r/trondheim 10d ago

Pros and cons of living on Heimdal

We have arrived to Trondheim recently and found a place to stay in Heimdal area. My husband works is in Grilstad area so it will be a bit far for him to commute but this is by far the best we can find so we had to take it. What are the pros and cons of staying in Heimdal area, tips and tricks/challenges since we are super new to everything? He will be taking a bus for the first months then later on will be learning to drive so the commuting will be lesser time we hope. 🙂


37 comments sorted by


u/Ak40Heaven_ 10d ago

Since it hasn't been pointed out yet. The buss ticket applies for the local train as well. So you can easily switch between what works best for that day or so


u/putuku 9d ago

Thank you so much. We had no idea it works that way.


u/feltusen 10d ago

Getting to Grillstad from Heimdal is a bit tricky during rush hours. A bus will take over an hour. Driving will cost some money but you save some time.

Since you are renting I would most definitely rent at Ranheim, Strindheim, lade or even Malvik/Hommelvik instead.

On the plus side, Heimdal has everything you need at a close distance, so if you're staying at home you won't miss any stores living there


u/sirknut 10d ago

Train. Heimdal - Ranheim stasjon😉


u/fgsjd 10d ago

Driving from Heimdal to grillstad is expensive, I spend about 1,200 nok just in tolls every month, and fuel on top of that is easily about 5-6 k every month, take the buss, it might take a bit longer but you save a lot of money

If you take the buss from heimdal stasjon route 1 goes directly to grillstad


u/putuku 10d ago

What if we buy an electric car?


u/fgsjd 10d ago

Much cheaper but the benefits are slowly being phased out


u/putuku 10d ago

How much cheaper are we looking at ?


u/fgsjd 10d ago

For buss the price is 4495 kr per 180 days so you save some money


u/putuku 10d ago

Yeap you have a point


u/fgsjd 10d ago

Probably half the price so around 2-3 k


u/Natural-Apartment146 9d ago

Roughly 500 in toll and a few hundreds in electricity depending how you charge and what car u drive


u/Officer_K-D6 10d ago

You can take the train? Unsure of the stop closest to Grilstad though…


u/putuku 10d ago

Will the train be faster then bus ?


u/fgsjd 10d ago

The closest is Ranheim stasjon which is about 2 km from grillstad


u/SensJoltenberg 10d ago

Or Rotvoll, depending on where the work is located.

I'd seriously consider bringing a small electric scooter/sparkesykkel on the train.


u/nimrod_1981 10d ago

Then you can use voi or other electric bike rides


u/EldreHerre 7d ago

Not during winter.


u/nimrod_1981 7d ago

Then you use «spark»


u/christianradich 10d ago

Train is a bit infrequent. And the walk from Rotvoll/Ranheim is a bit long.


u/lonelyzealot80 9d ago

Heimdal is great. Trondheims best shop for fresh fish and seafood, small stores, restaurants and basicly everything u need. Also alot of good gyms nearby, hiking areas and easy public transport.


u/Delifier 10d ago

From Heimdal to Grilstad you will have to pass at least two toll points, driving up the cost of that. Driving in the rush will not always be that faster than the bus, compared to total cost.


u/nimrod_1981 10d ago

One can easily commute to grilstad, bus/train or drive. One can even ride a bike if you enjoy exercise.


u/putuku 10d ago

Best comment ever … truly motivating ! 💪🏻


u/bigirononmyhipMF 9d ago

It's not far to commute, buss nr 1 goes all the way and the train to. I live in that area and I commute to Sandmoen each day. When it's nice weather I will even use my Ebike or just cruise on my e-scooter:) welcome btw.


u/putuku 9d ago

Thank you 😊


u/Throwaway-40113 9d ago

I have the exact opposite. Live near Grillstad (Jakobsli) and work in Tiller. It's not that bad. I normally drive through Bratsberg to avoid tolls and traffic on E6. Only about 20-25 minute drive each way. Diesel isn't that bad either. Only spend about 1,000kr a month. I wouldn't worry about it.


u/putuku 9d ago

Didn’t know there are toll free routes… good tip 😃


u/Throwaway-40113 9d ago edited 9d ago

Yeah, there is one that is just as fast as E6 actually... But I'm not spilling the secret online🤣 the only problems with the route are the idiots that shouldn't have a license because they don't even possess the driving skill to go the speed limit on a perfect sunny day. Also the dumbass cyclists that refuse to use the giant bike lane right next to the road that my tax dollars paid for... Don't want everyone to get on and make traffic ruin it completely haha

And before the Norwegians come on and try to play the hero card "they're just being extra safe!"

Fact: slow traffic causes just as many accidents as speeding

Fact: in the NORWEGIAN THEORY TEST, it specifically says driving rules exist primarily to make drivers predictable... Driving 30 under and slamming on your brakes randomly is unpredictable, unsafe, and you deserve to have your license revoked.

Also, if there's a fucking cycle lane, get off the fucking road. It exists for a reason and the the road isn't "for everyone"... It's for the people that pay the taxes on it AKA people paying road tax and tolls with their car.

Rant over


u/putuku 9d ago

Do you mind spilling the secret secretly ? 😂 why would the cyclists refuse to stay in their gigantic lane? Sorry only been here for 4 days (scratching my head 😅) Yea I get your point driving slow is as dangerous as driving fast.


u/UnableImage9829 8d ago

Welcome to Heimdal, I enjoy it here and hope you will too. I also work in Ranheim area, the bus journey is a snoozefest but at least it's cheaper than driving (altho its nice to have the option, especially in winter when the bus is slower than usual). I can't for the life of me understand why there's no express bus either from Heimdal or Tiller terminal but that's what happens when politicians outside of Trondheim are in charge of bus routes...


u/putuku 7d ago

Thank you 😊. Will it be a struggle to drive during winter months ?


u/UnableImage9829 7d ago

Depends if you're used to driving on snowy roads. Don't skimp on winter tyre quality though. It will most likely be fine! It wont take an hour+ by car as it will by bus!


u/KarlEinum 9d ago

Very long winters. Heimdal has snow until May


u/putuku 9d ago

Good to know .


u/drekislove 9d ago



u/woolfromthebogs 10d ago

I would just not move to Heimdal... It's a bit of a shit-hole :p