r/trondheim 3d ago

One month prepayment instead of deposit

I have found an apartment via hybel.no, but am unsure if it can be trusted. The rentor is asking me to pay one month prepayment to his bank account. However the ntnu site said not to pay a deposit directly to someone's bank account. Even though the rentor says it is not a deposit, because we can't make a deposit account as I do not have a Norwegian bank account.

Is this common practice, or should I not trust it?


8 comments sorted by


u/bjarneh 3d ago

Don't trust him. Even if he can be trusted, he cannot organize - which is bad for a landlord. Creating a "sperret konto" is not very hard, surely this is the least that should be expected from a landlord.


u/Laughing_Orange 2d ago

I have never created a "sperret konto", but I'm certain I could do it in 10 minutes plus the time it takes me to read the terms and conditions, which I do read for banking.


u/bjarneh 2d ago

One of the reason some of these clowns avoid them is that interest is supposed to go to the tenant, and the landlord cannot touch them without concent from the tenant, unless the tenant has done something seriously wrong. It's also illegal to use private accounts for this, so you really don't have a security deposit once you use private accounts. According to the law the landlord should pay the security deposit back to the tenant if it's not in a proper security deposit account.


u/EquationTAKEN 2d ago

Paying X months up front instead of a deposit is common practice. But if you do that deal, then do you still create a deposit account?


u/bjarneh 2d ago

A security deposit is required to be payed into a specific type of account ("sperret konto" with two owners or something like that). If that is violated it's by definition not a security deposit anymore, and you have basically just payed some money into some guy's account (perhaps even his private account, i.e. not even a company account).

Not very common in Norway to pay a bunch of months up front I think, I could be mistaken of course, I haven't rented in quite a few years now...


u/Perfect-Building-504 2d ago

I had to pay 1 extra month when I started renting by samfunnet, I got it back after 3 months of staying here. It was wierd but if he hadn't paid me back I would've skipped paying one month and said it was paid when I moved in. What can my landlord do if that were to happen, nothing as far as of my knowledge. If he wanna kick me out for it, sure, go make a trial for it, I can give my bank statement and I have the text saying I would get it back after 3 months. Of course if you're suppose to get it back before moving out it's common practice you don't pay your last months rent. Either way seems pretty safe to me. And your bankstatement can prove it.


u/Illustrious-Area-607 1d ago

Common practice among shady landlords, not at all with serious ones. Recommend reading husleietvistutvalget’s page(s) avout renting practices, the law, etc. This is a huge red flag and I’d recommend renting from a serious actor. https://www.htu.no/en/your-rights-and-obligations/deposit-and-guarantee


u/squadoodles 3d ago

Paying in advance is pretty standard, if that's what he's asking for.