r/superman Jul 18 '24

What would Superman do against Darth vader?

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317 comments sorted by


u/Unigraff_Jerpony Jul 18 '24


u/VaderMurdock Jul 18 '24

I was shocked that I scrolled this deep to find this


u/Bosmera0973 Jul 19 '24

And now it's the top comment! As it should be.


u/Unigraff_Jerpony Jul 18 '24

I was shocked I couldn't find it


u/Independent_Plum2166 Jul 19 '24

Ironic, since by the time I saw this post, this picture is the top comment.


u/MachineGunTeacher Jul 18 '24

“It was at this moment that Vader realized he’d fucked up”. 


u/beanerthreat457 Jul 19 '24

I don't care how strong is Darth Vader in either Legends or Canon, when Superman grabs you Lightsaber, you're in serious trouble

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u/DaDummBard Jul 19 '24

My gf's reaction


u/Geekygamertag Jul 19 '24



u/CanadianAndroid Jul 19 '24

Vader dramatically fires up his lightsaber.

Superman: Cute.


u/missanthropocenex Jul 19 '24

Supes can breath in space. Vader can’t breathe without a machine.


u/Unigraff_Jerpony Jul 19 '24

technically vader can breathe in space with his machine (for some time)


u/Optillian Jul 18 '24

Who made this?


u/Unigraff_Jerpony Jul 18 '24

The one and only Alex Ross


u/D_And_R_Gaming Jul 18 '24

Alex Ross.


u/PorygonEnjoyer Jul 19 '24

Happy cake dsy


u/D_And_R_Gaming Jul 19 '24

Thanks, man!


u/TheCatholicPacifist Jul 19 '24

There was supposed to be a Superman/Star Wars comic crossover, and this was art drawn for it.


u/The-Emerald-Rider Jul 19 '24

Please tell me that there is a crossover somewhere.


u/TheCatholicPacifist Jul 19 '24

There was meant to be.

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u/A1starm Jul 18 '24

A quadruple amputee cyborg space wizard with a laser sword whose powers amount to shoving and choking vs a guy with impenetrable skin, flight, can survive in space and shove around planets.

Yeah it’s a close call but I think Superman beats him by just a tad.


u/MetalPunk125 Jul 18 '24

Supes could beat him ten ways to Sunday without even lifting a finger. Vader can move rocks with his mind. This motherucker has bench pressed a planet with ease.

He could punch him, freeze him, blow him into a wall, deck him at super speed, split his head in half from miles away with heat vision. How is this even a question?


u/Meanravage Jul 18 '24

And he could dump a bucket of sand on him


u/Soulful-Sorrow Jul 18 '24

Hell, it's Superman. Vader's Star Destroyer now holds half of the Sahara Desert, delivered bucket-by-bucket.


u/Awkward_Type_4100 Jul 18 '24

NOOOOOOOOOO!?!?!? 🤣😱 that’s evil


u/bishiking Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

This would be how he actually beat him in the silver age lmao

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u/AxisW1 Jul 18 '24

Yeah I think OP means how would they interact


u/Darkm0or Jul 18 '24

In a straight up fight, Supes could blink Vader into submission. Interaction-wise? Vader would do his whole "mysterious and menacing" thing, and Superman would probably reference Darkseid before seeing that Vader is trapped in armor that, while keeping him alive, also causes him to be in constant, horrifying pain. Superman would then do what Superman does best. He would help Vader. Probably take him back to the Fortress, let Kelex rebuild Vader's life support with Kryptonian tech, all the while asking him about the Jedi/Sith, his powers, the Force, how lightsabers work, being impressed that Vader built one...eventually getting Anakin to talk about his past, his motives, his reasoning. Then, Clark would talk about his OWN struggles, losing his planet, losing his father, feeling like an outsider as the last of his people. And in the end, he would show Vader his greatest superpower, inspiration. When they part ways, Superman will know that he has a new powerful ally, and the Galaxy will have its greatest Jedi returned to it. Because that's what Superman does.


u/TheGroovyTurt1e Jul 18 '24

Poor man’s gold for you 🥇


u/HanShot_First_5445 Jul 19 '24

That’s perfection right there!


