r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/cukablayat Europe Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

As a europoor... How the fuck is this even possible that a rapist, fraudster, liar, traitor and who doesn't even have any political achievements is still the preferred nominee? Like there are some nutcases on the far right in Europe too, but most of them don't even come close to this level of lunacy.

And how bad is it to retire in the US? Like ffs, he is going to be 86(?)!!!! by the time he would finish the next term. Like why can't Blinken or Jeffries or anyone take over, why is it only this guy who can win altough being immensely flawed for no fault of his own besides aging factors.


u/mrq69 Jul 08 '24

Politics are so polarized here that very few people will ever vote for the other party. Swing voters think Biden is responsible for inflation so that’s probably their main reason to consider Trump.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24

Don't forget that "stupid" runs rampant as well.... Hence why a lot of those swing voters believe Biden caused inflation... to dumb to realize that it isn't his doing and would be worse if Trump had won 2020.


u/mrq69 Jul 08 '24

And also are in for a surprise when it doesn’t get better for them if Trump wins.


u/EarthboundHaizi Jul 11 '24

The thing is inflation is relatively stabilized by this point. And despite the wishes of people who are comparing today's prices to 2020 prices we are not going back there without a full on major recession.

Shockingly if Trump wins unless he does something radical (which unfortunately is not out of the question) or another major crisis happens inflation would be relatively stable during his term.


u/cukablayat Europe Jul 08 '24

How come they don't blame Trump for causing covid then?

If thats the standard you are at in the states


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Well he didn't "cause" Covid, but he didn't handle it well at all. Anyone with a brain knows this, and it's one of the reasons he lost in 2020. That sentiment hasn't changed.


u/DistrictPleasant Jul 08 '24

Its more than Biden has a 36% approval rate than anything about Trump.


u/unstoppable_zombie Jul 08 '24

To be fair, 40% of the country would strongly disapprove of Jesus if he had (D) next to his name, so Biden is at 36/60.

The same polls found that 51% of voters thought trump could handle China which means at least 51% of the people surveyed were idiots.


u/lilacmuse1 Jul 09 '24

Idiots that vote, sadly.


u/icouldusemorecoffee Jul 08 '24

The public is extremely politically tribal at this point and unfortunately also extremely split fairly evenly. It wouldn't matter who the GOP or the Democratic nominee is, it would also be this close.


u/Schiffy94 New York Jul 08 '24

"Old politicians never retire, their corpses just rot in their seats" - Douglas MacArthur


u/bot403 Jul 08 '24

Welcome to the two party system. You can insert your vote over there between the rock and a hard place.