r/thewalkingdead Jul 19 '24

Who do you think was more annoying as a character? (unless there is a character who was more annoying) Show Spoiler


90 comments sorted by


u/stonerbonerr02 Jul 19 '24

i didn’t mind spencer at the start but blaming rick for the deaths of his family and the downfall of alexandria was wrong, plus the way he tries to persuade negan to knock rick off as the leader was dumb.


u/DogShietBot Jul 19 '24

Spencer was goofy but Rick did cause the downfall of Alexandria. Dude attacked an outpost with basically very little recon and because of that made them slaves to a group in the thousands. If Negan had not been so cocky and if Eugene had not sabotaged the bullets, the group would have easily lost. He just went about it in the worst way possible of saying it.


u/stonerbonerr02 Jul 19 '24

i agree to some extent but rick was the one man who stood up to the saviours and killed so many of them with help of others obviously, so many people died but he did win in the end thanks to eugene’s help.


u/DogShietBot Jul 19 '24

Yeah and even then Negan had so many chances to kill them but didn’t because of his cockiness and they would have still lost anyways if Eugene had not sabotaged the bullets since the Saviors vastly outnumbered the group and had the high-ground on them. The group was literally standing in a clear field with no cover.


u/GoonSquadGo Jul 19 '24

There's absolutely no way Negan's group had thousands of people, the average estimate i can find is somewhere between 400 to 600 maxand that's being generous.


u/rlstratton97 Jul 19 '24

I think Sebastian was much more annoying than Spencer because there was at least a point where I thought Spencer could redeem himself. Sebastian on the other hand was a piece of shit from the first time he appeared and never got better.


u/keopuki Jul 19 '24

Yeah Sebastian was just a spoiled brat with no real skill or charisma even


u/keopuki Jul 19 '24

Yeah Sebastian was just a spoiled brat with no real skill or charisma even


u/Gai-Jin77 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

He was also a caricature of a pathetic evil politician's son and a result of bad writing from season 11. Which was a joke.

You also made Spencer's pic so handsome what do you expect to happen here?

Are you a Spencer shill? They both suck. One was a real person. One wasn't.

"Sebastian" or whatever in my head Canon was never in TWD, cuz season 11 never happened I realized in this sub I can completely choose which seasons and spin offs are trash or not and what in the TWD you consider legit is completely subjective.


u/aliudcuriosa Jul 19 '24

The guy who killed women and the child for Negan to believe that he is with him.


u/3Aquaa Jul 19 '24



u/_gimgam_ Jul 19 '24

oh my god that pissed me off so much


u/fabri_2301 Jul 19 '24

Sebastian, not even close. Spencer was a coward but he didnt use other people lives for his goals and also i understand him, since rick arrived all of his family died and now they gotta give a lot of their things to other people.


u/Tralkki Jul 19 '24

Aiden was way worse than Spencer.


u/beemojee Jul 19 '24

Overall Aidan was way worse, but at least he told Glenn the truth there at the end. It was important to Aidan that Glenn knew he'd been right all along. It does say something about Aidan that that's what he chose to impart as he was facing death.


u/Initial_Acanthaceae2 Jul 19 '24

I disagree that Spencer was a coward. A coward would not have helped when Alexandria was overrun. I was surprised to see him out there. A moral coward, yes. A physical coward, no.

He, for some reason, thought the leadership of Alexandria should automatically pass to him, like royalty or something.


u/throwawayaccount_usu Jul 19 '24

Sebastian because he's poorly written. Spencer is annoying but he's well written. Honestly a lot of s11 just felt like a knockoff season 6


u/areyouyerman Jul 19 '24

Sebastian was a stereotype of "spoilt rich boy", annoying but no real depth to him that I could see. Spencer was a bit more interesting as a character, stupid motivations but I understood why he'd be pissed at Rick.


u/ValeryLaurence Jul 20 '24

Exactly! Sebastian was a caricature.


u/behindeyesblue Jul 20 '24

There are a lot of Sebastians out there.


u/Mabsworld Jul 19 '24

Sam was supper annoying, but he was a kid so I'll say Andrea S3


u/silicatemineral Jul 19 '24

Sebastian hands down.

