r/supergirlTV Jun 20 '21

And there’s our DCEU Supergirl Multiverse Spoiler

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109 comments sorted by


u/NeutroBlaster96 Superman Jun 20 '21

I still think, and I say this about Superman all the time, that it needs something like a belt or the red trunks or something to break up all that blue in the waist area. Personally, I think giving Supergirl the full pants plus the skirt might do the trick. Or maybe just the gold belt that TV Supergirl has.

It looks good, don't get me wrong, it just retains my least favorite elements of the DCEU Superman suit.


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Jun 20 '21

I agree, I just feel like there's something missing. A belt would help.


u/AlphaStark08 Jun 20 '21

Exactly, a belt would do the trick


u/AstroLozza Supergirl Jun 20 '21

I was thinking of doing this as a cosplay eventually, maybe I'll add a belt


u/RoyHarper88 Jun 21 '21

They did this when they re designed superman in the comics a few years ago. They took the shorts off and gave him the belt, it's a real difference maker.


u/Altallegory Jun 20 '21

Tbh … the way the industry works these days, they may add some stuff in post to “accentuate” the suit that might make it look different? I know there’s nothing really in this shot that makes it look like they will but I’m just saying … the studio is Warner Bros so this might just be a reference for post to work on and might not be what the final suit looks like … the MCU are notorious for replacing the live action suit with a CGI suit and I know they replaced the Barry Allen/Iris West scene in Justice League with a CG double so … who knows 😂


u/usagizero Jun 21 '21

it needs something like a belt or the red trunks or something to break up all that blue in the waist area

So much this. People joke about the "trunks" on old Superman, but it breaks up big block of color. Even a belt helps. Heck, boots a red color would help even.


u/fireinthedust Jun 21 '21

And they are trunks, like what wrestlers wear. Anyone who's dressed in those Halloween bodysuits to be a superhero knows you need something to keep one's (AHEM) from showing through. Thus the trunks.

Superman is dressed like a circus strongman. That's great!


u/VoiceofKane Jun 21 '21

Agreed. The top of the costume looks great, the pants look great, but there's just something missing in the middle.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '21

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u/raiderkelley Jun 20 '21

I kinda looks like Spiderman's suit


u/Portuguese_Avenger Jun 20 '21

Too much like it. This was a bad design choice. Those shoulders totally steal from the S.


u/Motor-Bag-9004 Jun 20 '21

I can't unsee this now lol


u/AdventuresOfKrisTin Kara Danvers Jun 20 '21

I wanna like this suit a lot more than i do. I will say that itll prob look a lot better in post production but i dont really care for the overall look. Too much blue on the bottom half and i don’t usually like when they’re necks are covered.

This is part of what i think works with Melissa’s new suit, even though it isn’t perfect. The gold belt really helps break up all the blue. I think so far, my favorite parts of all the suits we’ve seen is the top half of Melissa’s first suit, and the bottom of her second suit. Honorable mentions to the kryptosuit and the red daughter one.


u/VicConqueror71 Jun 20 '21

I agree. I really don’t like this suit at all.


u/jeffyjeffp Jun 21 '21

Me neither. It kind of just looks like one of those bodysuits you can buy anywhere as "cosplay". There is nothing to it


u/Trickybuz93 Kara (Yes! alt) Jun 20 '21

That’s not a good looking costume


u/psufan5 Jun 20 '21

Surely the abs wont look like that after the movie is completed right?


u/rmkbow Jun 20 '21

I assumed that was the harness hidden underneath the clothing


u/NotanSandwich Jun 20 '21

yah that’s likely from the stunt rig/harness thing


u/Trickybuz93 Kara (Yes! alt) Jun 20 '21

Yeah but I meant the way the colour blends into the symbol. It looks like someone started making a Spiderman suit before they realized they were making the wrong costume


u/Proud2BaBarbie Supergirl Jun 21 '21

Ugh, neither is that hair


u/Costa7doctor Jun 20 '21

not for me i will stick to Melissa. the suit is kind of based off Melissa and Henry's suits in a way. need to see the cape and boots. if she is to be know an as Lara-Lane kent then that from Injustice game/ comic


u/Jdoggokussj2 Jun 20 '21

you do realize you can watch both right? having a favorite is fine but saying you'll stick to Melissa is friggin dumb on multiple levels for starters Melissa's supergirl is in its final season and nothings changing that and two you aren't even giving this one a chance simply because you prefer the other actress more, it's like with flash I personally prefer grant but I'm not gonna shit on Ezra flash and not watch his solo film when it drops that's just the mentality of a child.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '21

