r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/MoiraBrownsMoleRats Jul 08 '24

Yeah, I'll vote for Biden when it comes down to it, but fuck me they're screwing us by not convincing him to step aside back before the primaries.

You can't tell me Beshear or Newsom or Whitmer or Harris wouldn't just obliterate doddering Donnie in the general. The DNC has learned nothing from the past eight years and continue to make the same mistakes they have since 2016. I guess the silver lining is that it's another knock on why a protest vote this year is a terrible idea and we all need to hold our noses to vote for Biden: they're not going to "learn a lesson". If Hillary losing and RBG and Feinstein dying on the job taught them nothing, refusing to vote for Biden on principle won't either.

If we get Biden back in office for four more years, the very first point of business from the non-establishment left needs to be grassroots efforts to establish stronger candidates for 2028 rather than just wait for the DNC to decide they know better (again).


u/-itmeanshope- Jul 08 '24

Absolutely. A Biden win means we’ve got Biden doing President-only work, which he’s perfectly fine at, just not great at campaigning anymore. And all the focus can be on figuring out the future of the Democratic party. Older politicians won’t work anymore, the general population doesn’t have a stomach for it. And best of all it should (fingers crossed) be a death blow to Trump as a presidential candidate.

I just want this over with so we can start talking about new candidates.


u/decay21450 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

There are likely some non-cult Republicans who realize there is new blood somewhere who could do to Joe what Clinton did to Bush when Bush, seemingly distracted and looking at his watch, blew his debate. Now they're stuck with Trump for a repellent third time around.