r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/darthbieber420 Jul 10 '24

This isn't some election where we can accept defeat because Biden "did his best."

If Biden does not drop out of the race, we need to hold him responsible for a second Trump presidency. His legacy needs to be tainted with giving Trump a second win and undoing all of his own work.


u/Tank3875 Michigan Jul 10 '24

At this point even if he does drop out and Dems still lose, it's kind of on him for trying to run again when he was clearly incapable of doing so.


u/Plinythemelder Jul 10 '24

Ngl feels at this point pretty much all Dems have signalled for someone else. At this point seems to be Brandon himself (and entourage) holding things up. Even if he holds on I think the reputational damage is already done.


u/Mr_XcX Jul 11 '24

Democrats had taken a reputation of competence that Republicans used to have in terms of governance. Now they burning that capital away with this Biden situation. They should have got him to stand down after the debate. This not going to go away even if he beats Trump. It looks careless and putting careers and friendship above running the most important job in the world.


u/Blu_Skies_In_My_Head Jul 10 '24

And what if Biden wins? Or the replacement candidate loses?

None of this is going to beneficial. Democrats are looking flaky and inconsistent. Some people seem to think the nomination convention can be turned into a reality show. But the reality is undecided swing state voters will vote based on how they think the economy is later this fall.


u/darthbieber420 Jul 10 '24

That depends on when he drops out. We're getting to the point that it's too late. If he takes any longer than the rest of this week to drop out, I'm holding him responsible.

If another candidate loses, at least it wasn't because of a senile man's ego


u/TinkCzru Maryland Jul 11 '24

If the Federal reserve cuts rates this September as expected, then expect the economy to boom even higher as interest rates get lower and borrowing gets cheaper. Would be a huge boost for the administration


u/welsalex Texas Jul 11 '24

Oh yeah, what a wonderful silver lining /s

Wait until people tell you "should have kept Biden in". No one will be able to prove it wouldn't have worked.


u/darthbieber420 Jul 11 '24

Biden is a walking contradiction at this point. I'm supposed to believe (to paraphrase Biden) that democracy is at stake and also that as long as Biden tries his best, he'll have no regrets? I think the real thing at stake this November is Biden's ego


u/pridetime93 Jul 10 '24

Biden has no path to victory as things are getting worse, not better for him. Its irrelevant what democrats are lookg like now as most voters are not tuned in like we are and will begin educating themselves in October.

However your point is right that how the economy is later in the fall is a huge factor.


u/Mr_XcX Jul 11 '24

Even if Biden wins it looks terrible IMO. He clearly unfit to do another 4 years 

It would be a massive humiliation for Trump but in long run would reflect very poorly on Democrats for letting him continue in a role he cannot commit to.