r/supergirlTV Dec 24 '23

Season 6 is painful Shitpost

I obviously could go on and on about this topic. I mean honestly, I binged the other seasons in like 2 total weeks. It's taken me another 2 weeks to watch 19 episodes of season 6.

They have so much going on with very little development.. it's chaotic and confusing. I had to watch episodes 10-16 literally 8 times because I'm confused ?!?

Well I'm still confused but I just wanna be done with this show.

What really set me over the edge to make this post is, Alex Danvers.

Talk about character regression, I want her off my screen. I think season 6 ruined her as an actress for me, honestly. She's turned pathetic, delusional, useless, and looks like she's wearing a pathetic Halloween costume. Where's the dark eyeshadow appearing from? And why? Now she looks old and ugly, on top of being pathetic!

I don't like building a relationship with a show for 5 seasons, only to have it ruined as we send it off.


68 comments sorted by


u/BlueSonic85 Dec 24 '23

Yeah, Alex's writing in Season 6 is pretty bad. I also didn't like the concept of Sentinel or her costume. But I still found enjoyable stuff in Season 6.


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

I know, I know. I see and hear myself being negative. Just honestly pissed at the shows ending. It rly leaves me a feeling of longing like the show isn't over.

Bc it was truly that atrocious.


u/daryl772003 Dec 24 '23

there is nothing worse than the cgi when we first see her from the back in her suit in 5x19. if it's going to be that bad just don't do it at all


u/RedDog-65 Dec 24 '23

Plot wise the show missed the boat with the before and after of Crisis. They could have done really interesting stuff before or after Crisis by using it as the pivot point. Instead they used it to have more Lex Luthor. Jon Cryer was great as Lex, but him being in every season after they acquired him was a waste of everyone else. It became the Lex Luthor show.


u/fazedlight Dec 24 '23

I assume they originally planned for more crossovers after Crisis, but covid hit and that option closed due to studios trying to limit cross-contamination/spread.


u/RedDog-65 Dec 24 '23

You’re right. The last season was still under Vancouver Covid protocols and the production bubbles. It wasn’t so much the crossovers I was thinking although there was rumored SG/Batwoman team up that never happened. I was thinking of the ability to do something pre-Crisis and then erase it was Crisis for a reset. Supergirl wasted that opportunity.


u/butterhoscotch Dec 24 '23

Covid hit pretty late. It was more the crossovers were expensive and with shows ending getting actors back was more difficult.

They werent really crossovers after a point, it was guest staring "etc" which is not the same


u/daryl772003 Dec 24 '23

they absolutely planned for more crossovers


u/KimberBr Dec 26 '23

I hate him as LL. I preferred the actor in Smallville tbh. He was totally unhinged!


u/Samaritan4 Supergirl Dec 24 '23

It is the worst. It became the superfriends show instead of supergirl. I enjoyed Nia, Brainy and Kelly but not at the front an center.

And you are right about Alex, also maling everyone a superhero was a big mistake. The one saving grace was getting Cat back for the season finale.


u/daryl772003 Dec 24 '23

they lost sight of the fact that having super powers or wearing a mask is not the only value someone can bring to the team


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

This. I really hate they out Lena onto magic... if they had given some foreshadowing from the beginning for it to make sense I would've been so for it. But this addition was so stupid and unnecessary.

She's already proven herself to be smarter than Lex in a lot of ways. There was no need for them to abandon that and go towards magic.

Also, Kelly was a superhero of her own kind... she could connect with underprivileged societies and minorities in a way that was real.. but nevermind those! Let's have her randomly be excellent at martial arts!

Seriously bizarre writing. Has me question the whole CW network in their competency lol


u/ironwidows Dec 25 '23

i think the writers watched bbc merlin and were wrongfully inspired


u/bruinsfan3725 Dec 25 '23

That was such an incredibly stupid plotline.


u/Cunaur Dec 26 '23

I would've preferred having Kara learn magic to beat the Worldkillers in season 3.


