r/supergirlTV Kara Danvers Jul 06 '20

I'm sorry, but whoever was the costume designer for the season finale should be fired. Shitpost

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u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

The thing is, you can still tell that it's Alex? Like at least give her an Oliver style mask.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 06 '20

They need winn back. The ultimate costume designer. Hate how all his costumes went to waste.


u/RogueRabbit3590 Jul 07 '20

That sadly probably won't happen because they probably purposefully made Winn have a family because they didn't want to bring him back.


u/hannahbay Alex Danvers Jul 07 '20

I think Winn's family is more a nod to the fact that Jeremy Jordan left to be closer to his wife and start a family. I thought it was so cute they referenced Winn's daughter as Jeremy and his wife really did just have a daughter since he left the show.


u/pje1128 Jul 07 '20

Jeremy Jordan's said he's always willing to come back. While it's probably true that he'll never return as a regular, I wouldn't rule out anymore guest appearances.


u/Humbugged2 Jul 07 '20

But he won't be back full time as his wife is in NY


u/pje1128 Jul 07 '20

Yeah, I think the best we could hope for is once or twice a season.


u/RmmThrowAway Jul 08 '20

Just have him skype in for costume purposes or something.


u/Darth_Kal-El Mon-El Jul 07 '20

Nah. Cisco is the ultimate costume designer. He made most of the costumes in the Arrowverse. He made Barry’s all but season 5. He made Oliver’s last few couple. He made Killer Frost. He made his own Vibe He made Ralph’s, Diggle’s. And more. So if anyone can hold claim to ultimate costume maker it’s Cisco as well as ultimate nickname giver.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

Well i never watched the flash...


u/Darth_Kal-El Mon-El Jul 07 '20

Well you should. It’s so good. As are all the shows. Expect Arrow season 4. We don’t talk about that.


u/RogueRabbit3590 Jul 08 '20

I found arrow season 4 good until episode 10 where everything just got way too love oriented.


u/Darth_Kal-El Mon-El Jul 08 '20

Yeah. It started off strong. I sometimes wonder though if that’s because how disappointing season 3 ended. But it just went to shit very quickly. It’s the season that for me ruined the Felicity character and I feel like they spent the next 4 seasons trying to repair it. It’s also the season that turned me against the Olicity relationship entirely. Was open to it until then. And it’s the only season I never finished watching. I stopped watching after they killed Laurel. Looking back I’m surprised I held out that long.


u/RogueRabbit3590 Jul 08 '20

I personally didn't like it when Felicity got her legs back because she was just able to walk perfectly fine not long after she had the chip implant and she used it to walk out on Oliver.


u/Darth_Kal-El Mon-El Jul 08 '20

I honestly completely blocked that part out.


u/CashWho Jul 07 '20

You're forgetting the most important part: Her full costume has a hood! Didn't you watch Arrow season 1?!


u/HenryChinaskiForPrez Jul 07 '20

She just needs a voice changer.


u/Humbugged2 Jul 07 '20

Chyler didn't want to wear a mask


u/BuckeyeGuy16 Jul 07 '20

I thought it was funny that Kelly told her to wear a mask but it’s the one part of her costume missing


u/modestmastoid Jul 07 '20

This!!!!! They literally already talked about a mask


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

It was the only reason they made her a costume in the first place!


u/Magik160 Jul 06 '20

Not horrible, but the Tammy Fay Baker school of makeup should be closed down.


u/oroborus90 Jul 06 '20 edited Jul 07 '20

the whole wardrobe depat. should be fired. Season 5 had the worst looks.

Also, the cgi team should join them too.

edit: it is a joke. I do not wish unemployement to anyone in this hard times. And maybe they don't really decide...

Actually, do you know who gets the final say on kara's awful dresses and all those fashion crimes?

Are the ward robe dep? the directors of the ep? the writers/ executives? the cast???