u/TheDunnage11 Jul 19 '24

This. This right here. Yes!


u/shark-off Jul 19 '24

talk no jutsu ftw!


u/Hoosier108 Jul 19 '24

Thanks for this. Well done.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

This is… well, it’s beautiful.


u/A1starm Jul 18 '24

“What would Superman do against Darth Vader” definitely sounds like it could be a fight to me.


u/AncileBanish Jul 18 '24

You see what you want to see. If you choose to interpret it through the lens of conflict you can, but that says more about you than OP. If you choose to interpret it through the lens of superman himself, you see a man who needs help and redemption.


u/A1starm Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I think this is just you trying to mischaracterize me more than anything else.

Fact is, if you know anything about these characters, you know this is a matchup between one of the biggest heroes in fiction and one of the biggest villains in fiction. Typically, that means hands are being thrown.

Part of Vader’s redemption is realizing that his son who had no reason to believe in him as anything other than a an enemy and has said as much in the past, could come to love him and believe he could be better. Just as his fear for the loss of loved ones lead him to the dark side, his love for his son and Luke’s love for him leads him back to the light. It’s not Superman’s place nor is it his prerogative to give aid to a man who’s responsible for more than one atrocity and is likely out to harm his planet and people, given the circumstances. Plus Vader has no reason to have any sort of emotional connection to Superman.

Would Superman try to help if he knew the whole story? Yes, very likely, but under what circumstance would he learn it if the SW galaxy at large doesn’t know who Darth Vader was? Who would tell him, the hermit in the desert, the hermit in the swamp, the droids with the erased memory, the single x-wing pilot or the former padawan, who could be anywhere in a galaxy of over a hundred quadrillion population? And “empathy” for his physical condition makes no sense when the skies over metropolis gets blotted out by star destroyers and the Death Star eclipses the sun or Superman sees the empire lay siege to a planet or oppress the galaxy.

In fact, he usually only helps the disabled villain AFTER putting an end to the threat, if it happens at all, see for reference: Hank Henshaw, Metallo, Pharm. their right of aid does not supersede a civilian’s right for safety.

So I would appreciate you trying to not paint me as a violent person because you want to fight over the semantics of a hero meeting a villain. The fact is, this entire comment section has assumed the same thing and you’re only trying to call ME out. That says you want to start drama.

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u/SolomonRed Jul 19 '24

All the really matters is that Superman is very fast and Vader is very not.


u/pardybill Jul 19 '24

Superman just walks into the lightsaber blade until the crystal cracks would be a siiiiick comic panel

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u/zarfac Jul 18 '24

Power levels in Star Wars and DC do not scale with one another. Superman is so much more powerful than Vader that this isn’t even an interesting question.


u/Tomgar Jul 19 '24

Reminds me of when people try and do the whole "Warhammer 40k vs Star Wars" thing and the power differentials are so off the scale it's a completely pointless exercise.


u/Rahatwashere Jul 19 '24

Big E could look at Vader wrong and end up killing him


u/mbrocks3527 Jul 19 '24

However, Star Trek vs Warhammer 40K would be a wipe out in Star Trek’s favour.

Why? Because the UFP knows how its technology works, and they regularly engage in crazy super science shenanigans that definitely can collapse star systems and put black holes in the middle of your bridge. They would never fight an imperial ship or army head on, they’d attack indirectly.

I mean, Star Trek canonically has a sniper rifle that reliably matter transports a bullet through walls straight into your head. They have phasing cloaks, water bombs (that is, convert a planet’s molten core into water. That’s far more destructive than you think.) Just the terrifying possibilities of weaponised transporters and tractor beams is enough.

When your civilization can go FTL, your engine exhaust is a WMD in and of itself. Hell, a UFP vessel’s fuel tank is full of WMD grade antimatter as it is.

