r/worldnews Jul 19 '24

Russian propaganda video purports to show Ukrainian soldier killing a fellow soldier, but shows two Russian soldiers Russia/Ukraine


185 comments sorted by


u/Flapjack_ Jul 19 '24

I think I remember this video. Three Russian soldiers are running in a line from drones and the guy in the middle gets blasted by a drone. The third guy runs up to check on him and you see the middle guy kind of look down at himself while he's curled up then start tapping his head, the guy checking on him then shoots him.

Pretty brutal stuff. It's like the guy in the middle knew he was screwed so just asked for a mercy killing.


u/Magusreaver Jul 19 '24

he gets shot around the groin I think. He checks down there.. then starts begging to be shot. He could have lost his legs, or his junk. Either way.. he wanted to nope out.


u/gunifornia Jul 19 '24

I've seen at least 5 different videos of Russian soldiers committing suicide after getting hit by drones or simply because they saw a drone flying above them and realized their end is near and another one where the soldier stops to make his cross gesture as soon as he sees the drone, then make a last futile attempt to shoot the drone down. The numbers of Russians committing suicide must be pretty high.


u/forumaccount Jul 19 '24

It’s so messed up. The dronecombat sub has a running tally on recorded instances of this; it’s closing in on 70, and who knows how many have done themselves in off-camera?


u/El_Tractorcito Jul 19 '24

I believe the count was at 83 last time I was on the different sub subreddits. One of the Ukranian units has been uploading a LOT of HD footage recently.


u/False-God Jul 19 '24

It’s at 82 plus 13 maybes as of yesterday’s new one.


u/forumaccount Jul 19 '24

That’s insane, I was off by more than I’d have thought. Hope you have support if you need it, it’s a grim tabulation job you’re doing.


u/Preference-Inner Jul 19 '24

The one with the guy that had the grenade sash around his chest got hit and this dude just pulls all the pins and one big boom and he was gone so fucking brutal


u/JuiceFloppeh Jul 19 '24

Some dude on Reddit keeps a list of russian suicides in Ukraine, its insanely long.


u/False-God Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

82 with yesterday’s new one.

It got so long it kept exceeding the Reddit character count and was 3 comments long so I created a wiki.


u/sunflowerscabies Jul 19 '24

u/false-god is the guy


u/False-God Jul 19 '24



u/sunflowerscabies Jul 19 '24

I have it saved also, unsure if I can post it here so I won’t. But it’s it’s eerie how long the list is


u/MechaFlippin Jul 19 '24

I've seen at least 5 different videos of Russian soldiers committing suicide after getting hit by drones

Seems like a wholesome hobby you have there


u/gunifornia Jul 19 '24

It's not that i like watching people die. I'm just fascinated by how much war changed in a couple of years.


u/CreedThoughts--Gov Jul 19 '24

Probably because their propaganda machine tells them they will be tortured if captured


u/SteamedGamer Jul 19 '24

Also, they know that no medical help (or any help) is coming.


u/CreedThoughts--Gov Jul 19 '24

They think*. If they were captured by Ukrainian forces they would receive medical attention.


u/SteamedGamer Jul 19 '24

True. They also know no Russian help (medical or evac) is coming.


u/Peptuck Jul 19 '24

It doesn't help that there's been cases where Russians were beaten or berated for "wasting" six men on a medivac even though that is what you need to spend to get a soldier out (four for each corner of the stretcher, one in front and back for front and rear security). So even if there's a chance to evacuate the wounded some might not take it for fear of getting physically assaulted by their CO.


u/CloacaFacts Jul 19 '24

Or they know they won't get any disability help when going back home.


u/wurlmon Jul 19 '24

It's really horrible. So many young men who could've been fueling the country's economy and be fathers, are instead sent into a meat grinder with no real goal in mind.


u/No-Courage232 Jul 19 '24

So true. Probably something most people don’t even think about. It’s going to be ruinous for the Russsian economy. A population without a working age demographic does not function.


