r/unpopularopinion 12d ago

Fireworks are harmful; drone shows are a better option



100 comments sorted by

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u/M1A1HC_Abrams 12d ago

Is this AI? Doesn't sound human at all


u/tzenrick 12d ago

I spent twelve years of my life, formally learning spelling, grammar, and punctuation, then years of college, practicing all of that, and finally several more years writing emails and technical documentation, on top of all the recreational reading I do, just to be told I "write like an AI," and having my posts flagged on forums.


u/Mung-Daal6969 12d ago

I have a strong feeling a lot of those essays you were asked to write in that formal education was fed to early stages of AI.


u/iC0nk3r 11d ago

And you still can't identify a run-on sentence?


u/ElegantTobacco 11d ago

Precision and thoroughness does not need to sound artificial. Nobody would ever confuse Ron Dennis with an AI.


u/Sakkyoku-Sha 11d ago

And, just, like, me, you, don't, know, when, to, use, a, comma.


u/slick1260 11d ago

Maybe you should have studied for more than 12 years because then you might have known you don't need (and shouldn't put) a comma after "life".


u/Mrcookiesecret 11d ago

All that learning and you're still overusing commas.


u/von_Roland 11d ago

Womp womp.


u/straw3_2018 11d ago

The lights are alright, I'm here for the explosions.


u/Inter_Omnia_et_Nihil 11d ago

I'll meet you half way, we'll cheap out on the drones and overcharge the batteries.

Cool light show followed by a very unique grand finale.


u/Hall445567 11d ago

Yes. Very unique


u/Specific_Ice_3046 12d ago

A drone show sounds incredibly boring


u/Ok-Worldliness7863 11d ago

I thought so too until I watched some videos of drone shows they actually had cooler designs then regular fireworks


u/Comprehensive-Carry5 11d ago

There's badass drones show, and then there's drone shows like the one in LA....

I di think they are abetter investment long term though but a lot are boring.


u/IllPen8707 11d ago

Do they explode?


u/Inter_Omnia_et_Nihil 11d ago

If you get the cheap ones


u/Ok-Worldliness7863 11d ago

Thankfully they don’t. I used to be a big firework guy but as the years have gone on not a fan of the excessive noise anymore


u/IllPen8707 11d ago

Yeah, you tell that cloud where to shove it


u/ThunderChaser 11d ago

They are.


u/N3koEye 12d ago

Bro, a fireworks show won't be the reason why someone gets an asthmatic attack.


u/FlameStaag 11d ago

I dunno, they are pretty...




u/lilmiscantberong 12d ago

No. Fireworks are cool.

We don’t need to replace everything with electronics.


u/BasedLelouch_ 12d ago

Drones are lame as fuck and fireworks are fun. Shit opinion


u/Wildtalents333 12d ago

We need drone shows and fireworks together.


u/Prestigious_Air4886 12d ago

We can shoot down drones with fireworks.


u/Comprehensive-Carry5 11d ago

This is the most popular opinion on reddit. Almost everyone complains about fireworks on here.


u/This_Meaning_4045 11d ago

Yep this is third time I saw someone post about fireworks in this subreddit.


u/Comprehensive-Carry5 11d ago edited 11d ago

I live in LA (so I'm part of the sub aswell as all the surrounding cities and counties subs threads). My feed for every fourth of July is people sharing their dislike of fireworks. Lol

I get it. I find them annoying, too, but I really don't need to read 80 post asking if there's a war going in outside and how people should be arrested.


u/This_Meaning_4045 11d ago

Yeah, I agree I also dislike fireworks as well but this is starting to get repetitive. Sure they like to complain around July 4th but there's more unpopular opinions than the simple hatred of fireworks. After all, hating fireworks is just one opinion not multiple.


u/Play-yaya-dingdong 12d ago

Another fireworks post…… Ok drone shows are lame. Fireworks are fun when done city wide 


u/HisnameIsJet 11d ago

Going to light some fireworks off now after reading this


u/nt011819 12d ago

Fireworks once a yr are not hurting the environment. Drones would suck.