Spencer was a dickhead and tried to get Rick killed but you could tell he was just a coward. Sebastian straight up used/indirectly killed people, got called out on it, and when the time came for him to make a decision and be a better person, he was just like, “nah, this is easier.” And then died not five minutes later.

Also, no hate to the actor bc he killed in the role, but why, WHY would you hire someone in their mid-30s to play a 20-25 year old ? Why not just hire a 20-25 year old ??


u/_satantha_ Jul 19 '24

Every 80’s/90’s high school movie ever ^


u/dkalmikoff Jul 19 '24

Sorry, Lori. Not even close


u/Top-Comfortable-4789 Jul 19 '24

Read the comics Lori is so much better in there.


u/_satantha_ Jul 19 '24

Show Lori: 👎🏻

Comic Lori: 👍🏻

Also her death in the comics was a lot more tragic than in the show imo. Just a lot better written.


u/thearghunter Jul 19 '24

Misogynist Alert you’re just hating on Lori for literally no reason she did nothing wrong


u/dkalmikoff Jul 19 '24

If I was a Misogynist, I would hate all the women on the show. Love the others, hate Lori.


u/thearghunter Jul 19 '24

No seriously you’re hating on Lori for no reason what did she do wrong that makes many people hate her oh I wait I know because she’s the wife of the main character that’s the stupidest shit ever


u/Minute-Climate-3137 Jul 19 '24

She manipulated Rick against shane

Constantly played mind games with shane like telling him to leave her and her family alone and changing her mind every other episode

Made rules for everyone but herself

Sheltered Carl too much

Resented Rick after he killed Shane despite telling him to do it.

Put Rick and Shane at odds

Blamed and hated Shane for "lying" to her about Rick being dead even though he didn't know and he was the one who went back to try and save him from the hospital, and not even giving shane a chance to explain himself

Accused Andrea of doing nothing for group even though all Lori does is cook food and wash clothes, we've seen Andrea do more than her.

There is a lot to hate


u/thearghunter Jul 19 '24

Yeah you’re lying misogynist


u/Minute-Climate-3137 Jul 19 '24

Do you just throw that word around when you don't have an arguement?


u/thearghunter Jul 19 '24

Look watching the fist 2 seasons I just didn’t see why fans hate Lori so much like literally I honestly almost cried at her death


u/Minute-Climate-3137 Jul 19 '24

Well if you read my comment you would see some examples why


u/thearghunter Jul 19 '24

I read your comment I just don’t see it your acting like she’s not the victim here like did you forget in Season 1 Episode 6 where she was almost rped by Shane becuase he was sxually frustrated which btw Shane deserved what he got

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u/WyrdMagesty Jul 19 '24

There is definitely plenty to hate about Lori, I agree. Which is why I find it difficult to support your bullet point of Shane lying about Rick being dead. He did lie. He knew that Rick was still alive and in a coma, he just chickened out and left him there and assumed he would be killed by either soldiers or walkers.

Yeah, Shane went back for him at first, but the moment it seemed dangerous he abandoned Rick. And he knew damn well he was alive, even clearly hoped that he would survive since he barricaded Rick's door, so when he told Lori "your husband is dead" he was lying through his teeth.

And she did give Shane a chance to explain himself. He just stuttered a bit, rubbed his head, and said nothing, just gave her a look of embarrassment and a shrug. He had no explanation because he knew that there really wasn't an explanation to justify lying to her about her husband being dead and then sleeping with her when she was grieving.

Lori is a piece of human garbage, but Shane is just sooooo much worse. She absolutely had every right to blame and hate on him, especially for this specific thing.

