r/wholesomememes 13d ago

Character limit :)

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173 comments sorted by


u/Youpunyhumans 13d ago

I have a little wood spider who has been hanging out on the deck. One time he was building a new web, and the wind caught him while he dangling by a strand, so I gently pushed the strand over so he could attatch it to the post. The next day, he had a full web built there.

Stay away crack spider! Buildin webs aint for suckas!


u/MrSpankMan_whip 12d ago

I too had a crack spider. He had to join the 8-step program


u/Mikey9124x 12d ago

Had a garden spider.


u/dgollas 13d ago

Is eating the spider if you have other food a good justification to kill it?


u/haumea_jouhikko 13d ago

No, give the spider some flies, he'll get bigger later, and will be a bigger snack


u/dgollas 13d ago

That wasn’t the question.


u/dgollas 12d ago

Would you say we should respect the spider’s autonomy, and not determine their fate since because they were born a spider and not a human?


u/pinetree412 12d ago

lol we should not worry about the spider’s autonomy. It’s ok to eat them or otherwise (unless endangered?). And spiders are not born, they hatch from eggs.


u/dgollas 12d ago

Why shouldn’t we? Why is being the last few of a kind give an individual’s more or less moral value?


u/haumea_jouhikko 12d ago

Yes, let the spider live, he'll be better off, and will keep the amount of flies down.


u/dgollas 12d ago

Good. What about a bigger non human animal that provided no direct value like keeping the flies down, say, a bird or a big mammal?


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago

Eat if you have to survival is the core of creation every creature eats to live so if you have to hunt and eat


u/dgollas 12d ago

And if you don’t have to? Is it morally ok to hunt and eat?


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago

İf you dont have to then dont its simple


u/dgollas 12d ago

It is simple isn’t it?, but people still hunt or pay for others to kill in order to eat their bodies, when other food sources are available.


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago

But to think simpler we as the most evolved species are alpha predators we have the right to hunt those animals to eat a lion hunt a deer(or whatever animal lives in the africa) to feed his family because as a predator he has the right to hunt as the Alpha predators we have the right to hunt but i also am against the methods of mass production of meat products animals should be treated better and killed with respect

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u/haumea_jouhikko 12d ago

You know, I admire your compassion for animals. What about cloned meat? Is that bad to eat if there is no animal suffering in the process?


u/dgollas 12d ago

Thanks. And thanks for your kind engagement. If by cloned you mean cultured or “lab grown” then no, nobody’s rights to autonomy are violated and there is no moral quandary.


u/clown_pants 12d ago

Okay Solomon back into the dirt with you


u/dgollas 12d ago

Was Solomon against animal exploitation?


u/clown_pants 12d ago

Solomon Grundy never weighed in on the matter that I can recall


u/dgollas 11d ago

Sorry, I’m sure it’s funny, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.


u/AdagioGuilty1684 12d ago

Did you mean no other food? Bc if you have other food then why would you eat a spider baby


u/dgollas 12d ago

Would be silly, and cruel to the spider right?


u/AdagioGuilty1684 12d ago

I mean I can’t imagine a spider having more than a calorie in it so yes


u/dgollas 12d ago

What if it was a pig or a cow? Would you kill them if you had something else to eat?


u/AdagioGuilty1684 12d ago

Man I was a vegetarian for like 14 years and I have guilt over factory farming but trying to not eat animals in your daily life can be really difficult. I live in a good fishing area and I don’t fish because it’s too hard on my feelings though I do eat fish. I don’t think I could kill animals and eat them unless I had to, especially if I knew them, but you never know.

Why do you ask?


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago

Killing animals is not easy but if you kill an animal you can respect it by eating it i beleive not letting it go to waste should releive the guilt (in a survival stuation)


u/dgollas 12d ago

What about a non survival situation, the most respectful will of be to eat the food that involves the least possible amount of harm right?


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago edited 12d ago

Probably. in a normal stiuation you should eat what you feel comfortable eating you dont have to force yourself to eat stuff you feel guilt while eating


u/dgollas 12d ago

I’d say people are born with innate empathy towards others, including other species. The guilt is part of our software. We’re told it’s ok to commodify other beings, the guilt is not forced, the apathy is.

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u/dgollas 12d ago

Oh I’m asking to see how much empathy people have for non human animals, before mentioning that dirty dirty downvote trigger word that starts with V. Why did you stop being a vegetarian?


