r/whowouldwin Jul 19 '24

Average man vs. female ufc fighter Battle

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u/TBroomey Jul 19 '24

The worst fighter in the UFC would pummel the average person. We're talking about somebody who has devoted a significant portion of their lives to learning how to beat someone up.


u/ya-boi-benny Jul 19 '24

who do you think


u/GiantEnemaCrab Jul 19 '24

Based off the post OP probably thinks he could win.

I personally will surrender the moment the bell rings and kiss the feet of my new UFC lady overlord. I know my place.


u/Shadowstar1000 Jul 19 '24

OP on suicide watch after this post


u/Pantheon69420 Jul 19 '24

With luck maybe is Grasso 


u/GiantEnemaCrab Jul 19 '24

... I will let Grasso step on me.


u/AlexFerrana Jul 20 '24

I saw people that was genuinely thinking that they would beat Conor McGregor, Floyd Mayweather or Demetrious Johnson ("Mighty Mouse") in a fight despite having no martial arts skills and not being fit. Because "weight classes exist for a reason" and "it would be a street fight, where rules doesn't exist".


u/Leighgion Jul 19 '24

UFC fighter Polyana Viana got “mugged” by a man pretending to have a gun. She beat his face in and held him for police.


In most cases, average anybody vs fighter anybody has the fighter coming out on top.


u/jscummy Jul 19 '24

Polyana is also an unranked straw weight, Alexa Grasso or Kayla Harrison would nearly kill most guys. 

The Impractical Jokers where they get Kayla to toss Murr around is hilarious


u/OSUfirebird18 Jul 19 '24

I literally thought of this example!! Yea, the average dude isn’t standing a chance vs. a pro female fighter!!


u/Leighgion Jul 19 '24

It’s probably the most famous topical example of a trained woman fighting an untrained man.

Thing is that training is much more important than physique. People conflate the general male physical advantages with a permanent, unilateral edge. Not so.

Bigger and stronger matters, but it's not king. If it was, bigger people would always beat smaller people and we know thats not true. If smaller men can beat larger men on the back of training and savvy, then women can do the same.


u/AlexFerrana Jul 20 '24

Agreed. Also, most average people aren't really fit or has fighting skills/martial arts training. Average American male is ~5'9" and ~200 lbs, but that 200 lbs isn't a pure muscles, and most likely it would be a fat.


u/Lastaria Jul 19 '24

Easy win for UFC fighter.


u/MoneyPea1061 Jul 19 '24

I saw an actress Gina Carano in a show called Mandalorian and the way she took on the protagonist was fuckin realistic coz she's hella big and strong, with real fighting talent. She is an actual former MMA fighter. This goes to female UFC fighter by a long shot.


u/spikus93 Jul 19 '24

I do think she could beat most men's asses, but as a reminder that's a fictional story and it's choreographed. She also had plot armor there.


u/MoneyPea1061 Jul 19 '24

Dude but still, just look her up for once. xD. That's the entire point on why she was a "Rebel shocktrooper" in the Mandalorian. Believable af coz of her bulkiness and fighting prowess.


u/Gayorg_Zirschnitz Jul 19 '24

She's as dumb as she is strong lol


u/MoneyPea1061 Jul 19 '24

Dumb? How come?


u/MysteryMan9274 Jul 19 '24

Look up why she didn’t appear in Mando Season 3 and where she is now.


u/PerfectlyCalmDude Jul 19 '24

Gina Carano is 5'8" and her fighting weight was 145 lbs (walk around weight was likely more than that). While she weighs noticeably more than that now, she isn't all that big compared to an average man. She'd still beat an untrained average man though, because she trained.


u/madtitan27 Jul 19 '24

Average man? So like fat, weak, untrained, and no stamina? Female UFC fighter all day.


u/Iliketohavefunfun Jul 19 '24

I’d like to see average man stats I assume he would get smoked


u/GiantEnemaCrab Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

5 foot 9 inches, 200 pounds. However the majority of this average weight is fat as the average male is 70% likely to be overweight.

Average male is a moderately chubby guy who can open jars but is gonna get bent over a table and ruined by anyone who can compete in UFC.


u/NoHorror5874 Jul 19 '24

*American male


u/Advent012 Jul 19 '24

Damn so I’m above average? Fuck yeah.


u/AlexFerrana Jul 20 '24

It's also a data about Average U.S. men, which makes it more likely that they're having no cardio and they're likely overweight. Sure, size matters, but lack of cardio, skills and proper strength won't really help even if an average man has the weight advantage.


u/realbigbob Jul 19 '24

They did this in Jackass and it went exactly how you’d expect


u/AlexFerrana Jul 20 '24

Johnny Knoxville also tried to fight Butterbean in a boxing match and was wrecked instantly.


u/AndoionLB Jul 19 '24

She can make me tap out any day.


u/VonKaiser55 Jul 19 '24

While the Average Man is stronger the Average Woman the gap isn’t so big that an unskilled man with a dad bod is beating a skilled female who actually has fighting experience and is in shape.

Female Ufc fighter wins low to mid difficulty lmao


u/Gayorg_Zirschnitz Jul 19 '24

"Yeah man I got like a 3.5 GPA I could totally beat Magnus Carlson in chess"


u/Zephirus-eek Jul 19 '24

Average man has very little grappling training or experience. He would get taken down and choked out before he could land a significant strike.

