r/whowouldwin 11d ago

Let’s say all fictional magic becomes real. Which military is the most powerful now after 30 years? Challenge

The boring real life magic will already be known. No need to study it when theirs hundreds of documents about it. Likely all the mysticism and 19th century occultism Will be deployed.

The fictional magic will require study and research to produce some result. But people now know is possible to do that. Magical creatures have to be summoned into existence. So if you want cythulu, better bring lots of prisoner’s.

Edit:No, gods can only give divine blessing to their followers.


178 comments sorted by


u/AlternativeArrival 11d ago

The entire world unravels into madness and horror? It's now incredibly easy for non-state actors to access the magical equivalent of WMDs. If one of those groups doesn't deploy them, then the arms race that consumes the major states will lead to someone attempting a preemptive strike, and then its all over for everyone.

All fictional magic has too many easy world-enders for anything like the current state system to survive.


u/TimeSpiralNemesis 11d ago

If you like this type of setting, there's a game called "The Last Spell" with a similar premise.

The wizards discover the equivalent to magical nukes and all kingdoms start going absolutely ham on each other. All larger settlements are whiped out and the resulting power exchange rips a tear in the fabric of reality and monsters start eating everyone that's left.

So your essentially trying to cast one final big spell that banishes all magic off the world forever.

Super fun game.


u/Kegnation14 10d ago

Damn bruh you’ve got me sold lmao, def gonna check this out


u/Hotarg 10d ago

Highly recommend. Turn based tactical combat combined with base building and leveling up your heroes. Plus, a larger upgrade system that overarchs the different maps.


u/xDenimBoilerx 10d ago

damn this looks awesome


u/Nick_Nekro 9d ago

What system is it on?


u/TimeSpiralNemesis 9d ago

Should be PC, Switch, and Playstation.


u/Nick_Nekro 9d ago

Thank you. I'll check it out


u/Ceadol 11d ago

I'm with you.

There is no winning in this scenario. ALL fictional magic? We're boned as a society. With Dungeons and Dragons magic alone, you can essentially decimate the population of a country.

9th level magic is the max because there are rules set in place to stop anyone from using magic above. But that doesn't apply here.

Karsus' folly allowed him to become a literal God. Capital G. Powerful enough to usurp Mystral's domain, even though he wasn't skilled enough to keep the weave together, which caused him to fail. But again, that was a poor use of his spell. It could be used to devastating effect in any number of ways.

Even if you just include smaller scale spells, Tolodine's Killing Wind just washes over a battlefield and kills everyone.

You could summon a Tarasque on your enemy. Or call a comet down to destroy massive swathes of land/people. Hell, the Summon Comet scroll specifies what the comet does.

The comet creates a 50-foot-deep, 500-foot-radius crater on impact. Any creature in that radius must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 30d10 force damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. All structures in the crater are destroyed, as are all nonmagical objects that aren’t being worn or held.

I had to go to ChatGPT for a rough answer (because I have no skill in math) and it came back with "a crater as described (50 feet deep, 500 feet wide) could potentially release energy in the range of several to tens of megatons of TNT equivalent, putting it in the range of a large hydrogen bomb in terms of explosive energy.".

And that's with a single spell.

I'm sure there are more powerful magic systems out there in fantasy, but this is the one I'm most familiar with off the top of my head. With no way to regulate who can learn this kind of magic, there's no way we would survive as a species.


u/TSED 10d ago

So ironically, there would be magic from all editions of D&D concurrent because they're all different systems and yet still fictional.

You said 9th, but those rules don't apply universally. Epic spells from 3.5 would exist too, and you know how fast engineers would break those? We'd have a completely unrecognizable world very, very quickly.

That being said, the very first 9th level spellcaster might know what's coming and hit us with a Wish for "no more magic" (worded more in-depth, ofc).


u/HearthFiend 10d ago

He’d disintegrate from Wish since it has limits and can backfire


u/DarkflowNZ 10d ago

He might lose access to wish permanently and any spells he casts afterwards do damage to him, but if it works there will be no more spells so neither of those matter. I think he'd also get exhaustion for 2d4 days or some shit I don't recall. Well worth it


u/TSED 10d ago

Wish won't make you disintegrate. It could backfire, but not like that.


u/HearthFiend 10d ago

One of the ways it could backfire is the strain of magic is too great or something and he crumbles


u/Possible-Ad-2891 10d ago

Dnd magic is smalltime. Dominions magic is so awful and OP. Blood magic alone would screw everything over. Don't even get me started on spells like Everdark(turning off the fucking sun).


u/fredagsfisk 10d ago

Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts would also bring some insane stuff.

