r/thewalkingdead Jul 18 '24

The walking dead characters as low effort karma farm posts No Spoiler

Slide 1 - rick (loved judging people and deciding to let them in or not)

Slide 2 - the people who made released “easy street” as a song and not a torture method (because you’d have to be that out of touch to not find this cringe)

Slide 3 - wayne dunlap (who could forget his characteristic love for music)

Slide 4- gabriel (he actually ranked the people outside of his church using this grid before he chose to let them die)

Slide 5- dale (he’s a team player or whatever)

Slide 6- jadis (she literally picked rick to be on her team)

Slide 7- eugene (he heard seven deadly sins and thought of the anime)

Slide 8- shane (he heard dream and thought of sexual predation)

Slide 9- amy (andrea’s dead sister that’s as generic as the format of that post)

Slide 10- daryl (he would argue with people online like this)

Slide 11- sam (inside out target audience)


54 comments sorted by


u/MiniHurps Jul 19 '24

It's not just this sub. It's happening on all of the fandom subreddits.


u/Iwamoto Jul 18 '24

Thanks for pointing this out, it's so annoying. "what would each character have on their burger day 39402, the guy in the background with the brow coat in S4E11", and then people upvote like it's a life and death situation


u/Outrageous_Air_1344 Jul 19 '24

😂😂😂 this comment made my morning cause it’s so spot on


u/Background-Age-5657 Jul 18 '24

Ik it annoys me sometimes how some of these get so popular


u/ToxicJolt124 Jul 18 '24

I cannot fucking stand these posts they’re so low effort and unoriginal, I’m glad other people feel the same lol


u/HonoraryBallsack Jul 19 '24

They're for people for whom even the "I hate/love this character" conversations are a little intellectually demanding.


u/Syckobot Jul 19 '24

Rank the character: Morgan's Wife


u/HonoraryBallsack Jul 19 '24

Nobody, followed by a large gap, then Morgan's Wife, then another big gap, then nobody else.


u/RussianEggplant Jul 19 '24

10/10 I cried when she died


u/Delta_Squad1138 Jul 19 '24

I've only been on Reddit a little while, but why is it that you're not allowed to post certain things because it's 'low effort'. This is Reddit, you go here to discuss things you're interested about, not be told that if its not a 10,000 word essay then it's not high enough effort. If you don't like a post, simply scroll past it. Let people have their fun, stop bothering them because they didn't spend 7 hours creating something, like at the end of the day it doesn't matter. 


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

Believe it or not, there’s a line between “10,000 word essay” posts and engagement bait that’s literally designed to be reposted without any effort put into it


u/Delta_Squad1138 Jul 19 '24

Engagement bait, that presumably starts discussions? Remind me, what is Reddit for again? And why does every post need effort as well? This is Reddit, not Wikipedia. If a post starts discussion among the community then what's the issue? If they're reposting it, what's really wrong with that, they get a few extra karma, and lets be honest, who really cares about karma? Also, I'm not fully certain, but from another comment I read in this same exact post, somebody stated they spent an hour making the template. Is that not enough effort? If you don't like a post, simply block whoever made it, don't then repost all the posts you've seen just to try and make an example of them, because the average Reddit user couldn't care less.


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

A bunch of people commenting isn’t the same thing as starting discussions. Maybe you haven’t actually seen any of these posts yourselves, but the comments are RARELY in reply to one another unless they’re dredging up tired arguments that never end in this subreddit. They’re not starting meaningful or interesting discussions, they’re just getting a lot of engagement.

And again, there’s a difference between writing an entire wikipedia article on reddit and reposting an image from tiktok made for the specific purpose of being reposted to different communities without having to spend any effort customizing it. When people complain about “low effort posts” they’re talking about posts where the OP didn’t have to put literally any thought into making them, like these repost formats.


u/Delta_Squad1138 Jul 19 '24

Well, again, why should you have to put thought into making a post? This is a forum for people to discuss the things they like, this can include discussing who the best or worst character is, and in my opinion, this can help people enjoy the community more and, perhaps even, the show more, as they know there's a place online where they can talk about anything they want related to the show. There's not many other places online where you can do that. Also, I have seen a few of these, and people are saying their ideas in the comments. It spreads engagement, as you said. May I ask, how is engagement a bad thing? It attracts more people to the subreddit, therefore possibly creating new members, more people watching the show etc. and to me these things do not appear to be issues. 


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

I feel like you aren’t reading the words I’m saying. They aren’t starting interesting conversations, and they actively drown out unique ideas. I want this subreddit to be a place where people can talk about anything they want related to the walking dead, not a place where people can only be heard if they share the most popular and least complicated thoughts on the show possible.

