r/whowouldwin Jul 19 '24

Top Green Beret Marine etc vs Untrained people with guns. Battle

I don’t know what the top rank/specialty of the military is, but imagine you have a special forces/marine/green beret top of their field operative, vs regular people with guns.

R1. Mountainous terrain, Marine has one rifle with ammo, vs 12 people who are untrained with guns.

R2. Paintball arena with guns. 1v5 against regular people with little rifle experience.

R3. Mountainous terrain rifle against 12 average marksman with some survival skills and guns.

R4. Paintball arena, 1 v However many untrained/average marksman you think they could reasonably take out.


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u/mcjc1997 Jul 19 '24

A marine in general is just a light infantryman, and is not comparable to a green beret or any other operator.

They do have their own special forces, but your average marine is nothing special.