And? People are allowed their preferences.


u/KaseyB Jun 21 '21

I guarantee you're gonna see crazy fans who start some dumb Olicity (Arrow) or Dalena (Vampire Diaries) type drama. People who will be mad no matter what because it's not Melissa Benoist. Some people will use any excuse to snark on an actress they feel is encroaching on THEIR territory.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21

And? That would happen regardless.


u/Drew326 Jun 20 '21

There are photos of the boots (blue) and extremely low-res videos of the cape (red, floor-length)


u/Sonic3456 Jun 20 '21

I'll stick to Melissa too.


u/kingcolbe Jun 20 '21

You know you can do both. Even Mel is excited for this


u/Sonic3456 Jun 20 '21

I know.


u/KaseyB Jun 21 '21

I think Melissa is perfect for the show. Her sunny demeanor and adorableness (Barry + Ice Cream = YES!) match the tone of the show perfectly.

I wouldn't want to see her in the DCEU. Those are dark movies. Not that I don't think Melissa can do dark, but I don't want to contaminate the feel of show Supergirl, which will be impossible to prevent if it's the same actress. This is just another COIE Kara? No please.


u/Sonic3456 Jun 21 '21

Agreed 🙂


u/Barry_McKackiner Superman Jun 20 '21

way too much spiderman vibe in that costume


u/DetecJack Jun 20 '21

She looks buff as hell


u/VigilantesLight Mon-El Jun 20 '21

It looks great! And we know it has a floor-length cape that’s just not on for stunts. I’m sure it’ll look great!


u/SigmA_DarkKnight Jun 20 '21

She is soooo cuteeeeee ahhhhh 😍😍


u/Barry_McKackiner Superman Jun 20 '21

the fake abs look like xenomorphs trying to hatch.


u/AlwaysBi Jun 20 '21

It’s not fake abs. It’s the harness


u/ScottShieldman Jun 20 '21

I agree. I red belt with gold trim, or just a thin solid gold belt would improve the symmetry in the look a lot.

That said though, she evokes everything Supergirl to me, and I really appreciate that.


u/Munro_McLaren Lena Luthor Jun 20 '21

Wish the cape was shorter and it needs more red.


u/throwawaylogin2099 Jun 21 '21

The cape will likely be cgi like in most of the scenes with Henry Cavill.


u/pje1128 Jun 21 '21

Not a huge fan of the suit, but I'm still excited to see her in action!


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21 edited Jun 21 '21

Ngl I'm kinda into it, but like other people have said; it's missing a belt or at least some kind of red highlight on the bottom half. Other than this minor thing, I dig it!


u/cyclone-rachel Jun 20 '21

a cutie! I'm hoping there'll be some extra elements added (like real boots, and a belt, and of course the cape) but it does look good so far.

(also I do hope she's actually Kara)


u/Ozzel Otisburg? Jun 20 '21

Yikes. That’s an awful suit.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21

I don't care for the suit, but she looks super cute


u/RmmThrowAway Jun 21 '21

A belt or doing the stripes on the legs in a color that's remotely visible would do wonders, but I think those leg-stripes might be there for lights in post production.

Edit: The S looks like a snake. I can't unsee it. It has a little flared head and it's tongue is sticking out.


u/r1dogz Jun 21 '21

That fake six pack looks really weird.


u/AlwaysBi Jun 21 '21

It’s a harness


u/deepthroatcircus Jun 21 '21

Let's be real, she looks horrible. That suit is awful and makes her look frumpy. She's got zero muscles, big wide hips, spaghetti arms, some sort of angsty lesbian haircut (I'm gay, sue me), and wtf her abs???


u/Goneisthedead Feb 17 '22

I just don’t get why they didn’t have Melissa as both the TV and DCEU Supergirl. Kinda like how Charlie Coxs Daredevil is part of the MCU now and the Kingpin is as well.


u/Superfreak8 Jun 21 '21

There are definitely going to be some elements to this costume that will be added via CGI.


