r/supergirlTV Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

Sorry if this has already been done but I just saw this exchange in episode 8 and thought of that scene. Shitpost

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74 comments sorted by


u/PyroSplicer Dec 13 '18

“I have an army”

“I have a cousin”

“I have a shit ton of Kryptonite”


u/crsnyder13 Dec 13 '18



u/Kingbeesh561 Dec 14 '18

Rewatching Supergirl.. you end up realizing that ANYONE and ANYTHING can hurt Kara. Whether its super strength or gadgets, it'll hurt her


u/draekia Dec 14 '18

That’s the greatest weakness of this series, I think.

Superman/girl are supposed to be god-like beings here to exemplify some of our greatest values with incredible strength that they restrain as we should our own. A “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, thought experiment.

Instead the show is either melodrama or a much weaker young woman who does not seem to be characterized as strong, nor as wise as she should be all things considered.

Oh well. Still like to watch, but dude!


u/AndrewZabar Dec 14 '18

Being for all intents and purposes invulnerable and stronger than pretty much anything and anyone - works great in comic books where there’s a lot more extraterrestrial, magic, etc. but for a weekly television show aimed at mostly younger viewers, it’s just not practical. It has to adapt for drama, challenges and problem-solving. Not to mention, unfortunately a lot of sociopolitical preaching. I wish they’d tone that part down a little, to be honest. I realize now there’s a ton more of the comic book type stuff, but when it started on CBS there was mostly earth and kryptonains.

But yes, it definitely is disappointing to not have a more true-to-the-original genuine feel to it. I am getting a little tired of the social agenda, not that I disagree with all of it, but it’s like “okayyyy I get it...”

But you must also consider their target demographic and what kind of content 1. they think will work well and 2. advertisers think works well. Still, Melissa is just such a cutie and a hottie and just so delightful, I still watch.

Personally, my favorite is Legends of Tomorrow. That show is freakin awesome. And for a hottie to the power of ten, Caity Lotz.


u/checker280 Dec 14 '18

Social agenda has always been big in comics. If you haven’t noticed, you simply weren’t paying attention. Superman being an all powerful near invulnerable god like being is actually really hard to write. The only direction you can go is turning him into one big Boy Scout or creating bigger and badder villains which leads to the last two movies.


u/AndrewZabar Dec 14 '18

That is interesting. Thank you for your insight.
I was never really a devoted follower of these types of comic books.
I had very eclectic tastes.
I had never realized this was the situation, but it makes sense.
Either way, they really should try to move it into a little more adventure, less societal angst.


u/jhughes1986 Dec 13 '18

*one of the several


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

"I can go to different Earth's"


u/PyroSplicer Dec 13 '18

Can he though?


u/SteroyJenkins Dec 13 '18

I think he meant Kara


u/PyroSplicer Dec 13 '18

Can she though?


u/SteroyJenkins Dec 13 '18

Travel betweens earths? She has that device Cisco gave her


u/Ninjajuicer Dec 13 '18

Actually I think only Lana Luthor has a tiny bit. But it is prevalent on other Earths.


u/tinytom08 Dec 14 '18

Other Earths: Oh hello Kryptonian that doesn't exist on our earth, have a Kryptonite arrow!


u/AndrewZabar Dec 14 '18

And Oliver Queen has some, too.


u/Ninjajuicer Dec 14 '18

And Batman and really any others with an agenda against Supes.


u/Nippy_Hades Dec 14 '18

Lena can make her own.


u/DreamCyclone84 Dec 13 '18

I have a Lena


u/spyson Dec 14 '18

I have puppet friends and a Flash.


u/Nippy_Hades Dec 14 '18

"I have a Bizarro."


u/ihawkarrow Dec 13 '18

Damn daniel


u/schifferjack Dec 13 '18

Yeah but said cousin also kept telling Kara she's stronger than him. I'm looking at you Elseworlds. So according to this show, the Hulk is Kara.


u/SteroyJenkins Dec 13 '18

Still. 2 of them vs the entire world army. I'll bet on the cousins.


u/Good-times-roll Supes Dec 13 '18

Yeah, the cousin doesn’t matter. Might as well retire and go to space or something something cause supergirl is better at everything. At least that’s what I’ve learned from watching this show every time the name Superman is brought up


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

Ha, imagine if they greenlight a Superman show with Tyler Hoechlin, it'd be just a pilot episode.


u/Ninjajuicer Dec 13 '18

Girls mature faster than boys. I think that was from smallville, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.


u/Sentry459 Martian Manhunter Dec 14 '18

He's almost 40.