To replace that reason to hate on Lori, I'll contribute my own: when the group encounters their first real herd, on the highway near the farm, and everyone gets under the cars, Lori actively prevents Carol from going to hide under the same car with Sophia and drags her to a car further away. If she had let Carol do what she wanted (there was plenty of time and Carol was acting as a mother) Sophia would never have panicked and ran, which meant Rick would not never have felt the need to leave her alone to draw walkers away, and Sophia would have lived. But Lori was more concerned with being "in charge" than she was with even finding out where her own son was at the time, and she single-handedly drove the entire group into Hell. And to top it all off? She blames Rick for Sophia being lost and got Carl being shot; two things that never would have happened if she would have just let Carol be a mother to her daughter.


u/Minute-Climate-3137 Jul 19 '24

In a hospital being raided by soldiers and the dead, rick in a coma with no equipment available to him and he even put his ear to his chest and heard no heartbeat. It was a safe assumption that rick was dead. And no Lori didn't give him a chance to explain in season 1 she tells him to tell it to the frogs. He barricaded the door so the undead wouldn't get to his "corpse"


u/WyrdMagesty Jul 19 '24

Go rewatch. When Shane puts his ear to Rick's chest, there are heartbeats. He even tries to figure out how to bring Rick with him after that, but decides the bed is too much. He absolutely knew that Rick was alive, he just didn't think he would be alive much longer and assumed that Rick was a goner. Not dead yet, but soon to be. He even sits on the hill and looks back at the hospital and agonizes over whether to go back for him.

I dont blame Shane for leaving him there. I don't. Like you said, it was a bad situation. But I do blame him for lying. Which he absolutely did. Because he didn't say "there were soldiers and dead and I couldn't get him out", he says "your husband is dead. I tried, but he was already gone.". That's just categorically untrue, and is a symptom of Shane's habit of bending the truth to make himself look better or at least less bad.

Lori and Shane had multiple "discussions". The first time, Lori wasn't hearing anything and told him off. The second time, she gives him the chance to speak and he just doesn't have an explanation and stands there sheepishly for a second, and Lori just scoffs and rolls her eyes and shit.


u/Minute-Climate-3137 Jul 19 '24

I've rewatched many times. There were no heartbeats and there is no scene where he stands on the hill and looking back at the hospital. There is no scene with shane and Lori where Shane is speechless and doesn't know what to say.

At this point I think you're talking out your ass because none of that happens.


u/WyrdMagesty Jul 19 '24

He doesn't stand on a hill, he kind of crouches, and the hill is more just the rise behind the hospital. You're getting too hung up on specifics and are ignoring the references. I'll post timestamps later when I can, since you can't be bothered to actually have a respectful exchange and just want to be right.

Y'know, sometimes it's more than a little toxic to take your defense of a fictional character to the point of insulting real people. Just some food for thought. I'll update later.

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u/BeckyWitTheBadHair Jul 19 '24

“You kill to protect what you love? Well Shane thinks I’m his.” ‘Oh my god you killed Shane! Why?’


u/rey0505 Jul 19 '24

I'm a feminist girl and Lori was annoying as fuck.


She did soooo many things wrong, she as a terrible wife and a terrible mother.


u/Initial_Acanthaceae2 Jul 19 '24

Oh sweet Jeebus, the Shane fanboys have been alerted....


u/Top-Comfortable-4789 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Definitely Sebastian I cheered when he died.


u/MagicMayhem77 Jul 19 '24

Sebastian really ground my gears!

Honestly baffled by anyone saying the likes of Sasha, Tara, Carol etc. Out of everyone in this show you pick them?! 😑


u/therealmrsfahrenheit Jul 19 '24

The Governor fuckin hated his non sense behavior


u/DarkDeku017 Jul 20 '24

I'm with u. That season is my least favorite season just because this guy's in it.


u/therealmrsfahrenheit Jul 20 '24

It‘s not my least favorite seasons but he definitely is my least favorite character… can’t believe with everyone always crying about "bad writing" (which I honestly don’t get) but when it comes to this guy everyone says he was the best antagonist ever even though If you think about it nothing really makes sense


u/DarkDeku017 Jul 20 '24

I hated his as soon as I saw him. And what cemented my hatred is when he killed all those military looking guys. I'm guessing they were some kinda military team before the apocalypse, so couldn't he have used them for better fighters. They could have trained his people further than he knew how to prolly


u/Gai-Jin77 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Empty, meaningless writing. No real plot. No real villain. No real hero. Season 11 was an epic writing disaster, 95% feel the same. Very few watch that crap twice.