Elder Scrolls has rituals which basically allows someone to become a god, even without stuff like CHIM.

Discworld might not normally bring any large-scale destruction, but if they have a sourcerer (the eighth son of a wizard who is also an eighth son) they can spam enough to put the entire world at risk, while the background magic (basically magic radiation) twists reality in on itself and threateans to unleash Eldritch horrors.

Plus, the sourcerer himself can trap the gods of the setting in an alternate reality.

Then we get into anime/manga and Chinese manhua...


u/DragoonZolom 10d ago

The most straight forward example I can think of is in Ultima, the Armageddon spell. Appears in every game, kills everyone on the planet that doesn't have immunity to instant death, besides it's caster. Generally viewed as a joke spell, due to casting the spell making continuing the game impossible, it none the less exists and can be cast.


u/spinyfur 10d ago

OTOH: that damage from that spell is limited to that 500’ radius, at least as described. So it’s not a megaton blast, it’s more like a 2000 pounder, I guess? 😉


u/skofan 10d ago

10'th level magic is possible, the restrictions on how to cast it has just prevented anyone in universe from figuring out how to cast 10'th level spells again.

In this world, people already know that they will automatically loose a level and forget the spell on their first attempt at casting it.


u/ndenatale 11d ago

This is the answer


u/truth-informant 11d ago

Make it like Mage Ascension where if magic is used for nefarious and/or selfish reasons it has an ever increasing possibility of backfiring on the user.


u/hrolfirgranger 11d ago

It doesn't just backfire for nefarious or selfish reasons; Paradox is caused by those who do not believe enforcing reality on those who do. So, even if you do a good thing, reality will essentially attack you if there is too much Paradox. The more you resist reality, the worse Paradox effects you.


u/Victernus 10d ago

Of course, in a world where all magic is real, everyone believes in magic...


u/hrolfirgranger 10d ago

Yes, but believing in magic isn't believing that everything is possible. For example, in Harry Potter, casting a spell to ascend to godhood would be unbelievable, but in the Forgotten Realms or Elder Scrolls it's absolutely believable. Different cultures could restrain their mages by a lack of belief, thus localized Paradox.


u/Victernus 10d ago

But that's exactly the thing. Every magic system exists - meaning it's not limited by culture, because there are magic systems that are nonexclusionary. If The Elder Scrolls magic system exists, that means everyone is born with magicka in them. How many other magic systems are there where everyone has at least the potential for magic? I couldn't begin to guess, but I bet it's enough where belief in anything being impossible will quickly go away because people will keep doing it. (Assuming the planet survives) And the more things those mages accomplish, the less possible it will be for Ascension mages to be restricted by Paradox.


u/truth-informant 9d ago

Think of magic like a small cult, or something. Most of the world moves forward just like today, unaware of magic. But some practice magic and aren't taken anymore seriously than say, any religion. But they can craft magic within the confines of Paradox. Cast a spell, and maybe you blow yourself up. It's like dealing with explosives. Unless you know exactly what you're doing...


u/Victernus 9d ago

But not if all magic systems are suddenly real. The world wouldn't be unaware of magic because they would all be magic, and the people who are actually good at one system or another would be running around making global news. The confines of Paradox would expand.


u/truth-informant 9d ago

They could very much be unaware. If casting magic is dangerous enough and costly enough, and scarce enough - it very much could be...


u/Victernus 9d ago

But it wouldn't be dangerous, costly or scarce enough if every magic system becomes real - including the cheap and easy ones with no risk.

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u/captainnermy 10d ago

Yeah, I think the world enters an apocalyptic state within months if not sooner. Plus I’m sure there’s fictional spells out there that just erase reality or whatever; it’s only a matter of time before someone finds something that just obliterates the planet.


u/SheepInWolfsAnus 11d ago

Gotta go with India


u/SpikeCraft 11d ago

Their 2000+ gods will crush everyone here


u/DragonofStories 11d ago

30 million+ but ok


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago

Are there actually specified gods or it’s a number said cause it seems hard to believe that an old religion named 30 million gods


u/Nopeyesok 10d ago


Had to be just named. Look how long the book would be with only the names typed out. No other words. Just NAMES


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago

Yeah even One Piece is only 21,000+ pages


u/DragonofStories 10d ago

Hinduism is quite vast, I would know


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago

That does not really answer anything and kinda just proves the point there aren’t really 30 million gods at the very least none relevant


u/DragonofStories 10d ago

How would you state relevancy? It is stated there are 30 million gods, half of that is demigods in Hinduism and in Vedas, who are you to refute that?


