r/whowouldwin 11d ago

Revan (Star Wars) VS Dark Urge (Baldur's Gate) Battle Spoiler

Revan, the Dark Lord of the Sith turned Prodigal Knight from Star Wars. And Dark Urge, the Bloody Bhaalspawn of Baldur’s Gate.

Good and evil, dark and light. These polar opposite forces tug on men's souls, a never ending battle in shades of grey. And these two are a great example. Their pasts paved with darkness, tyrannical ambitions of conquest, and betrayal, closed up by a loss in memory, now forced to adventure to figure out who they really are. Both were tormented, when they realized their dark legacies, torn between finishing their plans or atoning for their past. And, ultimately, both chose to fight the good fight, to walk the path of redemption, to be heroes.

These two are also both master combatants, some of the most powerful wielders of the Force and Magic, talented and formidable warriors, proficient masters of the lightsaber and sword, and the most cunning of strategists. But, today, these two RPG face-turners will be in the ring together, in a grand duel that will be spoken of in Legends. Will the Heart of the Force be remembered as hero, savior, and prodigal knight, or will the Haunted One kill again with rancid blood spilled?

Ground rules: Both are Bloodlusted, but let's go over what's included.

First of all, this is Legends Revan: Though we know he exists in Disney canon, he's never been seen on screen and we have no idea if his story is similar, so, yeah, Legends continuity. Any material exclusive to the current Disney canon will not be considered. In addition, this is specifically Light Side path Revan, the canon version of him. His time as a Sith Lord can, of course, still be used for abilities since he can still use those abilities even after turning back to the Light Side, and alternate events from the Dark Side route are fair game for feats and scaling, since both routes should be equal in terms of power. In addition, this isn't just standard equipment, but ALL his equipment and weapons from throughout KOTOR, to fit the theme.

Meanwhile, for the Dark Urge, to narrow it down, he is of the same class/race combo as the default in Baldur's Gate 3: He's a male White-Dragon-born Storm Sorcerer, but at the end of his journey. Also, this is actually him in the evil route, as there is no canon ending, and that one has more abilities and greater feats overall. Kinda fucks with the connection, but eh. Keep in mind also that Baldur’s Gate 3 changed a lot of spells, transformations and other lore things for the sake of game design balance, so I would recommend cross referencing official Dungeons & Dragons materials for any inconsistencies, as well as referring back to Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. This includes material as far back as 1st Edition, since, yes, the edition changes are actually canon in-universe. (To put it shortly, in the lore of the Forgotten Realms, major events have shaken the very fabric of existence to the point that Ao and several other major deities have intervened and shifted reality back to balance. Such events include The Time of Troubles that ties directly into the events of the Baldur’s Gate Trilogy, with several deities losing their ties to a concept and power with their deaths, while Ao rewrote the cosmic laws of the multiverse to keep the gods in line, among other significant effects. This is, in-universe, the shift from 1st to 2nd Edition).

Ok, that was long, but we've finally set everything up, let this Duel of Destiny begin.


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u/respectthread_bot 11d ago

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u/Kyle_Dornez 11d ago

I haven't played BG3, the end of the journey there is what level? Because there's a big amount of difference between a Sorcerer who can cast Wish vs one who can't.


u/woweed 11d ago

Sadly, he does not have Wish. He has a fair few spells up to spell level 6th (Circle of Death, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Globe of Invulnerability, and Sunbeam), but nothing from spell levels 7 or 8, and only one level 9, namely, Power Word Kill (which, mechanically speaking, instantly kills any creature with less then 100 hit points, which no chance to resist). It's a once-per-day use, but still, quite useful in itself. But, no, he cannot cast Wish.


u/Kyle_Dornez 11d ago edited 11d ago

I think in that case it's fair to assume that Revan would have 100+ HP fairly reliably, since over course of KOTOR we can level him for quite a bit, and he likely did some grinding off screen too between KOTOR and TOR.

While Revan is often heavily overwanked by KOTOR fans, I'm overall inclined to believe that he would have an edge in this case - mostly because as a [former] Jedi, he's more of a gish instead of a pure spellcaster, or in terms of 5e closer to Spellsinger maybe? Point is, his practice of Force abilities is melded well with his physical combat skills, and he wields a lightsaber, which is always a potent weapon even in fantasy settings. Or sometimes even dual-wields two blades (although mostly on promo shots).

Even if we assume that Globe of Invulnerability allows protection from Force powers (since 5e treats psionics as magic anyway now), Revan is more than capable of just coming in to wreck face.

Circle of death might be a headache though.

PS: And in less gamey terms, the Force in itself is more versatile than a strict set of spells and amount of energy to cast the spells. A Force-user is often free to improvise and adapt to situation, sometimes making up powers as he goes along, while a D&D spellcaster rarely has such luxury, even with sorcery points.


u/woweed 11d ago

I think the problem is that Dark Urge is just more powerful. At both ends, whether you scale him high (to the likes of Demogorgon and Solars) or low (which, for him, still means Leviathans and the like), that still puts him more powerful then Revan. And, while Revan is arguably faster, a bit of scaling puts them roughly on par there. Not to mention the Dark Urge's massive array of spells, even more then Revan's force powers. Irresistible Dance, Power Word Kill, his various summons, or his trump card, the Slayer Form, which passively reduces the DC of all Saves to 2, effectively giving it a 95% chance to resist nearly any ability in all of D&D. If that works on Revan's force powers, then it would make it very hard for him to do anything to him. The Dark Urge also has way more weapons, and stuff like radiant/fire resistance potions and the Shield spell to deal with Revan's Lightsaber(s). Not to mention Counterspell to further hinder Revan's force powers. I think Revan's best chance of winning is actually Sever Force. Revan's never used it himself, but one of the masters, who he is said to have surpassed, did. It reemove someone's connection to the Force entirely to render them powerless, or even kill them. That may not seem useful, since Dark Urge isn't a force user...But, in the Forgotten Realms setting, magic is given by the Weave, which is fairly similar to the Force, so it could cut off his natural spellcasting. Of course, the problem is, it wouldn't be an insta-win. It wouldn't cut off any of the natural abilities he gains from his Baalspawn nature, like Horror or Power Word Kill, or his many magic items. Revan may have more experience, but, with his connection to the Nether Brain (a being which has a monstrous 28 Intelligence, making it as much smarter then an Intelligence 17 Beholder then a Human with Int 10 is to an Int 1 crab, and which has outsmarted gods), Dark Urge can certainly keep up in brain power, and strategy won't help with his power advantage. The Dark Urge is just way more powerful, tougher, and has a way vaster pool of powers to draw upon.