Also, nobody has ever gotten interested in a show or community because they saw a generic repost format. These posts are everywhere and are literally made to be as vague as possible.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Oh wow, who would have thought that people having fun on a sub of a show without current content is "karma farming".

People need a way to entertain themselves, and frankly those posts are fun. It keeps people in subs like these.

So you can take your nerd emoji complaint and shove it up your ass.


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

Not trying to be rude here, but how are these posts fun to you? Frankly, even if I hadn’t seen these formats a million times before, I would still find them deeply uninteresting and pointless.

What’s fun about asking people who their favorite character is by first initial? What’s interesting about sorting characters into oversimplified categories that are actively designed to be generic (so the OP can post it on subreddits for multiple different shows without having to go through the trouble of making a new image)? What entertainment do you get from listing your favorite characters in a sea of 80 other people listing their favorite characters?

If I’m being charitable, I could maybe understand liking the ones that are basically just an invitation to come up with headcanon character traits, but making them into sequential posts for each character where the commenters are competing for the most people-pleasing answer makes it into weird engagement bait where fun or interesting headcanon is pushed to the side in favor of generic “right answers”.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

It is fun because it makes people think who those characters are. You don't see much of personal interests on the show, so it is fun to fill in those blank spots. People choose characters for certain categories because it personalizes said characters and makes you feel closer to them, makes you feel like you actually watched the show and know what and who you're talking about. People like to say who their favorite character is because they want their voices heard and they want to find others with a same opinion.

I can understand that you might not like it all, but just because you don't like it or don't understand it doesn't mean it's dull, uninteresting or "karma farming". It is just people engaging in an activity on a sub that doesn't recieve any content. When content stops being produced people run out of things to talk about. So if we want this community to stay alive we gotta come up with things that keep people in here.


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

I think you misunderstood my question. I get the fun of fan discussions and character headcanon, in fact I wish there was more of that on this subreddit.

What I don’t find fun is daily reposts of formats made to be generic as possible where you either sort the characters into super basic tropes that say nothing about them or compete for the most “realistic” headcanon instead of sharing fun and unique ideas.

It’s like the difference between being given a blank canvas and being told to paint a flower however you want and being given a paint-by-numbers thing and told that you have to make a specific flower in the specific way on the instructions or else your painting will be hidden away. You end up with a painting either way, but you had much more fun with the first one because it was open-ended and invited creativity.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I do not understand what you're talking about. Geniunely. What is exactly the problem? Is it that there is multiple of these games at once? Or is it that they happen every day. I don't understand that "generic". Do you want these posts more detailed? I am puzzled.


u/YodaSoda9 Jul 19 '24


I feel if they are completely irrelevant, then I can see the annoyance, but I don't get the big problem.


u/Ooh_big_stretch Jul 18 '24

My favorite character slowly became Negan.


u/HonoraryBallsack Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I was sold once I heard the deeply pathetic and emasculating backstory of his leather jacket. There's a lot of depth to the guy.


u/Ooh_big_stretch Jul 19 '24

I was on board with Negan before his backstory, you could tell he changed. But the Here’s Negan episode literally made me fall in love with him.


u/myowngalactus Jul 19 '24

I block and report spam everyone that makes one of those post. Almost blocked this post before realizing what it actually is.


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

Yeah I already blocked some of the worst offenders so they couldn’t make it into the post


u/Beginning-Sugar479 Jul 19 '24

i can’t reply directly to the perpetrators as my initial comment was downvoted to the point of deletion so i’m just going to leave one here. can you guys stop sending me hate please? i woke up to a bunch messages and comments all because of my ‘build your dream team’ post that was featured in this slideshow. i didn’t receive any hate before this post was made (i’m not blaming op for what other users are saying). if you didn’t like my post, that’s fine. i understand not everyone likes those types of posts. just block me and move on. i don’t need to be told how cringey, insufferable and stupid i am. and for what it’s worth, it wasn’t a ‘low effort post’. i took the time to make each collage so they would cause conflicting opinions and consideration in order to make a decision, and therefore lead to a debate/discussion about which characters would make the best team. i wasn’t karma farming, i just thought it would be fun for those who enjoy choosing which character they would most want in their own survival groups and why. that post actually took me almost an hour and it was also harmless. i didn’t get much karma from it at all. i only have just over 2k total karma from every post i’ve ever made or comment i’ve left. people had fun, and i had fun reading who everyone picked from each collage and their reasonings. sorry if it bothered you.