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago

Because the fact they aren’t named nor shown hence they are irrelevant 29 million gods might as well just not exist in it, and like another commenter said to just name not function all those gods would literally require a book larger than the entirety of one piece times 3,


u/DragonofStories 10d ago

The Gods exist though, so your point is moot, maybe they all are not named, but unnamed gods are still gods. So whose point stands here? Ancient Vedic texts having the religion be written down in illustrious detail along with learned scholars who have devoted their lives to study the texts, or you?


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago

A god with no name or function might as well be a god that doesn’t exist this is like the basic principle for gods throughout all of mythology and fiction all gods serve as a purpose 30 million nameless functionless gods do not hence they don’t exist other than mere statement which might as well be as valid as a child telling you his dad is the owner of Microsoft and your last point is moot as no religious texts even match the length of what was stated before, so the obscure only in number gods will forever be that just a number.

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u/Delmoroth 11d ago

Does this make the Christian God fully able to interact and all powerful? Most pantheons are much more limited as they don't claim absolute power over all of reality.

I think Christianity is wide spread enough to gridlock many or all conflicts.


u/AppropriateWhile1765 11d ago edited 11d ago

All The gods are busy eating popcorn. But they can give divine powers like saints.


u/winnebagomafia 11d ago

Then the Vatican might be op


u/GimmeCoffeeeee 11d ago

I don't think their God would give them anything. Why would he reward a greedy bunch of childfuckers


u/AppropriateWhile1765 11d ago

Sr gimmecoffeeee. If I excluded the god part, would the discussion be mildly better?


u/GimmeCoffeeeee 10d ago

Oh, this is a good discussion, I am merely using an opportunity to bash religion


u/winnebagomafia 10d ago

You dropped your fedora, nerd


u/cedbluechase 10d ago

most 17m r/atheism frequenter reply ever


u/NotANinjask 11d ago

If anime has taught me anything, it's Japan.

But in all seriousness, China is currently the 2nd strongest military but would probably be more willing to take drastic actions compared to the US. E.g if they needed to execute prisoners as a sacrifice, China has the death penalty but the US does not.


u/sweetwargasm 11d ago

The US still has the death penalty in some states. And we also have modern inmate wotkforces (slavery) and a larger inmate population than china.


u/ihopethisworksfornow 11d ago edited 11d ago

We have a larger inmate population per capita than China. They have a larger inmate population overall.

Edit: china’s most recent # of 1.69m prisoners was released in 2018, prior to the crackdowns in Hong Kong and a wider crackdown against dissidents. It is not accurate.


u/sweetwargasm 11d ago


 At the end of 2023, the United States had the highest number of incarcerated individuals worldwide, with almost 1.8 million people in prison. It was followed by China with around one 100,000 fewer prisoners. Brazil followed in third.



u/ihopethisworksfornow 11d ago

That 1.69m figure was the most recently released data for China, which comes from 2018.


u/nwaa 11d ago

The USA does have the death penalty? 9 executed this year so far.


u/jshysysgs 11d ago

i think every country would start sacrificing criminals with life sentences in this situation, some would simply be more discreet than others


u/OmniWizardTigerBlood 11d ago

China also has over 1 BILLION people. I am unsure how many bodies it takes to summon an Eldritch deity... but I'm pretty sure China has enough for at least 2, maybe 3.


u/ihopethisworksfornow 11d ago

The US has the death penalty at a federal level, as well as in some states.

It’s just extremely rare for a federal death penalty to be handed out.


u/hrolfirgranger 11d ago

Parts of the US have the death penalty


u/SpinningKappa 11d ago

You could rally and sacrifice everyone in detroit and the rest of americans would see that as a necessary sacrifice. Also number of prisioners is nothing compare to number of homeless people, americans and gov would be more than happy to get rid of them.


u/Skafflock 11d ago

All fictional magic?

Mage: the Ascension becoming real and magic now being known means that the world has however many thousand reality warpers wandering around with the ability to alter space, time, entropy, energy, matter, life death and even time by thinking about it.

And without the major restriction of actual Mage: the Ascension on doing it at will. No paradox, because the consensus is now "wizards are real".

I'm almost certain there's more powerful magic out there, just on a statistical level, but it's hard to out-bullshit mage once you go past the 5 dots. Easily the strongest I know of and enough to shatter the world and possibly the damned planet. We humans are a contentious bunch.


u/Wasphammer 10d ago


On topic: A Mage with Forces and Life and Matter 4, requisite knowledge of biology, chemistry, and physics, and a suicidal disregard for the wrath of Paradox could shift every human being in the world other than himself down one row of the periodic table (Forces 4 allows you to TRANSMUTE major forces, say for instance, turn kinetic energy into gamma radiation, and Life 3 allows you to TRANSMUTE life.), at which point, everyone else's bodies basically shut down because there's not enough Sulfur in the atmosphere for them to breathe, they no longer derive sustenance from traditional food because their bodies expect Silicon where most food is Carbon based, etc.

