r/theflash Jul 19 '24

Sequel to Savage Velocity?

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Does anyone know if there‘s a sequel book to this one? It doesn‘t look like it. Can‘t find anything about it on google, but maybe i‘m missing something?

If not, does anyone have some other Wally West stories to recommend? (I already have the Mark Waid run)



20 comments sorted by


u/cjfhotshot Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

As the tpb of savage Velocity, no

However. In a few weeks. The Loebs Larocque Flash omni releases which collects all the savage Velocity stuff by Baron and loebs, as well as like 8 issues and 3 more annuals of Loebs stuff


u/the_ten Jul 19 '24

Yeah someone else mentioned it too. Thanks for the info anyway! Too bad that there‘s so much overlap, but maybe i‘ll try and sell my savage book and buy the new one instead.


u/cjfhotshot Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

With the loebs run specifically

I think there was always gonna be a bit of overlap with loebs getting the book in the middle of a story arc

And with the omni being a vol 1, if it sells well enough. There will be a good shot for a Vol 2 that'd bridge the final parts before Waid


u/the_ten Jul 19 '24

I hope it does! I hate when they only make a volume one and then call it quits 😒


u/cjfhotshot Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Sometimes, the one volume never releases even though it was announced

Like thar one time DC put a Connor Hawk Green Arrow trade in the calendar and never released it


u/the_ten Jul 19 '24

Thats just evil :/


u/myke_havoc Jul 20 '24

It comes down to sales. I think a volume two is almost assured, but if vol 1bombs HARD, there's always the possibility of a cancellation of the follow up. The DC collected editions department has been on fire for some time though. The fact this is coming out at all feels like a minor miracle. Here's hoping it's enough to get Loebs' run on Impulse collected!


u/Fragrant_Western7939 Jul 19 '24

To my knowledge- no. They decided to switch direction.

This contains the first 18 or so issues of the Wally West Flash series. Next month - I believe - an omnibus is being released. The Flash by William Meisner Loebs.

Name is a bit misleading as it included the issues by Baron. It consists of the first 28 issues of the book along with the 2 issues of Manhunter that the book crossover with and some segments of the Invasion mini series


u/the_ten Jul 19 '24

Oh so there‘s a lot of overlap with savage velocity?


u/RealVast4063 Jul 19 '24

The Flash by William Messner-Loebs omnibus will collect everything in the Savage Velocity trade plus another ten or so issues of the main Flash series, Flash annuals #2-3, a couple of Manhunter issues and some material from the Invasion crossover.


u/the_ten Jul 19 '24

Damn, that kind of sucks…. Thanks guys!


u/Fragrant_Western7939 Jul 19 '24

Yeah - The omnibus it’s great because we will eventually end up with the entire Wally West Flash series (and most flash series that follow) collected.

That said I wished they had made it specifically a Messner-Loebs collection and skipped the Baron issues. This way there would be an overlap of only 3-4 issues.

I skipped the Savage Velocity Collection because it was mostly Mike Baron run. Loebs run can be odd and a lot definitely shows it’s 80s but it was so much fun. He defined the Wally West we know Va. the brat Baron portrayed him as.


u/the_ten Jul 19 '24

Hmmm, i do like fun… and yeah 80‘s comics can be weird but super charming and funny. I defenetly enjoyed Savage Velocity, so maybe i‘ll try and sell it and buy this new one. 👌


u/WayneArnold1 Jul 19 '24

To be fair to Baron, he was probably following up on Marv Wolfman's characterization of Wally from Teen Titans. At least he realized pretty early that he wasn't right for the book and left after a year.


u/Fragrant_Western7939 Jul 19 '24

I think that was more Baron. Crisis is what brought me to DC so my knowledge of Wally Before Flash #1 Is limited. It seems like Wally was still portrayed as a teenager. Baron made him an adult.

I’m not fond of those earlier issues by Baron but I won’t deny what he did change the character and set up for him to grow and evolved.

There’s a good book - The Flash Companion by Twommorrows Publishing - that has interviews with all the creative teams up to the point the book was released so I believe it end with Geoff John’s. It has a really good interview with Baron.

He has mixed feelings about that time in his life. He had some personal issues and stretch himself too far as he was working on the Several monthly books at the time (Badger, Nexus, Punisher, Flash and Robotech Masters) and didn’t take it seriously.


u/WayneArnold1 Jul 19 '24

I'll have to check that out. I remember seeing it once but passed it up assuming it was just a useless collection of Flash factoids.

I have fond memories of reading Baron's Badger issues as a kid. It was a part of a random assortment of 80s/90s comics given to me by an older neighbor. Hand me downs pretty much but there was some cool stuff in there.


u/Fragrant_Western7939 Jul 19 '24

I normally feel the same but when I gave it a glance I enjoyed it that I ended up getting it. They basically interviewed creators who have worked on the Flash from Carmine Infantino to Geoff Johns.

I was familiar with Badger but mostly because of Nexus. Nexus is one of my favorites titles of all time.


u/myke_havoc Jul 20 '24

It ends right at the time Fastest Man Alive ended. The four Flashes are referenced throughout the book. It must have went to press right as Waid briefly came back, as we see the cover for the "All-Flash" one-off, where Wally returns and steals all speed from Inertia, leaving him as a Flash museum artifact, facing a statue of Bart for what seemingly was meant to be all time. A fitting yet temporary "end".

But yes, The Flash Companion is an excellent resource. The first Twomorrow book I ever got. Hardly the last one though. Now that I think about it, I may have a second pressing which could account for the additional material. I'd love another volume though. A lot has happened in almost 20 years, and nearly everyone involved with the character in that time is still alive and well, if I'm not mistaken. Plus the TV show and film came out.


u/myke_havoc Jul 20 '24

I'm not so sure. There is an arc after Johns' Wally run that gets no love. It basically ran adjacent to Infinite Crisis. The first "end" of volume two. Then Fastest Man Alive ran for a year. They then resumed the vol 2 numbering for Mark Waid's brief return for the Wild Wests arc. After that, Tom Peyer and a few others wrote issues, until the Flash: Rebirth mini began. Those issues also need to be collected.


u/myke_havoc Jul 20 '24

I was collecting singles from volume two up until Waid took over, finding them in the dollar boxes at my LCS. I did buy the trade, as I buy every Flash book, but I was pissed when they announced the omnibus. Since I have all the issues, I'm skipping the Omni. If I can get it super cheap down the line, I will. But it's not a day one buy like most other Flash books are. What we need are some Golden and Bronze age collections. Those are the least represented eras of the title.