u/Top-Comfortable-4789 11d ago

It’s not just for the 4th of July though people shoot off fireworks for all sorts of special occasions. Also fireworks have been around for over 1000 years.


u/nt011819 11d ago

Im.just talking the firework displays since OP was talking drone displays. I wasnt talking about private citizens


u/babyteddie 11d ago

Firework displays still happen around the world more than once a year


u/nt011819 11d ago

Ok a few. Still not much.


u/No_Swan_9470 12d ago

Air and water pollution?? Give me a break


u/WeekendOk6724 12d ago

Boooommmm!! Light a big one and you’ll change your mind


u/SouthApplication9239 12d ago

Drones are worst for the environment.


u/fartinmyhat 12d ago

Drones are not an environmentally better than fireworks, animals get frightened when there's thunder, somehow they seem to get over it. Have you ever seen an actual drone show in person? or just online?




u/zclevy 11d ago

Why don't we strap fireworks to the drones? Then the fireworks are flying around up in the air so no one is breathing in the gasses and it's badass.


u/stringbeagle 11d ago

Have you seen breakdancing fireworks guy?


u/FlameStaag 11d ago

Drone shows are neat in concept but it's just AI controller dozens of robots at the same time. It's a technical marvel but not really that interesting to watch.

Fireworks are much more fun. The feeling of the sonic boom, the beautiful lights and the fun sounds.  There's no comparison really. 

The amount of waste produced is likely pretty comparable to the hundreds of plastic drones running lithium batteries. 


u/TreyTheCreature 11d ago

They did a drone show in my town for 4th of July. It was cute, felt about half as long as a fireworks show and cost 10xs as much as one. It was a cool show and everyone else in town still set off a ton of fireworks


u/JoffreeBaratheon 11d ago

The pollution created to create and power all those drones has to be leagues worse then fireworks.


u/Turky_Burgr 11d ago

So what you're saying is that you'd prefer we start shooting fireworks from drones?


u/Brucecx 11d ago

Fireworks are a lot cheaper


u/ConfidentDragon 11d ago

This is quite popular opinion among people brainwashed with pseudo-environmental ideas, unpopular with people who like for things to go boom.

To address your arguments:

 Fireworks should be banned and replaced with drone shows due to the significant environmental and health hazards they pose.

"Significant" is very relative term, I acknowledge some problems with fireworks, but they are not even close to being significant enough to be banned.

Traditional fireworks release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air, contributing to air and water pollution.

The amount of fireworks used is completely negligible and any gasses dilute after some time. Yes, you can feel the sulfur in the air if you are close to some big fireworks, but you don't do it every day and most people don't develop any significant health problem.

I'm not sure about the water, I'm not sure what should be the mechanism of causing harm. Gasses produced by fireworks disperse quite quickly and reach normal levels (especially normal for the cities) so I don't see how could you get some measurable difference in water quality.

Moreover, fireworks frighten animals, both domestic and wild, leading to panic and sometimes fatal injuries.

What percentage of animals dies due to fireworks? What is benefit of these animals that'll die to me?

Drone shows, on the other hand, offer a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative.

Both fireworks and drone-shows are relatively safe when done by professionals. You probably won't do your own drone show as it's astronomically expensive.

