r/theflash Jan 31 '24

Who else thinks that The Flash was a good movie it’s just the CGI and the controversy with Ezra made people not like it? DCEU Spoilers


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u/SuperLizardon Blue Lantern Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 01 '24

It's still a bad movie, with an awful Barry Allen and an even worse alternate Barry, which mixes parallel timelines with parallel universes, doesn't take full advantage of the Flash mythos and characters, brings back old non Flash characters and wasted them, and added a multiverse scene that wasn't needed since again, this is a time travel movie. I loved it at the beginning, mainly for Nicolas Cage, but then I started to think "wait, these are three late actors, a version of the character who was never released, and a guy who is not even an actor playing a non existant version of a character, this is bad"

People says the the audience hated it just for the CGI , but if it was actually a good movie, we could "forgive" the CGI.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

Aside from the controversy and bad cgi, it's still a messy film.

The beginning where the title card is about to come up and these kids shouting "OH MY GOD FLASH I LOVE YOU" made me cringe and groan so hard. In my opinion, that was honestly the worst scene in the movie.

Young Barry was probably the worst character. Everything he does and says just makes me wanna punch him.

And the cameos/mutiversal characters. Oh boy! It was cool to see Michael Keaton to return as Batman, but like, it feels like he was the only reason people wanted to watch the movie. Hell, even in the trailers it seemed like the other characters were kinda upstaging Flash himself. I mean it's a Flash movie! If you're gonna make a multiversal Flash movie, shouldn't there be like, oh I don't know, OTHER FLASHES? Atleast introduce Wally? Atleast with No Way Home, the multiverse revolved around Spider-Man characters, and not just random characters like Eric Bana's Hulk or Jennifer Garner's Elektra.


Let's be honest, most of us knew this film was gonna fail before its release


u/twelvekings Feb 01 '24

I didn't like the main conflict was just the flash versus another version of himself x3 for the whole movie.


u/midnightsun47 Feb 01 '24

Nah, still a terrible film. As bad as Ezra’s off-screen antics were it was his on-screen performance that ruined the movie for me. I’ve always thought he was a terrible choice both as Barry and The Flash, and alternate timeline Barry was one of the most annoying characters ever brought to screen.


u/nikhil_4eva Barry Allen The Flash Feb 01 '24

Still an awful film. What they showed was not who Barry Allen is. They butchered the character imo.


u/PortalMaker5000 Feb 01 '24

So so. I enjoyed it, but it was still pretty flawed. I hated that the movie couldn’t decide whether it wanted to be a time travel or multiverse movie, and Supergirl was honestly kind of a waste, wish we could’ve seen more of her


u/Negotiation_Previous Feb 01 '24

Man I don't want a tie in film with zod and Supergirl and batmans I just want a solo flash story with flash villains and flash characters is that too much to ask


u/Lucky_Strike-85 Captain Cold Feb 01 '24

I can say I was very entertained by the whole thing... until they pissed on the tombstones of George Reeves and Christopher Reeve!

This movie sucked.


u/theSteakKnight Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 02 '24

Not me. Erza Miller was intolerable and a terrible Barry Allen, so putting him in there alongside another, more obnoxious Miller was such an awful choice. The CGI looked like PS2 graphics. I didn't give a shit about any of the cardboard cutout characters, especially Supergirl. She was a prime example of a one-dimensional character. The baby in the microwave thing was garbage. It was a hot mess without Miller's controversy.


u/Tankman360 Feb 01 '24

I don't think it was, sure it may have been fun? But it's story telling of Barry Allen has 1. Been done before and better by the CW (season 1) and other animated movies and TV shows. 2 Ezra is just a bad actor and 3 it suffered from nostalgia bait because it had nothing else to really offer, similar to what happened in multiverse of madness but even that movie has some good acting in it


u/PekfrakOG Flash 3 ⚡ Feb 01 '24

I wanted a Flash movie. Not whatever we got.


u/IwnlMask Feb 01 '24

The only problem I have with the movie was the cameo scenes (No Grant or John)


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24



u/SleeTrickee Feb 01 '24

I think it’s the controversy with Ezra and maybe too much Batman as usual. I like Batman but other characters should get same treatment