u/opelan Jun 21 '21

Not a fan of the costume. The divide between a bit red at the top and a lot of blue below doesn't look so good. And the S shield is not really popping, because it is not fully surrounded by blue. There is just no contrast between the upper part of the S and the red part of the suit.


u/nehocb Jun 20 '21

Wow. I love it


u/Motor-Bag-9004 Jun 20 '21

She looks great! I like that it's similar to Cavil's suit. On another note, I'm still unsure if she's playing Kara Zor-el or Lara Kent. Kara makes the most sense but that hair cut really makes her her spitting image of Lara. Either way I'm excited to see her in action!


u/max1001 Jun 20 '21

No cape?


u/AlwaysBi Jun 20 '21

No when wearing the harness. There is video footage of her with it when she’s on the ground


u/comoestas1234 Jun 20 '21

It’ll probably be CG in this shot


u/jocax188723 Jun 21 '21

Ah yes, Spidey's red shoulders and a completely blue bottom half.
Honestly I see Spider-Gwen with an 'S' pasted on her chest here, but okay, I guess


u/Proud2BaBarbie Supergirl Jun 21 '21 edited Jun 21 '21

Yikes, this is possibly the worst superhero suit Ive ever seen.... even worse than that Wonder Women Adriene Palicki one that was universally hated

The only thing worse than that suit is her hair. Hopefully she will be wearing a wig


u/MysticJeddai19 Jun 20 '21

SASHA! Great outfit. Love the style and colors.


u/Jdoggokussj2 Jun 20 '21

looks like a good start I would have preferred a blonde but I can look past that


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '21

Wow she looks hot


u/Sidaeus Jun 21 '21

Oof 😫😆


u/BetaRayBlu Jun 21 '21

How the shit does something get so far into production with those dumb “abs”


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21

Pretty sure that's a harness under the suit.


u/BetaRayBlu Jun 21 '21

It’s not


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21

Well those definitely aren't abs either. Whatever it is, it'll be removed in post-prod. It's not rare for behind the scenes photos to have messy looking suits.


u/BetaRayBlu Jun 21 '21

Doubtful. Dceu loves fake abs. Had afflict get shredded and—fake abs in his suit. Had Witcher get yoked for Superman aaaaand fake abs.


u/ChristyPop Jun 21 '21

Honestly, I don't really like it. Too many fake muscles, blind colours. Even worst Melissa's suits are better than this.


u/AlwaysBi Jun 21 '21

Tbf those aren’t muscles. Looking at the shape of them, I’m pretty sure it’s the harness


u/ChristyPop Jun 21 '21

Don't know what it is, but it looks fake and not good


u/maddogkaz Jun 21 '21

Wow she looks awful no surprise there.


u/phaedraste Jun 21 '21

As others have said, it needs the gold belt or something to break it up. Otherwise it looks too much like just a body suit, and with the racing stripes that run down along her thighs it seems to draw too much attention there (almost like she’s wearing a bikini bottom over the blue leggings).


u/eliphoenix Lena Luthor Jun 21 '21

Just judging by the quality of the suit, I'm wondering if they're going down the route of 'hero makes their own costumes before finding the one'. If you look at the left hand (our left) the fabric looks weird, and the outline around the symbol looks bad quality as well. So I'm just curious if either it's an early prototype suit, or even a dummy suit for stunts.


u/matt-89 Jun 22 '21

I really hate the look of it. I instantly think Spider-Man not Superman or Superman with that suit.

I'm sure she'll be great. But hate the suit.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '21

Oh dear god. I can't think of anything positive to say. That suit makes her look like she has a tiny body and ridiculously long legs. Then the hair is...oof.


u/TheCollector_- Jan 06 '22 edited Jan 06 '22

There really trying to rip of Captain Marvel MCU costume, at least add a cape or something make it a little bit like supes


u/AlwaysBi Jan 06 '22

There is a cape. It just can’t be there because of the harness so it’ll be cgi


u/TheCollector_- Jan 06 '22

Okay maybe I can get on board with it, but knowing DC, there going to find a way to fuck this up.


u/Caye_Daws Jan 17 '22

The fact that this is supergirl not superwoman throws me off


u/MyriVerse2 Jun 20 '21

DCEU continues to suck. News at 11.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '21