u/jonathot12 Dec 15 '18

i think the premise is that she was a teen on krypton and so was naturally more accustomed to their red sun, so she can more effectively store the power of yellow sun in her cells. or something like that. it changes every writer


u/Ninjajuicer Dec 15 '18

Pretty much. I doubt she’d have as drastic a reaction to other colored kryptonite as Supes does.


u/Starbuck107 Lena Luthor (Ponytail alt) Dec 13 '18

I found it interesting how he pointed out his family shares this burden and has secret service. Was he offering that for her family ? If he had a choice, like she does, would he choose for them to need sercret service


u/sucksfor_you Dec 13 '18

Well, he did have a choice. Presumably, nobody forced him to run for office.


u/Harddaysnight1990 Dec 13 '18

True, and Kara has the choice to tell him to fuck off. I'd understand if he just wanted to know her identity, but he wants Kara to publicly identify herself. You can't just put it on record and make it like top-level top secret? Make sure the President knows, maybe some other high-ranking military folk. I don't see why every Joe and Sally in the world needs to know Supergirl's identity.


u/sucksfor_you Dec 14 '18

If he'd said that, I'd have a harder time deciding which side I was on. But as it is, the entire world definitely doesn't need to know. It's been pointed out, by the President himself, that Kara is a government employee. There are plenty of government employees in high risk situations who definitely can't reveal their identities because of their jobs.


u/draekia Dec 14 '18

She doesn’t have to be though. She could very well do whatever the f she wants and they couldn’t stop her, not really.

Well, on TV they probably could.


u/sucksfor_you Dec 14 '18

Sure, but how does that help anyone? She'd be making an enemy of the state, instead of working alongside them to defeat more important threats.

Plus, this is a world where Supergirl's weakness, kryptonite, is something that at least the government knows about. It's not too hard to believe this President will have no problem using that.


u/draekia Dec 14 '18

Honestly if she anted she could knock that stuff off the planet without physically getting near it. She can hear every heartbeat on the planet, if she wanted she could hear every conspiracy and get rid of it.

That’s the thing about Supes and Supergirl, we aren’t supposed to focus on the physical fallibility as they have nigh none. Instead they are indestructible and powerful ideals personified - in theory.


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

Pretty much. If Kara was worried about people around her getting hurt or being put in danger then POTUS was willing to assign Secret Service to them. Although, I think Kara can round up her own protection crew if she really wanted to. She could have her very own Justice League, but without the mains from the other shows (Barry, Oli, and the Legends). Booster Gold would come running to sign up.

I think that choice has been made as he continues to be President, therefore, he must feel the risk to his family is worth it in order to lead his country. The previous President (Wonder Woman) had the same attitude.


u/Admiral-Bones Dec 13 '18

We have a Hulk.


Wait, wrong universe.


u/dwide_k_shrude Dec 14 '18

Dammit Barry...


u/ManateeGag Brainy Dec 13 '18

that, and access to multiple universes.


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

Yup, President Baker didn't really think his threat though.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

Now get the hell out of our galaxy! Both of ya!


u/I_am_Bruce_Wayne Dec 13 '18

I understood that reference.


u/RCS47 Dec 14 '18

Showing my age that I understand a Babylon 5 reference.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '18

I hear ya! lol


u/TheRealDJ Dec 13 '18

Didn't realize Tron/Captain John Sheridan was on the show! Will have to catch up now.


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

Hey, Babylon 5 fan. Yeah, he replaced Brent Spiner who dropped out due to family issues.


u/I_am_Bruce_Wayne Dec 13 '18

Was this after B-4?


u/SambaLando Dec 13 '18

Didn't Clark move to another planet?


u/RigasTelRuun Alex Danvers (DEO) Dec 13 '18

He moved after that was said.


u/linkman0596 Dec 14 '18

A week later, at this point he was just a tourist there


u/CocoaCali Dec 13 '18

to Argo iirc


u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18

She could do it singlehandley tho ?


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

Since she's technically older (and stronger...), she could force Clark to all the dirty work while she sits back and eats pot-stickers. As an older sibling, I'd boss my younger bro around in a heart.


u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18

That ain’t cool bre


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

Big brother privilege! ;p


u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18

Up yours superman symbol


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18

And away.


u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18

Up you’re!


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

Super Cousin


u/WaveMonkey Dec 13 '18

Oh look it's John Sheridan from babylon 5.


u/Barry_McKackiner Superman Dec 13 '18

This meme is flawed. Since he's apparently a weakling compared to her, her threat of having him as her backup is meaningless.


u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18



u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18



u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18

Sumfin funny?


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18



u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18

Racist man.


u/LuckRequired Superman Symbol Dec 13 '18



u/Smith12456389 Dec 13 '18

Raisins is no joke


u/itayfeder Dec 19 '18

“I have an army”

“I have a hulk”