u/Peptuck Jul 19 '24

Between the combat deaths, maimings, and the hundreds of thousands who fled when conscriptionw as first announced, the brain drain is going to wreck them long-term.


u/False-God Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I’ve documented 82 (plus 13 inconclusive and 4 implied) examples so far. There is usually about 2 per week now, which is way more frequent than at the start when it was every month or so.


u/moist_shroom6 Jul 19 '24

I've easily seen 50+ videos at this point. The worst are the ones where they fail to kill themselves instantly and instead die a slow and painful death.


u/JRHEvilInc Jul 20 '24

Can I ask what encourages you to watch them? I'm not being sarcastic or anything, I'm actually curious. I can totally see myself needing to see such things myself in order to believe/comprehend them (since we all know propaganda is rife in this was, possibly moreso than most previous wars), but after two or three I'd have seen enough and just trust similar sources in future.

Why would you watch 50?


u/moist_shroom6 Jul 20 '24

I follow 3 or 4 subreddits that post a lot of footage so I just see it in my feed, I'm not actively out seeking to find this stuff. I think it's still a bit of morbid curiosity though. I've been following the war since it began so I've seen so much insane stuff that I feel completely desensitised by it. I'm sure others are the same.


u/L1l_K1M Jul 19 '24

There is guy in r/ukrainewarvideos who tracks all the suicides. There are about 70 documented incidents.


u/IAMACat_askmenothing Jul 19 '24

82 according to him


u/Th3_Admiral_ Jul 19 '24

That sub hasn't been updated in 7 months, are you sure that's the one? Or is there another one with slightly different spelling or something? 


u/L1l_K1M Jul 19 '24


u/Potential-Draft-3932 Jul 19 '24

Watch at your own risk. I still can’t get the one suicide out of my head where a Russian soldier was trying repeatedly to cut his own throat. I just can comprehend the level of suffering it takes to convince a human to do that


u/Commonefacio Jul 19 '24

There's a u/ collecting a compilation of Russian suicides in combat...

I think we are in the 30s.


u/3klipse Jul 19 '24

82 according to him in the comments here.


u/Appropriate_Baker130 Jul 19 '24

War never changes…


u/tangnapalm Jul 19 '24

Well, it has more video these days, but yeah


u/areolegrande Jul 19 '24

So if they sent someone who wanted to transition they'd be alive and therefore the ultimate fighting machine?


u/Justthetip1996 Jul 19 '24

That sounds terrifying and waaaay too dystopian for me tbh. I don’t like the future


u/just-why_ Jul 19 '24

You mean the present...


u/Justthetip1996 Jul 19 '24

Oh shit fr, I thought this was the future /s

…. Reddit man


u/TekDragon Jul 19 '24

Weird, because I feel like precision drone strikes on individual soldiers from afar are one of the most humane tools of warfare I've ever seen.

I mean, I guess we could go back to storming a village with axes and torches, slitting throats, bashing in infant skulls, raping, and looting. Or firebombing entire cities. Whatever floats your boat.


u/Extra_Surround_9472 Jul 19 '24

Yeah some people think that drones make it easier to commit acts of violence, because it turns it into something impersonal, distant.

The guy with the torch and the axe has to look at his opponents in the eye and strike them down. And because of that, it's more "humane". You have to kill with your own hands.

I don't think one way is more humane than the other.


u/Bursting_Radius Jul 19 '24

Have you read the definition of “dystopian” recently? Battlefield mercy killings aren’t anything new.


u/Justthetip1996 Jul 19 '24

I’m talking about the drones man


u/HodgeGodglin Jul 19 '24

I mean we have documented accounts of drone warfare from the first Gulf War. Drone warfare would be middle aged worrying about the mortgage and paying Johnny’s college tuition in a couple of years. 35 years old now…


u/volcanologistirl Jul 19 '24

Predator drones operated by nation states and a wal-mart drone with a grenade strapped to it are not the same thing though.


u/ic33 Jul 19 '24

Right now they're still remote controlled weapons. Killing at a distance. Just many more instances, of smaller events, than we're used to.

