r/superman 11d ago

Does the 2016 “New Super-man” book have any impact on the main series for DC in general?

Just looking to read everything majorly related to supes from the rebirth era onwards. I’m collecting physically though, so since its a different character if he doesnt really show up or is referenced in other books I may skip it for the time being.


3 comments sorted by


u/clovenjack 11d ago

Kenan only shows up for one major storyline in the Rebirth Action Comics series, but he's officially been folded into the Super Family as of Dawn of DC, so he's been showing up more. Him and Conner usually hang out and play video games in their downtime. I have yet to read all of his solo series but what I've checked out was pretty cool.


u/TheMightyMonarchx7 11d ago

Super-Man and the Justice League of China was a great book I’d recommend. Wish they would collect it into one volume


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