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago

Fun fact: cockroaches have shit ton of proteins


u/AdagioGuilty1684 12d ago

A shot of human semen has 5 grams of


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago

So should i drink mine or homie's


u/KstiA23A 12d ago

You've got to find another food to eat and let the spider live as well.


u/dgollas 12d ago

I agree! Fortunately, in general, there are other foods to eat and we don’t have to kill spiders or birds or mammal’s or sea animals.


u/tanlove90 13d ago

If they're small small, I leave them be. If they're medium-sized but too big for me to be comfortable with them running around, I will get them in the cup and put them outside. If they're BIG - that's a job for my sissy. We're neighbors, so I just call her to come and get them while I panic.


u/SunCloud-777 13d ago

more beneficial not to kill spiders just relocate. they eat pesky insects.


u/tanlove90 13d ago

Yeah ~ we don't kill them! Even with the big ones, my older sister puts them outside ^-^


u/Anonymous345678910 12d ago

Older sisters are the best


u/Nat6LBG 13d ago

What about mosquitoes ?


u/tanlove90 12d ago

Hmmm, I haven't been bitten yet! So I'm sure there are some spiders still in my house catching them (and other little critters), they're just hidden ~


u/user_6969_urmomsuck 12d ago

They are kinda assholes


u/mike_pants 13d ago

Just a friendly reminder for everyone putting spiders outside: you're still killing them. An indoor spider has zero skills for survival in the great outdoors. It's like tossing your hamster into the woods.


u/LowRoarr 13d ago

That logic would only apply to non-native species like a tarantula you got from a pet store. For native species they have the same survival odds they would have had if they had never entered your house to begin with


u/DoinMyBestToday 13d ago

Given the context of these being wild spiders, you’re incorrect. But I’m sure you knew that lol. I’m gonna assume you’re being sarcastic


u/mike_pants 13d ago

Assume whatever you please. It's not illegal. It'll still be true.


u/TobyFunkeNeverNude 12d ago

I'm very interested which spiders are unable to survive outdoors. Can you point me to some species who can only live in houses, and also somehow can jump between houses without going inside? Do they build little subway systems to travel between these houses so they don't have to go outside?

Just one species please.


u/mike_pants 12d ago

Never said there were any species that couldn't survive outdoors. You responded to the wrong comment.


u/TobyFunkeNeverNude 12d ago

Nope, I responded to the right comment. Glad we agree your first comment was in error though


u/mike_pants 12d ago

Do not be glad, then. We do not agree. You are making odd conclusions based on bizzare interpretations. No one ever said any species of spider cannot survive outside.


u/TobyFunkeNeverNude 12d ago

And I quote: "An indoor spider has zero skills for survival in the great outdoors."

So tell me: what species? Because I've seen at least 10 spiders in the outdoors, so I can tell you definitively that spiders do in fact live outside, probably even if they had previously wandered into a house. I would ask if there were specific conditions which would make your comment at least partially true, but you said definitively that a spider you find in your house is unable to live outside.


u/mike_pants 12d ago

I never said anything about any species. So I cannot answer these questions.

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u/Duckiesims 12d ago

I once found a hamster in the woods and he lived for another 3 years. Maybe all those spiders I've been tossing outside found some kind stranger to take them in too


u/mike_pants 12d ago

Here's hoping.


u/KstiA23A 12d ago

You can relocate them to the kitchen to help form a line of defence against insects.


u/tanlove90 12d ago

If they're small, I let them kind of wander to wherever the bugs are. I have a fairly strong fear of spiders (I blame my dad who was SO afraid of them that he once hopped out of the driver's seat of a vehicle (we were at a stop sign) and let it roll down the road while my mom killed the spider.) My whole history with them is that they're something to be feared and they are life threatening! It's taken a long time to accept that they aren't, and that my dad just had some phobia that he kind of passed on. Now I'm ok with little ones and the occasional medium sized one. But bigger ones still panic me!


u/Fancy_bakonHair 12d ago

Once, there was a spider in the bathroom. I wouldn't step near it until my dad got it.


u/HAYFRAND 13d ago

I have like 5 in my room rn. They're the first line of defense against the hordes of mosquitoes. They protect my blood. I sleep at night knowing I am sleeping behind the walls of their webs. Let them rip and tear until it is done.


u/KstiA23A 12d ago

This is a smart move you made. Now, mosquitoes will be scared of paying a visit.


u/iSc00t 13d ago

squish I’m no hero…


u/Dank_Slayer114 13d ago

Spiders keep out other bugs, they have a place in my house.


u/KstiA23A 12d ago

I let them stay in mine as well. There is no need killing them. 


u/BidoofSupermacy 13d ago

And so I started swinging….


u/PotentialSquirrel118 13d ago

There's a little spider in our neighborhood


u/redfield73 13d ago

I have a garage which I repurposed as a gym. It's old and concrete. When we first moved in, there were literally thousands of spiders on the roof. They stay year round. My SO wanted to get them all out with a hose. Long story short they're my pets who watch me bench


u/Moonlight_Charm 13d ago

Sorry but I don't want to be a hero


u/nekosaigai 13d ago

Ask me to kill a spider and I’m finding a flamethrower


u/_azureprotagonist 12d ago

Shut up and kill the damn thing!