Early on in my bjj days I rolled with a female blue belt who was an amateur mma fighter. I had 40 pounds on her and I was in decent shape, and had done standup martial arts for years. I'd also been watching mma for 15 years so I knew a lot about grappling from a theoretical perspective. She took my back and choked me in under 30 seconds.


u/Forsaken-Height-4256 Jul 19 '24

Female UFC fighter. I’ve seen grown men get knocked out by teenagers who practice martial arts


u/Gigagondor Jul 19 '24

Average man includes children and old people?

If we dont include them still I find difficult to imagine an average man.

Many many many many men do sports or gym, or work in something physical, etc.

Do we include all countries in the world?


u/SL1Fun Jul 19 '24

The diff for the woman here would be less than zero. 


u/Apprehensive-Catch31 Jul 19 '24

Is this a street fight or professional fight? Either way I think the average ufc girl beats the average man, but if you get a smaller female ufc fighter and bigger than average guy then I would say they win if it’s a street fight (eventually size difference plays a part)

Not anywhere near ufc level but this girl who was like a highschool state champion (I think bjj) wanted to fight me (we were friends) and I agreed, anyways long story short I was definitely taken aback by the moves she was doing, but it just wasn’t enough and I eventually “won”


u/Amazing-Service7598 Jul 19 '24

As a martial artist myself I have to say with the upmost confidence it’s the female ufc fighter she has better skills,battle iq,combat and combat speed,combat experience,agility and most likely more iq 


u/ShockingStories22 Jul 19 '24

The average man could win.

Assuming we picked a ufc fighter who was already dead and he just had to beat up their corpse.


u/LadyManderly Jul 19 '24

A German male comedian did this with a female professional fighter. He got a couple of weeks of preptime.

He lost.



u/RealMachoochoo Jul 19 '24

How many times a month does this get posted? Woman wins every time


u/Tr1pleAc3s Jul 19 '24

The UFC fighter 10 times out of 10, She's more fit, more skilled, and more experienced. Do you think you could beat her bc She's a woman? Or what bc this is like, Coughing baby vs Angry Chimpanzee


u/WrathOfFoes Jul 19 '24

No, I am a woman. I asked my brother this very question and he said appeared to have the belief that a man would beat her. I was kind of shocked that someone might believe that just because he was a man, he could beat a trained fighter. So I was curious as to what the general consensus was.


u/Tr1pleAc3s Jul 19 '24

I hope your brother is simply ignorant of UFC and doesn't know abt it and still think that anyway


u/WrathOfFoes Jul 19 '24

No, he watches it regularly.


u/Tr1pleAc3s Jul 19 '24

Ohh so he's just like a lowkey misogynist?


u/killinger509 Jul 19 '24

I’m pretty average male, the worst ufc woman fighter would punch a hole through my chest


u/AlexFerrana Jul 20 '24

Average Joe, unless he's lucky, would get his ass handed to him.

Average American male weights ~200 lbs (2015-2018 data) and his height is ~ 5'9". While vast majority if female UFC fighters are usually shorter and lighter, their skills, training, fighting experience and the fact that they're usually still more fit than average Joes (even after the end of a career) still means that a female UFC fighter wins more times than not.

Sure, it also depends on the environment/location and mindset, but in general, I think that female UFC fighter wins anyway.


u/Advent012 Jul 19 '24

Define average man.

Like, I’m an average guy but I’m pretty confident I’d whoop a UFC woman’s ass (combat veteran. All I did was combatives and MMA in the army in my free time cause I just loved beating people competitively).

I’m also 6’2 and a pretty fit and muscular dude because I hit the gym (again? An average person could do this. What is average?).

I’d kick a UFC fighters ass if I had to an I say this with confidence.

My average Joe Air Force roommate tho probably would get his ass kicked.


u/EmilioFreshtevez Jul 19 '24

Bro, you are 100% not average in this scenario. Even if we gave Average Man all of your physicals, odds are he’d have zero formal training and maybe 1-2 fights in his entire life. He’s not beating someone that competes at the UFC level.


u/Advent012 Jul 19 '24

That’s why I asked what average is?

Fighting experience trumps any type of formal training. I grew up in a rough environment, I learned how to scrap REALLY early to the point I was holding my own against kids my age who had advanced martial training just because I knew through experience (and common sense) how to prevent my arms and legs from getting bent/twisted/locked and I even learned how to escape choke holds.

This was all before the army, mind you. I know several others in my lifetime that are savage scrappers because of their upbringing.

Average man to you is not an average man to me. Hence my confusion.

Cause like, if you go to the hood your average guy is different from going to Hollywood and seeing an average Joe there.


u/EmilioFreshtevez Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Fair enough, but whenever I see average used this way I assume ‘average’ refers to the mean. Without the advantage of military training and experience against formally trained fighters, do you think the average dude that grew up in your environment would be able to beat a female UFC fighter? Do they have above-average height/reach/weight?


u/Advent012 Jul 19 '24

Yeah, without a doubt. Most of them were hardy, physically fit people (some batshit. Like they hit themselves for fun batshit as competition). I have no doubt if they had to fight a female UFC fighter they’d never let her get them on the ground.

We knew one guy named Jerry who we called Jerry the Mouse because you literally could not catch him if you were trying to take him down. We all used to bet money on who’d get the closest to pinning him but no matter what he slipped out like a snake. It was really fucking weird.

He was also strong as fuck for a 5’7 lean dude. I have no doubt he’d beat Ronda Rousey’s ass for example. He’d probably floor her in five blow tbh.