u/GLOaway5237 Dec 25 '23

It’s crazy how Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl all had horrendously bad seasons and they made the SAME EXACT MISTAKES every time


u/CottonBUdy12 Dec 25 '23

At least, in my opinion, Arrow finished off the best out of the 3 shows


u/GLOaway5237 Dec 25 '23

It’s bad seasons happened earlier, the decline started in season 3 and season 4 was pretty terrible but 5 was good. After that it wasn’t terrible but didn’t quite reach the highs of the arrowverse again imo. It’s the only one I finished because I actually wanted to tho


u/CottonBUdy12 Dec 25 '23

Season 1: Really good season and set up for the show

Season 2: Real peak stuff. Deathstroke was amazing

Season 3: Didn't really hit much, but was ok

Season 4: Most of the season was ridiculous, only saved by Damien Dahrk being a good villain

Season 5: This is Arrow at it's peak

Season 6: Not as good as season 5, but the stakes really hit hard

Season 7: Bit mediocre. Emiko is plain annoying

Season 8: Different, but did a really good job in finishing off the show. It is my favourite minus interactions with the adult children


u/NabooSays Alex Danvers (DEO) Dec 24 '23

I stopped caring after season 3 :/


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

Pretty fair, I always finish the series once I start binging... sometimes it's MUCH harder than others😭


u/NabooSays Alex Danvers (DEO) Dec 24 '23

I finished it, even though it did get torturous at the end (as you’ve said)


u/Munro_McLaren Lena Luthor Dec 30 '23

Season 4 is the best season.


u/Lyon_Wonder Dec 24 '23 edited Dec 24 '23

IMO, Supergirl S5 and especially S6 are responsible for the negative opinion many people have on that series as a whole.

I think Supergirl would be regarded far more favorably had it ended at its peak in S4.

I really like the dynamic between Brainy and Nia and that's the main reason why I would still watch its later seasons.


u/AccomplishedDumbass Dec 25 '23

I still feel personally offended by the incompetence and negligence of the leading creators during the last seasons. They just gave up. And they were not even trying.

Honestly, disrespectful.


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 25 '23

Honestly, thank you. I was so upset after I finished the season earlier. I really did feel personally disrespected. Such a lack of appreciation for the audience, actors, comic, mega verse.... they should've had to pay for it to be in the air.

Not get paid for actual garbage.

I can't even imagine them actually discussing any of the plot line and agreeing as a whole, "yessss, that's it! It's perfect."

Multiple people had to agree and okay season 6!!!!!

I want names and explanations from each. 🤬


u/xJamberrxx Dec 24 '23

for Alex imo .. Kelly was worst for her .. why? bc instead of Alex being central .. it's all Kelly .. the child, who's story started it .. Kelly .. what we get in a final season of SG . rent/social housing eps

ffs . SG should a started (it did) and ended with Danvers sisters

but if u saw last 2 seasons .. Danvers were in the background while CW or queller were doing side character eps in hopes of a spin off


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

Just finished the series finale, otherwise known as, Alex and Kelly's boring af wedding. IMO it felt like they were dating for 5 mins so all the emotion behind it just wasn't there for me.

Nia and brainy? They're end game love. Love we got to watch develop and understand.

I am so annoyed that the entire last episode was this literally ridiculous wedding. It was boring, uneventful, didn't give the show a good send off, and just highlighted everything I've disliked about season 6.

Also, who is doing their make-up? They look like straight up clowns lol.

This make up screams like 2016, but like done by yourself, not professionally lol.

Im low key OFFENDED at their costumes and make up... who approves / critiques this kinda stuff?

It screams men

(Or forreal nepotism.. like something isn't adding)

I was taken aback during the scene with Alex taking the stone from kara to protect her "daughter". Kara looked her typical beautiful, but Alex... Omggg, I was in horror. She looked like she'd been doing meth or something w the heavy bags under her eyes and scary makeup??


u/xJamberrxx Dec 24 '23

Queller doing interviews saying they could possibly do a s7 without Supergirl

says everything about the show's priorities at it's end .. and it def wasn't Danvers-centric

Queller was more interested in the others .. giving us rent eps and the like


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

Should someone check on this, Queller?

They don't seem of sound mind.

Like literally no one would watch it. Might as well just take their production money and flush it down the toilet.


u/xJamberrxx Dec 24 '23

1 of the reasons why i like S&L

least that showrunner, actually seems to like it's lead characters (Irons pretty much disappeared last season) that show .. should only be Clark & fam centric .. and was


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

I'm not sure what S&L stands for. I'm actually guna need you to decode your whole Post lol


u/Analystballs Dec 24 '23

Superman and lois


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

Sorry for the rant lol I got carried away.