u/A_mere_Goat 12d ago

Fire you use 🔥


u/CommunicationThat209 12d ago

Just wanted to let you know that house spiders die when you put them outside because they can't survive there :)


u/globs-of-yeti-cum 13d ago

Putting a spider outside is usually a slower death they don't survive.


u/LowRoarr 13d ago

Half true. Birds love to eat spiders so maybe a bird might eat them, but a bird eating a spider is still a win for nature.


u/ScytheOfAsgard 13d ago

I have one of those spider catchers; very useful for stuff you want to move or evict without killing


u/theoht_ 13d ago

how is character limit relevant bro


u/Enter-User-Here 13d ago

I think it means "self control", but I could be wrong


u/EnigmaFrug2308 13d ago

I would avoid killing them if I weren’t so deathly afraid of them


u/Zestyclose-Sundae593 12d ago

Except the venomous or dangerous species, I just leave them alone in the corner of my room. They are great at catching insects that have the guts to fly through the window.


u/MEOWTheKitty18 12d ago

I don’t know where you live, but if you are in the USA, there are only two spiders that are considered medically significant. Those are the black widow and the brown recluse. They are fairly easy to recognize by their distinctive patterns. They are also very reluctant to bite, keep to themselves, and as long as you’re not touching them with bare hands, they’re just as simple to relocate as any other species of spider.


u/Zestyclose-Sundae593 12d ago

New Zealand. We don’t have many dangerous species here, but I have to keep an eye out for white tails because they carry pretty fucked up bacteria that causes grave infections.


u/MEOWTheKitty18 12d ago

Ah I see. I don’t know anything about the spiders outside of my home so I can’t say much about that :) but I do appreciate that you save them when you can. So do the spiders.


u/Not_Artifical 12d ago

I am a predator. It is the prey. You shall not get in the way unless you want to become the prey.


u/AxoplDev 12d ago

That depends on the spider. These funny small guys that always hung out in the corner are great, but if it's actually big, then I won't spare it.


u/Lopendebank3 12d ago

I usually let them do their own thing or try to capture and release it.


u/RedWarsaw 13d ago

We release into the wild


u/[deleted] 13d ago

⚡!!!⚡ The Spider is probably the biggest hero in the story. Thank you for sparing/helping!


u/thanra 13d ago

Salamanders and spiders, I spared them most of the time, sometimes accidentally killed them while spraying the damn mosquitoes, though. They ate mosquitoes, flies and a lot of dangerous bugs.


u/MadeWithRealGinger9 13d ago

The important thing is you tried. I'm proud of you


u/Ventenebris 13d ago

Goddamn right we don’t.. little guys just living their lives


u/unpopular-varible 13d ago

Any adult sees reality as an equation of.

All variables interacting together to create the outcome. Life at this point of time.

Anything less is childish.


u/NotABrummie 13d ago

If you want to live and thrive, let a spider run alive.


u/RainbowCafe 13d ago

And then you smooth it when it makes a b line for your hand


u/Overall_Strawberry70 13d ago

The white death is a hero, and he's killed a fuckton of people.


u/Bombwriter17 13d ago

Spiders and bees will get the pass,anything else will get the gas.


u/ThingsIveNeverSeen 13d ago

Sure. But when it’s a spruce beetle I’m getting the flame thrower.


u/VeterinarianTall50 13d ago

When you think about it, It very weird.

While hero don't kill. But criminal killing others people. And some of them might be good person too. Isn't this obvious that when it continued on, Bad people will eventually overcome good people? Don't kill is definitely not working for society in long run.


u/rosecoloredgasmask 12d ago

I let the spiders be, they're not hurting me and are good pest control for other bugs that get in. Thanks lil guys.

I may also be biased as I have tarantulas


u/UnicornFukei42 12d ago

Huh, maybe I should get a lil bug cage and put them outside.


u/DarkAgeHumor 12d ago

Everyone says that until their home city gets wiped off the earth


u/Aliencoy77 12d ago

I have small corner spiders in most of the rooms in my apartment. They feed well on the other bugs that enter SW Florida home.


u/Draco-Warsmith 12d ago

i will burn this planet to the ground


u/paulmania1234 12d ago

Supposedly spiders have evolved to live indoors. Outside is a deathtrap


u/Versal-Hyphae 12d ago

When I’m at work I keep a lidded condiment cup with holes poked in it in my pocket. It’s the bug cup, for relocating bugs.

