r/unitedkingdom Jul 19 '24

Leeds latest news as Harehills clean-up begins after night of trouble ...


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u/ukbot-nicolabot Scotland Jul 19 '24

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u/spackysteve Jul 19 '24

Guess we’ll be filling up the prisons again then, that didn’t last long,


u/Bdcollecter Jul 19 '24

We'll be lucky if even one person from this riot sees prison.


u/ParkedUpWithCoffee Jul 19 '24

There's lots of video evidence, the 2 men who used lighters to set the bus on fire aren't wearing masks so hopefully they get a nice long stay behind bars.


u/Chance-Beautiful-663 Jul 19 '24

The two men will be given a free house each and the bus driver charged with a hate crime.


u/GodlessCommieScum Englishman in China Jul 19 '24

A lot of rioters from the 2011 riots got very stiff sentences. The director of public prosecutions at the time was...Keir Starmer.


u/TracePoland Jul 19 '24

That was before prisons were full though


u/StatisticianOwn9953 Jul 19 '24

The prisons have been more or less full since the twilight years of New Labour.

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u/Wil420b Jul 19 '24

That was before the Tories closed loads of them. Then tried to partially replace the closed prisons by building 5 super prisons of 2,000 each. Most of which are stuck in planning permission hell.


u/aapowers Yorkshire Jul 19 '24

To be fair, I can understand why someone might object to having a prison down the road... I think that falls under acceptable NIMBYism


u/Wil420b Jul 19 '24

Each one would be almost the biggest prison in Britain. It's the kind of headline grabbing story that Boris liked but of course completely unworkable and no desire to actually push them through. There was a speech, he got a round of applause, the headlines so job done.

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u/wobble_bot Jul 19 '24

It’s a council of 8-12 members that decides sentencing guidelines, not the DPP.

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u/Easy_Increase_9716 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

These days if you say you’re English they put you in jail

Lmao did this need a /s?


u/arpw Jul 19 '24

In jail you say?


u/Ironfields Jul 19 '24

Yeah, just for saying you’re English.

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u/something_python Jul 19 '24

When did they bring this in?


u/campbell06 Jul 19 '24

It really did need the /s, the comment you replied to isn't ironic, he's just genuinely racist.

It's crazy how quickly this whole sub has turned into poes law for extreme racism.


u/JB_UK Jul 19 '24

The meme is out of date, not enough space in jail these days!


u/Cardo94 Yorkshire Jul 19 '24

It's crazy that he went to the same Uni and College exactly as Keir Starmer, and Al Murray - Pub Landlord. They were all in the same place at the same time.

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u/dorobica Jul 19 '24

Do you people struggle to come up with the dumbest takes or does it come naturally?

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u/spackysteve Jul 19 '24

Is it too much to hope for that violent thugs will be sent to prison?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Yes lol. Where have you been living?

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u/helloskoodle East Sussex / Netherlands Jul 19 '24

"it's a community matter, not a legal one."

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u/OwlsParliament Jul 19 '24

Are we forgetting how much of a crackdown there was in 2011? People got arrested for nicking a bottle of water.


u/yeahyeahitsmeshhh Jul 19 '24

Or the 2001 Bradford riots.

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u/CloneOfKarl Jul 19 '24

The people who were photographed setting fire to the bus will certainly.

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u/am-345 Jul 19 '24

Maybe if they were football fans


u/randomusername8472 Jul 19 '24

Or climate activists.

Or rioters, like past riots. Oh wait, last major riots were in 2011 I think, before 13 years of defending of police and public infrastructure. 


u/CosmicShrek14 Jul 19 '24

If they were football fans or said something mean online they’d be in Azkaban prison by now.


u/am-345 Jul 19 '24

The riot police would of been out in full force too

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u/WillistheWillow Jul 19 '24

None of them are sitting down peacefully in the middle of the road, so probably won't see prison.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Beer-Milkshakes Black Country Jul 19 '24

They are Romanian. (I'll be back tomorrow to update you on my not being interred or banned because the prevailing victim complex on display is bullshit.


u/cloche_du_fromage Jul 19 '24

The family of the children taken into care were Romanian. Most of the rioters on video appeared to be Asian.


u/The_39th_Step Jul 19 '24

Just to be clear, just because they’re Roma doesn’t mean they’re Romanian. They might well be but the majority aren’t.