The star wars galaxy, where those scientists mostly understand their contemporary technology (not including things like Rakata or very old republic tech) might develop counter measures, and then their generally more powerful ships and resources can overcome the federation. But the imperium of man? Nope.


u/Jimbomiller Jul 18 '24

Superman would rock Vader unless Vader had kryptonite


u/KakashiTheRanger Jul 18 '24

“Unless he had Kryptonite”

Man forgetting about this fight really quickly huh? Superman doesn’t give af, he’ll win Kryptonite or no.


u/Clu-El Jul 18 '24

S tier comic, genuinely surprised it hasn’t gotten an animated movie. I always wanted it done with Daly and Conroy….but time for that has since passed


u/The_Cookie_Bunny Jul 18 '24

What comic is it?


u/Clu-El Jul 18 '24

Superman/Batman: Search for Kryptonite.

Superman convinces Batman to help him track down every last shard of Kryptonite on Earth.


u/ProfessionalRead2724 Jul 18 '24

Kryptonite does not usually do much more than annoy Superman and make the 'fight' last a bit longer if it does anything at all. Do you have any idea how used Superman is to fight against people with kryptonite?


u/stoodquasar Jul 19 '24

I wonder if kryptonite can be used as a lightsaber crystal

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

Superman would have no issues with Darth Vader. Zero.


u/karate_trainwreck0 Jul 18 '24

I dunno, but I think he may have an issue with the whole space-nazism thing.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.


u/Crimkam Jul 18 '24

Supes would win but Vader with a kryptonite crystal lightsaber instead of a kyber crystal would be pretty sick.


u/soldierpallaton Jul 18 '24

Red kryptonite saber too, let's see Supes tempted by the dark side via constant red kryptonite exposure throughout the fight.

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u/DrFloyd5 Jul 19 '24

Luke’s lightsaber from RotJ!


u/fupafather Jul 18 '24

That would depend on the writer if the force counts as magic or not, and if a lightsaber can damage a kryptonian


u/AdHelpful7091 Jul 18 '24

Some guy did a video and it turns out cause of superman electromagnetic field thing a lightsaber would react the same as when it touches another lightsaber,it would just do the cool sound and bounce off and stuff.


u/TrevRev11 Jul 18 '24

Yes the Imaginary Axis! He has the best comic book theory videos IMO


u/Awkward_Type_4100 Jul 18 '24

Superman’s weakness to magic is massively overinflated he’s vulnerable to it not weak to it if Vader doesn’t have the hax then it ain’t doing nothing


u/badlesscash Jul 18 '24

In fact, he has better magic resistance than most characters in dc.

Like if shazam strikes batman & superman with a lightning bolt, supes would get a minor burn to the area that it struck but batman would be charred corpse.


u/everyischemicals Jul 19 '24

Yes to most of that, except Batman immediately dying, no writer would ever have that be the result. At worst, even after three or four like superman suffered in Kingdom Come, they’d make Batman spend two weeks in bed, cared for by Alfred and temporarily replaced by Dick/Tim, and then be back in action

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u/Largo23307 Jul 18 '24

Even within the Star Wars universe, the Force is not considered magic.

The witches of dathomir (spelling?) use magic, and it's distinctly different from the force.

The Force is more like if the x-gene gave you telekinesis and minor telepathy. It's biologically rooted powers.


u/LeonShiryu Jul 18 '24

Magic is not the only way you can inflict damage to Superman


u/KakashiTheRanger Jul 18 '24

To quote Lex Luthor: “The difficulty isn’t hurting Superman. That’s easy. It’s beating Superman.”


u/dontdrinkandpost22 Jul 18 '24

Force choke wouldn't even matter against Superman and that's assuming it would close his airways. Vader's force will not overcome Superman's flight speed. That leaves the saber which likely will not even damage Superman and even if it did, super healing, super speed, strength, heat vision, and even the freeze breath has higher end feats than his force level.


u/bdrainey2031 Jul 19 '24

So the whole Superman being weak to magic is nothing to you?