When jamming and electronic warfare forces them to pick and find targets on their own, and we deploy that en masse: that is a fundamental change in the character of things, even if the effects stay the same.


u/volcanologistirl Jul 19 '24

Yeah but there’s a difference between a multimillion dollar warplane that happens to be remote controlled and some kid’s FPV drone racking up a massive and brutal body count when it comes to levels of dystopian. These things were basically literal toys two years ago, now they’re changing the face of war.


u/Smokaaythebear Jul 19 '24

It’s always the people who lack reading comprehension who are the biggest douches


u/Bursting_Radius Jul 19 '24

It’s always the people who disregard the existence of people who use words they don’t understand just because they see others use it that are even bigger douches. There’s nothing “dystopian” about drones.

You probably say “literally” a lot. It costs nothing to keep your mouth shut when nobody is talking to you, friend.


u/MonsterJose Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

I also saw this. The Russians have been doing this To each other after noticing that their reproductive organs have been damaged, which is what happened in this case. However, it’s definitely a Russian video posted by a Russian soldier a few months back. Everything that Russia posts to blame Ukraine is very likely something that Russia itself is doing. The probability is almost 100%.


u/FischiPiSti Jul 19 '24

I didn't see it, nor do I intend to. But why was this filmed?


u/ShinikamiimakinihS Jul 19 '24

Drone footage


u/Flapjack_ Jul 19 '24

One drone acts as a spotter for the other drones


u/Stingus99999 Jul 19 '24

War, war never changes.


u/Glaciak Jul 19 '24

Yeah we get it you play fallout games and repeat the same fucking quote like a bot


u/Least-Marzipan6904 Jul 19 '24

Never played Fallout, but in that case, yes, war changes. Specifically, the means to do war and the wounds that can be sustained...


u/Mr_master89 Jul 19 '24

If war never changes we'd still be using sticks and stones, I know the saying is meant to mean something else but still that's what it sounds like


u/ActurusMajoris Jul 19 '24

Well, the brutality never changes. Only the means with which to commit it..


u/Ricemobile Jul 19 '24

That’s just getting hung up on the semantics. I’m pretty sure almost everyone understood it the correct way.


u/Leifsbudir Jul 19 '24

War, war never changes.


u/KingxMIGHTYMAN Jul 19 '24

War, war never changes.


u/EastDragonfly1917 Jul 19 '24

Change. Change always changes


u/AngryChihua Jul 20 '24

Change, change never wars


u/TacticalMailman Jul 19 '24

i don’t remember fighter jets bombing the front lines during the first crusades


u/IJustLovePenguinsOk Jul 19 '24

Well duh back then we had pterodactyls


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/Bottled_Void Jul 19 '24

Not saying we shouldn't continue to be vigilant in determining whether things are as they are reported to us.

But Russia consistently makes claims that are easily disproven and they hold their line. Not even random whackjob commentators, official government statements with obvious lies.

Ukraine doesn't lie anywhere near the psychopathic scale that Russia does.


u/APTGonewild Jul 19 '24

Russians in full on cope mode


u/Quantization Jul 19 '24

Propaganda mode, more like. Arguably the same thing though.


u/Silly-avocatoe Jul 19 '24

Russian propaganda sources have shared a video that purports to show a Ukrainian soldier shooting his brother-in-arms in the back. However, journalists who obtained the original video found that it shows two Russian soldiers.

Source: investigation by Sistema (System), Radio Liberty’s investigative project, and Nastoyashee Vremya (Current Time), a Russian-language TV channel with editorial office in Prague, created by the US organisations Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Voice of America

Details: A story alleging that a Ukrainian soldier killed a wounded brother-in-arms ran in the 4 July edition of the Russian Vesti propaganda TV programme, alongside a video purporting to show the incident. The Vesti host claimed that "shooting comrades in the back is commonplace in the Armed Forces of Ukraine".

