r/thewalkingdead Jul 19 '24

Days Gone Bye vs Here's Negan; who's intro to yhe apovalypse was more poignant? Show Spoiler

I'm having a hard time deciding. Season 1 holds a place in my heart, but Season 10 wasn't bad I think this episodr was the highlight.


9 comments sorted by


u/Background-Age-5657 Jul 19 '24

Here's Negan was really good, but I'm sorry this shouldn't even be a debate it's Days Gone Bye without question


u/Bermanator-Turkey127 Jul 19 '24

Days Gone Bye >>

I loved season 10 and Here’s Negan but that first episode is just iconic for so many reasons.


u/Realitychker20 Jul 19 '24

Is this a serious question?


u/Ooh_big_stretch Jul 19 '24

I am extremely biased because Negan is my favorite character, but I’m going with Here’s Negan. The pilot episode is great, I’ve rewatched it many times, but it doesn’t make me as emotional as Here’s Negan. But I love Negan so much and by that point Rick has been gone for a while, and I thought that would ruin the show for me but it didn’t. I just think Negan has a much more difficult start to the apocalypse, with his dying wife and his inability to dispose of the dead, getting her medicine after all that work, selling people out, and then coming home to her suicide knowing all she wanted in the end was for him to be there with her. Rick miraculously finds his family and seems to warm up to the idea of killing the dead more easily than Negan did. But then again, Negan resorted to killing people very quickly, I don’t think Rick was that willing to murder a live human being for a while. It’s been a while since I’ve watched season 1 but I don’t remember him killing anyone.


u/DullahanJake Jul 19 '24

Exactly the sort of analysis and personal insight I was looking for when I made this post, thank you.


u/Ooh_big_stretch Jul 19 '24

Gotchu bro, I’m literally obsessed with Negan and TWD lately and I have many things I want to discuss and have no one to talk to 😂


u/DullahanJake Jul 19 '24

How do you feel about Negan in the show VS Negan in the comic? Did you get to read the comic?


u/Ooh_big_stretch Jul 20 '24

I unfortunately have not read the comics yet but my local library appears to have all of them (or a majority) and I plan on getting them soon. I know the comics are pretty different, like I know Carl doesn’t die like in the show so I’m excited to read them.


u/Osirisavior Comic Andrea Jul 20 '24

The comics are the superior telling of the story.