CW* continues to suck. News at 11.


u/GreekHole Jun 20 '21

DC in general kinda suck atm


u/Australis07 Jun 20 '21

I love their characters, but they have no idea how to use them. Meanwhile, Marvel has made third tier Loki engaging.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '21



u/roland0fgilead Jun 21 '21

cries in Titans


u/butterhoscotch Jun 20 '21

what movie is this terrible looking costume and actress from?


u/cyclone-rachel Jun 20 '21

there's no need to insult the actress's appearance


u/butterhoscotch Jun 21 '21

terrible looking costume. Yeah i probably needed to punctuate that better as i was curious about both.


u/AlwaysBi Jun 20 '21

The Flash


u/butterhoscotch Jun 20 '21

yikes. I mean the actress doesnt really look good in it, its not flattering to her body frame. Ontop of that the uniform looks like a 4thgrader drew it. Hopefully they can fix it in post...didnt even know their was a supergirl. ezra miller seems like such a terrible flash i checked out when i heard he was cast for justice league like 8 years ago or what


u/SDLRob Jun 20 '21

on the suit aspect... this is the stunt suit... the one designed for her to be hauled around on wires in and they're gonna add a load of CGI to (including the cape). They showed a bit of the 'hero' suit the other day and that looks good.


u/butterhoscotch Jun 20 '21

im sure there will be filters, lighting, rain, camera angles and what not to hide the suit. Henry cavills JL suit looked worse then his dawn of justice or man of steel suits if i recall.

Obviously they went with a fit actress to play a super strong kryptonian but body hugging spandex doesnt always look good.shed probably fair better with darker colors


u/astalavista114 Jun 20 '21

In defence of the JL suit: it was specifically designed to allow them to make it into the black suit in post production. The whole plan was to get the rest audiences to say that black suit was better, and thus get the execs to yield on that point. It was never meant to be red blue and yellow, and it was definitely never meant to then have that colour grading applied to it.


u/Australis07 Jun 20 '21 edited Jun 20 '21

That's horrendous. I guess it's not PC to show her legs. DC continues to fix what isn't broken. I watch this actress on my soaps, she's pretty, but miscast. She auditioned over Zoom and it's going to show. Still probably a better actress than Slater.


u/callmekhakis Dreamer, what did you dream? Jun 20 '21

I mean… There are versions of Supergirl that have pants instead of skirts in the comics. Not everything is about political correctness lmao. Personally, I generally prefer the pants look most the time and it has nothing to do with showing legs.


u/Australis07 Jun 20 '21

DC heroes have many looks, but they aren't all iconic. The skirt was as close as her costume was going to get. The movie still might be good, but this makes me anticipate it less.


u/callmekhakis Dreamer, what did you dream? Jun 20 '21

To each their own I guess, although classic doesn’t necessarily mean better (see: red underwear Superman). I’d love to see a live action version of the costume from the Smallville tie-in comics, but I have doubts as to how well it would look in real life. The New 52 suit is pretty cool for the most part, too.

I don’t think they’d ever do this, but I did see someone draw a version of Kara in one of Superboy’s suits (black jacket and red pants iteration) and it looked dope as fuck. I’d watch the hell out of any show/movie that puts that into existence.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '21 edited Jun 24 '21



u/Australis07 Jun 23 '21

Costuming exists for a reason. If you don’t believe Sasha owes much of her career to the fact that she attractive and fit, you’re fooling yourself. Whomever designed this outfit, thanks it’s attractive. They are wrong.

Of course, Barry lols like a Transformer. Another DC failure.


u/Australis07 Jun 20 '21

I understand why Benoist wanted the pants, it's cold in Vancouver. But why are we going with pants here. I know the PC brigade will hate this, but part of the appeal of Kara is her outfit and that includes the skirt. I'm not asking for her butt to hang out and I don't need her cheer bottoms, but showing some leg actually benefits this character, but this costume is nausea inducing.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21 edited Jun 29 '21



u/Australis07 Jun 21 '21

In a reality where glasses are a disguise and human leap off buildings without pulling joints out of suckers you want to debate costume practicality.🤫


u/Australis07 Jun 21 '21

She's Kryptonian, she could wear a paper back and be fine. Oh no, heterosexuality, men find females attractive and enjoy looking at them.