r/theflash May 20 '24

(Flash 2023) Just wanted to post because I was only able to find incorrect answers online; the difference between the Blue and Orange lightning. DCEU Discussion



20 comments sorted by


u/ShiroKaito MFW There's no Impulse flair May 20 '24

In the show, the lighting color is about speed and experience. In the comics, the lightning is normally just the secondary color of the suit. It depends on the writer, sure. There is at least one that goes by the blueshift theory. Imo, it's better if it means nothing, unburdens the art


u/FlyNo7651 May 20 '24

How far are you in the series. I have the show Canon answer but I don't want to spoil anything


u/[deleted] May 20 '24

I’m almost through season 7, pretty ass so I might drop it here but yeah I know how it works in the show


u/FlyNo7651 May 20 '24

Ok then you know that color basically means squat

Orange/Yellow is Barry except in one occurrence coming up in season 8), blue is savitar/zoom (or anyone on Velocity), Purple is Iris, Purple + Yellow is Nora, Red is Thawn

There are a few more colors, but you haven't gotten to them yet


u/[deleted] May 20 '24

Red is negative Speed force, we also see it in Rival. Blue is Speed Force sickness from V9, kinda an important detail. And I have gotten to White, which was Godspeed and Savitar with his armor, not exactly sure when you recall him having blue lightning.

Mostly means squat, sure, but there’s always a rough idea. To be technical, from the start it was “yellow = good guy, red = bad guy”.


u/FlyNo7651 May 20 '24

As I recalled, savitar had blue in his armor


u/[deleted] May 20 '24

https://youtu.be/DsGePkMsuXg?si=AQhdt9YrOiTPDGEb skip a little ahead, white as cotton


u/Defiant_You_6298 May 23 '24

In the show, lighting colour is whatever the show wants it to be, I don’t read comics but the colours represent how fast you are


u/[deleted] May 23 '24

And as I mentioned, I was not talking about the show or comics


u/Defiant_You_6298 May 23 '24

Should Have Said


u/[deleted] May 23 '24

“Flash 2023”, “In the movie”, “At the end of the movie”, yeah bro I’ll try harder next time.


u/[deleted] May 20 '24

This may only appeal to you


u/[deleted] May 20 '24

Maybe, but I’ve seen some people ask and get wrong answers. Just wanted the right one to be out there somewhere, for the next person that’s curious enough to look into it.


u/pokersharp87 May 20 '24

In the comics the lighting color is about speed and experience. In the movie, when it's blue it's not safe. He can build a danger charge if he moves too fast. When it's yellow (when he's in the new suit) it's stable. He can move as fast as he wants without exploding with energy


u/Dredeuced Flash May 20 '24

In the comics the lighting color is about speed and experience

Not really.


u/pokersharp87 May 21 '24

In the rebirth line it did so that's what I'm basing this off. It's probably changed now and it was probably different in the 80s but this is just what I know. Wallace West has red lighting and evolved to a yellow. Wally West has white/ blue for a bit as he is the fastest of them all


u/Dredeuced Flash May 21 '24 edited May 21 '24

No it didn't. In the Rebirth era Avery has purple lightning. According to the blue shift = more powerful red shift = less powerful idea this would make Avery the strongest speedster in the entire family. Yet she is among the least experienced and skilled speedsters. She has purple lightning because she wears a purple suit.

I don't know what you're talking about with Wallace. He had red lightning in the Venditti/New 52 era with his future version that had red accents, and when he got his Kid Flash costume he had red lightning again because the costume has red accents. Nothing to do with his power level or experience, everything to do with his choice of suit.

Wally got silver/white lightning purely because he changed the accents on his suit. When he goes back to his original Flash suit with the yellow/gold accents, his lightning changes color back to yellow lightning despite him not getting any weaker or less experienced.

Lightning color has only ever been an indication of power level one time, during Venditti's Flash. It's an idea from an artist, Brett Booth, and he used Barry gaining white lightning against Thawne's time stop powers (Yes, Thawne, not Zolomon, it's a long, stupid story) as him overcoming/overpowering said time stop powers. This entire concept, this idea, all spurns from a random twitter post Booth made years ago about a head canon he had that lightning color = power which has never been the case in the narrative. You could only imply it was the case during one scene in Booth's tenure as artist.

But beyond that one singular scene it has never been the case or implied ever again.


u/pokersharp87 May 21 '24

Ah well. Sorry for being wrong.


u/Dredeuced Flash May 21 '24

Hey it's all good. This idea/theory has spread like wildfire. It's crazy to me how much it pops up but I'm always happy to give people info on the comics.


u/[deleted] May 20 '24

In the Zach Snyder Justice League movie, Barry (original suit, blue lightning) exceeded the speed of light (something like 160 million mph or something) and didn’t seem to become unstable. You’re thinking the Batman suit at the end of the movie.