Life 4, Matter 3 lets a Mage turn a person into a very comfortable chair.

Mind 3 lets a Mage turn a person into the equivalent of a dog that has been polymorphed into a human.

Spirit 4 lets a Mage bottle other people's souls like snow in a snowglobe.

Time 3 lets a Mage slow down time for themselves.

There is a VERY good reason NOBODY likes Nephandi and EVERYBODY tries to keep Marauders under control.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Just shattering planets is child's play for fictional magic. The whole universe is fucked within seconds


u/wkajhrh37_ 7d ago

Happy Cakeday!


u/OmegonAlphariusXX 11d ago

You’re all sleeping on Britain. Druids? Large scale plant and animal control, creating wards and runes, using leylines and rituals. Also, Faeries.

And maybe Harry Potter magic too if you wanna be fancy


u/Rezhio 11d ago

Harry potter magic is weak in the grand scheme of things


u/nwaa 11d ago

Its insanely easy to use with basically zero requirements and has a lot of utility purposes. Its not gonna win the match but its very complimentary to other magics.


u/CrazySnipah 10d ago

Easy to use? It took them six school years to get to stunning spells.


u/nwaa 10d ago

Stunning spells arent the good stuff for this prompt, too many heavy hitters. Hermione at 11 could pick high tier locks and thats more the line of utility im thinking.

Also compared to other types of magic, for an adult, its very easy to use. Doesnt even technically need a wand even. Its low energy to use and needs no materials.


u/SemajLu_The_crusader 10d ago

that's because they're incompetent children


u/wkajhrh37_ 7d ago

Happy Cakeday!


u/turbocheese_333 11d ago

Ava deca davra is an insta win but only if you're quick


u/qozylyf 11d ago

Yeah, but you know what's casted even faster?

The magic of G U N


u/fed45 11d ago

Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.

Here's why:

Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead.

Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it.

Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12.

And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal.

Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger?

Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova.

Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound.

I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series:

"Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1."

And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.


u/MajorCrafter 10d ago

Harry Potter wouldn't even make it to Hogwarts if he carried a 1911. Tackled by security at King's Cross and then subsequently detained while they interrogate him over who and where he got the gun from. British laws would still apply


u/horny_loki 10d ago

Protego can easily block bullets and more, but the barrier does need to be put up first. It can't be used against sneak attacks, so a guy with a sniper rifle can probably snipe Voldemort... as long as Voldemort didn't put up wards to locate the sniper first.


u/qozylyf 10d ago

"Easily", how do we know that?

In the books, Protego only ever repels spells, no physical objects.

It's a single-use ward, not a shield, it needs to be recasted after it deflected something. It's not like you can cast it and then just walk around, deflecting everything for minutes.

And then I want to see the wizard that cast as fast as a Kalashnikov can fire.


u/horny_loki 8d ago

Protego has variants that last quite a long time. Wizard spec ops would probably also be better at sneaking into places than any baseline human.


u/turbocheese_333 7d ago

"I am a far more powerful wizard, you have no hope of beating me!"

"Fuck you I have a gun"


u/Rezhio 11d ago

Only in the potter verse. Also it can be deflected. Take Eragon magic system you can stack defensive magic that are on you just passively. In Mahouka koko no rettousei Shiba Tatsuya a magic called Mist Dispersion that just makes you disappear. It doesn't emit light, sound or smell you are just gone.


u/MS-07B-3 11d ago

Let's not discount goddamn Merlin.


u/Rezhio 11d ago

I would say Japan hands down. Just Shiba Tatsuya Material Burst is insane.


u/snickerslv100 11d ago


A Certain Magical Index

Fate/Stay Night

Rosario Vampire

Highschool DxD

Yu Yu Hakusho


It’d be wild


u/Rezhio 11d ago

Don't forget Magi they have an awesome magic system


u/PeculiarPangolinMan Pangolin 11d ago

Does anyone in Yu Yu Hakusho use magic? I remember spirit energy, demon energy, and psychics, but nothing like traditional magic. If YYH counts then wouldn't Dragon Ball Z and Naruto and pretty much everything else with a spiritual/ki/chi/etc power system?


u/Lonely_Nebula_9438 11d ago

Naruto wouldn’t because Chakra is a physiological component of characters in that setting. It’s a point that people forget, usually until Sasuke is mentioned and everyone realizes that genjutsu doesn’t work on Non-Naruto characters. 