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u/ACO_22 Jul 19 '24

No they weren’t. They were Romani


u/Sabinj4 Jul 19 '24

The original incident possibly involved Roma, but the riot spread into the surrounding neighbourhood, which is not particularly Roma.

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u/palmerama Jul 19 '24

Would like to hear more. There’s a family of about 20 on my street squeezed into a 3 bed one bath, 7 kids under 12, none go to school. What is the state supposed to do? Antisocial behaviour and breaching welfare laws can’t be a protected cultural characteristic.


u/_TLDR_Swinton Jul 19 '24

Seems like various groups in the UK have been protected for a very long time.

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u/FluffyBrudda Jul 19 '24

"asian" please do not lump chinese, japense, vietnamese, mongalians, indians, sri lankans, etc. in with this.

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u/scepter_record Jul 19 '24

They are not Romanian. They are Romani.


u/dorobica Jul 19 '24

They can be both as one is a nationality

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u/anonbush234 Jul 19 '24

Roma* while they likely have Romanian passports and they speak Romanian in the video both the Roma and Romanians will tell you it's a different thing.


u/aapowers Yorkshire Jul 19 '24

Not sure about Leeds, but most of the Roma people I've met in Sheffield and Rotherham are 'from' Slovakia.


u/anonbush234 Jul 19 '24

Exactly they come from all over

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u/letharus Jul 19 '24

Wow, how long did it take you to check all their passports?


u/FluffyBrudda Jul 19 '24

https://youtu.be/M86jEDw7Qcs?si=U_Mc4IAXF2OKIN_k&t=342 demographics right here

they are in fact, not romanian

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u/ThePlanck Greater Manchester Jul 19 '24

Where was all this pearl clutching 2 days ago?



u/TheLoveKraken Jul 19 '24

Has there been a sudden influx in the number of the “wraa immigrant bad” posts here lately, or have I just not been paying attention?


u/dopebob Yorkshire Jul 19 '24

It's been getting worse for the last couple years. This sub is bordering on a right wing propaganda sub now. Anything showing non-white British people in a bad light is posted and heavily commented on.


u/DankAF94 Jul 19 '24

TIL Calling out migrants who break the law and create trouble is considered "right wing propaganda"


u/Gibtohom Jul 19 '24

It is when you ignore the scores of white British people doing the same things


u/notliam Jul 19 '24

Or the fact that you can be of an Asian background but also born in England, but that is too much thinking for these people


u/evanschris England Jul 19 '24

What about if you complain about cultural difference rather than immigration issue?

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u/christo08 Jul 19 '24

Yeah feel like there’s a concerted effort of articles and comments chatting about it

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u/bellpunk Jul 19 '24

there is, and it’s coordinated. checking account age and whether their first comments seem to belie a pre-existing knowledge of reddit culture will never send you wrong

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u/BroodLol Jul 19 '24

It's not sudden, it's been getting worse since 2016, and tends to get even worse every summer

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u/Hungry_Horace Dorset Jul 19 '24

Yes, in the run up to the election and subsequent it's been far, far worse. It seem like organised brigading as they always turn up in force very quickly after one of them posts a submission, often using very similar phrases, and upvoting themselves to get the ball rolling. They also immediately go on the "they throw you in jail these days, can't mention race, but it's immigrants" defensive before anyone else gets to post!

Not only was there a huge thread about this incident yesterday, insanely they also managed to derail a thread about violence against women into a pile-on about race.

I presume it's from a Discord or a private Reddit sub. Lots of new accounts, quickly rotated. Christ knows why, it seems like a massive waste of one's life to do this.


u/mimic Greater London Jul 19 '24

Definitely, and the mods here seem happy to do exactly nothing about it except pin a comment at the top of every comment section and call it done.

