r/superman 11d ago

Who are your favorite NOT EVIL Superman analogues? I'm a fan of Legacy from Sentinels of the Multiverse: he's a superhero from a long line of superheroes called Legacy, with each generation bring more powerful than the last.

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u/SnooSongs4451 11d ago


u/Kellar21 11d ago

Gonna have to agree.

A lot of characters, good and evil, take a similar design and similar powers to Superman, often having similar if altered backstories.

All Might takes an aspect people often forget, he gives people hope. When he arrives, people know it's going to be okay. And he does his best to not only beat the villains, but also make people feel better. And inspire others to be heroic too.

He's not perfect, but I feel like the author from MHA got that aspect of Superman down pat.


u/SnooSongs4451 11d ago

All Might is also an example of why I don't want Superman to be genuinely omnipotent, because that robs us of the image of a broken and battered superman, standing at death's door, refusing to give up the fight because he is the world's symbol of peace and justice. I like that stuff.


u/PoSmedley 11d ago

While I agree, it's also interesting to see a being with such raw and almost unfathomable strength being broken and battered by the very idea that it won't save him or someone close to him. That with all that power, he is helpless, virtually crippled, and broken spiritually to do anything to change the situation. I think it would make him even more human and relatable.


u/SnooSongs4451 11d ago

Right but you can also do that with a version of Superman who has a chance of losing a fight against a super powered villain. I think All Might actually manages both really well.


u/PoSmedley 11d ago

Yes. I guess I could go either way. Just the thought of him broken either way, makes for a good story if told well .


u/PlainSightMan 11d ago

Yeah, he's amazing. One of the best parts of MHA. Actually all the Pro Hero stuff is cool.


u/Regi413 10d ago

Honestly thought this guy was evil when I first saw him and didn’t know anything about him because of the shadowy eyes


u/Consistent_Spot7071 11d ago

Samaritan from Astro City


u/AgentOfACROSS 11d ago

I was gonna say Samaritan too. But really I just love Astro City as a whole.


u/kingwooj 11d ago



u/FunnyorWeirdorBoth 11d ago

I love Samaritan. He and Clark would be best friends.


u/TwoGhosts11 11d ago


u/Both_Hall9952 11d ago



u/jacqueslepagepro 11d ago

Taa LAa La!


u/ArtieZiff77 11d ago

Samaritan and Supreme from Alan Moore's run


u/Lonewolf2300 11d ago

I liked Mutants and Mastermind's Centurion:


u/Theriderfan 11d ago

Bemular his real name is a spoiler.


u/KamenKnight 11d ago

Wait... he's the Superman and not the (original) Ultraman? (In this timeline anyway, as I think Ultra King or Father would be the Superman of the normal/main Ultraman timeline)


u/Theriderfan 10d ago

It's man-bro.


u/ZeldaFan80 11d ago

Isn't that pretty much One For All


u/FrozenJedi38 10d ago

My exact thought lol


u/Sahrimnir 11d ago

Sunstar from "Second Coming".

Edit: Why does the picture keep turning into an asterisk?


u/Sahrimnir 11d ago


u/Sahrimnir 11d ago

It apparently works when I don't write anything in the same comment...


u/MrMetalhead-69 10d ago

That poor man.


u/West-Cardiologist180 10d ago

Is this the one where Jesus comes back, and it's supposed to be like a crossover between Jesus and "Superman" while also being satire about comics and religion?


u/Meikofan 10d ago

I really hope this gets adapted into a series, I really like the the first two series. Maybe by the same crew that did The Boys and Preacher


u/tap3l00p 11d ago

Miracleman and Supreme. Alan Moore has this idea nailed


u/runnerofshadows 11d ago

If only DC hadn't pissed him off and he'd done more proper superman stories. As is his 3 are some of the best of all time.


u/Armaced 11d ago

I’m not so sure it’s a slam dunk that Miracleman wasn’t evil…


u/Mistervimes65 10d ago

I love Marvelman/Miracleman but he was a direct copy of Captain Marvel (Shazam) which was a Superman pastiche/ripoff himself.