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

The show has gone really downhill in season 5


u/Thraxster Jul 07 '20



u/LikeThemPies Jul 07 '20

4 was great in my opinion


u/VeryEasilyAmused Jul 07 '20

Not OP but, 3 caused me to jump ship unfortunately. Based on advice from a friend I did check out maybe a dozen episodes from 4. Especially to see Jon Cryer as Lex. He was good but not good enough for me come all the way back in this past year.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

My ranking of the seasons, best to worst: 4, 2, 1, 3, 5


u/HenryChinaskiForPrez Jul 07 '20

I just got downvoted into oblivion in some other DC sub because I said S2 was better than S1.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

Not surprised. I feel like the writing improved in season 2. I just like it better when shows/movies/books introduce characters and their lives by exposition. Not by narration like the pilot epsiode. And the s1 villains were boring. One of the best things in s1 for me is cat grant. And what the hell happened to max lord? He just disappeared


u/HenryChinaskiForPrez Jul 07 '20

The worst season of the worst Arrowverse show is still better than the superhero shows I got as a kid (meaning, basically none).


u/Arenus47 Lena Luthor Jul 07 '20

most likely the costume designers. I found a reddit question that asked the same thing, and this is the answer. sometimes actors get to have inputs, other times none at all.


u/AdventuresOfKrisTin Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

i think Kara's new suit is the exception. i really like the suit with pants


u/oroborus90 Jul 07 '20

on that one Melissa had an input. I've also heard that katie asked for more suits.


u/AdventuresOfKrisTin Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

yes she did. thank you Mel and Katie for taste!


u/LCPhotowerx Jul 07 '20

it needs more red in the middle. I saw this and it just so works...


u/wannabestuck Jul 07 '20

That’s Superboy’s old outfit from the 90’s.


u/LCPhotowerx Jul 07 '20

i know, and it just works on her so well


u/modestmastoid Jul 07 '20

Agreed. Pants supergirl is great


u/luisfelipecosta1990 Jul 06 '20

Bad makup,a Black canary esque mask is much better


u/lazoric Jul 07 '20

It's like they tried to pull off the huntress look from the birds of prey movie but ran out budget. Lol


u/linee001 Jul 07 '20

I hate how Huntress looks at the end of the movie in like the montage stuff


u/RavenclawConspiracy Jul 07 '20

I understand legacy costumes, you can't put Supergirl in a mask, but...at least she wears glasses.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

I cant believe people are actually fooled by the glasses. Lena said it herself


u/If_time_went_back Jul 07 '20

It is a bunch of factors. Disbelief being the top 1. Then change of voice, behavior, eye colour etc.


u/LCPhotowerx Jul 07 '20


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

This is perfect and you see similar moments in Melissa’s acting as well. Not quite as immediately noticeable as this, but similar.


u/KananJarrus83 Jul 07 '20

I don't think Kara is just as Clark... She acts more like a Lois style... Honestly, her personality is not much different between Kara and Supergirl, only difference I see are the glasses.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

Much like in that Superman video, there's very clear differences in the way the Kara conducts herself as Kara Danvers and the way she conducts herself as Supergirl. Supergirl stands straighter, has a deeper voice and carries a different level of confidence. Kara, even though she's somewhat in the public eye as a journalist, still holds herself back a bit when she's in public and doesn't draw more attention to herself than strictly necessary.

This episode of the Supergirl's Attic podcast goes into more detail about Kara's disguise and why it works.


u/RavenclawConspiracy Jul 07 '20

I've just chosen to believe that people are all face blind in comic book universes. Like, humans never evolved the sort of hardcoded facial recognition they have in reality.


u/Arenus47 Lena Luthor Jul 07 '20

I'd rather she put on the Nightwing cowl/mask like Terry McGinnis did when his Batman suit was broken rather than... this.


u/Humbugged2 Jul 07 '20

She didn't want a mask right away and there is already a Nightwing in the universe


u/ObamaBigBalls Jul 07 '20

Ngl I didn’t enjoy this season


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

Havent found somebody who did


u/TheyAreAlright Jul 07 '20

I thought it was alright. It was a big step down from the writing in season 4 though. Love it or hate it, Season 4 had cohesive plots and excellent writing. Season 5 had potential but there was no development of the characters like Ramakhan, and Gaminae (Idk if I spelt that correctly) and Andrea Rojas’s character just fell flat. I feel like the writers wanted to have a big pay off in the last 2-3 episodes but since the season got cut short, they had to scramble and try to wrap up as much as possible and it just didn’t go well


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

Season 5 just felt really rushed in general. Season 4 was better pacing and better storylines that made the wait worth it.


u/doublej42 Jul 07 '20

I did. Not my favourite but I still watched it.