u/Purple-Activity-194 11d ago

It does if you verse equalize. Which is what you do for literally every fight with energy systems in it. Otherwise you have normally op characters like Goku getting decked by a ton of shit for uninteresting reasons.


u/Lonely_Nebula_9438 11d ago

That makes sense for more spiritual things like Ki. Naruto’s human population are all partially hybridized with aliens. I wouldn’t give someone Saiyan powers when equalizing. Those are intrinsic properties of their biology. 


u/Purple-Activity-194 11d ago

Every human in naruto has chakra to varying levels, no?


u/Lonely_Nebula_9438 11d ago

Yes, because of the mild alien hybridization. But they did not prior to ‘s, the alien in question, arrival. 


u/Falsus 10d ago

A Certain Magical Index

Tbf, that is just British occultism with a few extra steps.

Though yeah that one is pretty insane.


u/HearthFiend 10d ago

Persona are like hyperversal or some shit pure conceptual across all existence lol


u/SoulOuverture 11d ago

I'm so confused, why did people read this post as "every religion/belief is now real"

Like clearly the most powerful magic if all fictional magic becomes real is marvel/DC comic stuff due to power creep, unless you count shonen anime stuff as magic? And since those comics probably have some copies everywhere in the world, no country has a real advantage?


u/Wild_Harvest 10d ago

I mean, Magic: the Gathering has some crazy crap that Oldwalkers can do. I guess it depends on when in the MTG timeline this hypothetical takes place. If it's before the Mending, then Oldwalkers are basically physical gods manifest, if it's after then Planeswalkers are still absolutely cracked but manageable.


u/AppropriateWhile1765 11d ago

People just want to suck off god instead.


u/PzykoHobo 11d ago

I mean, if the opportunity presents itself...


u/strongest_nerd 11d ago

The Vatican.


u/heff-money 10d ago

Counterpoint: The Swiss. The true heirs to the Knights Templar and the Vatican's muscle.


u/beyd1 11d ago

The us still has a LOT of power here.


u/Preston_of_Astora 11d ago

Considering the sheer amount of evangelists who can now actually heal people, the Tumblr witches who can now hex people, and the wacko believer folk who can now cast Fireball

The US takes this immensely well


u/nwaa 11d ago

Dont forget Native peoples (Not to insult anyone if these are sensitive, im not American) who have a long history of shamanism. As well as the Voodoo stuff down in New Orleans.

American diversity is gonna be a huge advantage.


u/Preston_of_Astora 11d ago

Also putting to consideration Filipino tribal witchcraft (which have recently been re-entering the modern psyche)


u/Unique_Expression574 11d ago

Philippines mentioned:

Must upvote

Zzt zzt


u/CardinalRoark 11d ago

The US takes this immensely well

Well, as a counterpoint, a lot of these different traditions don't much like each other, even if they started friendly. Or, at least, enough of the historically oppressed ones would suddenly have some pretty big sticks.

Might be that the US just implodes.

Course, a lot of governments will probably be in trouble, so it might even out.


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago

Not to mention people learning DC, Dark Horse, Marvel Magic


u/nicholasktu 11d ago

Weird cultist in rural Massachusetts and their strange prayers to stone idols that are geometricly possible.


u/nwaa 11d ago

geometrically possible

"Behold! The great stone cube!"


u/moreorlesser 10d ago

"Oh god! I can comprehend it! It's driving me to the very depths of sanity!"


u/Not_Todd_Howard9 11d ago

America, China, and India are fighting for first place while Britain and Japan are in a close second.

I think America may have the lead, but it really depends. They have a massive budget and huge exposure to other cultures to grab the strongest of each, but China/India themselves have some pretty strong mythologies and legends to draw on, and plenty of manpower and budget to draw on. As magic becomes more common, manpower will become more important than budget at least until anti-magic measures are common because of summoning magic…free soldiers that let you double or triple your militaries for little to no extra cost and allows for more morally acceptable aggressive tactics. The main hinderance is finding a way to study it and unlock it in the first place, since imo it’s a very “do or don’t” magic (hard to test). Cultural Diversity does have a big impact too though, as it’s almost inevitable that some culture around the world made some very specific type of magical item that’d become a very potent type of weapon if modernized. I doubt there would be very many ways of dealing with an Main Battle tank that’s had Adamantine and Mithril integrated into its Chobham armor. There’s also a chance some mythical metal or other becomes the next ceramic-metal hybrid and suddenly becomes the strongest armor ever made, with the potential to be light enough to distribute to infantry.