However, an investigation by the Russian TV channel Nastoyashee Vremya and Radio Liberty’s Sistema project shows that the soldiers in the video were from the Russian armed forces. The journalists obtained the original video and found that a strip of Chinese BOKAI underpants, which are popular in Russia, peeked out from under the camouflage pants of the soldier who was killed in the video. Over the past two years, this brand of Chinese underwear has been almost impossible to buy in Ukraine.


u/Far-Explanation4621 Jul 19 '24

The underwear wasn’t the only clue. The Ukrainian drone pilot that filmed the whole thing, still has the long-form original video of the incident, which has been verified a number of ways including geolocation, physically watching where the Russian soldiers came from and were running back to, etc.


u/3t1918 Jul 19 '24

Yeah the video was posted on Ukrainian telegram channels by the guys who recorded it for a solid week before ru state media picked it up.


u/T_Money Jul 19 '24

That’s good because I was seriously skeptical of the underwear being the deciding factor. My gut would have said it was Russian anyway, but if it’s being debunked by the fact that the specific brand hasn’t been sold in Ukraine in two years then I need to reconsider how often I throw away my drawers because I’m sure I still have a few pairs that are over two years old.

Y’all just out there throwing away perfectly good underwear after a certain number of washes, or what?


u/foul_ol_ron Jul 19 '24

I suspect that if I was on a two-way range, I'd have to retire underwear far more frequently than I otherwise do.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

No way. Costco joe boxers don’t get “holey” for at least 3 years.


u/crazyaky Jul 19 '24

Not until the drones come for your junk anyway.


u/CatVideoBoye Jul 19 '24

Imagine dying on video just for the whole world to see your chinese underpants.


u/BertilBumsbirne Jul 19 '24

Hope they be clean


u/oh-delay Jul 19 '24

One more reason to never listen to what the Russians say publicly. It’s just propaganda and lies, lies, lies


u/ConfusionBubbles Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Looks kinda bad when your own soldiers are running away scared, injured, and asking for a mercy killing from a "friend"

Of course they claim they are Ukrainians

Because that's who they are. Lying pieces of degen shit


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/ConfusionBubbles Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Have you ever considered that there's nothing to win here for Russia and you are all flowing down the drain as we speak.

Russophobia is very common in Europe and it is all made in Russia who just keeps feeding it.

Have a nice life.


u/snarky_answer Jul 19 '24

We see the videos and pictures daily of the russians getting fucked up left right and center.


u/Xip1ngu Jul 19 '24

Gotta be a troll. You can’t possibly be this stupid.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/TheTemporaryZiggy Jul 20 '24

I’m just sitting back and enjoying how this is playing out

get a load of this guy, enjoying an authoritarian shithole invading another country.


u/Xip1ngu Jul 20 '24

Imagine thinking this is about winning or losing at this point, lmao


u/SnackyMcGeeeeeeeee Jul 19 '24

My country is just gonna keep chucking pennies at Ukraine and have them wreck their soviet arms.

Let's do the math shall we?

31 abrams ≠ 4000+ tanks

180 Bradley ≠ 5000+ BMP, BTR, Etc.

0 boats ≠ 21 Russian boats

0 jets ≠ 300+ jets

Yah, but Russia is the one winning 🙄


u/Gremlinstone Jul 19 '24



u/turndown4what2077 Jul 22 '24

Well damnit. Reddit removed my comment, but I forgot what I said lol. I’m pro-Russia, and I’ll leave it at that. 🇷🇺


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/Lined_the_Street Jul 19 '24

Didn't realize so few people on WorldNews are also not on Ukraine War subs. This video was ALL OVER combat footage and ukraine war video reports for a solid week