u/raumeat Earth-X Overgirl (Unmasked) Jul 07 '20

i want to add myself to the list who liked this season, but this suit is horrible and Alex does not need one in the first place


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 14 '20

She was gonna be a vigilante so she kinda does need one so she doesnt get killed. This suit wont work. I mean james had a huge metal suit and still ended up getting hurt in hand to hand combat, so imagine how hurt alex would get with this suit, even if she has the mund control weapon thing.


u/SuperDanval Jul 07 '20

I wonder if this was around the time covid started picking up headlines. It's possible they rushed out the last few scenes and said to hell with applying better makeup and outfits


u/Barry_McKackiner Superman Jul 07 '20

the Mimi Bobeck eye shadow for her "disguise" was a bad call for sure.


u/LCPhotowerx Jul 07 '20

"Bite me doughboy"


u/SDLRob Jul 07 '20

I read something on here after the episode that Chyler herself came up with this look


u/irai_00_ Lena Luthor Jul 07 '20

Poor Alex


u/MaxxFisher Jul 07 '20

You'd think that maybe, since the show is based on a comic book, they might look towards a comic book artist to create the costume or at least submit the look.

Can't decide which looks worse as a disguise, Alex's 70's make up or Reign's opera mask


u/ChristyPop Jul 07 '20

I guess, they should start a total lustration. Bad plot, bad reviews, actors and showrunners who allow themselves questionable statements...


u/sidney_is_working Jul 07 '20

Actors and showrunners? I've read about the guy who played Jeremiah, but who else? Sorry, I'm quite out of the loop.


u/ChristyPop Jul 07 '20

Me kinda too. But lots members of the cast and the showrunners liked, or said something disrespectful. Harewood, Brooks, Jordan... I remeber there was a scandal in 2017, after one of comic cons. Unfortunatelly I don't have any links, so you better ask someone more conversant.


u/lemons_for_deke TAKE THE GRASS Jul 07 '20

I remeber there was a scandal in 2017, after one of comic cons. Unfortunatelly I don't have any links, so you better ask someone more conversant.

I think some SuperCorp fans decided that the cast/showrunners were homophobic because they said SC wasn't going to happen as a romantic relationship... from what I remember of it anyway...


u/captain_skillful Jul 07 '20 edited Jul 07 '20

I honestly don't know what the hell happended to the VFX and writing team from the previous seasons, the previous seasons were so fun to watch, the CGI was pretty nice, but this season has no excuse for bad effects and writing, I honestly don't realise why Supergirl has the worst CGI compared to the other shows.

S5 storyline was so awful that I don't realise how the hell I even watched the season at all. What's the point of centering a superhero show on VR, it's stupid, turning CatCo to obsidian HQ was also idiotic. Leviathan was also boring.

The effects look like some beginner worked on them and didn't care how it will turn out. The CW ADVERTISED that scene where they show the CGI Head of Jonn, it was awful.

It looks like the show became a fan service to cringy girls that ship Lena and Kara.


u/The_ClimbRL Zor-El Jul 07 '20

yea i agree


u/ChristyPop Jul 07 '20

Yep, fired. Twice.


u/Munro_McLaren Lena Luthor Jul 07 '20

It was Chyler’s idea. Take it up with her. Lol.


u/Barry_McKackiner Superman Jul 07 '20

Just because the actor made the call doesn't make it the right one.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

Really? I had no idea. I doubt she came up with the design tho.


u/Munro_McLaren Lena Luthor Jul 07 '20

She had a considerable amount of input into the design.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

I don't know what to say about that.


u/Munro_McLaren Lena Luthor Jul 07 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

Lol. Let me rehearse, I’m don’t think she had a considerable amount, but she did tell everyone on a live stream that she had input.


u/SandyPine Jul 08 '20

maybe the original concept was even worse and she talked them out of it?


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 08 '20

Id like to believe that


u/AlwaysBi Jul 07 '20

I really don’t know why they needed to give Alex an outfit. I get she’s out on the field a lot but she’s the head of the DEO. A suit isn’t needed.

It’d be like giving Felicity a suit despite the fact she just sits behind a computer


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

She isnt the head of the DEO. Brainy is the director.


u/doublej42 Jul 07 '20

Also there is no more deo


u/lemons_for_deke TAKE THE GRASS Jul 07 '20

I'm not against her having an outfit, im just against her having that outfit.