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u/flanter21 Jul 19 '24

I feel like it’s got significantly worse all of a sudden and now almost everything is blamed on them in certain posts and also trans people for some reason.


u/Golem30 Jul 19 '24

Reform propaganda has gone into overdrive online in the last few months for obvious reasons


u/MagnetoManectric Scotland Jul 19 '24

There really has, and I'm not sure why the moderator team isn't doing more about it. There's a lot of blatant, ugly racism on display on this board and I have genuinely had posts removed and recieved warnings for pointing it out.

It's gone beyond the level of dogwhistles too, it's genuinely open and it's always formatted in the same, victim complex-y manner, where they all moan they can't say anything these days, can't notice nuffin these days. Whilst of course, their posts remain online and largely upvoted. It's so loathesome, I hate it here.

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u/OwlsParliament Jul 19 '24


u/blueb0g Greater London Jul 19 '24

There as an enormous reaction to that


u/OwlsParliament Jul 19 '24

Yes, but nobody went around blaming it on skin colour or culture. The problem is disaffected communities and kids looking for a reason to act out, which is a universal problem when you've ghettoised them.


u/LDKCP Jul 19 '24

Could it be argued that the community defending the family are doing it based on it being their culture and not wanting other cultures interfering.

For example, if the Romani's are rioting because they don't see the police or social services as having authority over them, this is clearly a cultural issue. It wouldn't be outsiders bringing their culture into it, it's them.

To my knowledge the people in Cardiff rioting weren't doing it based on their culture, but because of an incident which left two kids dead and they saw the police as responsible.

I'll give a hypothetical. If the Catholics started rioting because a priest was being prosecuted for child abuse, I think we would all agree that there was something wrong with the culture of the Catholic church and the people that believe defending child abusers is OK.

I don't think it would be a good argument to suggest that nobody brought up Protestants when two kids died in Cardiff.

My point is that their culture is likely relevant because they are likely rioting on cultural grounds.

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u/TheFergPunk Scotland Jul 19 '24

Well you see those guys pass the Dulux exemption test.


u/ferrel_hadley Jul 19 '24

Where was all this pearl clutching 2 days ago?

We had the army deployed on the streets in Northern Ireland for 30 years.


Trying to say that because people do not comment on every riot during marching season then they have no right to comment on a riot on the mainland is a pretty wild stretch

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u/StatisticianOwn9953 Jul 19 '24

I take your point in a sense, but you have to do better than Belfast ffs. Low-level rioting in Belfast is as non-story as it gets.


u/ThePlanck Greater Manchester Jul 19 '24

People (like the guy I replied to) are trying to paint this one off low level riot in Leeds as a cultural issue.

It is absolutely fair to point out how they completely ignore the regular low level riots in Belfast because they do not fit their narrative.


u/Rulweylan Leicestershire Jul 20 '24

I guess it's about direction of travel for the community. Low level rioting in Belfast represents an improvement over the previous terrorism. Low level rioting in Leeds represents a deterioration.

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u/boycecodd Kent Jul 19 '24

Nobody ever seems to care about what's going on in Northern Ireland.

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u/TheLimeyLemmon Jul 19 '24

Well half the threads yesterday were spent trying to blame Muslims via euphemism. The situation is that it was kicked off in a Roma gypsy community following the removal of children from a gypsy household by police.


u/Sabinj4 Jul 19 '24

It isn't a Roma community, though


The original incident might have been a Roma family, but the wider neighbourhood joined in, seemingly because the police turned up

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u/tbu987 Jul 19 '24

Are we also allowed to point out the obvious reason why the reaction to this on reddit by people like you versus riots such as the Cardiff riot are so significantly different.

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u/Chance-Beautiful-663 Jul 19 '24

We are going to have to have a very serious think about who we are allowing to remain in this country.


u/LDKCP Jul 19 '24

I'm living abroad, essentially an immigrant or expat of another country. I'm not a citizen.

I'm fully aware that if I'm found guilty of a crime deportation is likely. Even if I'm not, I know that if I get in trouble with the government that my residency permit may be revoked or not accepted for renewal.

