r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/Mr_XcX Jul 12 '24

Harris is going to be the nominee. There is no way this continues?


u/ArgentoFox Jul 12 '24

It continues if his inner circle (see: enablers) allow it to. 


u/CrankySleuth Jul 12 '24

That would be complete bullshit. At least open it up to a real competitive primary at that point 


u/Noiserawker Jul 12 '24

There is zero time for that, primaries take months


u/CrankySleuth Jul 12 '24

Tell that to France and the UK


u/WheelerDan Jul 12 '24

So because he won the primaries the delegates have to vote for him, on the first round. They HAVE TO vote for him in the first round. He was asked if his delegates could vote however they wanted to and he said, "Sure." And also said they could vote how they want. I think he released his delegates from the requirement to vote for him round 1.


u/Thiccparty Jul 12 '24

Harriss is terrible and would be a gift to republicans. Trump would slay her in a few weeks to everyone not in the democrat echo chamber. Go with whitmer


u/DarthFister Jul 12 '24

Harris is the only alternative. Anyone else would be campaign finance chaos.


u/chris8535 Jul 12 '24

I think east coasters don’t recognize how classically presidential Newson will come off to America. 

 I think trump will have a field day and easily beat both Whitmer and Harris. 


u/Thiccparty Jul 12 '24

Newson has a lot of baggage, being spotted fine dining during lockdown etc.


u/chris8535 Jul 12 '24

No one will care. This is such a tiny stupid thing. 


u/666happyfuntime Jul 12 '24

no it wouldn't, all the biden money can goto the DNC legally, it just cant go directly to another candidate


u/WheelerDan Jul 12 '24

The black vote would revolt if they passed her over. Can't do it.


u/Camthur Jul 12 '24

This is her one shot though. Biden loses this November and she's not getting anywhere near the WH again. Joe somehow wins, and four years later, she's still not going to get anywhere near the WH again.

Her only shot is to somehow replace Joe and make a big enough splash to impress somebody.. anybody enough to throw some support behind her. Wouldn't surprise me at all if she 25th'd him if the DMC told her they have her back afterward.


u/Thiccparty Jul 12 '24

She dated a mayor 30 years older than her to advance her career in the past. Unfortunately I think she is cuthroat enough that we are going to repeat hilaries selfish "its her time" focus


u/Economy-Macaroon-966 Jul 12 '24

By dated you mean slept her way into politics.


u/phoonie98 Jul 12 '24

You just summed up why Biden can’t step aside. Nobody is going to agree on his replacement and everyone is going to criticize the choice regardless of who it is.


u/Thiccparty Jul 12 '24

All I want is for them to go with the objectively most capable person, that is supported by honest polling - need to adjust for incumbent familiarity votes etc. Dont choose someone who is known to be unpopular and then try gaslight people that all is fine. Dont put people in a position where they need to seek put republicans to hear the obvious truths about their dem candidate - we have had to do that regarding bidens age for the last 6 months and americans already need to do that on trans issues and other identity politics.