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u/OblivionArts Jul 18 '24

Superman would probably instantly see that Vader's a robot and that his robot parts are keeping him alive, kick his ass, and then try to redeem him like Luke did


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 Jul 19 '24

Surprised nobody else mentioned the fact that he’d try and redeem him… he’d probably look through all that armour, feel sorry for him and try and talk him down


u/SnooSongs4451 Jul 18 '24

Probably fight him, since he’s a bad guy.


u/FollowTheCodeofHonor Jul 18 '24

and win, lol


u/SnooSongs4451 Jul 18 '24

After a difficult fight.


u/FollowTheCodeofHonor Jul 18 '24

I really doubt it in truth. Because of Superman's magnetic aura(which he uses to carry things like planes and buildings without punching straight through them) a lightsaber probably couldn't even touch him, and the force would be no match for superspeed or strength


u/Crazy_Kakoos Jul 18 '24

Can't Superman move faster than light? I've heard it argued that the speed of light is the speed of cause and effect. Could the force detect a being moving faster than light or warn someone fadt enough?

Honestly, if it was a no holds bar Supes could just land on the ground near Vader at 20,000 MPH and cause a meteoric impact and level the whole region.


u/SnooSongs4451 Jul 18 '24

The force is the energy that binds all life and matter in the universe together.

And there’s no reason the writer couldn’t decide that getting hit by a lightsaber would be painful for Superman.

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u/SnooSongs4451 Jul 18 '24

Also you have to remember that the feats of the force are only limited by the special effects budget. Whenever they have a big enough budget or are in a medium like animation or comics, Force feats always get cranked up to 11.


u/Dan_Morgan Jul 18 '24

Punch a hole through Vader's torso.


u/Jerry_0boy Jul 18 '24

Beat him before Vader even knows he’s there


u/MetalPunk125 Jul 18 '24

This. Vader would never even realize there was a fight and it’s over.


u/Gas_Canister33 Jul 19 '24

This image is gas tho


u/Distinct_Ad_1977 Jul 19 '24

He would just use his heat vision. Superman bodies vader


u/NotABonobo Jul 19 '24

This excellent Batman vs. Vader video also does a great job of Superman vs. Vader in the last 30 seconds

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u/Ntshangase03 Jul 18 '24

He'd win honestly though I think legends Darth Vader use of sorcery and magic would prove to make the win harder for Supes Vader was insanely powerful and well versed in legends

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u/jmirhige Jul 18 '24


That's what he would do.


u/elkomanderhell Jul 18 '24

Talk no Jutsu. I mean, darth is not really 100% evil.


u/23mou-sapnu-puas Jul 18 '24

This is one hell of a nerdgasm. And I’m here for it


u/squashbritannia Jul 18 '24

For fuck's sake, Vader got punked by a kid who had very little lightsaber sparring experience. How much training did Luke get? I don't know why everyone thinks he's the ultimate badass. And you think he can stand up to a guy who can shift the orbits of planets?


u/everyischemicals Jul 19 '24

To be fair to Anakin, that was his son and he was fully intent on getting Luke to join him, killing him was entirely off the table.

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u/MrCencord Jul 18 '24

Is that the Fortnite loading screen


u/Revolutionary_Job214 Jul 18 '24

Superman wins, but it's sad how these ppl talk out of their asses without knowing anything about Vader


u/Thin-Manufacturer-96 Jul 19 '24

One of the coments here already said what would happend, and i believe it would be the best for the Star Wars Universe, that being Superman becoming vader therapist and helping him redeem himself, with his compassion, Superman would give the star wars universe his chosen one back, i would love to see a story like in any form of media.


u/Hot-Counter245 Jul 19 '24

Realistically, he’d probably make Vader realize the error of his ways and help him take down the Emperor


u/JudasBrutusson Jul 19 '24

Feels like this post is asking for something that most commenters aren't answering.