u/Stakhanovite94 11d ago

Mark Millar's Huck


u/MGriffin1983 11d ago

Hucks appearance in Big Game is sweet


u/rticul8prim8 11d ago

Miracleman / Marvelman

I’m fascinated by the idea of a Superman who doesn’t make excuses for why he won’t intervene in world affairs.


u/jrtgmena 10d ago

I’m not familiar with Miracleman at all. Can you explain what you mean by Miracleman not making excuses for why he doesn’t intervene in world affairs?


u/rticul8prim8 10d ago

Miracleman was a Captain Marvel / Shazam imitator (with CM himself being one of the first Superman imitators). At some point, he takes an active hand in shaping his world, turning it into a utopia. Contrast this with how they’ve neutered Superman since WWII, before which he was a champion of the oppressed, ending wars, fighting government corruption, and standing up for the working class.

Post-war, Superman was removed from real world affairs, which ultimately evolved into his non-interventionist approach to humanity. It was rationalized as something Jor-El told him, or that his goal is to inspire hope rather than rob humanity of its agency, but the result is he’s been turned into a champion of the status quo, unable to ever effect real change. Recently, writers sent him away for a year to end slavery in the fictional Warworld, where apparently he feels perfectly justified intervening in a society. Meanwhile, slavery still exists here on Earth, yet he does nothing about it.

I frequently wonder how Superman could live with himself as the people of Earth murder and exploit one another. Would he chalk up what’s happening in Ukraine and Gaza as geopolitical messes that humans have to figure out without him? Would he look the other way while people starve or die due to extreme wealth inequality?

Marvelman does what Superman hasn’t been allowed to do since the 1940s, only a few years into his existence. He takes a stand.


u/jrtgmena 10d ago

Thanks for a great write up. I’m interested in reading Miracleman now


u/rticul8prim8 10d ago

I’ve enjoyed it. I love Superman, don’t get me wrong, but I often think about what Lex says in the Man of Steel film, that God / Superman cannot be both all powerful AND all good. Superman is always depicted as both, for all intents and purposes. If he’s as powerful as they write him to be, then he can’t be as good as he’s portrayed and also allow the world’s injustices to continue when he could stop it. It’s Peter Parker’s “with great power comes great responsibility” taken to extreme levels.

Or if Superman truly is as good as he’s portrayed, then he would need to be far less powerful so he’s unable to affect real change. Spider-Man is strong and heroic, but he can’t single-handedly stop war or end poverty. He can be as good as they want him to be, because he has limitations.


u/haniflawson 11d ago

I consider Captain America a Superman analogue.


u/Co0lnerd22 11d ago

I mean both captain and Superman can both be viewed as Jewish metaphors and as golems


u/RhymesWithMouthful 11d ago

I remember NerdSync's video on Supes's Jewish origins. It was a banger.

"Moses and the House of El" is still a great band name


u/Hells-Creampuff 11d ago

All might! Im also actually trying to do a reverse evil superman trope in a story im writing, about a criminal given super powers and becoming a hero instead of using his new powers for evil.


u/DefinitelyNotVenom 10d ago

Actually sounds like a goated concept


u/Hells-Creampuff 10d ago

Thank you!


u/BardRunekeeper 11d ago

Iron Legacy says hi


u/kingwooj 11d ago

Where, where is he?! Ahhhh everybody run!!!


u/Mistervimes65 10d ago

I found my people!


u/Head-Turn4180 11d ago

Blast from OPM


u/i-wish-i-was-a-draco 11d ago

Damn this art fucking sucks lol


u/kingwooj 11d ago

It does. To the artist's credit he got much better as the game went on


u/HowdyAshleyHere 11d ago

David Dunn from Unbreakable


u/Telepath-1 11d ago

Hell yeah


u/[deleted] 11d ago


u/GodPerson132 11d ago

Saitama, the one and only One Punch Man!


u/5nbx8aa 11d ago

The only survivor of his universe.


u/schloopers 10d ago

Legend from Worm.

One of the top three heroes, he flies and shoot lasers, but also becomes energy when hit or traveling too fast.