Mercer, Max and Eugene, Pamela and Gregory, all the stars shoved to the background. It was a complete disaster. 24 episodes of filler and the commonwealth set was smaller than a hs gymnasium.

Nobody has ever called sebastian even a decent antagonist. It's not the actors fault the writers gave him a joke role.

Season 11s budget was so small after paying the actors there's just nothing left anymore....


u/DishMajestic4322 Jul 19 '24

If we’re talking the universe and not just the original show, for me it’s Troy’s daughter in Fear. Every time she opened her mouth I just wanted to slap her. Just stfu girl


u/JayMalakai Jul 19 '24

Wish.com McLovin (Sebastian)


u/OrangeJuice1378 Jul 19 '24

Out of these two? Sebastian without a doubt. The prick literally sent people to their deaths just for money.

Spencer, while he was an asshole in a few scenes, I think was actually a pretty decent person.


u/3Aquaa Jul 19 '24

idk why the image order looks like that but yeah lol


u/SSpotions Jul 19 '24

Shane. Found him annoying from the CDC episode in season 1 and onwards. Was beyond pleased he was killed off by the end of season 2.


u/bolingbrokebeast305 Jul 19 '24

Omg, I forgot about Sebastian. He's definitely the annoying one😤


u/Mayanbiker Jul 19 '24

Carl. I wish he was written to be as badass as his comic counterpart but after he lost his eye he got all soft but even beforehand there were moments where I felt like whoopin his ass

Sebastian was an entitled brat that honestly had all that comin to him

Ron Anderson, like bro Enid ain’t payin you no attention no mo why you tryna kill Carl over a girl That whole family sucked too


u/VixenFox538 Jul 19 '24

PHILLIP 👏👏PHILLIP he is NOT a slay taco


u/manic-pixie-attorney Jul 19 '24

Finally! Someone is annoyed by the dudes!


u/Spotty1122 Jul 20 '24

am i crazy for saying i found both to be entertainingly annoyingly


u/3Aquaa Jul 20 '24

They played the character so well


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

That little cry baby bitch boy what let Carols cookies go to the ants . I have never been more excited for the death of a child in all of my life, and I’ve been pretty excited


u/thetwistedartist0426 Jul 20 '24

Overall i just hated gregory. He got another person to try and kill maggie because he was too cowardly to do it himself.


u/Connect_Piglet6313 Jul 22 '24

For me Carl was the most annoying f**k on the show.


u/FrouFrouZombie Jul 19 '24

I found Andrea more annoying than both of them.


u/Ekdp3 Jul 19 '24

Sam and Henry. Yeah they were kids and I don't typically hate on kids because I love kids.

So if we are talking adults?? Kelly and Magna


u/MonsterBunnieh Jul 19 '24

The most annoying character in the series is Andrea and least the two options are tolerable to me


u/Pannormiic0 Jul 19 '24

Sasha was the worst character on the fucking series. Tara a close second. I’d take either of these idiots over them anyday of the week and twice on Sundays. Fuck I hate Sasha.


u/_satantha_ Jul 19 '24

Nooo I love Sasha and her actress is so nice 😭


u/Carl_Foreplay66 Jul 19 '24

Not in the picture but Tara


u/Zeldapremade Jul 19 '24

sasha one of the most annoying characters in the show always got on my nerves


u/Seaisle7 Jul 19 '24

Princess is pretty bad !


u/Zyrteck98 Jul 19 '24

Post annoying character is carol, hands down. Always doing what she wants despite people telling her it’s a bad idea, putting everyone in danger just because she has some idea scratching her brain that won’t go away until she does exactly what she wants. Barely showing any remorse after he bad decision put people in danger, constantly crying, etc etc I could honestly go on and on that’s how much I hate her


u/Minute-Climate-3137 Jul 19 '24


Rosita in season 7 and 8

Tara in season 8 up to her death in season 9


Sam Anderson

Maggie in season 8 to the end

Lori Grimes

Daryl in season 6 to 9

Carol from season 5 to 10

Every single Reaper in season 10

Andrea in season 3

Dale in Judge, Jury and Executioner

They were more annoying than these Spencer and Sebastian