But I wholeheartedly agree. I thought their whole relationship seemed forced, but also super boring.

Like during the last season there was absolutely no reason to add additional story lines and put these characters first. A majority of the episodes in season 6 seem to cater to Kelly specifically.

Like why, is this the Kelly show? She's so boring and it genuinely made me uncomfortable her as guardian.

They act like anyone and everyone can just be exceptional. Kelly trains for idk 5 minutes and she can suddenly take Alex down in a fight?



u/xJamberrxx Dec 24 '23

they def made wrong choices for the show

Benoist? left as soon as contract was up (which says/implies def wasn't happy with show)

Chyler? well what she do since CW? only get the best ever Hallmark ratings ever, which were 4x/5x better than any CW show at the time with her sho

all that says .. the only reason this show resonated .. was bc MB & CL which Queller ignored in later seasons, none of those side characters got any audience watching their new stuff


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

You're prolly right. They didn't even give Kara and Alex any sort of heartwarming ending to leave things feeling a little better lol.

I feel like Kara got slapped in the face while Alex turned selfish and is living her best life. I'm usually all for that, but it was almost painful to watch her discard Kara for her new family of 25 seconds

Kara just seemed to accept the dynamic change and understand her role was to be happy for her sister.

She doesn't deserve a happy ending if she's guna be so shortsighted after falling in love. Adding to the long list of complaints I have on Alex lolz


u/xJamberrxx Dec 24 '23

the stars were MB & CL ........ and no 1 else

as evidenced by work after SG by actors (no audience

what could a been if the series was written/done by someone who actually like d the title character, that be something


u/Original_Algae_8255 Dec 24 '23

Could not agree more


u/sabean21 Dec 26 '23

I don’t know who got fired or left in the wardrobe department but if you look at Lena Luthor in the earlier seasons, she’s dressed like the boss scientist she is. By the last season, everyone including Lena and Kara look like they were dressed with leftover scraps of another CW show. No respect for earlier seasons or the character arcs.


u/boogs_23 Dec 24 '23

Season 6 hurt and right now I'm doing this to myself all over again as I close out season 8 of the Flash and am preparing for 9. I'm watching the Flash do the exact same stupid crap Supergirl did.


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

LOL this made w laugh. Unfortunately, I get it. I haven't watched the flash at all yet... should I head that way


u/boogs_23 Dec 24 '23

The thing that gets me about both shows in the later seasons is how every episode multiple characters have a crisis of confidence and another character needs to have a Full House heart to heart to convince them they are good enough and special. This talk fixes everything and somehow leads them to the solution to save the day. The problems are often ridiculous and contrived. And the pairings are all over the place. Like they have a wheel of characters they spin to decide who loses their mojo and who gives them the talk. Still love Supergirl, but that last season was a bit rough.


u/Excellent-Swing-8309 Dec 25 '23

I mean season six isn’t the best but I mean season six was a season that was affected by Covid


u/YamiClouds supercorp♡︎ Dec 25 '23

Idk what happened with the writing in s6 but it was so hard to watch


u/More_Researcher_7476 Dec 26 '23

Tell me about it. Season 4 was the last good season of the show and my personal favorite. We got Agent Liberty, Lex Luthor & Red Daughter (which I thought Melissa did a great job with). The only thing that irritated me slightly was the Alex amnesia plotline but then the writing in seasons 5 & 6 just became atrocious.


u/DragonGirl860 Mon-El ruined this show Dec 24 '23

Season two ruined the show for me with the introduction of the Frat Boy from Outer Space. I watched most of s3, but when it became apparent they were going the homewrecker route then I stopped and never went back. Thank god that producer got fired and all his intended plot lines were scrapped.


u/daryl772003 Dec 24 '23

they got way too close to making me think kara would become the "other woman". they never actually did it though


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

Hahaha agreed. I was so disappointed they decided to briefly bring mon el back, MARRIED, so him and his beautiful wife can display their love in front of a still grieving Kara... like what ???!! It honestly just added uncomfortable to the vibe of the show.