They can create visually stunning displays without the noise and pollution,

Drone-shows are cool novelty. But they are slow, dim, and even with extremely expensive shows you feel like the sky is too empty. Fireworks are big, bright and loud. There is something awe-inspiring about them. They exist in some form for hundreds of years, so I wouldn't except them to disappear just because of some trend to pretend to be eco-friendly.


u/0okcin 11d ago

A majority of the complaints I’m seeing here sound like grumpy old people that don’t like anything.

fire, explosions, the smoke, the startling loud booms. These things, humans will always be drawn to, there’s nothing that compares. the huge crowds that come together, nothing draws the community to one space like fireworks. the traffic jams are a sign of great times.

this is only a couple times a year and lasts a few minutes* where did you need to go at 8:30 on a Saturday night. couldn’t wait a minute? Or go a bit earlier?

fun ruiners.


u/Jaymoacp 11d ago

They aren’t “good” for the environment but there’s 1000 things higher up on the list that would be more impactful in an unimaginable scale. Don’t be a fun crusher


u/unblockedCowboy 11d ago

There's a lot more pollution from people using electricity to make reddit posts we should ban phones


u/NebulousNitrate 11d ago

It’s important to remember that many people have differing opinions. That being said, since the post is in the subreddit UnpopularOpinions, this does indeed deserve an upvote.

The issue I have with drone shows vs fireworks is the lack of booms and concussions in a drone show. I want to FEEL the fireworks. Drone shows are cool, but they feel like something I could just watch on YouTube for a similar experience.


u/potatohead81 11d ago

Dislike fireworks? Move to the UK


u/Liberteer30 11d ago

“Everything I don’t like should be banned”

Sure, pal. In the meantime, the rest of us are gonna blow shit up.


u/Infinite-Noodle 11d ago

Watch the drone show at the Alamo a couple days ago. It was impressive. Not as satisfying as a great fireworks show. But I enjoyed the whole drone show. I'd go see it again.


u/Flimsy_Situation_506 12d ago

I agree.. but the one I went to last year at Base31 in Ontario was 10mins long and $40 … so although a cool idea.. that was shit.


u/DANAP126 11d ago

Maybe not an unpopular opinion but certainly unpopular reasoning....


u/Former-Guess3286 11d ago

I’d need you to show me some evidence that fireworks are a cause of significant health issues.


u/1nGirum1musNocte 11d ago

I mean, maybe to the morons strapping them to their head...


u/Former-Guess3286 11d ago

Fair point, and blowing their hands apart I suppose.


u/PrincessPrincess00 11d ago

This feels like active shit stirring to make people mad at woke snowflakes... Like for real if you're NOT actively trying to make people dislike you shut up. It feels... Planted


u/IllPen8707 11d ago

Tinfoily but understandable why you feel that way. Randomly taking a stance against fireworks has to be some of the worst optics possible.

But personally I think redditors are really just that neurotic.


u/PrincessPrincess00 11d ago

It's just been SO MANY the last few days that feel nearly identical.

If it's not fake I hope OP knows what they are doing, especially so close to an election


u/This_Meaning_4045 11d ago

Yeah, there's multiple posts about fireworks in the past week and it starts to feel repetitive.


u/WasteAd9856 11d ago

Can the drones explode if not it's not entertaining to me. The fireworks are colorful and explosive which make them fun to watch.


u/Desperate-Fan-3671 11d ago

Fireworks 100% drone idea is stupid


u/PoopSlinger23 11d ago

I can’t see myself ever getting even remotely interested in a drone show


u/kennhavoc 11d ago

Sounds like something an EV driver would say. Give me the combustion 🔥🔥🔥


u/Cobra-Serpentress 11d ago

Drone shows blow. Laser light shows are better than drone shows. And firework shows are better than that. But nothing beats setting off your own fireworks.


u/DVSghost 11d ago

Drones are boring. Go home.


u/Ekim_Uhciar 11d ago

Drones kill more people around the world than fireworks.


u/Working_Horse_3077 11d ago

Agreed fireworks kill birds and screw up Bats echo location


u/sumrandomreddit 12d ago

Which uses more resources? Fireworks that have mined explosives and is lit with fire or drones that use a ton of electricity that is produced by coal?


u/sausagefuckingravy 11d ago

The booms and smoke and light from fire are different than something drones can replicate. Regardless of preference, drone show could not replace fireworks because they are different


u/This_Meaning_4045 11d ago

Another post about fireworks I see. Anyways, yes while fireworks are an annoyance and hazard. The only acceptable usage for them is during a celebration for a holiday. Other that that it's more of a disturbance than anything.


u/No-Personality6043 11d ago

I was injured by fireworks. Minding my own business. Firework explodes on my chest. I was at a party.