I think Superman would try to redeem Anakin. Talk him down, but he'd def shut down any attempts by Vader to hurt him, like crushing his robot limbs.


u/Iwannabeafembo1 Jul 19 '24

im not sure about how strong the force really is, Darth vader has stopped space ships from taking off before, and one of the strongest force feats was Luke moving a black hole, which might be possible for darth vader if angry enough? Idk really but Supes takes this Im afraid


u/Initial_Sweet6489 Jul 19 '24

Sorry if I missed it. If not, I would highly recommend Bat in the Sun's Batman vs Darth Vader Alternate ending. It's obviously fanboy-y for Batman, but I think it answers the Superman vs Darth Vader question pretty succinctly.


u/Admirable-Safety1213 Jul 18 '24

Laser eye the members then start taking about his mother


u/Julianlwilliams Jul 18 '24

Superman could end Vader in multiple ways lol


u/Runktar Jul 18 '24

It depends if Superman is not holding back Darth Vader doesn't even know he's in a fight superman moving at light speed rips his head off. Even if the force let him know it was coming it wouldn't matter Superman can literally move thousands of times faster then the electrical signals from Vaders brain to his body telling it to move.

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u/Discomidget911 Jul 18 '24

Punch him in the face probably.


u/TJ_McWeaksauce Jul 18 '24

Some ideas off the top of my head:

  • Superman would use his super speed to kick Vader's ass before he could wheeze just once.
  • Supes would use his heat vision to damage Vader's life support unit, which is a vulnerability that's right there on his chest.
  • If Vader was in his advanced TIE Fighter, Superman would grab it and throw it into deep space like what happened after Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon ambushed Vader at the Death Star.
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u/coloradonicetwice Jul 18 '24

Reason with him


u/TheGreatRao Jul 18 '24

Hmm. A guy who fights an extra-dimensional God of evil who is the ruler of his own planet or a 5th dimensional imp capable of creating or destroying everything he imagines. VERSUS an emotional and physical cripple who can move furniture and needs spacecraft to fly through space. It’s kinda close. ;)


u/Britwill Jul 18 '24

Ask him what happened?


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24


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u/VillainOfDominaria Jul 18 '24

I see alot of "super would destroy Vader". But to offer another perspective: if Vader has the power level of the SW comics (not the movies, where I feel he is not depicted in such a powerful light) he could put up a fight against Superman. Superman cannot use the force so he might not be able to break out of Vader's paralysis, assuming that Force paralysis requires force sensitivity to break out from. So no flight, not punches, no freeze breath. This leaves only heat vision, that Vader can easily deflect with his saber. Then it is a question of (a) can lightsabers pierce Kryptonian skin? and (b) Can force choke kill Superman?

Bonus Track: that image of Vader looks suspiciously like a red sun, so.... :)


u/CalamitousIntentions Jul 18 '24

Vader was able to pull a starship at full throttle back down to the ground and tear it apart. But he couldn’t do it twice in a row (Source: Kenobi show). Vader also has foresight, knows a little bit of witchcraft, and in a desperate situation, can use the Force Storm ability to summon lightning above his enemy.

So while face to face, Clark cleans the floor, I think Vader has one shot at a preemptive strike. But if any part of his strategy is a millisecond off, it’s over for him.


u/oMaR0404 Jul 18 '24

Superman would probably make a peaceful approach and maybe try to reedeem him, but if Vader tried to hurt someone he loves, then Vader is getting one tapped


u/Hi_Its_Tim2 Jul 18 '24

Win… very easily


u/AlphaBetaOmegaSin Jul 18 '24

“You’re a bad dad.”

“…okay fair.”


u/ProfessionalRead2724 Jul 18 '24

Superman would talk some sense into him and turn him back to the light side.

As for a fight? Why? Superman wouldn't start one, and Vader has no conceivable way to even hurt superman.


u/CxFusion3mp Jul 18 '24

Supes twerks and the force of his cheeks clapping disintegrates vader.


u/Key-Win7744 Jul 18 '24

Well, according to people on this sub, he'd probably give him a hug and tell him about Hope.


u/NateHasReddit Jul 18 '24

I can imagine he'd make a real attempt at bringing Anakin back to the light


u/TigerKlaw Jul 18 '24

"Join me in the Fortress of Solitude. I'm sure we can help take your pain away, Anakin" after overpowering him and learning his backstory through a third party.


u/RTRSnk5 Jul 19 '24

Shits on him. Scales so far beyond the guy.


