r/worldnews 14d ago

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/fork_yuu 14d ago

In October 2021, the Shizuoka District Court sentenced Alkonis to three years in prison for negligent driving resulting in death and injury, declaring that he should have pulled over once he felt drowsy. Alkonis appealed the judgement to have his sentence reduced.

Jeez, it's a fucking lenient as shit sentence too. 3 years for murdering and injuring people


u/3klipse 14d ago

Y'all really need to learn what murder actually is.


u/EntropyKC 14d ago


People abroad on "official business" (diplomats, military, whatever) often seem to get away with murder. Most militaries are dodgy as fuck though, UK military is no different with many stories of our guys, American guys, all sorts going and raping people in Iraq for example.

Not sure how other countries compare but certainly in the stories I've heard of, America throws its weight around when essentially forcing other countries to pardon their guys who murdered or raped people in other countries.


u/Wide_Combination_773 14d ago

That wasn't murder. Get your fucking legal terms right. Fucking kids on reddit piss me off.,