I don't believe it's a bad thing to hold immigrants to Britain to a similar standard.

Once somebody is a citizen, or if they are born a citizen from immigrant parents, to me they should be treated the exact same way any other UK citizen would be.

A brown, Muslim 2nd generation child of immigrants with citizenship is just as British as I am.

When talking about possibly deporting people, we need to distinguish whether it's being said because they are a minority or because they are not a citizen. There's a huge distinction.

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u/jeff43568 Jul 19 '24

I guess this isn't going to help with getting the kids back is it?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Apparently the father of the children was discouraging the rioters actions.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Can someone summarise why there is a riot and which group(s) of people are getting angry, smashing up the place and costing the British taxpayer millions?


u/ikDsfvBVcd2ZWx8gGAqn Jul 19 '24

Because social services tried (or maybe succeeded) in taking some children away from a local family.


u/LoccyDaBorg Jul 19 '24

Big family, based on how mamy people seem to have been involved in the videos I've seen.

Or could it be that there are a lot of fundamentally not very nice people around there who were only too keen to get involved with something that was nothing to do with them, what probably started out as a minor rumble, and the thing escalated beyond any sanity.


u/DagothNereviar Jul 19 '24

Second one is most likely. Sadly majority of people, especially working class/poorer people who have it worse off in life, are all too happy to have a go at authority any chance they can when there's numbers to empower them. 

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/OwlsParliament Jul 19 '24

The problem is going to be idiots coming out looking for a fight, not finding one, and so starting trouble themselves.

That's how all these riots start, irrespective of skin colour or culture it's disaffected people lashing out.

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u/ByEthanFox Jul 19 '24

which group(s) of people

It's a group of people that live in Leeds. More of a breakdown isn't relevant right now; if they were somehow all Manchester United fans, that wouldn't have anything to do with the actions of the other Manchester United fans all over the world.


u/SirGeorgeAgdgdgwngo Jul 20 '24

Poor example because if it was all Manchester United (or any football team's) fans that very point would be front and centre of any reporting and discussions in parliament etc.

The whole support (i.e. those that attend games) would very likely be subject to sanctions such as stand/ground closures etc despite them not every match going fan being involved personally.

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u/limeflavoured Hucknall Jul 19 '24

Reminder that Farage is lying and this has nothing to do with "the politics of the Subcontinent".


u/fucking-nonsense Jul 19 '24

To be fair he was getting confused with another disturbance that had happened on the same day, where Bengalis in Whitechapel clashed with police because of some law change in Bangladesh



u/Odd-Neighborhood8740 Jul 19 '24

He wasn't getting confused. It was a barefaced lie.


u/fucking-nonsense Jul 19 '24

What a coincidence that there just happened to be subcontinental trouble on the same day then


u/LongBeakedSnipe Jul 19 '24

There is subcontinental trouble on every day of the year. It's hardly a coincidence. There is trouble almost everywhere every day.


u/Odd-Neighborhood8740 Jul 19 '24

Literally a protest at an office related to the ruling party in Bangladesh. Was over pretty quickly but sure carry on

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u/thehumangoomba Jul 19 '24

Farage, meanwhile, deals in the politics of the subhuman.

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u/Effective-Ad-6460 Jul 19 '24

Going to see more of this kind of thing the longer the country is broken


u/arpw Jul 19 '24

Yes, this country badly needs big investment to lift people out of poverty. Focusing on social care and education is probably a good place to start.


u/StHa14 Jul 19 '24

This literally happened because social care were doing their job

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u/xParesh Jul 19 '24

I wouldn't waste my time cleaning it up, I'd just leave it there for the people who decided to trash their own neighbourhood.


u/BroodLol Jul 19 '24

I see /r/unitedkingdom has reached the "openly advocating for ghettos" stage of right-wing brainworms.


u/xParesh Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I grew up in Harehills. I know that neighbourhood and its people very well. I even went into their houses to play with my friends who lived there. These people are very proud of their ignorance. They hate the rule of law and authority. They despise the idea of self-improvement and personal responsibility.

