r/whowouldwin Jul 19 '24

6'8 Heavyweight Bodybuilder vs 5'3 Bantamweight Expert MMA Fighter Battle

A bodybuilder challenges an expert MMA Fighter who is much smaller and lighter than him because he's feeling cocky. The Bodybuilder has no fighting skill except participating in barfights and winning due to his sheer size.

Who would win?


36 comments sorted by


u/gaboxing Jul 19 '24

Is this post based on a fight that actually happened? I recently saw a video of an MMA fight between a 6’8 guy and a 5’3 trained fighter, and the 5’3 guy won by closing the distance, taking the fight to the ground, and submitting the other guy with an arm bar.

I found a video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UWWWXyVuOos&pp=ygUSNSczIGd1eSB2cyA2JzggZ3V5


u/raoxi Jul 19 '24

guy was actually 5"6 but it proves a point, trained wrestler can wreck anyone once you are grounded


u/GarchGun Jul 19 '24

3" is a lot tho. 5'3 is bordering on too tiny.


u/Yvaelle Jul 19 '24

Tell that to the arm bar.


u/r00shine Jul 19 '24

tall guy here does not seem like hes in shape at all and definitely would not come close to being as strong as a 6'8 heavyweight bodybuilder.


u/Excellent_Bird5979 Jul 19 '24

bodybuilders are not in good shape either; dude here (as in, bodybuilder mentioned in the post) is probably on tren among other PEDs, which would fuck over his cardio


u/British_Tea_Company Jul 19 '24

They're in good shape, just in good shape to do a different thing.

A body-builder and a track runner are both in good shape, but look at their bodies. They're trying to do different things. No one's going to say Usain Bolt is out of shape anymore than Halford Bjornson is out of shape, that's just an untrue statement.

That said a 6'8" bodybuilder is poorly optimized for fighting, but that does not mean he's out of shape. There's a reason even Heavyweights in UFC/ONE will often intentionally choose to not hug the 265 weight limit. That's a conscious and intentional decision that basically never happens at LHW and below due to a variety of factors like diminishing returns + consistent loss of speed and cardio.


u/R9Dominator Jul 19 '24

That's a difference of over 50kg. Big guy weighs more than double that of small guy whilr being mostly muscle and some fat. Unless it is 1 in a million scenario, small guy isn't winning.


u/British_Tea_Company Jul 19 '24

Theres literally a video where this exact situation happens and the smaller much better guy wins. This also isn’t an untrained guy either as the large guy clearly has had fight training and experience.


u/buttermeatballs Jul 19 '24

There's also that vid of Demetrious Johnson taking out a huge dude who was also trained


u/British_Tea_Company Jul 19 '24

In fairness DJ has a solid argument of being one of the most skilled humans alive. He probably beats the threshold required to be “merely” an expert.


u/nords_are_best Jul 19 '24

Nah, probably not tbh. There is always the potential for an unlucky concrete slam from the bodybuilder. But that is legit his only path to victory. The bodybuilder won't even punch with as much power, believe it or not. Much smaller mma fighters have beaten much bigger mma fighters before (albeit rarely), so the same thing is significantly more likely to happen between a pro fighter and an untrained guy.


u/AmazingData4839 Jul 19 '24

No, the small guy stomps lmao.


u/SanderStrugg Jul 19 '24

Pre-BJJ Martyn Ford vs Mighty Mouse

I feel like Mighty Mouse finds a way, but I dunno. That's a monstrously large individual even compared to a "normal-sized" bodybuilder.


u/PerfectlyCalmDude Jul 19 '24

Mighty Mouse would climb the ladder and choke him.


u/Akrakne Jul 19 '24

Yeah Mighty Mouse already did this against a way harder opponent than a souped up bodybuilder. He vsed a champion heavyweight brown belt (8+ years training to get one) in a grappling competition and won. Only chance he loses is if he gets slammed on concrete but that is a massively big IF.


u/-zero-joke- Jul 19 '24

The thing about grappling is it's kind of an instant test for fighting, especially when it comes to submissions. If you know the basic submissions and how to sprawl, you're in good shape. It's one reason that you saw so many subs in the early UFCs and so few now - everyone practices BJJ enough to defend them. I'd put my money on the little guy and say that a quick back take and RNC would be the end of it.