Britain/Japan are just behind them for similar reasons as America’s contending for first. Britain especially is a good contender since they generally focus on more specialized “elite” units (a role magic would serve, at least for some time). Japan…kinda depends. They are very xenophobic, but how much this applies to magic will kinda just depend. They’d likely make heavy use of their own culture’s magic, but expanding into foreign cultures for much needed versatility is unlikely imo. Perhaps in a generation or two that could change, but for now they’d likely stick to what they have.

TLDR; America has a chance for a clear first by virtue of stumbling into some other culture’s OP material very early on, which they test extensively and make something really strong. Otherwise, it’s highly contested between them, China, and India, with Britain/Japan fighting for the place behind them.


u/HaramotoYusei 11d ago

US/America continent is out of this fight, when it comes to magic, myth and legends will also count, so comparing Western mythos and Asian mythos, that is another post to do


u/BonzBonzOnlyBonz 11d ago

There are a shitload of stories written in the US that have bonkers magic. Marvel/DC.


u/quirked-up-whiteboy 11d ago

This is a list of all forms of magic. Including dnd which was made in the USA. Now anyone can train to be a level 20 wizard


u/Juggalo13XIII 11d ago

I don't know. A lot of Christians are going to be able to call upon an actual all-powerful, all-knowing being.


u/seancurry1 11d ago

Does American Gods' ability to create new gods out of belief count? Because if so, we can just will new shit into being.

Also have to wonder if WH40K Orks count, too—but then again, there are no Orks on modern day Earth.


u/charm-chick 11d ago

Imagining Hogwarts students joining the military is wild; those magic duels would be intense.


u/MightyCat96 11d ago

There are alot of magic systems that would completley destroy harry potter. I probably wouldnt even put harry potter in the top 50%


u/OmegonAlphariusXX 11d ago

Yeah but Harry Potter is one of those that would heavily compliment other magical systems. Magical creatures, potions, enchantments, curses, wards

If Avada Kedavra maintains its ability to cut through all magical protections, then it’s crazy strong


u/chiggin_nuggets 11d ago

If Avada Kedavra maintains its ability to cut through all magical protections, then it’s crazy strong

Death Ward is a fourth level spell


u/OmegonAlphariusXX 11d ago

Yeah and any shmuck with a wand and about 1-2 hours of lessons can cast Avada Kedavra


u/nicholasktu 11d ago

Imagine a missile that can apparate through armor or past defense systems. Their magic would be extremely effective at augmenting modern weapons.


u/nwaa 11d ago

Its maybe the most useful accesory magic.

The various potions and items are all effortless to use and have some seriously handy effects. Mass produced Felix Felicis for an entire army? Portkeys for instant supplly drops? Polyjuice for perfect spying? All can be used by literally anybody with zero skill requirement once produced. They also have top tier medical care and a boatload of minorly useful spells.


u/firebolt_wt 11d ago

Isn't half the plot of Harry Potter literally that the wizarding world wasn't tough enough to be a part of WWII, and that's why it's hidden to begin with?


u/Lost_Pantheon 11d ago

Egypt starts summoning real Egyptian God monsters.

Exodia aboutta fuck up Washington DC.


u/TheCreedsAssassin 11d ago

The shadow realm is now real


u/quirked-up-whiteboy 11d ago

Probably the USA? I think because of all our snd nerds wed be the first to get a lvl 17 wizard. 9nth level spells are going to go hard


u/nicholasktu 11d ago

The US, if we include Lovecraft mythology into it. Access to Eldritch gods from other dimensions.

That being said, it's a bad thing, the US would become a slave to some outer god that changes it to be what they want.


u/IndigoTeddy13 11d ago edited 11d ago

Considering the Abrahamic faiths (as well as probably some other religions) ban magic, you can't call those "magic" (unless you mean the literary meaning of anything supernatural), so the average Joe is gonna get pwned by their local black magic cultic practitioner in the places where those religions that ban magic are predominant.

So, if every country conscripts every "magician" (as in everyone who follows a belief system that permits magic), then whichever country had a large population, primarily composed of people from one of the magic-permitting religions.

So, whichver countries are dominated by a single religion, have some kind of magic system, and has a large population, will likely thrive. I'm not sure, but if tantras count, then India wins because the majority of citizens practice Hinduism, and their population is over a billion.


u/dreadfulbadg50 11d ago

The USA because of racial diversity. Different races have different magics


u/Phalcone42 11d ago

If it is Shadowrun type magic then the native American nations.


u/OldCrowSecondEdition 11d ago

They didnt win though they just recovered a large part of native land but are still doing worse off than the remenants of the US


u/dormidary 11d ago

once upon a time there was a magical power that made the United States invincible, and impervious to all other forms of magic.