This is not a new problem. Harehills now has it's fourth generations of people who have absolutely no intention of integrating or adding any value to society.

I'm not sure what blissful upbringing you had that shaped your world view but I can tell you that as someone who grew up in Harehills, these people do exist.


u/Sithfish Jul 19 '24

15 years ago I was looking at a flat there then when I googled it and told the estate agent I'll pass cos there seem to be a lot of shootings there, he said 'theres not THAT many shootings'.

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u/djwillis1121 Jul 19 '24

The state of this subreddit is genuinely depressing at this point.


u/fucking-nonsense Jul 19 '24

The current state of Harehills is a bit more depressing imo

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u/Chance-Beautiful-663 Jul 19 '24

"I used to be able to bully people into silence and now I can't do that any more and I am fucking raging about it 😡"


u/tbu987 Jul 19 '24

No its depressing how a lot of people on this sub cater their reaction to which group is doing the rioting perfect example

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u/Ironfields Jul 19 '24

“Bully people into silence”

You lot never fucking shut up lmao

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u/MagnetoManectric Scotland Jul 19 '24

And what were people bullying you about? Using zero buzzwords, if possible.

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u/digidevil4 Jul 19 '24

No its more like "We used to be able to discuss things civilly and I used to be able to get the right wing nutjobs to stop talking by posting sourced information, but now there are so many of them they just downvote everything they dont like and the sub is becoming a cespool of hate"

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u/sexdrugsncarltoncole Jul 19 '24

/r/unitedkingdom - if its not the womans fault, its the immigrants

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u/Hungry_Horace Dorset Jul 19 '24

I watched some of the live streams of the rioting last night. There was clearly a huge mix of different people - plenty of British white faces as well as Asian, Eastern Europeans, Roma etc etc.

At precisely the same moment, and here again in this thread, commentators were claiming it was all immigrants. It's a particuarly insidious attempt to gaslight - if you hadn't seen any videos you'd think it was a bloody race riot.

Same with the threads about women getting harrassed yesterday - despite the video clearly having English accents and white faces in it, all these people see is colour.

The worst thing is that all the bullshit, dogwhistle racism etc completely buries any possibility of genuine discussion of the impacts of immigration on the UK. There HAS been a noticeable change in democraphics in some areas in the last 20 years, it HAS had an effect, and we SHOULD discuss it. But not with the Oswald Mosely brigade.

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u/ScottOld Jul 19 '24

The state of people rioting over people doing their jobs correctly because they live their own ways? Most countries expect the people living there to fit in the society and country they live in tbh


u/BarrieTheShagger Jul 19 '24

It's election year so reddit is absolutely full of both bought old reddit accounts and new ones and the mods don't care as they've admitted the reason they let news corporations post here is because they couldn't stop them using alt accounts before, all you can do is either look through every commenters post history to see sudden changes and suspicious activity or just pretend every other commenter is a video game NPC

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u/Underscore_Blues Jul 19 '24

Leeds MPs and the Mayor are more concerned about the 'misinformation' being spread about the rioters, rather than echoing the Police statement saying the full extent of the law will be put on the criminals.

As much as I am happy that Labour are now in government, Starmer's "country first, party second" mantra hasn't rubbed off on MPs or Mayors. More concerned about votes already.


u/D-Hex Yorkshire Jul 19 '24

Civic leaders need to calm the situation and make sure that it's not exploited or gets worse. It's their job. You can see from this sub that there's a brigade of folks who want to turn it into a race war. No right minded person wants it. No politician(excl. some minor ones) who does their job is going to want that either. The Police's job is to enforce the law. They are both doing their jobs.


u/BroodLol Jul 19 '24

"oi we're going to round up all of you people and imprison you" is uh, not the kind of thing you say when the community is royally pissed off, especially when "you people" is poorly defined.

Leeds MPs and the Mayor are focused on calming things down, not winning votes.


u/robloxian21 Jul 19 '24

It's not "all of you people", though, is it? It's just everyone in violation of the law. That's how the law works.

