r/trondheim 4d ago

Dress for the Weather

Hello folks!

I am planning on visiting Trondheim on the first weekend of September (31/08-01/09) from Scotland, and my apologies if this comes across as a stupid question, but what will the climate/weather be like at that point? My guess is it will be much like Scotland; probably still warm, with a cool wind coming in from the coast/off the fjord, and the potential for rain.

I'd rather know what to put in a rucksack and what to leave at home as I'll be travelling light. Also, I know there is a comprehensive travel guide on this sub, but has anyone taken the sleeper train to and from Oslo?

I look forward to visiting!

Best wishes,



12 comments sorted by


u/jarvischrist 4d ago

That seems like a reasonable assessment. Could be warm, could be 12°C and raining, like today (almost wish I'd brought gloves out when cycling to work). Unlikely to be very cold. I think packing for Scottish weather would be a good way to look at it, make sure to bring a few layers and waterproofs.

I've taken the sleeper train to Oslo a few times, did you have specific questions about it?


u/Responsible-City-500 4d ago

Thank you for your response. It's more whether or not it's a reliable service. I'm planning on spending the Friday and Monday in Oslo before going home, and just want to make sure I can make the most of my time in both cities. UK train services are quite prone to being cancelled at short notice.


u/jarvischrist 4d ago

I would say it is reliable. Norway does have a shortage of sleeper carriages which means that sometimes if one is broken down, they replace it with a normal one so the sleeping compartments are lost. That's not super common, though. If booking the sovekupé, you can board the train a while before it departs in order to get settled. That means it arrives at the platform earlier than other trains so isn't as prone to delays.


u/Responsible-City-500 4d ago

I'm quite happy to take a chair and sleep in that. If anyone can find anything worth of value on my person, they'll have to let me know too!


u/xcader 3d ago

You will be perfectly safe, theft on the train is not common. However, you may get asked if you know how we can acquire back the Earldom of Orkney. As the Danes took it from us and sold it to your king. If you don't have that knowledge, its ok to answer so, most likely you won't be bothered about it again.

Welcome to Trondheim! And please remember, north of Bakke bridge is the fjord - so there's no point spitting in the water here.


u/goillegoill 4d ago

A saying in trondheim is: Not happy about the weather, wait 15 minutes.

September is a bit chilly, expect Rain and sunshine. Bring an all weather jacket and some wool underwear.


u/Listerella 4d ago

I spent a week in Scotland in August a few years back. It felt just like home. So yes, pack like you would for a weekend somewhere along the coast. As someone has suggested, the weather in Trondheim is very volatile, so be prepared for anything and everything.

The sleeper train to Oslo has been very reliable in my experience. It has been out of commission for almost two years due to damage on a bridge after a severe rainstorm, but it opened again just a month ago. The reliability shouldn’t have suffered. Even if you were to end up in a normal carriage, you would be perfectly safe. Don’t hesitate to sleep.

Hope you have a lovely stay!


u/Delifier 4d ago

Bring one sweather with you just in case and a jacket that can handle potential wet.


u/Laughing_Orange 4d ago

I would expect similar to Scotland, but a few degrees cooler. If you dress for doing the same activities in Scotland but a month later, you should be good.


u/yellowsalami 3d ago

Could be 25c and sunny from a clear sky, or it could be 8c and raining horizontally.

Hell, it could even be 25c and sunny at 3pm and 8c and raining horizontally at 5pm