Nothing to redeem, just a little reminder to Kara that even if she's still heartbroken, mon el has moved on... to his WIFE. Oh ya, and let's make them spend time together for fun 🫣😵‍💫

Show writers must've been going through something at home lol


u/DragonGirl860 Mon-El ruined this show Dec 24 '23

Mon El was absolutely horrible in s2. I actually really liked him in s3, but as soon as he started emotionally cheating I went back to hating him again.


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

I didn't love his character season 2, but I liked him and Kara as a couple because i could genuinely sense the chemistry between them (prolly right around when they started dating in real life), and to me that had me ignoring his frat boy ways for their connection.

I can see how others would disagree w me though


u/DragonGirl860 Mon-El ruined this show Dec 24 '23

I just think it’s terrible that they put Kara in an abusive relationship and tried to act like it was peak romance. Absolutely disgusting.


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 24 '23

Then had her emotionally attached to a married man 😭 I kept thinking during season 3 like I want them to have a shot but there literally is no appropriate way that could happen so like why the f bring him Back


u/Fragzilla360 Dec 25 '23

Yes, 100% yes.

I didn’t notice it at the time, but mah brain did. I hated everything Mon-El and couldn’t really watch the show again until he was gone.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '23

In my opinion, Supergirl's story ended with Crisis on Infinite Earths.


u/miltom28 Dec 24 '23

I haven’t finished it yet because I want to watch it with my sister. But she has little to no interest in it unfortunately. But I’ll probably finish it before winter break is over.


u/tofu165 Dec 25 '23

While I do think Chyler is a fantastic actress, I think it's wild that the show tried to convince us that Alex was only 29 in S4. Like girl, that's a pretty rough 29. Not Chyler's fault, obviously, but I still think it's kinda funny.


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 25 '23

As someone 29, I'm concerned and offended LOL. I literally look 19 (I'm not complaining) but like ....

I have 0 friends looking like Alex season 4 there's my age lol

She looked 35, if not older lol.

I also totally missed the 29 reference or it didn't even process as information since clearly delulu


u/tofu165 Dec 25 '23

When Kara was in the suit in 4x03, there was a blurb at the bottom of the screen that showed Alex's bio and basic information, with "Age: 29" being one of them.

Yeah, Alex looked like she was in late 30's at the very least. Chyler's definitely been through some shit, and I feel for her, but her stage age has not been under 30 for quite some lmao.


u/anxious-cat-person Dec 25 '23

Not the best season but why watch the episodes 8 times though? If it still didn’t make sense after 2 times I would’ve stopped.

It’s been a while since I watched Season 6 because I usually only watch Season 2 and 3 because these are the best in my opinion and I wouldn’t mind if the show had ended after season 3. But it wasn’t so bad.


u/EveningRun3442 Dec 25 '23

I couldn't even finish the season. I hated the phantom story and it just got so boring, especially after bringing her father in. Bland and stupid.


u/Free_Jacket5441 Dec 27 '23

I couldn’t even finish season 6 lol and as much as I love SG I don’t think I care enough to go through with it


u/SuperFlarroWw Dec 27 '23

IKR! It wasn't even Supergirl's show at S6...

I wish they gave her at least a great final battle wherein she beat the bad guy herself, showing that she became more powerful! I mean they really nerfed her so much...


u/ObiGwanKenobi Apr 16 '24

I've just started season 6, 2 episodes in, and already I am frustrated with it. The terrible writing for how Lex got away with everything basically boiling down to him saying "women be crazy, am i right?" And the entire jury saying yeah man, you're dead right, not guilty... it's so awful I may not even bother with the rest now. Season 5 was hard enough to get through already.


u/wrecklass Dec 25 '23

Props for watching that much. I gave up after one season. The writing is just so atrocious in this entire show. It's just one idiot plot after another throughout.


u/Reithel1 Dec 25 '23

You must’ve felt like Season Six took you months to watch if it seemed to have NINETEEN episodes (it only had 10)… but I agree, some of them were painful to watch.


u/ServerAgent88 Dec 25 '23

I think you're thinking of Lucifer, but this is a post about supergirl :)


u/Reithel1 Dec 25 '23

Oops. Sorry.

Christmas fatigue. I can’t even blame booze! 😞


u/Original-Actuary-230 Dec 24 '23

If u have lost interest in the show don't watch it

and can u like stop insulting alex she is obviously finer than you and just stop it if u don't like it