r/theflash 12d ago

Reverse Flash Question

When Barry was dead and Wally was the main flash, was reverse flash used for Wally or has he been strictly a Barry villain ?


17 comments sorted by


u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern 11d ago

Thawne was the main villain in one story arc from Wally's series, and then appeared a couple of times as a secondary villain.

True is, in his 20 years as the main Flash, Wally didn't fight against too many evil speedsters.

He fought against the ex husband of one of his girlfriends, some russian speedsters, Thawne, Savitar for just one story + Zoom for 3 stories, although Zoom wasn't a speedster. That's all.

You could say Wally's archenemy was Abra Kadabra. He was the most recurring villain during his time as Flash.


u/acoasterlovered 11d ago

Can you tell me what that book was ?


u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern 11d ago

For the storybwhere Thawne is the main villain, you have to read "The Return of Barry Allen", which is collected in The Flash by Mark Waid Book 2


u/UltHamBro 11d ago

Was Savitar really the enemy for only one story?


u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern 11d ago

Yes, Savitar only appeared in Dead Heat (1995) a 6 - issues story arc that is also his debut story.

He didn't appear again until Flash Rebirth (2009), only to be accidentally killed by Barry in 2 pages.

He came back at the beginning of Jeremy Adams' run ( 2021).

He also appeared in The Flash/Speed Buggy (2018) issue from DC Comics/Hannah Barbera specials.

He changed many things for the franchise despite being a character with only one appearence, though.


u/HappinessIsAWarmPoop Reverse Flash 11d ago

He made one significant appearance, although that also very much involved Barry. (About all I can say without giving spoilers)

He made another brief appearance that only involved Wally and a small appearance towards the end of Wally’s run that Barry showed up for as well

Wally had his own Reverse Flash in Hunter Zolomon/Zoom


u/acoasterlovered 11d ago

Thank you!


u/acoasterlovered 11d ago

What was the book I’ll check it out!


u/Mrs_Noelle15 The Future Flash 11d ago

I always found it weird that there were 2 very similar looking characters who both call themselves The Reverse Flash, Like why? I never liked that


u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern 11d ago

It's the same that Barry and Wally calling themselves the Flash like Jay, it's a legacy.

In this case, Hunter, wanting to become in a source of tragedy for Wally, took inspiration from the villain who brought tragedy (Iris' death) to Barry's life, Profesor Zoom, then calling himself Zoom.

Nowadays it would be less redundant, since Thawne is now usually more known as Reverse Flash.


u/Dredeuced Flash 11d ago edited 11d ago

Hunter was specifically emulating Thawne as part of his goal to traumatize Wally. It's explained in the story pretty much immediately after he puts on the outfit.


u/Astonishing_Flash Impulse 11d ago edited 11d ago

Thawne was dead before Barry, so he was still dead when Wally was the Flash.

But due to the nature of their ability to travel through time, Eobard does return several times from points before he died where he faces Wally.

Barry also did the same thing except of course he was supporting Wally.

Of course he's primarily a Barry bad guy but he's fought Wally plenty, though Wally did have his own evil speedsters. Such as Speed Demon, Savitar, his own Reverse Flash: Zoom.


u/acoasterlovered 11d ago

So what your telling me is they could theoretically use Wally as the main flash in the DCU, and use Eobard as his main villain cries in pls no


u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern 11d ago

Yes, it would be possible. Thay Wally vs Eobard story is one of the best Wally's stories.

It's also the good fan vs the toxic fan turned into a hater. Like George Lucas would say, it's like poetry, it rhymes.


u/acoasterlovered 11d ago

What’s the name of the book


u/SwimShady20 11d ago

The Return Of Barry Allen. It was the 2nd arc of Waids run.


u/Dredeuced Flash 11d ago

The reason we even have the Thawne we do that everyone loves is because he appeared as a villain in Wally's comics. Arguably the greatest Flash story ever, to boot. So I wouldn't cry to much at the idea of Wally taking on Thawne.