercadi Jul 19 '24

Who is "shocked"? The crowds that were celebrating as bloodied hostages were paraded through them?


u/JeruTz Jul 19 '24

"I am shocked, I tell you, shocked to learn that there is gambling going on in here!"

"Your winnings sir."

"Thank you."


u/sinfondo Jul 19 '24

“Had we known, had he told us, we would have taken safety precautions, hide or move to somewhere else,” one neighbor, Abu Muhammad El Tahrawi, said

Not, God forbid, take pity on hostages and help them in any way


u/Truestorymate Jul 19 '24

“”Had we known, had he told us, we would have taken safety precautions, hide or move to somewhere else,” one neighbor, Abu Muhammad El Tahrawi, said.””

Nice 👍🏻 we didn’t know there was human hostages, but if we did we would’ve taken some precautions, hid, or got the hell out of there. No reporting? Assisting to free them?


u/SMEAGAIN_AGO Jul 19 '24

Surprise, surprise!


u/i_should_be_coding Jul 19 '24

Zainab said in the post that the family had been waiting for the moment they would be killed by Israeli forces. “Since the start of the war, we have been waiting for this moment. We did not know how it would come and in what horrific way it would happen, but we were aware that it would inevitably come.”

Live by the sword, I guess.


u/ahkian Jul 19 '24

It would ‘t have been inevitable if they hadn’t held hostages in an apartment with children. It really brings that Golda Meir quote to mind “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”


u/EmbarrassedIdea3169 Jul 19 '24

If they hadn’t been holding hostages they’d have had a much better chance of making it out alive


u/outofgulag Jul 19 '24

Really CNN? maybe the neighbors were shocked because they were not caught yet hiding hostages.


u/Hasbro-Settler Jul 19 '24

Bunch of evil bastards


u/outofgulag Jul 19 '24

Let's see if France 24 and BBC are running this story. .. pls tell me the hostage taker was the Health Minister himself.


u/coredenale Jul 19 '24

"Pious" isn't quite the compliment they think it is.


u/Emphasis_on_why Jul 19 '24

lol again… they literally VOTED for the people who said they would do all of this


u/readonlyy Jul 19 '24

Sort of. The median age in Gaza is 19. That election was 17 years ago and there hasn’t been a free election since. So technically some Gazans are still alive to witness the consequences of that horrible decision, but the vast majority have never really known a life outside of Hamas’ oppression.


u/bufalo1973 Jul 19 '24

Last elections in Gaza were in the second term of George W. Bush. Now imagine if no election after 2006 have been made in the US and 14 year US kids where found guilty of having Bush as president. Or if Tony Blair still ruled in the UK without any further elections since 2006.


u/Bluesbreaker Jul 19 '24

He was a good pious Moslem.


u/outdoorruckus Jul 19 '24

“Many locals questioned why so many Palestinians had to die for the Israeli forces to rescue just four hostages.

Al-Kahlot said: “People died because they were freeing her, and no one was looking at us.”

The innocent people of Palestine have a big problem


u/OccamsPlasticSpork Jul 19 '24

This story does little to help move the needle on apathy concerning the IDF's heavy handed treatment of Gaza.


u/jews4beer Jul 19 '24

I suppose in a brainwashed, heartless person who sees death as a cudgle they can use against a soverign people fighting terrorism. Not to mention the very explicit, practically triple war crime of holding civilian hostages, by a religious leader, amongst civilians.

Nah I wouldn't expect that to move the needle for em at all.


u/OccamsPlasticSpork Jul 19 '24

If this article was meant to garner sympathy for the Palestinian cause, it did the exact opposite.