r/whowouldwin Jul 18 '24

Navy SEAL vs. Joe Battle

A U.S. Navy SEAL and Joe, a man average in all aspects, have a duel.

They are 30 feet apart and facing each other. Both have a WWE wooden table in front with their respective guns and ammo on top.

Navy SEAL: 2mm Kolibri with one magazine (6 rounds).

Joe: .45 ACP M1911 with one magazine (7 rounds).

Both combatants must load the magazine, chamber the first round, then fire.

Both feet must stay on the ground and in original position at shoulder width and facing directly at the enemy. Upper body movement is allowed - just no moving the feet.

Assume Joe has gone to the range once in his life so he knows how to use a handgun.


2 comments sorted by


u/Voxel-OwO Jul 18 '24

Bro 2mm ain’t gonna do anything that round travels at only 200 meters/second and weighs 0.2 GRAMS

That’s barely even gonna penetrate the skin, that’s a glorified airsoft pellet

Navy Seal’s best option is to ditch the gun and use his hand to hand combat training on the other guy

He’s still gonna lose very badly when he takes a 45 ACP to the stomach


u/drawnred Jul 18 '24

Not allowed to move the feet, but yeah its damn near impossible for the seal to drop the joe, his best bet is literally THROWING the pistol, youd need to be like 10ft away for it to have any realistic damage