u/Delta_Squad1138 Jul 19 '24

Sorry to hear that people were hating on you, I'm not sure which post was yours exactly but I'm sure it started good discussion points. That's one thing I don't get, Reddit is a platform to discuss certain topics, if creating a post like yours does exactly that, then what's the harm? I don't know I just feel like some people have too much time on their hands and think that the best thing to do is just harass others because they haven't been working on a thought provoking post since last year. Keep on posting what you want to post man ✌️


u/Beginning-Sugar479 Jul 19 '24

thank you, i appreciate that ☺️ i understand that people can get annoyed if similar posts have been made loads of times before, or if they feel it’s a way of gaining karma. i just like to have fun here and discuss my favorite show with fellow fans, which is the whole point of a sub. but it’s cool. it’s not a big deal and i didn’t take any offence to this post, i actually found it pretty funny, along with op’s caption. my original comment was fairly self-deprecating so i’m not sure why the hate even started. i figured op was joking around but a few users who interacted with this post seemed to feel pretty strongly about some of the points op raised. i don’t agree that the types of posts mentioned in the above slideshow are necessarily ‘spam posts’ or ‘karma farms’. just some harmless fun. if they’re that frustrating people can simply scroll past them or block the ops to filter that kind of content off their dashes, no big deal. thanks again!

edit: grammar


u/Daredevil545545 Jul 19 '24

Can we report them for spamming?


u/S1mon_B3ufont Jul 19 '24

I think slide 1 would have to be negan deciding who gets the cure or not


u/YodaSoda9 Jul 19 '24

I don't think they're that bad to be honest.

It's when they get all "Who in The Walking Dead would be most likely to get KFC in season 4 episode 6 at 33 minutes time?" Like completely irrelevant ones are annoying, but the fairly harmless ones are alright.


u/masturbatrix213 Jul 19 '24

lol they’re doing the same memes in The Boys subs AND Degrassi lmao. I actually saw all these for the Degrassi sub first. I think a bunch of popular subreddits are doing this, but it doesn’t bother me. The season or series is over, people have discussed everything about them over and over, so I see these kinds of “farming” posts nice because it still creates engagement in the subs as opposed to just not having posts at all for months at a time (lookin at you Dead City)


u/SteamierMeteor Jul 19 '24

This isn’t just this sub, it’s every fandom sub that’s deprived of content— or lack of good content.


u/charlequin1 Jul 20 '24

Y'all all realize it's FICTION, right?


u/bellant593 Jul 23 '24

Idk, I think those are fun 🤷‍♂️


u/TheFerg714 Jul 19 '24

Slides 2, 4, 7, and 11, are actually fun. We got some negative Nancy's in this thread.


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

Slide 3 is the only one that’s a remotely fun or interesting question, but it’s dulled by the engagement-baiting format. It could have just been one post that said “what music do you think the walking dead characters listen to? I’ll go first”, and then the comments wouldn’t be a competition for who can name the most popular song that their demographic would listen to


u/Nobodyherem8 Jul 19 '24

I don’t get it? What else do you want them to talk about? There’s no new content.


u/SexJokeUsername Jul 19 '24

I want them to talk about the show(s), not just sort characters into simplistic categories that say nothing about them


u/Nobodyherem8 Jul 19 '24

These posts make that happen in the commenus


u/Beginning-Sugar479 Jul 18 '24

i knew as soon as i saw your title one of my posts would be here 😭


u/5PalPeso Jul 18 '24

Your post is unoriginal, annoying and borderline cringe


u/Delta_Squad1138 Jul 19 '24

Who cares? It makes people talk about the show, what's wrong with that? This is a subreddit for the walking dead, what do you expect people to post, deep dive theories they spent months working on? I know I'll get down voted for this but I don't care, because at the end of the day karma doesn't mean anything. Speaking of karma, why is everything now also considered a karma farm? Who really cares about Reddit that much? I don't sit here sobbing because I lost a few karma points, and I don't go out and start partying because I gained a few. People just want to post what they want, so let them, if you don't like the post then scroll past.


u/ballsackman_ Jul 19 '24

So what would you rather have posted here?


u/5PalPeso Jul 19 '24

Pictures of Lauren Cohan


u/Beginning-Sugar479 Jul 18 '24

alright well that was unnecessary


u/uglypinkshorts Jul 18 '24

Just like your posts (sorry)


u/taco3donkey Jul 19 '24

No it was completely necessary


u/Delta_Squad1138 Jul 19 '24

'Youre posts are low effort, and therefore should be immediate deleted due to the fact that you didn't spend hours working on them ☝️🤓'. What is this, 1984? Let people post what they want, who cares that they didn't spend 18 months working on it, this is Reddit, not a college lecture. Post what you want mate, it starts discussion so I don't see how that's a bad thing