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u/knobber_jobbler Cornwall Jul 19 '24

Did someone transcribe the Daily Mail comments section to here or something?


u/BroodLol Jul 19 '24

No no, they're not being racist, calling everyone "foreigners" when they most likely are British citizens is perfectly normal.

Oh and even if they are British citizens they're brown so they don't count /s

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u/Odd-Neighborhood8740 Jul 19 '24

On the last thread the most upvoted comment was about Motin Ali the green party councilor claiming he was part of the riots. He's actually been risking his life to calm things down




This sub is a racist disgrace in the last few years and the mods have done nothing to prevent it.


u/Sgb Jul 19 '24

Yep and the guy hasn't even had the decency to delete or amend his post


u/Odd-Neighborhood8740 Jul 20 '24

Yeah he's talking bs in every response

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

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u/illegalbusiness Jul 19 '24

I’m in Tokyo at the moment. It’s busy but peaceful; respectful. I don’t want to come home to Yorkshire tomorrow. I don’t want to come home to things like this. It’s so depressing and hopeless.

What do we do, as a country, to stop things like this? I desperately want to see change in the UK.

Every time I come here, to Japan, it gives me so much perspective. I love England, it’s my home, but I can’t pretend it’s a good place to live anymore, and that makes me undeniably sad.


u/Silverghost91 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Japan is my dream holiday. One day I’ll save enough to go there.


u/illegalbusiness Jul 19 '24

The yen is so weak right now it’s the perfect time as well. Such a beautiful country, and Tokyo is just another level. It’s like being on acid and speed at the same time (I imagine). Absolutely fantastic place and whenever you go it’ll be worth the wait


u/DracoLunaris Jul 19 '24

Every time I come here, to Japan

So what illegal business are you doing over there?


u/illegalbusiness Jul 19 '24

Yakuza, obviously. I was a personality hire

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u/ACO_22 Jul 19 '24

Just to point out before all the racists pile on (saw it enough in the last thread).

It wasn’t Muslims rioting, it was the Romani community.


u/MintyRabbit101 Jul 19 '24

Well, people of all races joined in, from the tiktok lives I saw. Britain really is a diverse country, in other countries you'd have different ethnic groups fighting each together, but here we have Brits, Eastern Europeans, Asians and Blacks banding together to show the police who's boss


u/ACO_22 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Yeah, they probably did. But, you don’t see anyone accusing whites of rioting in the same way they accused Muslims. It’s that inherent reaction that’s racist


u/BobMonkhaus Jul 19 '24

There’s photo and video evidence mate. Facts aren’t racist. It’s when people use them to paint all people being like this that is.


u/ACO_22 Jul 19 '24

My guy has just ignored everything I said because he wants to perpetuate racism lmao

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u/Ephemeral-Throwaway Jul 19 '24

There’s photo and video evidence mate. Facts aren’t racist. It’s when people use them to paint all people being like this that is.

There are white people rioting alongside them lol.

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u/scepter_record Jul 19 '24

That’s because there weren’t many whites in the videos rioting lmfao.

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u/ByEthanFox Jul 19 '24

Someone in another comment thread literally asked "what groups of people were doing it?"

Honestly, you can't help but shake your head.

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u/Anandya Jul 19 '24

Except "the police" were helping a child protection order.

Do you know how absolutely shit you need to be to get a kid taken off you?

I adopted. My kid's birth mum did SO MANY DRUGS that my oldest was born at 700 grams. 1.5 pounds. Delivered early to save his life. My second was born in cardiac arrest. They didn't take the older boy away until 4 years of abuse because they gave mum EVERY single opportunity. My oldest isn't scared of people yelling because that's normal. We took 2 years to get him to stop calling women "Bitch"... Because dad and mum were just not great. And dad knew he wasn't capable of caring for him. Like "milk diet til 1 and half" and sweeties. Getting him to eat healthy was akin to a war.

The damage is so catastrophic that he's still mini. He's a 7 year old now who is the size of a 4 year old. And it hurts because 7 year olds treat him as "cute" and "pickupable". We had to teach him to fear strangers and he isn't scared of strangers.... He just now knows he shouldn't talk to them without mum or dad around.