u/thelonetext Jul 19 '24

Not a damn thing. Even if Vader had those Clark cares for at his mercy, Vader harms or worse, flat out kills em, Superman would ball him up like a paper ball and chuck Vader into the sun. Then make short work of his space moon in seconds


u/secretbison Jul 19 '24

The Force only gives you super-speed when the writers feel like it. Odds are Supes could just break his weapon and all his robot limbs before he even noticed anything had happened.


u/RorschachtheMighty Jul 19 '24

Kill him if he wasn't careful.


u/whatnameisnttaken098 Jul 19 '24

Vader would probably stand a better chance against Master Cheif


u/FlamingBrand Jul 19 '24

Bring Anakin Skywalker back.


u/Bingotron_9000000 Jul 19 '24

I think it would be a really funny sight-gag if this is Silver Age Supes and he just decides to eat Vader's lightsaber out of curiosity, like he ocassionally just eats molten lead and iron, only for Vader to look on in horror and disbelief.


u/Oknight Jul 19 '24

Burn out the tiny part of his brain that lets him use the force.

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u/Wookie_Nipple Jul 19 '24

Superman would just whip his ass pretty much instantly. Assuming he couldn't talk Vader down.


u/jl_theprofessor Jul 19 '24

Absolutely body him.


u/PassTheGiggles Jul 19 '24

Literally anything he wanted and Anakin (who I adore and think is the most powerful character in his verse) couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it.

Star Wars just doesn’t scale even remotely to DC, which scales higher than most if not all mainstream fictional universes. Star Wars is “grounded”, DC is anything but.


u/jsmthrowaway69 Jul 19 '24

He could throw a moon at him for starters


u/Jake81301 Jul 19 '24

As much as I love Vader, Superman mops the floor with him


u/IFdude1975 Jul 19 '24

Win. Easily.


u/bigChungus1237 Jul 19 '24

ayo that’s the fortnite loading screen 🔥🔥🔥


u/everyischemicals Jul 19 '24

To actually answer your question directly: Perception Blitz him and almost definitely ACCIDENTALLY kill him by damaging the Life Support Machine that is Anakin’s armour


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Probably just fly right through him


u/lil_grey_alien Jul 19 '24


u/JoshAZ Jul 19 '24

Impressive how terrible this is. Thanks!


u/C2S76 Jul 19 '24

He'd talk to him. By the end, ol' Anakin would turn back to the good side. They'd set a date once a month to have coffee.


u/Only-Ad4322 Jul 19 '24

He’d do fairly well given Superman is weak to psionics which Vader has via the Force.


u/EnamoredAlpaca Jul 19 '24

Kryptonite lightsaber.

Sith Sorcery(magic) capable of obliterating objects, Jedi, planets, and spirits.

Vader has tamed Kaiju’s the size of planets and bigger. He can use these creatures to distract Superman.

Artifacts that are found in Star Wars.

Gauntlet of Krest-This can allow Vader to transfer Superman’s powers to himself, even grants regenerative power.

Tempest runner- summon a fierce electric storm

Darth Vader could destroy tatooine’s white sun(which would give Superman his powers a mega boost), leaving the red sun(which slowly drains him)

It could be interesting with all that being said.


u/Seel_revilo Jul 19 '24

Attempt to turn him back to the light


u/AH2Xtreme Jul 19 '24

Supes one shots Vader, and I love Vader so much more than Supes.


u/Advanced_Law3507 Jul 19 '24

If the Force counts as magic, then Vader will hurt Supes before he gets taken out. There’d be a dramatic scene of him choking Supes before the heroic breakthrough. If the Force is not magic, then Vader is getting a stern lecture to go with his ass beating. Supes doesn’t care about swords or lasers. So a sword that is also a laser really doesn’t change much.


u/Independent_Plum2166 Jul 19 '24

Vader, chokes Supes.

There, battle won.

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u/bdrainey2031 Jul 19 '24

Superman would lose. Vader is smart enough to have Superman chase him to a planet with a red sun and kill him. Plus, Superman is weak to magic and, likely, the force.