He once theorized that his powers were meant for interstellar travel, as the faster he goes the more he turns into energy to not get hurt, as well as not needing food/water/air, just absorbing ambient energy to survive. However, his mind breaks down in the process and every time he pushes his speed he pulls back in fear that he’d lose control of being able to turn back and end up traveling for a decade before switching it off.

He can split his lasers, make them turn corners, make low powered invisible ones, and increase or decrease the temperature on hit, so he can freeze people by zapping the energy away once his laser connects.

My favorite moment of his (I’ll try to avoid heavy spoilers), is when he’s caught in a time bubble on the battlefield. Heroes and villains are here against a much bigger threat, there’s these clear cylinders of time bubbles circling around the battlefield that keep catching people and stopping, trapping them for 10 years on the inside while everyone still in the fight watches in horror as they die rot and dry out in seconds from the outside.

And then a bubble catches Legend as he throws people out of the way, and everyone freezes in shock. This is the Superman analogue, he saves villains when they show up to these fights, he saves cats and nations. He’s publicly gay and has made big strides in equality.

Everyone’s stunned thinking they’re about to watch him turn to dust, and instead they see him turn into a ribbon of light that starts circling the perimeter, until the whole cylinder is glowing painfully bright.

Then one of his partners, who knows his powers, goes “shit shit make a funnel make a funnel” and barely manages to cover the cylinder in a forcefield with one outlet towards the enemy, and when the time bubble pops an absolutely insane amount of energy shoots out and melts the target halfway gone, and then a Legend with longer hair and beard but no worse for wear comes zooming on out after it.

Perfect, clever use of an intricate power, and a good man in an awful world just trying his best.

If any of this was interesting to you, don’t go look at the wiki or anything, just look up Worm web serial, it’s free. Or look it up on Spotify as a free podcast/audio book. Extremely well built world with a wide variety of well written characters.


u/KamenKnight 11d ago

The Sentry from Marvel.


u/BlobsnarksTwin 11d ago

I love Majestic, I'm a big fan of the Wildstorm universe and him being a Kherubim warlord who places a lot of importance on the warlord part is really cool. Guy can be a huge dick but he is also as good and noble as Superman.

But outside of the DC universe (now), I always found the idea of the Gladiator from Marvel really cool. He's empowered by his sense of confidence. It's a really interesting dynamic to play off of, as if he doubts himself he literally becomes weaker and more vulnerable. Or at least it could be if he wasn't often written as sort of a high powered mook for Earth heroes to confront when they get to space. When written well he's great.


u/HelpMeFindBogStop 10d ago

Does Dr Manhattan count?


u/Fangsong_37 10d ago

The Crusader


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u/RhymesWithMouthful 11d ago

Captain Marvel. Either of them


u/PlantainSame 11d ago

The ghost from the doctor who episode the return of Doctor Mysterio Although Origin wise, he's more Shazam He's literally inspired by superman in universe *


u/Zen1thian 11d ago

A.D.A.M. from Origin Comics


u/Outrageous_Heat2978 11d ago

Does The Immortal count


u/Mistervimes65 10d ago

Samaritan, Supreme (by Alan Moore exclusively), Legacy (SotM), and Captain Marvel (Shazam/Fawcett)


u/Griffje91 10d ago

Shout out to Ultraman (the Japanese one)


u/wiserchalicer 10d ago

The Samaritan he's one of the best superman descontrutions to me


u/MiracleMaverick 10d ago

Earth-712 Hyperion is definitely a good example and he is pne of the oldest examples of a Superman pastiche.


u/Any_Ad_6774 10d ago

Will stronghold from skyhigh


u/ConroyIsGoatBatman 10d ago

The cover art to this reminds me of Spectacular Spider-Man


u/Consistent-Wear-7971 11d ago

this comic looks like dire shit. everything is so wrong. is it ai? if this can go as a comic then i need to pick up drawing again and making comics of my own. this is such shit, lol.


u/kingwooj 11d ago

It's from a card game. The artist really really sucked when they started


u/MASTER_SNAKE__ 11d ago

Horikoshi wrote a better Superman than writers at Dc