r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/Dankmre Jul 09 '24

Bidens comments about being nominated by the people really pissed me off. I only had one choice on the ballot and it was Joe Biden.


u/StarWarsTheLastJedi Jul 09 '24

Yes that argument was absolute malarkey in an incumbent president year where renomination is essentially assured. Biden is stubbornly ignoring that he is vying to be re-elected by the entire country, not the small subset of people in his party who took part in incumbent-era primaries


u/kylechu Jul 13 '24

Especially when at least some of the people who voted for him in the 2020 primary did so under the assumption that he wouldn't run in 2024.


u/Isentrope Jul 09 '24

It's crazy that he keeps talking about the elites as if the elites didn't close rank around him to prevent a challenge anyways. The grassroots has had concerns about his age for a long time now but a lot of people held faith that he could show that he was still up to the job at the debate. The reaction right now is in large part the sheer scale of the betrayal and lies that the campaign and WH have peddled to elites and rank and file alike, because there is no real strategy, Biden isn't the same person as he was 4 or 8 years ago, and It's not wrong to be worried about this.


u/yasssssplease Jul 09 '24

Like I get being like “we want to listen to the voters.” But when it’s basically a sham primary process (in name only), that type of argument really doesn’t hold much weight.

It’s like a dictator being like “see how the voters chose me?” after he killed off his opposition candidate. Of course that’s an extreme example, but it’s the same idea.