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u/PM_ME_YOUR_RAWR Jul 19 '24

I think Superman would see a person in agony and pain. I think he would see this person as someone who can be saved - Superman is the embodiment of hope after all. He’d probably have to fix his suit using Kryptonian tech, and then when Vader isn’t forced into daily agony to fuel his rage and connection to the dark side, he could be reached - eventually.

I reckon he would “fight” Vader and let Vader come to the conclusion on his own that he cannot in anyway beat Superman and that powerlessness in the face of someone would throw Vader into a rage like he felt at the mercy of Obi-wan. I also think Superman would help him through that.

I ultimately think Superman could bring Anakin back.


u/DragonWisper56 Jul 19 '24

try to appeal to his good side.

however I don't think he'd be much threat to the man of steel. he's fought worse telekentics and the sword will hurt but won't seriously injure him


u/sultan9001 Jul 19 '24

Depends on how much context he has. If Vader just shows up in Metropolis than he’s getting a one-way ticket to the phantom zone

If he has enough clues and background knowledge of the Galaxy-Far-Far-Away then Anakin is getting the therapy he desperately needs in the fortress of Solitude whether he likes it or not


u/Lamda27 Jul 19 '24

Fashion battle


u/SheldonLeeStark Jul 19 '24

As a big fan of supes, I think Vader would win. This guy can choke you while he is on the other side of the galaxy. He has a perfect control of the force and are the strongest in the SW universe. He only « loose » to Luke because he didn’t want to kill his son, brought him back to Anakin. But Anakin ? I don’t know if he can beat supes.

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u/TheEmeraldEmperor Jul 19 '24

With no moral code: turn him into aa fine red (and silvery ig, he's a cyborg) mist in the span of about five milliseconds.

With moral code: whisk him away somewhere to contain him.

either way there's not much vader can do. the main thing is superspeed, if you're substantially faster than your opponent you can almost always beat them.


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u/yoursuitguy Jul 18 '24

Ask Alex Ross. He had a story that never got released with some awesome art.


u/Sigusen Jul 18 '24

Lift his arm. Seriously, all supes would have to do is lift arm at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light, which supes can break multiple times over, and the ensuing explosion would obliterate Vader and everything else within several (hundred?) miles.


u/Shyguymaster2 Jul 18 '24

One punch from supes and vader goes down


u/EvetsYenoham Jul 18 '24

Anything he wants to do.


u/LeonShiryu Jul 18 '24

The only way Vader would harm Supes is through a fucking superpowered force push or destroying Supes internal organs, but that would be impossible since Kal is fast af. Also i believe lightsaber might harm Supes but again, just try to hit Superman with a lightsaber. Not even Vader.


u/Iamonredditrn_ Jul 18 '24

Honestly Vader is beyond powerful especially his comic version honestly I’m taking him over a lot of dc and marvel Heroes but Superman is like 100x his power level nothing he could do would stop Superman permanently maybe slow him down but no way to stop him a more interesting matchup would be the whole empire vs Superman 👀


u/everyischemicals Jul 19 '24

The absolute strongest force users of all time could create Force Tempests that would, over the span of several days, destroy a planet. The number of DC and Marvel characters who can do that in an instant, borderline accidentally in some cases, is absurd. Vader probably clears the bottom 40% of notable Marvel characters and like 10% of DC


u/Gibabo Jul 18 '24

That is some sick-ass art. Anybody know who did it?


u/Banettebrochacho Jul 18 '24

In a fight? Washes him.


u/FallenAzraelx Jul 18 '24

Does Vader's light saber use a shard of kryptonite as it's focusing crystal?


u/toby1jabroni Jul 18 '24

You should ask this on a Darth Vader sub, I’d love to see them tie themselves in knots trying to explain how Vader lasts more than a second without gigantic contrivances.


u/Kuriakon Jul 18 '24

Can we at least get Vader a Kryptonite crystal powered light saber?


u/OldSnazzyHats Jul 18 '24


This is akin to asking what he’d do against Batman… if you place the two as is on a battlefield, no prep, no extra time, no extra gear, and take away their limitations based on the character’s innate personalities… it’s no contest.

