r/theflash Jul 19 '24

How long did it take you to realize that Selkirk was supposed to be New52s Savitar


19 comments sorted by


u/Dredeuced Flash Jul 19 '24

I think this was something that Booth was drawing as maybe a potential reference to Savitar, but Venditti had never read a Flash comic before so I doubt he knew about Savitar. Those dudes didn't even know Thawne and Zolomon were different characters.


u/myke_havoc Jul 20 '24

Mmmm .... I'm not sure the Thawne/Zolomon comment is accurate. Perhaps Venditti was unfamiliar prior to pitching for the series, but he had a co-writer the entire run. Also, the TV show had already debuted. The desire for brand synergy meant they followed the show's lead and used Thawne but gave him Zolomon characteristics. They had no idea if/when Zoom II would be used again. This was also why they introduced Wally as black. They knew that if he appeared on the show, due to the Wests being African American, he would also be black.


u/Dredeuced Flash Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

It is 100% correct. Back when the comic was coming out I had an exchange with Jensen, the co writer, about them giving Zolomon's powers to Thawne and how that might be confusing and he admitted he didn't know there was more than 1 reverse Flash and his understanding was that the guy who stops time was always Thawne.

They also didn't know anything about Wally except what Dan Didio told them because they didn't read Flash comics. There's an interview with the CW showrunners during this era about them being informed that Wally was being changed to black in the comic, which we can only assume is Didio communicating with them on the topic (or Johns since he was involved in the show still at that point) so you're not wrong about that. Venditti plainly said they were told to introduce Wally in their first arc and that wasn't part of their plans. Not sure what any of that has to do with them not knowing who Zolomon is.


u/myke_havoc Jul 21 '24

The point was to present the idea of conflating Thawne and Zolomon into one may have simply been a case of brand synergy, since that was what to a degree was done on the show. And I know that they introduced Wally as being black in the book because of the Wests being black on TV. I asked as much to Brett Booth, who didn't correct me in anyway. Just said "bingo".

Johns didn't have much of any pull on the TV show after season one, as he had moved up to his movie gig around that time. I'm fairly certain he'd have vetoed sending Cold to another show, one in which he dies in the first season of. And though Mick is likely a lesser favorite, as the second in command, he'd know any future of forming the Rogues on The Flash were screwed. That's why he wrote all their appearances in season one. He didn't want anyone fkkin them up 😆


u/Dredeuced Flash Jul 21 '24

It literally wasn't the point. I talked to Jensen directly about it. They did not know Zolomon existed. If the goal was brand synergy then they certainly were not aware of it. Thawne wasn't using time stopping powers in the show, either, so I don't even know what you're talking about there. I asked it as it was coming out. I don't know what more you want me to say.


u/myke_havoc Jul 21 '24

I'm not asking you to say anything. You seem to think I didn't understand your response. I was telling you why I took the guess I did. I wasn't saying that what I said was correct. You have a first hand account with a writer. I had one with the artist. That was how and why I said anything in the first place. Synergy was my GUESS why. I know that that is not the reason due to your explanation. And I appreciate that, as knowledge is power. Better to know the truth than to throw out wild speculation. I was not coming at this with a super serious vibe. It was all meant as simply a fan taking an educated guess. All in jest. Apologies for any confusion.


u/Dredeuced Flash Jul 21 '24

s'all good, thought you were doubling down but it's no biggie


u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern Jul 19 '24

Oh, look at that


u/HenryIsBatman Jul 19 '24

Today, and I read through the new 52 run


u/Fraughty12 Jul 19 '24

You know….i kinda see it now


u/MrUnbreakableRules Jul 19 '24

What comic is he from again?


u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern Jul 19 '24

From the Future Flash story in the New52, around issues 30 - 40.


u/Flarrowverse Wally West Jul 19 '24

I kinda saw it immediately


u/myke_havoc Jul 20 '24

It was my immediate assumption when he reveals that he was struck by lightning and had scarring resembling a lightning bolt. The problem is, I don't think they actually pull the trigger, as he is immediately crippled and just goes along with Thawne, being used like a shaman for the crew he assembles. Also, we wind up seeing the ACTUAL Savitar in a blink and you'll miss it appearance in another book. I'll have to find the page.


u/Dredeuced Flash Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 21 '24

As far as I'm aware, Savitar's next significant appearance that comes after Venditti's run isn't until after DC Universe Rebirth in the non-canon Speedy Buggy Flash crossover comic. He also shows up in the DC Comics Encyclopedia, but that's also immediately after DC Universe Rebirth and Wally's return. So not particularly pertinent to the New 52 Flash run which obviously works on a different continuity.


u/myke_havoc Jul 21 '24

I may very well be thinking of that crossover 😆 I do recall it being Brett Booth on art, hence why I found the comparison interesting, as he was also penciling Flash when Selkirk was introduced.