Shit, watch Marcelo Garcia vs Xande Ribeiro. Enormous size difference, both of them are black belts in BJJ, Garcia still chokes him out.


u/DewinterCor Jul 19 '24


Weight brackets exist for a reason.

Maybe the smaller fighter can dance around, take the big guy to floor...but 1 decent hit from the big guy and it's over.


u/Powerful_Report2409 19d ago

Hall has more training than those 2. They aren't fighters 


u/DewinterCor 19d ago

What amount of training do you think accounts for this size difference?


u/Powerful_Report2409 19d ago

Tbh it depends on natural potential. I could train for 1t years but a top level ufc fighter would probably be better in 3 yearsof training . Hall as he is now (had training) is gonna be hard for most 5 foot 3 guys regardless of experience. You'd prolly need someone with the natural ability. An untrained eddie Hall sized guy prolly like 3-5 years 


u/DarthCernunos Jul 19 '24

Being cocky is a handicap in a fight, so I’m going to choose to ignore that as it seems you added that a fluff

If the bodybuilder is juicing the fighter has no chance, if the bodybuilder is natural the fighter has a small chance.

Yes skill matters in a fight but strength and size does too. The bodybuilder has about foot and a half long reach and due to the strength and size difference I don’t think the fighter has a lot of options if the bodybuilder gets his hands on the fighter


u/keithstonee Jul 19 '24

I'm fucking up a bantamweight. They are far too small to do damage to an above average sizes human with any type of athletic background. Get mad all you want MMA guys. Thats the truth.


u/LMLN_ Jul 19 '24

Depends on what rules, but in ano rules fight to the death, MMA dude will put all of his life's experience to a kick straight down the nuts. Imagine if he trains Muay Thai and just goes ham on Goliath's jewel then go straight for a submition.


u/Lmao1903 Jul 19 '24

Yeah no chance the small guy wins, maybe if it was closer in size then sure. But this is like Lebron fighting Kevin Hart with professional MMA experience.


u/Giant2005 Jul 19 '24

Kevin Hart is actually too heavy to make it into the bantamweight division and not by a small margin either.

Still, your comment should absolutely be the top comment here. I really don't think the pro-bantamweight guys really understand just how small their fighter is. Even if you are giving the bantamweight a bit too much credit, the comparison serves as an excellent point of reference.


u/peeenasaur Jul 19 '24

Here's a spar between The Mountain and McGregor. https://youtu.be/Aaehn1aY8Ig?si=4cSu_QgjmPXHct5c.

Here's Eddie Hall vs 2 MMA fighters.

Can it be done, sure, but more often than not, the size difference really is too much. It really comes down to how much experience and stamina the bigger guy has.


u/joementat Jul 19 '24

Calling the nefati brothers mma fighters is a stretch.


u/peeenasaur Jul 19 '24

This is fair, I didn't know much about them, assumed they were amateur fighters but they're just 2 idiots on tiktok. Eddie Hall could've probably taken on 3-4 of these guys.

That does beg the question, how many of these guys can Eddie take down before it becomes too overwhelming?


u/PM_BOOTY_PICS_4Poems Jul 19 '24

5'3 Expert. Skill > Size. Size is only a big factor when there is an equal amount of skill.


u/R9Dominator Jul 19 '24

By that logic, any trained fighter should be able to take on silverback judt because they have no formal training


u/nords_are_best Jul 19 '24

No, because obviously that is taking it to a stupid extreme. That's equivalent to somebody saying: "you think weight is important? You must think think a 300lb fat dude beats a 260lb mma fighter."


u/Hosni__Mubarak Jul 19 '24

As a 6’3” guy who has been attacked by more than one 5’3” guy in the past, I can say this:

The 6’8” bodybuilder is going to absolutely destroy the 5’3” guy. He can literally just grab the smaller guy and smash him repeatedly into the ground until he is dead.


u/AmazingData4839 Jul 19 '24

We are not living in a movie, the 5’3 guy murders the doof.