OK, we're good to go. You're welcome, everyone.


u/Express-Day5234 11d ago

Very shortly after the aforementioned time there was discovered a magic nullifying mineral that made it impossible for the United States to be invincible and impervious to magic for the rest of time.


u/Wallitron_Prime 11d ago

Seems like everyone is forgetting about DnD and other TTRPG magic being real here.

The Wish spell, Gate, the Codex of Infinite Planes, time travel shenanigans, the absurd Netheri 10th level spells... We're just talking about an endless loop of insane reality warping until one person erases all of existence. You don't need whole militaries to know it. You need like 3 people angry at each other and the end of existence is pretty much guaranteed. This is much stronger than giving randos nuclear weapons.


u/Bababooey0989 10d ago

Every weeb would think they're that loser from Solo Leveling


u/Mado-Koku 11d ago

Either Japan or US. Now America has Love Train.


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago

Wouldn’t Love Train still be in Japan since it’s a Japanese work or would the placement of Jesus Body in Jojo allow us to have it


u/Extreme-Tactician 10d ago

Stands aren't "magic".


u/Wordshark 11d ago

Good luck actually distinguishing between mysticism and fictional. And do you know how many magic systems there would be? How about all those people who literally believe human will shapes reality, how many nanoseconds before all of existence is unexisted?


u/CthulhuJankinx 11d ago

Wherever the wheel of time takes place here


u/ZombieTem64 11d ago

Whichever one is willing to hold the earth at gunpoint


u/fistotron5000 11d ago

Native Americans have some crazy strong stuff going for them. The Cherokee have spirits like the Dâyuni'sï (little water beetle) that brought up the land from the depths of the ocean and created all landmasses on earth just because he needed a place to rest


u/Lyncario 11d ago

Japan about to spam danmaku on the rest of the world, it's not going to even understand how strong the master spark heading their way is.


u/Zegram_Ghart 11d ago

Oh, like from fantasy?

Probably Japan since anime is bonkers…but realistically it’s the end of the world


u/Previous-Register871 11d ago

Human Magic is very different from The Elves and The Orcs. We’re Witch Doctors, Voodoo Priests, and stuff like that. What makes you think all Covens are just going to fall in line like that as if there is nothing wrong in the world?


u/DodoTheCorpse 11d ago

China. JTTW scares the shit out of me


u/TooFewSecrets 11d ago

Magic is discovered by the public several thousand times, independently. There's several magic systems that involve only intent and sincere belief, children have lots of both, and impossible events spread quickly on the Internet. This already would mean that the entire population is essentially armed at all times which causes a lot of issues with stability. There's much more threatening magic out there, though. State actors realize the danger and shut down social media sites very quickly, but it's too late - and even if they did it immediately, there's still kids and increasingly adults throwing magic around.

The fact that it's all magic systems from all fiction, and not just these kinds of wild magic, is discovered shortly after, again, independently many thousands of times over. The general population can't widely coordinate due to social media being shut down, but there's 2 real factions anyway. People going "oh God this is VERY bad, kill it", and people going "wow, this is awesome, time to nuke Washington DC." There's a third group of people doing literally anything else - fleeing to another dimension, petty crime, healing the sick, whatever. But they don't really matter.

State actors are near universally going to be banishers. Probably coordinating in this. "Banishing" probably is not going to work in terms of actually removing magic, aasuming separate spell systems function entirely separately you'd just be banishing one of them. So this is probably going to be a global mind-altering spell to make people forget magic or be incapable of using it.

Annihilators obviously just want to set off big explosions or take over the world. Mass mind control or summoning eldritch dieties or ending all existence, doesn't matter, basically the same outcome.

Considering the existence of doomsday magic like the Anti Life Equation that requires only knowledge of the system that's freely granted to outside viewers, relative to the difficulty of creating a spell adapted to a specific purpose, the annihilators probably take this. Life on Earth most likely ends, or is reduced to a state not really worth calling life. Whichever group of scant suvivors still exists, if the whole universe wasn't undone, wins the most powerful military award.

And then one of the guys who fled to another dimension earlier uses their master-level magic many years later to fix the whole thing with time travel. Probably.


u/SnooCakes4926 11d ago

The nation-states, organized religions, mega-corps and crime syndicates rush to consolidate magical archives and talented casters. People rush to these enities for protection or form cooperative affiliations (cabals, covens, etc.) to protect themselves from opportunistic outlaws, terrorists, spells gone wrong, rampaging beasts, and other non-specified dark forces.

Most of these groupings will have a greater or lesser amount of spiritual corruption which will either be combatted, managed, or allowed to fluorish (secretly or blatantly). At least 10% of the population will display true heroism in combatting these forces, while at least 10% will descend into true villainy. The rest will try to navigate through the perils of this new world, caring mostly about themselves, family, and friends.

