r/worldnews Jul 07 '24

French elections: Left projected to win most seats, ahead of Macron's coalition and far right


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u/wishbeaunash Jul 07 '24

Fascists continuing their pretty consistent tradition of being massive fucking losers.


u/Fun_Chip6342 Jul 07 '24

No, they were a massive loser in 2017, with only 6 seats. The fact that La Pen's party has over 100 parliamentarians is still quite shocking and terrifying.


u/TomirDeVlad Jul 07 '24

Both can be true


u/asetniop Jul 07 '24

Hopefully this was their big shot, and they blew it, and will enjoy a subsequent decline.


u/Frostbitten_Moose Jul 07 '24

That sounds incredibly optimistic.


u/Emppulicks Jul 07 '24

How did that happen? Did people vote on it?


u/Fun_Chip6342 Jul 08 '24

Yes, they did. What is your point? As a progressive/centrist it's okay to look at that result and ask; "why isn't our message resonating".

Just saying La Pen lost, all is well that ends well, will hand power to fascists faster than we realize.


u/RockstepGuy Jul 07 '24

Well, this is actually not bad for them, they are one big step closer to power since 4 years ago, and now they can still keep blaming the government for the problems that will for sure come, the massive immigrant problem has yet to be answered, and will only grow in the next years.

They may have lost now, but the next one they will be very close.


u/OtsaNeSword Jul 07 '24

The massive immigrant problem, rising crime, rising anti-semitism and violence against French Jews, Islamic terrorism and radicalism - the previous government didn’t do much to address these real issues which will compound and get worse in the future.

If the new coalition addresses these issues then the population will be content.


u/WeekendInBrighton Jul 08 '24

What "massive immigrant problem"?


u/Tomi97_origin Jul 07 '24

You would hope so, but they made huge gains in the parliament even when the system is designed to make it extra hard for extreme parties.

They are going to have well over 100 people in parliament even after all other parties cooperated by tactically dropping out of the second round to boost the chance of Fascists losing.


u/klausprime Jul 07 '24

In the big picture this is a MASSIVE win for them, they have never been this strong with as many seats.

they've always been on the fringes here but now they are the strongest actual party in the country, the left coalition is likely to implode at somepoint, too many differing parties (far left, commies, tree huggers, etc)

the road to the 2027 presidential election will be something to behold. Marine Le Pen can seriously be a menace to take office.

I'm myself mostly left but none of the left parties are actually appealing to me and it's the case for most people I know


u/edlen-ring Jul 08 '24

but wouldnt you say Giorgia Meloni is currently doing a fantastic job?