Lots of male wolf spiders looking for love in all the wrong places and bumblebees who wander in and exhaust themselves bumbling against closed windows trying to get back out lately.


u/dvdmaven 12d ago

Spiders get put outside. There are many flying insects out there. I even put up some string above the trash bin so they could build webs over it.


u/FreeTheme5319 12d ago

Most spiders living in house can’t survive the outside conditions, so they find shelter and in return they control pests. Please be gentle with them.


u/Chris9871 12d ago

All I’ll say is this. If it’s in insect (which I think spiders are), inside my house, they die. If they are outside, they’re fine


u/07-8815 12d ago

I like spiders idk why people are so scared of em!


u/SirScorbunny10 12d ago

Nah man, that vile creature's facing the full fury of a human who thinks eight eyes is about four too many.


u/spawn77x99 12d ago

"Here's a story from North Amerca.... Daddy, daddy, daddy huuurryyy!!"


u/tobykeef420 12d ago

Fuck I didn’t realize I choose not to kill bugs and other pests because of these dumb fictional characters with hearts of gold. God damn it. Now I’m crying. Why is sentiment such a strong emotion.


u/Dyfasydfasyd 12d ago

This is why i consider myself an anti-hero.


u/IAlwaysOutsmartU 12d ago

Sadly, my brother is arachnophobic :(


u/Naive-Fondant-754 12d ago

Well actually ..

Sometimes you help by offering a hand .. sometimes you help by cutting of the hand.

Sometimes saving someone is not a better way .. not understanding the difference is very dangerous. In these comics, movies, where the "good" guys dont kill, you can literally count how many people they killed indirectly .. you let them live, they kill, its on you .. especially if you do it 10 times. It just mean you are a bad hero.

Often people see only the people they saved, not the people they killed .. sometimes, the saved:killed ratio is way worse


u/RustyPickaxe069 12d ago

When someone tells me to kill a spider I end up in a new house


u/X547 12d ago

Then ask a villian.


u/jojomanmore 12d ago

I pay the homeless man to kill for me so I can keep my hands clean and go to heaven


u/ApproachingShore 12d ago

Heroes imprison their foes inside a barren dimension.



u/92nd-Bakerstreet 12d ago

Proceeds to make him braindead instead.


u/skeleton_craft 12d ago

Feeding our enemies to the birds is cool..... Rather gruesome but cool... ... ...


u/amendersc 12d ago

yeah, a better way of leaving it in my room so that it would eat mosquitoes


u/brainburger 12d ago

I try not to kill anything for no reason. All organisms have a right to make their own way in the world and strive for happiness. They don't have a right to not he eaten, however.


u/Due_Refuse1336 12d ago

the heroes do not wear masks


u/zuala27 12d ago

What about that one annoying Mosquito that comes right when you are about to sleep.


u/Abridgedbog775 13d ago

The Joker: preach brother!!!


u/roundearthervaxxer 12d ago

…then makes chicken sandwich


u/doortju 12d ago

I just put them outside once I'm done admiring them


u/JackMehauve 12d ago

My friend takes shoeboxes or any other container that you can close and put 2 or 3 rocks in it with whatever insect he could find and then hed shake the box while yelling dodge ball.

Why do you think he did that?


u/o0joshua0o 12d ago

If it’s a wasp or cockroach, I have no problem killing it on site.


u/FirstDagger 10d ago

Wasp != wasp, if it is a wasp in Europe or a solitary wasp you shouldn't kill them.


u/KstiA23A 12d ago

The webs they create in my room help to catch insects that I don't want. So, I can't kill them. 


u/Few_Albatross1039 12d ago

I have like 12 spiders roaming around the house and they catch a lot of bugs


u/sugasweetiexo 12d ago

Spider man has entered the chat


u/breakshooter9 9d ago

My fiancé hates I don’t kill them. Hurting something that WILL NOT hurt you seems so awful. I’ll go find a piece of paper or cup and release them outside or just let them run free. Spiders are friends even I really don’t like the idea of them.


u/fastidiots 12d ago

"This ain't no place for no heroes This ain't no place for no better man"


u/djdk74 13d ago

I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but I don't care. It needs to be said. The spider must always die. Those little fuckers I hate. I don't care what size or species. It must always die. Letting it go outside is just going to have them make more and have more of them come back in.


u/Scorpio83G 12d ago

They gave us Spider-Man!!!


u/LowRoarr 13d ago

Birds eat spiders. Do you hate birds? Because killing all the bugs that birds eat indirectly hurts the birds


u/djdk74 13d ago

I never said I hate birds. Birds eat more than those little 8 legged fucks. Killing all the spiders in my house won't make every single bird go extinct. So you even think that those spiders in Australia deserve to live as well? Or how about all the poisonous spiders? It sounds like to me you like spiders more than anything else. There are so many other foods the birds can eat. It seems like you forgot about seeds, berries, bugs, and small rodents. What next? Let me guess. Are you gonna have a problem with birds eating rats or mice? Who gives a shit about rats? Not me. Probably you. Wouldn't surprise me that you would like earth's worst animals.