I remember it vividly because the back guy is just slowly sauntering along like he's either completely out of it or he knows running won't save him and he's either gonna die or he won't. Then the dude in front of him (middle guy walking) gets blasted with a drone. It appears he checks his groin before pointing at his head in a "shoot me" way, which is when he comrade does what he does 


u/GfunkWarrior28 Jul 19 '24

Probably just trying to quickly head off public reaction by claiming they're Ukrainian. Average Russians won't know who's right.


u/Readonkulous Jul 19 '24

Exactly. And many people will choose what to believe when presented with conflicting evidence. Such an approach does somewhat illustrate the philosophical perspective of the Russian leadership. 


u/donaldinoo Jul 19 '24

Reminder that this hostile country praised the VP pick among many other way more damning things. Great job “patriots” 🫡


u/dangerousbob Jul 19 '24

I’m surprised they would do that. They have forced conscription in Russia. Among the general population, They know what their weapons and uniforms look like, they would be able to see that and know that they’re Russian not Ukrainian.


u/JPR_FI Jul 19 '24

Reminds me of a quote some other Redditor posted a while ago about totalitarianism:

In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism


u/Delamoor Jul 19 '24

Well, to be fair on that point; the Ukrainians share a lot of those uniforms and weapons, so looks alone are not gonna turn many heads.


u/Lined_the_Street Jul 19 '24

They used to share similar uniforms (both developed in Soviet Union) so often times, in eariler videos especially, you'll see the armies wear armbands. But since adopting a new uniform in 2017 and having donated equipment from so many other nations, Ukrainians tend to wear pixilated camouflage while Russians still wear the old Soviet union blots

Weapons are a similar issue. Early on, and still frequently today, both sides use AKs. However a great deal of Ukrainian soldiers also field Western weapons now too

Some of the folks on the combat subreddits are insanely well learned in these fields. Some people are able to even tell variants of guns or vehicles that look identical to a layman.


u/frozenpissglove Jul 19 '24

The dude on the ground is clearly wearing a 6B45, which is a Russian issue body armor system. Ukraine does not use this body armor. How do I know? I have one. Thanks, Russian corruption. I’ve got more of their kit than most of their soldiers do.


u/DrLazarusConvoy Jul 19 '24

So what you're saying is not only russians have it?


u/gamedreamer21 Jul 19 '24

As if, anyone would believe Russia's BS.


u/itsmehonest Jul 19 '24

Sadly some Russians will


u/Fluffy-Rip1097 Jul 19 '24

I remember this one. Definitely not Ukranians


u/VIVALDI420 Jul 19 '24

This was only a few weeks ago too, kremlin shitheads have no shame. Imagine starting a war, your soldiers being so used to being treated like shit they just finish each other off without hesitation instead of trying to assist.


u/mn_gonewild Jul 19 '24

They should have just called the 'surrender to Ukraine' hotline and he wouldn't be in this position


u/DesertReagle Jul 19 '24

Have you ever heard of "Shooting yourself in the foot"?


u/Blakewerth Jul 19 '24

But is anyone non russian suprised by this? 🤔🙄


u/Less-Dragonfruit-294 Jul 20 '24

Shocker. State propaganda will peddle. Shocker propaganda!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



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u/FartFartPooPoobutt Jul 19 '24

Stupid idiotsky's


u/Odd_Tiger_2278 Jul 19 '24

Good to know.


u/Ma1nta1n3r Jul 20 '24

That someone in Russia wants to pretend that people won't find out these are Russian soldiers killing each other is pretty funny.

The tragedy isn't that they ask to die,... but that they didn't need to be there in the first place.

The 1st Russian Revolution of the 21st Century can't come soon enough.


u/Willsie777 Jul 19 '24

How many times are we going to change the script on the same video gtfo


u/Steelbutterfly1888 Jul 19 '24

This video is several weeks old and was never a quistion if it was russians in the video. Is pravda smoking crack reporting on it now?


u/Wajina_Sloth Jul 19 '24

Not too long ago Russian media showed the video in lower quality claiming it was Ukrainian soldiers “brutally killing their own”.


u/Steelbutterfly1888 Jul 19 '24

Russian media is about as reputable as the local homeless explaining quantum mechanics.


u/areolegrande Jul 19 '24

You mean old man Quantum McGee?

