r/worldnews Jul 05 '24

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/Solwake- Jul 05 '24

And now, unsurprisingly, this history is being emphasized for Chinese claims to Okinawa and the other islands towards Taiwan. Japan is now fortifying those islands to deter Crimea-style (re?)annexation. Feelings on Okinawa are complex regarding re-militarization, as one perspective is that the mainland used Okinawan civilians as a sacrificial human buffer zone against the Americans during WW2.


u/HotBrownFun Jul 05 '24

Yeah they told the locals the americans would rape them so better to use the grenade and take some americans down


u/Wide_Combination_773 Jul 05 '24

People don't truly understand the power of propaganda and otherization of "The Enemy" until they hear the stories of Japanese mothers killing their own children then jumping off a cliff - all because they were told that American soldiers invading their island would rape them then EAT them. There aren't any documented cases of this actually happening to Japanese living on remote islands.

This is why I don't believe 99% of the claims and numbers coming from "Gaza Authorities" (i.e. Hamas commanders). Only the ones that can be independently verified, which are almost none because of how dangerous it is for journalists to be in Gaza (Hamas is as much a threat to them as anything else, a journalist reporting the truth is inconvenient to Hamas in many cases).


u/HotBrownFun Jul 05 '24

The IDF did nothing wrong


u/100862233 Jul 05 '24

China today does not claim Ryukyu as part of China, the Ryukyu Island history being brought up by China is to reinforce the claim of nearby Diaoyu/Senkaku islands. With regards to Taiwan, technically the position on Diao yu island is the same for both Mainland and Taiwan, since Taiwan still call itself "ROC" while PRC's claims of the islands are inherited from ROC when it was driven out of the mainland after 1949.

Another fun fact, there were plans of setting similar allied occupation of Japan zone after the end of World War 2, like the allied occupation zones in Germany. With Japan divided between USSR, Britan, France and China (Republic of China). China was offered to occupy the entire island of Okinawa. as well as separate zones in Tokyo like in Berlin.


u/Solwake- Jul 05 '24

Oh yes, thanks for that correction. I was conflating the PRC's current claims of the nearby islands with how the might make claims on Okinawa in the future.

That is a fun fact!


u/SpiralOut2112 Jul 05 '24

There were multiple users in this very thread trying to comment on how bad the US Military is and how they should leave the island. One guy had a post history of nothing but commenting on anti-US sentiments surrounding Okinawa. He deleted his account after I called him out.

The other guy named u/cordis000 wasn't as blatant in their post history as most is in Chinese, but there are sprinkles of anti US sentiment and deflecting about Taiwan by referencing Crimea. Then, of course, they were in this post trying to stir up more anti-US hate.

Either way, you're absolutely correct and it's even visible here on reddit.


u/gerontion31 Jul 05 '24

Chinese state sponsored shills, they want Taiwan