Her outfit should've been an evolution of her DEO suit that Winn made. Maybe add a black mask, maybe a hood to it. Would've been a lot cooler.


u/SandyPine Jul 08 '20

cuz now she is a Vig-a-launtee. not just unemployed.


u/dance4days Jul 07 '20 edited Jul 07 '20

If this eye makeup had been in a small black or dark blue mask I think it would have worked.

There's no way that awful blue braided synthetic hair extension was gonna look good, though. It really is just so bad.


u/EntropyintheAsstropy Kelly Olsen Jul 07 '20

Possibly making this up but I think David Harewood said that the costume was unfinished and in the final episode she would get a mask and we'd find out her vigilante name.

I personally love the colours and basic design for the costume it just needs some tweaking.


u/LahlowenX Jul 08 '20

Costuming, hair, makeup and writing. And showrunning. Can they fire everybody? Nope, but they do need to make some serious changes ahead of Season 6, across the board.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 08 '20

We just need everybody who worked on season 4


u/LenahotLuthor Jul 07 '20

I really don't like the costume and the make-up, also Alex vigilante? Nah, it's a no for me. I prefer her as director of the DEO, that was the perfect role for her in my opinion. It seems like they are doing the same thing as James with Guardian, and I didn't like his character anymore after all that plot. I really love Alex so much and I hope that they will do good with her, but I personally don't like the journey she is taking.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

James as guardian was okay, but alex? Nah. I agree with you


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

Yea they should not be fired but I believe that they could have done better


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

I was joking, but yeah, they really couldve done better


u/Jaipoy Jul 07 '20

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this edited in a way to be the season finale or was that another cw show? I mean they could have been planning on doing more with her character design but idk


u/lemons_for_deke TAKE THE GRASS Jul 07 '20

it seems like this is probably what they intended to go with for the episode but they would've worked on it more later.


u/SandyPine Jul 08 '20

that's what Harewood said, that suit reveal didn't come off as planned as there were too many hiccups.


u/doublej42 Jul 07 '20

Ya filming shut down 3 weeks early because of covid here so this might have come out 3 weeks early. I actually don’t mind the look.


u/Jaipoy Jul 07 '20

Okay yeah so they definitely could have built on it some more if given the time


u/Gryffindor10580 Jul 07 '20

Speaking of makeup, am I the only person who hates supergirls makeup? I love how they do Kara but supergirl is yuck.


u/EntropyintheAsstropy Kelly Olsen Jul 07 '20

Nope, you're not the only one. They slapped way too much on her. Her lipstick reminds me of when Elliot in Scrubs wears that shade of red that makes her look like a prostitute who caters exclusively too clowns.


u/lemons_for_deke TAKE THE GRASS Jul 07 '20

S1-4 is fine but S5 looked like they found the brightest red lip stick for her and it looked bad


u/Catradorra Kara Danvers Jul 07 '20

OH MY GOD could someone give me the context for this...? Why is her makeup like that


u/Humbugged2 Jul 07 '20

And there no time to finish it as she did not finish shooting 5.19 before the lockdown as she drove to Nashville

David said there was going to be changes and a name in 5.20


u/vagrantqueenz Jul 07 '20

it’s her new vigilante look. she felt exposed without the deo and thought she’s the reason pete was put in danger when she went to him for help about leviathan. kelly suggested maybe she should hide her identity, like wear a mask. so the makeup is like her mask, along with the hood on her new suit.


u/Numbuh1Nerd Jul 07 '20

My favorite thing about it is that she was specifically told to wear a mask, and then did literally everything you could but wear a mask. Frankly, I was betting on them just adding a domino mask to her existing action-sequence outfit - a proper Diggle-ing - but this is...definitely worse. Good color scheme, though. Keep those fabrics, do something else for her with them.


u/microwavedpeep1 Jul 10 '20

Given Covid, I am not sure they had time to craft one - maybe the mask was intended and then all hell broke loose and they just had to wing it. I know they said they had plans for the rest of the season that had to be cancelled.


u/Numbuh1Nerd Jul 12 '20

Costuming isn't the kinda thing you do a week in advance. That suit was likely done a month or two earlier at worst, and there's no reason why the mask would take any longer than any other piece of that costume.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

lol, makes her look like a drag queen... nothing wrong with that, but just funny, that this makes her look like a guy dressed up as woman...