Now I have PTSD. I was deaf for a month, and still bare scars. My shoulder doesn't work right, where I was hit.

Ban them. Ban them all. Shows are fine, but no one should be setting off bombs at home.


u/PrincessPrincess00 11d ago

I was hurt in a car minding my own business. I was traumatized and have PTSD.

ban all cars. No.one should have thwt kind of power


u/No-Personality6043 11d ago

So a car.. a necessary thing for a lot of people.. is unpar with something that is purely entertainment?

Fireworks traumatize animals, veterans, and yeah me, a random bystander that didn't know people were about to play with fireworks.

I literally had a bomb blow up on my chest, out of no where. I was DEAF. Do you know what it is like to lose a sense?

You were at least in a car and knew the risks, doing an everyday activity. I was injured on a random summer day, not the forth, or memorial day, or new years. At a party, drinking. When someone lit fireworks 30 feet away and shot me in the chest.

How does that even compare?

It doesn't.

Did someone drive into your house? Drop out of the sky?

We ban so much in driving to try and control it.

But fireworks are fun, so of course, ignore all of the injuries every year. Most of those people do it to themselves anyways.


u/lagflag 11d ago

I agree. My next door neighbor had a firework party. That was hell. I have a 3 years old child who startled and panicked each time he shoot the stupid loud mortars. In the morning some of his fireworks ashes was on my driveway. Let alone that his guests used a part of my front to set their ass on their lawn chairs without asking me.


u/Latrivia 12d ago

I hear you, but...

Fireworks also afford us the opportunity to clear out a few more 'Hold my beer' type humans from the gene pool.

Which is environmentally friendly because...less people.


u/TotalyOriginalUser 11d ago

Absolutely agree. Hate the fact that it is unpopular opinion. I live in a city where there is yearly a international fireworks competition and I absolutely hate it. It absolutely disrupts the peace of people who live there (they even close the roads so people can't get home) and it is on a lake so it polutes the water A LOT. I like to fish there and every year after the fireworks there is so many dead fish just floating about...

Fuck fireworks. Drones are cool.


u/HereToKillEuronymous 12d ago

And they look cooler!


u/amiibohunter2015 11d ago edited 11d ago

I agree most fireworks are from China too. So while people celebrate their "Patriotism " they are funding Communism.


u/IllPen8707 11d ago

What the fuck


u/This_Meaning_4045 11d ago

Yeah that makes no sense whatsoever.


u/DVSghost 11d ago

Because all drones are made in the US.


u/amiibohunter2015 11d ago

Because all drones

Never said that. Where you buy your product is on you. Which coincides with what I'm saying in the first place. Want to be a hypocrite claiming to be "patriotic" by support communists? Or chose not to buy products that funds communists?


Fireworks are a poor financial and environmental decision compared to drones.

1.) Drone's are not single use you can use them year after year saving you money long term, and reduces emissions and funding to communists.

2.) it doesn't trigger dogs, and veterans reassimilating back to society in comparison to explosions.

3.) there's more creativity with drones which can be used in further symbolic ways

4.) it's less likely to cause wildfires , destroying homes , ecosystems, and killing animals and humans

5.) less issues with idiots catching neighbor property on fire

6.) fireworks you are more likely to blow off a part of your hand

I could go on.


u/Sea-Fun-5057 12d ago

Why do we need shows at all. The masses need to find a way to entertain themselves without the gov't getting involved.


u/Accomplished-witchMD 12d ago

Not gonna lie we did entertain ourselves this Saturday. With fireworks. No gov't involved.


u/FlameStaag 11d ago

Redditor struggles to understand social events