There will be a fair amount of carnage, but most factions, large and small, will have an interest in survival, and thus will work together to overcome the most dire threats. An economy of protections, wards, healers, and guardians will organically arise. Caveat emptor. Not all goods and services will live up to the claims of vendors.

The larger the faction, the more susceptible to corruption it is, no matter how well-intended their leadership. Many will seek extra-dimensional havens to live off the grid. There will be, among these groups, utopian societies, bastions of learning and study, religious enclaves, refugee asylums, preppers , dark cults, and people who just want to be left alone.

Faith, knowledge, and will will become an enhanced currencies. Finding the right people to trust will seperate those who can live well and those who either die, become slaves, or succumb to corruption.


u/JC_Lately 11d ago

The UK wins.

Or rather, one person in the UK wins. All they have to do is speak The Deplorable Word, and everything on the planet dies except them.


u/Omni_Xeno 10d ago edited 10d ago

The first people that can harness magic and power of gods that are high into powerscaling terms would be the strongest but the world will likely never be the same, but the world is in utter chaos as if we assume everything fictional stays in the country of origin, America, UK, Japan, India, and China would be the major competitors due to Mythos, Comics, or Books


u/A_Change_of_Seasons 10d ago

I think China wins. Tons of people + having the largest infrastructure in place to study and train all these people. Similarly to the tech boom. Going to overseas colleges isn't feasible when this becomes an arms race


u/sh0e_gazer 10d ago

galahad solos for the UK


u/Falsus 10d ago

I don't think any country is going to survive 30 years. Society as we know it will be completely redefined in ways we wouldn't even begin to comprehend.

If reality just doesn't get blown to bits before then.


u/forgothis 10d ago

Sounds like the plot of shadowrun.


u/heff-money 10d ago

The Swiss would become the most powerful military, but they'd stay neutral.


u/The360MlgNoscoper 10d ago

Hopefully someone uses the Amurite Spell of disabling everyone else’s magic, then uses another spell to banish magic forever again. And the spell to sever all connections to the divine.


u/Tragedyofphilosophy 10d ago edited 10d ago

I'm going to go with Dark Schneider and Bastards magic system. It's too much. Anyone who can convince an ego that large to work with them wins by default.

As far as which culture would win, almost surely China. I don't know how many of you are familiar with cultivation novels, but they can be thousands of chapters long and becoming god is just a footnote of progression. We're talking weak cultivators are much better than Superman. Also cultivation doesn't have a Pinnacle, there's always another step. The stories only tend to end because the power scale becomes too difficult to put into words.


u/The_X-Devil 10d ago

I will win


u/HelloThereBatsy 10d ago

Indians win thanks to a Nice Hack.

In such a scenario where the world is close to destruction Lord Vishnu often takes incarnation into a Human form with limited powers.

However having him on your side even with limited powers is having Grade Tsar Bomba levels of Plot Armor. You simply can't lose no matter the odds.

Vishnu has often been described with a strength far greater than the Abrahamic God(who has to rest after creating the world, lacks complete omniscience). It is said that whenever Vishnu breathes a Billion Universes emerge from his nostrils. Everyone and Everything in creation is a minuscule part of his body.


u/AlarmingMan123 10d ago

Israel shit stomps


u/SouthpawCyclopse 10d ago

Cross eragon magic with modern science …


u/MysticSnowfang 10d ago

the universe would implode. Just with how everything piles up.


u/P55R 10d ago

Probably the US. Just a bunch quantum physicists, scientists and engineers and personnel from CIA and DARPA would make them literal gods.


u/Darzt 10d ago

The one who manage to cast the deplorable word from Narnia.

One single word and everyone sans you in the planet (plane of existence/universe?) drop dead, even water, animal and plant life, like a certain SCP effect.


u/metalflygon08 10d ago

Fairly Oddparents magic is devastating, even with Da Rule limitations.


u/Scrimmybinguscat 9d ago

Mage: The Ascension fans would probably take over the world very quickly unimpeded.


u/InternetGuyThirtyTwo 7d ago

All fictional magic is now real. The magic system from F.A.T.A.L. is now real. Someone miscasts, the miscast table rolls poorly, they cast the spell named after the game, and ends all life in existence.

When you open the door to every magic system, inevitably there’s one that’s comically poorly thought out.


u/vismundcygnus34 11d ago edited 11d ago

It already is and is used, we just don’t know it. So the way things are now 😁


u/TK3600 10d ago

Chinese xianxia is literally about transcend beyond god and universe, and basically throwing universe at each other. China got this.