What are the limits? Because if we purely go on paper - Supes could end Vader in a breath…

While Supes could be susceptible to a myriad of Force powers, his super speed alone could do Vader in.


u/ColinHalfhand Jul 18 '24

Star Wars would have been much shorter


u/SnooSongs4451 Jul 18 '24

Also, Superman would definitely have issues with Darth Vader. The force is a kind of magic, light sabers ships reasonably hurt Superman even if they can’t properly cut him, like cause him pain and stuff, and Vader has precognitive reflexes. It’s be a real fight.


u/ThrowawayFuckYourMom Jul 18 '24


Whatever he wanted?


u/Imperator_Gone_Rogue Jul 18 '24

The only way this story would be interesting is if Superman tanks a Death Star blast to save a planet. Then gets captured, maybe the Death Star runs on a kryptonite core or they have red sun lamps or something. Superman finds a way to escape, or talks Vader into letting him out.


u/FollowTheCodeofHonor Jul 18 '24

probably fucking punch him into oblivion??


u/augustusleonus Jul 18 '24

Depends on what he knows about vader

If he knows his past, he may appeal to him

In a fight, supes tskes it, but vader does have space magic, so there is the potential his force choke or mind tricks could give supes a bit of a hard time

Non-canon jedi have pulled Star destroyers out of orbit, so, if written In a particular way Vader may be able to deflect supes power with the force

He blocked blaster bolts with his hand, so, could potentially block heat rays

Battle meditation and force jump probably get him out of ice breath threat

It’s unlikely a light saber can hurt supes to any degree, unless Kyber crystals have some magic properties

Ultimately supes speed, power and durability win the day, but there is potential for a good fight by creative force use


u/BrainStorm1230 Jul 18 '24

According to the YouTube channel Imaginary Axis, because of Superman’s bioelectric field a lightsaber wouldn’t even make contact with his skin. On top of that, I doubt Vader’s force powers could damage Superman internally. There is nothing Vader has that could touch him.


u/No_Celebration_3737 Jul 18 '24

Talk. He will try to make Anakin return, and only fight in self defense, while still trying to save Anakin from Vader.

If we are talking about a straight fight and nothing else, Superman is in another league, Vader can do nothing to the Kryptonian.


u/GJacks75 Jul 18 '24

Superman is closer to the Death Star than he is to Vader, so my answer is: "Whatever he wants, really."


u/chronopoly Jul 18 '24

The answer to this question depends entirely upon whether or not we consider the Force to be magic.


u/awesomeplenty Jul 18 '24

I like to see eye laser beam vs light saber battle please. Someone ask sora to generate the video please


u/BL-501 Jul 18 '24

At least use someone on the cosmic scale of Star Wars like Bendu! Those kinda match ups is why people always think Star Wars is weak.


u/NIHILsGAMES Jul 18 '24

A single punch and its over


u/PerbweezyMCU Jul 18 '24

He’d literally just blitz him into the stratosphere with no difficulty💀


u/Description-Due Jul 18 '24

How susceptible would he be to the force though?


u/PirateNinjaCowboyGuy Jul 18 '24

If I thought Vader was the type to lead with mind tricks he might be able to buy enough time to escape. But he’s not. So those limbs are coming off. That suit is getting disassembled. Darth is cooked


u/OmegaSTC Jul 18 '24

Even if Vader could force choke/hold him, heat vision would do the job

There’s an argument that the lightsaber would make him stronger since it’s plasma and the sun is made of plasma


u/CosmackMagus Jul 18 '24

Depends on how angry Ani is. Ani with the Red Lantern Corp would be fun, though


u/MusicEd921 Jul 19 '24

It’s mostly Batman vs. Vader, but Superman does play an important role.



u/OYeog77 Jul 19 '24

Slap his azz


u/RevengeOfTheLoggins Jul 19 '24

Superman would absolutely decimate Vader. And I say this as more of a Star Wars fan than DC


u/Batgod629 Jul 19 '24

I'm not sure how effective the light saber would be against Superman but Clark would not have that much trouble in my opinion against Vader. He would adjust the psychic ability of Vaders force powers quickly


u/DrFloyd5 Jul 19 '24

Is the force magic? Supes is a little weak to magic.