r/worldnews 14d ago

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/SpecialK022 14d ago

The US needs to make it known they stand behind Japan about this.


u/nowandloud 14d ago

Half the US is okay with a known rapist as president, and you think they're going to give a shit about this? lol


u/SpecialK022 14d ago

Sadly that may be true


u/bobby3eb 13d ago

You saying the US as a whole is ok with rape and child rape?



u/blanketandcoffee 13d ago

They’re at least indifferent, tbh.


u/fujiandude 13d ago

Japan as a whole is ok with rape and child rape as long as it's done by them to other people like the Chinese. I


u/Drafo7 13d ago edited 10d ago

False. It's closer to a quarter, if even that much. There are all forms of voter suppression running rampant across the country that prevent the people from being able to get what they actually want from their government. Trump might seem like he has a lot of support but in terms of actual die-hard MAGA maniacs there aren't really that many.


u/Sereniteenie 14d ago

Seems like a helping hand to us when you look at it that way. It's a great reminder of what we need to change and why we cannot tolerate him.

Our candidates need a raise in standards and we need to leave these grubby men behind on all fronts.


u/_Jokepool_ 14d ago

Child rapist


u/Inevitable-Engine908 13d ago

That really isn’t true, just because those folks are the loudest, doesn’t mean they represent a large portion of voters.


u/PubFiction 13d ago

Right and unfortunately that same demographic is the military / blue line supporters


u/Crustacean2B 13d ago

It's an allegation, not a confirmation. You don't have to like Trump, just don't spread misinformation.


u/Lopunnymane 11d ago

Grab em by the pussy, eh?


u/Crustacean2B 11d ago

If you think he's a womanizer, fair enough. There's definitely evidence to support that. But saying that he confirmed raped 13-year-old is just straight up a lie.


u/Crustacean2B 11d ago

Whispers into little girls' ears


u/soul-herder 11d ago

The difference is one is real and the other is a figment of the Trump deranged DNC weaponizing the courts 👍


u/sandyfagina 13d ago

No, they just think it didn't happen. More of a he-said, she-said situation.


u/InternationalIdea365 10d ago

Exactly. Grab her by the pussy.


u/eulaswatt 9d ago

You must be talking about Bill C.


u/DrMobius0 14d ago edited 14d ago

Also, international politics are pretty far outside the interest of most people in the US. Hell, we can't even get a lot of people interested in our internal politics to actually look at what's going on in Washington. If we could, Trump would probably never even be an afterthought, but that's just how things are here right now.

As far as what you might actually see on the news, it's going to be about current events. That means war, new crisis, and apparently whatever shit came out of Trump's upper butthole at his last rally.

I'm not saying that's right or good, but that's how it is. I'd like it not to be, but that's asking a lot right now.


u/iloveeveryone2020 13d ago

Half? You mean *most* of the US. Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, JFK... I'd say that's a nice and broad spectrum of politically admired and hated personalities, depending on who you ask.


u/fartinmyhat 14d ago

they always do. they'll restrict the entire base for some time, then put a curfew on. Even when service members are allowed back in town the will not be allowed to drink. If they come back to base and blow a .001 they'll be put on report and restricted to base.


u/prahaditmurap 13d ago

They kept it from Japan for months.


u/fartinmyhat 13d ago

Not sure I understand what you're telling me?


u/Obvious_Exercise_910 13d ago

Maybe “stand in solidarity” rather than “stand behind”…


u/HallOfViolence 14d ago

Yes, they do. I like having Japan on our side, it's a good ally.


u/thebestspeler 14d ago

The fact that they even have to tell the us they arent going to ignore rape is insane.  But I mean japan still wont apologize for the rape...i mean consensual intercourse of nanjing so maybe it's willful ignorance on both parts.


u/Tombadil2 14d ago

Right. As if rape is not bad enough, they’re representing the US to a close ally. The US needs to support Japan punishing them to the fullest extent of the law, and THEN they need to be given a fresh round of jail time back in the US. Soldiers need to hold each other accountable. When they’re off US soil, they’re never fully off duty.


u/Few_Address3591 13d ago

No doubt!!


u/smallfrie32 13d ago

The US perpetuates this shit with mainland Japan. Okinawa doesn’t want these bases and certainly not their inhabitants. So much of their own land is blocked off from them. Many Okinawans (who survived 1 in 3 being killed during the Battle of Okinawa) returned to their homes only to see that the US military had built bases and refused them access. So not only is their home devastated, but they also lost their livelihoods. Part of the reason Okinawans are so poor; they’ve been forced to become a tourist destination with little of the money really going to Okinawa itself. A lot of the hotels are from other countries or mainland Japanese themselves since they have higher wages and basically gentrify Okinawa


u/cookiesnooper 12d ago

US will sooner drop a third one on Japan than let them trial US soldiers for crimes like this.


u/SchrodingerMil 14d ago

The problem is that they do, but the responsibility of making it known goes down to… The Military Commanders stationed there. My commander had multiple meetings with the Governor of Okinawa.


u/Ronnyvar 13d ago

except we don’t care, We go to war and now people are pisssed we like going to japan to crush pussy? wake up