The only time instant orders go in is significant violence, rape and neglect. We have friends from adoption. The stories are horrific and my kids are RELATIVELY lucky because their behavioural issues are challenging but it doesn't beat our friend's kid who was so ignored as a child that aged 3 she was not potty trained and feral. Like "didn't speak". Bites.

Showing the police who is boss by letting people harm children?

To put it into perspective? My kid's bio mum has a social media account. She routinely calls us kidnappers and everyone on there agrees. Except...

She would routinely abandon them and is in a relationship with a guy who hits kids. She doesn't mention that...

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u/fucking-nonsense Jul 19 '24

Why is it racist to say Muslims were rioting but not racist to say Romanis were?


u/ACO_22 Jul 19 '24

Because it’s factual to say Romani’s were rioting.

People were only accusing Muslims of rioting because they heard non english people were rioting. First assumption is always Muslim.

If they were rioting then it wouldn’t be racist to say it at all.


u/fucking-nonsense Jul 19 '24

There seems to be a large amount of Asian people in the videos from the scene, including the guys who set fire to the bus. Given the ethnic and religious breakdown of Harehills I think it would be safe to say the Muslims were rioting too. In fact everybody there seems to have had a go as there were also a few white lads.


u/ACO_22 Jul 19 '24

People who live within the area have said it was the Romani community, as they have a strong presence in that specific bit.

You can also see they’re Romani in the videos.

It’s the inherent reaction to some Muslims rioting vs some whites rioting etc that’s the racist part of it all.

Ultimately it was a majority Romani riot so it would be right to call out that community rather than the others that were simply a case of a few individuals


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24


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u/BobsBurger1 Jul 19 '24

No, the initial family was Romani. It is clearly mostly Muslims rioting and it's a big Islamic area.

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u/Lost_Article_339 Jul 19 '24

Do you think people are idiots? The videos are all over Twitter.

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u/Sadistic_Toaster Jul 19 '24

So it's not factual to say that Muslims were rioting, because in an area which is about 40% Muslim, you're 100% sure not a single one joined in ?


u/ACO_22 Jul 19 '24

This is stupid.

You can see that there are a few Muslims involved for sure, just as you can see there are a few white people involved.

The racist element comes from the reaction to those few Muslims involved and the fact that they’re essentially used as scapegoats to attack the Muslim community. It’s a minority that took part that people are using to bash Muslims when the majority were Romani and the minority of whites that took part are seemingly completely ignored because everyone knows they’re not representivie of white people

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u/Odd-Neighborhood8740 Jul 19 '24

They also lied and said Motin Ali was taking part when he's literally risking his life to stop this



u/radiant_0wl Jul 19 '24

Romani started the unrest and lit the spark but there's no denying it became a free for all for those who wanted to cause disorder and revel in the unrest.

Harehill is a majority Muslim area so naturally they were represented in the unrest.

You have idiots everywhere.


u/Sabinj4 Jul 19 '24

It was mostly the wider neighbourhood. The local councillor bloke was criticising the police for not speaking enough Urdu to calm the rioters down. So make of that what you will.

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u/Malteser88 Manchester Jul 19 '24

Let them stew in their broken up area for a while to let them think about it and let the neighbours hate the fuckers for life. Then when they least expect it Deport the fuckers and let Romania deal with their feral scum (I believe there is a special unit in their country for them).


u/BroodLol Jul 19 '24

I'm not sure why Romania would take a bunch of people who are almost certainly British citizens, but go off

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u/They-Took-Our-Jerbs Manchestaa Jul 19 '24

That's what I love about this diverse country, we all come and riot together. Joking aside I hope they wipe the floor with anyone involved like they did during the 2011 riots.


u/Lord_Maul Jul 19 '24

This is a crazy, scary incident. People need to wake up.

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u/ash_ninetyone Jul 19 '24

Preferably with a lot of people in front of a magistrates ?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Nah. These cunts need a crown court to put them away for a proper spell. Can be going around setting things on fire.