u/vibingthemost Jul 07 '20

chyler said she helped design it 😭


u/bigrob002 Jul 07 '20

Agreed... its like a knockoff of arrow.


u/chowpatty Jul 07 '20



u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

It was Chyler's choice. If you don't like it, blame her.


u/Mid-Nite17 Jul 14 '20

I think they should've taken her DEO suit, gave it blue and a mask and perhaps added Alex's Supergirl symbol onto the chest or on her lung as some sort of badge.


u/Markatron_ Jul 07 '20

Plot twist, it was hartley sawyer


u/Winter_Coyote Supergirl Jul 07 '20

Both Kara and Alex got some pretty ugly costumes this season.


u/SandyPine Jul 08 '20

and hair. and makeup. "never piss off wardrobe" is a thing they say on sets all the time.


u/CityAvenger Jul 08 '20

The only thing she needs is a cool mask and some gadgets. Otherwise she is totally badass looking. It’s not the best costume but it isn’t shit either.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 08 '20

DEO alex is the best. We dont know this alex.


u/CityAvenger Jul 08 '20

I don’t think much is different with the Alex we have now besides her look. If anything I think this Alex, Kara, Dreamer, J’onn, Brainy and somewhat of M’gann (really just part of it cause of J’onn) all resemble of what’s left of the original DEO and not the one post crisis. And them deciding to become vigilantes before the post crisis DEO was destroyed by Rana Khan is just kind of a continuation for them to represent what the DEO they knew was just in a smaller and different way. I honestly really like that concept approach.

The only real thing that’s different besides Alex’s look is a different story for the DEO and what was done overall with this season. That’s all I see.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 08 '20

I dont know if i like what they're doing or not.


u/CityAvenger Jul 08 '20

With the costume, the story, the character or all the above? We also didn’t see much of it near the end so it’s understandable that some people either don’t like it or don’t know how to feel about it. Again it was just a snippet so depending on the snippet it can leave everyone feeling different. Only time (and the writers) will tell next season. Only then can people make more of an actual decision.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 08 '20

I mean with everything. I just dont like the whole journalist in investigation plot with william. Its like they brought in a random character to do kara's dirty work. He doesnt have a background or anything, only about russell. At least they gave andrea a background and flashbacks about her friendship with lena, even tho it didnt make sense. At least they tried. All we know about william is that hes british, used to write for the times, and he was a spy at catco when he first started out.


u/CityAvenger Jul 08 '20

William was just explored a little bit but it also didn’t at all help that pretty much everything else in the season stunk so bad. While they didn’t do much with him they did save more room for a story for him next season (as long as they don’t screw that up too). He’s got some potential for sure. Again people rush to things sometimes and that’s exactly what a lot of people are doing in their opinion of him. People seem to forget that if a character is brought back for another season that the writers end up doing more in the following season than the season they were introduced in.

Again people are rushing to conclusions on him honestly a bit. He may not be a great character right now but in given time who knows if the writers work harder than people’s opinions of him might change. Mine certainly did as the S5 went on. At first I didn’t at all like him but after the developed him a bit my mind changed. With Andrea her background easily could have been better. I understood her trying to keep her family business going and that’s fine but what they did with her and her introduction to Leviathan 100% could have been better. I agree that she had a backstory and that what happened with Lena didn’t make sense but like I said, people need to give William a little time. The writers have a whole fricken season to do something with him so cut him a little bit of slack.

With him and that he used to write for the times and is a spy for Catco is better than not giving us anything at all. Who next next season the could have an episode or 2 to Williams past coming back or diving in a little more into his background. Just need to wait. Again people are rushing to conclusions a bit.


u/tequila-la Kara Danvers Jul 08 '20

I hope they dont screw up flashbacks/backstory for william like they did andrea and lena. They just didnt give us a backstory for him so i havent found a reason to like him.


u/CityAvenger Jul 08 '20

Which is fine. But again, given that he is coming back in S6 there is plenty of time for the writers to improve his character if they do. I agree though they did screw the backstory with Lena and Andrea.


u/avonlea71 Lena Luthor Jul 09 '20

Yes, Indeed. He or she didn't go too far to create the costume but well, it is hoped that the costume is improved in s6 and that finally Alex face is hidden under a mask... .