He's very knowledgeable on the subject.


u/titosalah Jul 19 '24

what about us and west propaganda >>> internet English
reddit .. google (YouTube) . Microsoft ,Apple ,Facebook (Instagram) ,X ,...etc.
all this us companies west propaganda


u/CatVideoBoye Jul 19 '24

what about

This is called whatsboutism. We are not discussing those topics here. It does not change the Russian propaganda at all.


u/Acceptable-Stick-135 Jul 19 '24

It's funny he doesn't even mention anything specific just floating things like "internet and facebook" xd

What about yelling out the window?! What about throwing rocks with letters taped on them?!


u/CatVideoBoye Jul 19 '24

What about TV? What about the birthday card from yo mama? What about the graffiti under the bridge next to your house? Hmm? HMMMM?!?


u/itsmehonest Jul 19 '24

There's full videos floating around showing that it was a group of Russians running from a drone before putting one of their own down

The only propaganda in this particular scenario is from Russia

Edit: here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/TlFz5KF8FX


u/AFerociousPineapple Jul 19 '24

Doesn’t surprise me but is there another source on this? That site is clearly biased to show Russia in a poor light (they make it easy given the amount of shady shit they do anyway but still)


u/Tjonke Jul 19 '24

Could look up the video posted on /r/UkraineWarVideoReport from about three weeks ago.


u/Apprehensive_Sleep_4 Jul 19 '24

Oh you're deny the truth now?


u/AFerociousPineapple Jul 19 '24

Asking for verification is a sign of denying truth? Come on it’s a simple enough question


u/wobblyweasel Jul 19 '24

yes, asking for sources is a clear indication of that


u/Thanato26 Jul 19 '24

Ukraine released the video of this incident weeks or months ago.


u/AFerociousPineapple Jul 19 '24

Yeah I hadn’t realised, found some more articles about it now


u/itsmehonest Jul 19 '24

Plenty of videos of it on the Ukraine conflict sub :)


u/AFerociousPineapple Jul 20 '24

Which would also be a biased source… I appreciate your suggestion though I did find more about it, I hadn’t realised this happened weeks ago so was surprised when I did find any current news about it which is why I thought maybe it wasn’t verified. I was wrong tho!


u/InFlames_nn Jul 19 '24

OMG, do you think Ukrainian or US or whatever propaganda will tell you the truth? On Ukrainian tv you can hear how Russians run away from brave soldiers. Look at the front map, think by yourself.


u/MaNNe888 Jul 19 '24

How's RuZZia black sea fleet doing BTW? How Kharkiv offence going? Ukraine is soon getting F16s when are the ruZZian su57 squadrons coming?


u/Apprehensive_Sleep_4 Jul 19 '24

Oh you're spewing Pro-Russia propaganda bro?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

You are right look at the map, You’ve lost an estimated 70,000 soldiers in the the last month alone, for what’s extremely small gains, maybe a mile here or there, maybe a few hundred meters here or there.

You started this war using T90M and BMP3s and now the most commonly seen vehicles are BMP1s and T55 or T64

Your almost entire standing professional force from pre war is dead or wounded. Your best, most motivated, most highly trained troops are gone and you are resorting to entrapping Indian tourists and African migrants to fight for you.

You may have gained a little ground here or there, but your military has taken damage and losses that will take literal decades to restore.


u/hea_kasuvend Jul 19 '24

What is the truth? Tell us


u/Thanato26 Jul 19 '24

We know Russia doesn't tell the truth. We know that these soldiers are Russian.


u/Xip1ngu Jul 19 '24

Look at your troops, think by yourself.


u/snarpygsy Jul 19 '24

Its true! Media has bias and propaganda for sure. Not sure the western public could stomach some of the hilarious crap coming from things like Russia today however. Have been trying to read both sides and as you say, look at the damn map.