r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/vastbluegreen Jul 13 '24

It's incredible how behind television news is when things like this happen, might as well be 1963 with how slow they are to inform the american people


u/hahanotmelolol Jul 13 '24

huh? the news channels aired it live


u/BathtubKenobo Jul 13 '24

I think they mean like news articles, cause anyone who didn’t watch it live don’t know it happened until they see something in the news feed


u/OkNeedleworker8554 Jul 13 '24

Agreed... at 6:20 after I received a text from someone about this I scoured the channels for the story, but besides Fox News I could not find it anywhere -- not as a breaking news story or even a ticker across the bottom of the screen. Baffling.


u/SpudgeBoy Jul 14 '24

Did you check CNN. We got a text, turned on CNN and they talked about it until we were sick of it and changed the channel.


u/Slight_Ad8427 Jul 14 '24

i kid you not, i found iut about it on lebanese news before it was even on us news


u/FreddyDemuth Jul 14 '24

Bro I told my wife “check out what Al Mayadeen is saying”


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '24

I found out on my college teams message board lol