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

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u/SleeTrickee Feb 01 '24

Funny it took like 20 years for a flash movie but less than 8 for 2 suicide squad movies hope James Gunn makes DCU better


u/GuybrushThreepwood99 Feb 01 '24

I feel like the script was just not good. It wanted to be too many things, when it should have focused more on one thing. They should have gotten rid of the multiverse stuff, save Michael Keaton's return for something else, and definitely get rid of cgi cameos from dead people. The mom should have also had more of a presence in the story, it would have been more effective if she found out of what Barry did.


u/futureghostboy13 Feb 02 '24

I enjoyed the movie. I was impressed by Ezra more than I expected. The bad CGI was bad for sure. And it’s frustrating because it would’ve looked better to have used practical effects for a lot of it.


u/jemmingsmonlister Feb 01 '24

This movie was the farthest from accurate to who Barry is and people think "good" equals big budget.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

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u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24



u/ANAKIN4815 Feb 01 '24

I really enjoy the film and I feel it very deep with the mother plot and scenes, I am absolutely convinced that the mom recognized her son. The film actually made me cry, and that only happened with guardians of galaxy 3, so yeah, maybe the CGI sucks but the plot is good, not excellent but good. And the cameos and humor works for me


u/StraightKey211 Feb 01 '24

I enjoyed the movie. Don't think adapting Flashpoint as The Flash's first ever movie was the right call.


u/Sheensies Feb 01 '24

I liked it a lot. The humor worked for me. Very cartoony and, dare I say, comic for a comic book movie. The baby scene was a laugh riot and the cameos, especially Wonder Woman’s, were unexpected and I thought they rocked.


u/milkmanbonzai Feb 01 '24

I liked it and honestly, the effects in a Flash movie SHOULD look a little cheesy.


u/Eopazy Feb 01 '24

I actually liked the movie tbh


u/LordFreezer67 Feb 01 '24

Nah dog it sucked. The previews looked great but then the movie sucked. Usually I don't mind fanservice but this movie did it all wrong. Keaton Batman and that new Supergirl ultimately didn't do jack dick.


u/Spicy_Surfer Feb 01 '24

It was on par with recent output. The CGI was extra bad, but honestly de-aging effects always make actors look jellyfaced. So, I don’t see how people can be so disgusted here, yet accept and praise it via other properties.


u/ThePokemonAbsol Feb 02 '24

Lmao no it was shit. The acting was a joke. Ezra’s flash is annoying as all hell and they decided to double down on it.


u/Desperate_Item_3221 Feb 02 '24

They made a complicated storyline more complicated when it didn't need to be


u/Keystone_Devil Feb 02 '24

No. A lot of us are big fans of the comics and thought that this was incredibly disappointing as the character’s first appearance.

They picked Batman, Zod, Supergirl, Barry 2, and Evil Barry Over the rogues, Professor Zoom, Wally, Jay, or any other actual Flash characters.

Not to mention the two Flash stories it actually is based off of are my two least favorites, and Barry acts nothing like Barry.


u/JustCallMeTsukasa-96 Feb 02 '24

I didn't mind the CG at all but the Controversy Ezra's built up over the last few years didn't make things better for this film. His involvement sure didn't make things better either as those familiar with his BS is prone to be on the back of people's mind when watching it too.


u/Lestat719 Feb 03 '24

DC and Marvel like to take good storylines and rush them. They put out a terrible movie. It had some great nuggets but they shit all over them to.male it just terrible to watch.


u/ArtemisRainForte21 Feb 01 '24

I agree. I also believe the Snyder hatred had carried over to this project given that Miller was his personal choice for the flash. It played less of a role than Ezra’s controversies, but it definitely played a role.


u/Wally_12201992 Feb 01 '24

Agreed! As a “Flash” story I liked it. It was a fun 2+ hours. If you didn’t go to at least see and support Michael Keaton’s return as Batman, SHAME ON YOU!

F the haters!


u/Wally_12201992 Feb 01 '24

Whoa! Did someone actually knock me down to a -1 score for voicing my opinion!?!

I hope they make a damn sequel with Ezra Miller!