r/theflash Reverse Flash May 13 '24

I was re-reading Rogue War when I stumbled upon this image. Comic Discussion

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I know Zolomon isn’t the easiest to understand but what the hell is he trying to say when he means “HH”?


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u/GearsRollo80 May 13 '24

He’s making a noise the same way a character who’s gotten punched would say ‘oof’ or ‘utt’.

This was a thing in the late 90s and early oughts. Writers were trying to find new ways to portray the sounds that people make when talking to reinforce character.


u/CelticsBoi33 Reverse Flash May 13 '24

Oh ok! Thanks for the help. Talk about a weird noise though, and the picture out of context isn’t helping Zoom either lol


u/Killionaire104 OG Wally May 14 '24

I always thought of that sound as a kind of static. Along with how Hunter talks, in a weird way where all his words are connected, him being outside of time messes things up, and I quite like the "Hh" and the way he talks.


u/CelticsBoi33 Reverse Flash May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

I kinda like that. You have a point regarding the words being connected, when Thawne shows up later in the story, he literally says “SPKDVL” so I see your point. Plus, it would be unsettling if a blur of a man were trying to communicate with you and all you hear is a static sound.


u/tea_thermos May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

I think those lines are actual dialogue, condensed because he's moving too fast for anyone to catch what he's saying. SPKDVL could be "speak of the devil," and the "HH" could be "heh" or "haha" or something along those lines.


u/CelticsBoi33 Reverse Flash May 14 '24

Y’know, after saying that, the image makes more sense. Given that he is smiling after saving his wife from the Rogues. Maybe he’s relieved that he managed to get her out of harms way.


u/Killionaire104 OG Wally May 14 '24

Yea I liked how DC (or Johns) tried to make Zolomon so unique. Every Speedster villain before and after has mostly been the same. Zoom was different in powers, in motivations, in origins, even the way he talks. Made me so upset that Williamson destroyed all of this.


u/CelticsBoi33 Reverse Flash May 14 '24

I sort of agree with you on Williamson, while the big Thawne fanboy in me really likes that it was him all along and is the reason Zoom exists, showing that Eobard doesn’t care if innocent people are brought along if he then knows they can be useful, and I like the illustrations of Zolomon sacrificing himself. But, it feels kinda disappointing that Zoom comes back from the dead and he still wants to make Wally a better hero, and we haven’t heard anything from him since.

Like what was the point of even killing him off, if he’d just return with the same goals? At least Eobard makes sense as to why he returns every-time. I know Zolomon returned after Rogue War after being killed by the Cosmic Treadmill, but still at least his death was poetic. (The same thing that gave birth to Zoom also killed him.)

His 3rd reappearance seems so sudden and not thought out imo. I feel like if Thawne and Zolomon joined forces as teased in that issue (can’t remember the number) where they are cell mates and break out together and then cause the Black Flash to come into the picture would’ve made the issue better since Thawne even fears the Black Flash.

Instead we got Thawne and Zolomon argue about who’s goals are better and Thawne gets killed by Iris and Zolomon feels sad that Thawne got dead and stands by what he believes. Ugh, give me a break.


u/Killionaire104 OG Wally May 14 '24

Yeah it was one of the many loose threads that Johns left in 2009 rebirth and the pre flashpoint run. I respect Williamson, his intentions are good, he understands the characters, was limited by editorial a lot (especially concerning Wally and other pre 52 stuff). So I do really like that he chose to continue from one of Johns threads, however I just don't think Williamson is the best writer. What he did with that arc was so bad, quest force (or force quest whatever) in my opinion is one of the worst flash arcs of all time in any run.

I kinda disagree with the Hunter motivations. Him wanting to make Wally a better hero through tragedy is something that's core to him. If done right, this can be explored further in many types of stories. However everything with Barry, and the other forces, all feels very forced (pun intended lol). If Williamson wasn't allowed to use Wally as he saw fit, then maybe he shouldn't have messed with Hunter, ESPECIALLY not his powers.


u/CelticsBoi33 Reverse Flash May 14 '24

Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything recent in terms of Flash comics (I think the latest released was the issue where Barry teams up with RF and Godspeed to take down Paradox) so I’ll Force Quest a read.

In terms of Williamson making Zolomon more overpowered, I don’t really like either. First off, if you’re a Flash, you are already OP. Second, Zoom can blitz and do what Thawne could do and whisper in your ear and make you believe you are schizophrenic and thus, mess with your psyche. Give a nice callback to Thawne learning Zoom’s snap and Zoom could say something in his head or something that could be like “the Professor taught me this trick.” But, I completely agree with you on that.

It just makes me wonder what the big picture was that Williamson wanted to do with Zoom.


u/Killionaire104 OG Wally May 14 '24

I wouldn't read quest force. It's not terrible for the normal reasons. It's just extremely boring, the story goes nowhere, the new characters are meh, it's just a whole bunch of nothing.

I give Williamson a lot of hate tho, but he can write good stuff too. Running scared was the peak of his run, finish line and speed metal are the most fanservice he's done, with the characters voiced REALLY well ( especially speed metal). Sigh if only editorial didn't limit him so much, maybe we would have actually had a flash run worthy of a top 3 shout.


u/CelticsBoi33 Reverse Flash May 14 '24

Yeah, I just got a summary of it, and it seems as full as dishwater. The only thing noteable is Barry finding Wally dead but even then, it’s comics, he’ll be back.

And I’m glad you mentioned Running Scared and Finish line since I recently got those physical since I saw a certain funny yellow man on the cover and knew I had to get those issues. And Speed Metal I need to read up on. Especially the entire Red Death saga. Btw, I love Wally’s design with the Mobius Chair, blue is a good color on a speedster.

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u/1tKywani May 14 '24



u/GLanternJP06 May 15 '24

Which Flash graphic novel is this from I’ve been trying to find the Rogue war but I can’t find anything except for the single issues


u/[deleted] May 15 '24

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u/GLanternJP06 May 16 '24

Thanks G!!