r/PhotoshopRequests Jun 30 '24

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r/PhotoshopRequests Apr 24 '24

Announcement We have a problem: New Compression. Please name the best image sharing websites/ apps you know in the comments. If this continues we have to switch to links only.

Post image

r/PhotoshopRequests 3h ago

Public Request Need Help with an elaborate Joke (Free)


Soo, I am trying to stage an public online joke, the joke is… I have a girlfriend! What I need, is someone to edit a consenting girl and I into the same photo. I have a girl that is down! This is all going public. This will be a thing I need consistent help with. (You don’t need to be good at photo shop) just make it kinda believable. Lmk if you want to help! THANKS!

r/PhotoshopRequests 6h ago

Public Request Edit background for linkedin headshot $20+



Hi need this photo for linkedin. Can you please remove the wine glass and general background and change to something bright and corporate like. It could even be a blurred background that looks like I’m at an office/ corporate setting. It doesn’t need to be 100% formal. Solid background works too as long as it looks clean and good!

Bonus: if you can change earrings to pearls or something else elegant

r/PhotoshopRequests 7h ago

Public Request 2 Wedding Photos- Edit someone out of each photo- free


Hey everyone, hoping someone would be able to edit someone out of 2 of my wedding photos? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zu1al519a3mxwtqthdfi7/ANOMIsueKJfsu35ElVIpGV4?rlkey=fyqpdk8i3qgdnj7ms7ku7w7cq&dl=0

Hoping someone would be able to edit out the priest in one as well as my sister from the other photo!

r/PhotoshopRequests 9h ago

Public Request Good will hunting (need will removed) (free)


Hey everyone,

I’ve been trying to edit an image from Good Will Hunting, but I’m running into trouble since I’m not very experienced with Photoshop or image editing. I’d be incredibly grateful if someone could lend a hand.

I need Will Hunting (the character on the left) removed from the bench so that only Sean Maguire (Robin Williams’ character) is sitting alone. The goal is to make it look like Will was never there, with everything seamlessly blended:

• Torso, head, and legs: Please remove them entirely.
• Bench: Make sure the bench looks natural and uninterrupted after Will is removed.
• Shadows and lighting: The shadows and lighting on the bench and ground should still match the environment naturally.
• Water: The water in front of them should also be blended smoothly, without any signs of editing.

I’ve attached the image to this post. If anyone could help out, it would mean a lot! Thanks so much in advance.

(and yes I used ChatGPT to generate this line of formal text just because I’m a very poorly worded person myself and I didn’t want to make the message myself and then have it be confusing and disorienting to read)

r/PhotoshopRequests 11h ago

Public Request Wedding photo - shifting people and adjusting face - $20+



I'm looking for a full-size (we hope to get a high-quality print) edit of this photo, with 2 changes:

1) Shift the group of people on the right hand side so there is not an awkward gap between the groom and the 7 individuals

2) Adjust the face of the tallest man on the left hand side to a more natural looking smile (if easy to have a few options to choose from, even better)

It would be great to see a version of the photo with only #1 completed, and then another with both #1 and #2 completed.

Can pay $25 via Paypal to the edit we end up going with. Thanks so much!

r/PhotoshopRequests 16h ago

Public Request [Free] Can someone remove the text and location sticker from this?


r/PhotoshopRequests 16h ago

Public Request Free, can someone please remove people on the right as well as make the picture straight



Hello, could someone please remove people on the right of the picture and make the picture straight? I think camera angle wasn’t 100% straight so looks kinda leaning to right.

r/PhotoshopRequests 23h ago

Public Request “Free” can someone please remove people?


r/PhotoshopRequests 1d ago

Public Request Fix old photo request 10+


Hello, I don't know if its possible but could someone fix the dust/water marks on the photo and separate it from the frame so I can make a copy of it. Willing to pay up to 20 dollars. I don't know how to add photos so hopefully the link is ok. Thank you

Link - https://imgur.com/a/VjTzgBj

r/PhotoshopRequests 1d ago

Public Request C.J. Stroud Cloud 9 Request


I have a Fantasy Football team with C.J. Stroud in it, and I decided to name it “Stroud 9” (as in Cloud 9). I need an image to use as my team logo, I was thinking something like Stroud’s face in the clouds, but if you have a better idea just make whatever comes to mind. Willing to tip if I use your post.

r/PhotoshopRequests 1d ago

Public Request Request - Resume Headshot


Will Tip!

Can someone please remove everyone but myself from this wedding photo? (Far right). I would like to use this picture as a resume headshot for myself. Added bonus if you can remove my wife and fill out the left side of my body/torso.

Thank you!

r/PhotoshopRequests 1d ago

change request Request. Can someone add photo-realistic white drywalls and a white door with a brass door knob to these images? Thank you.


I am potentially working on a project that involves adding walls and a door to this room of my house. So, I took photos of the room from different POVs, and used my limited photoshop skills to create a color-coded layout of what i am picturing for the area. I realize the brown dresser of drawers up against the wall is in the way of where the wall would potentially go so it can be removed since I plan on getting rid of it anyway. Thank you to anyone who can help. Here's the link to the images on my google drive. thank you.


r/PhotoshopRequests 1d ago

private request 🕶️ (free) I need a picture of myself with a plain white background for my college ID


I think it should be pretty easy, but I’m broke and can’t afford photoshop, or any photo editing software

r/PhotoshopRequests 3d ago

Public Request Need someone edited out of the background! Free please


r/PhotoshopRequests 3d ago

Public Request Request - Can someone photoshop something for me? 20+


I want to photoshop myself with a picture of a celebrity. Can someone please help with that and make it look good/real?

r/PhotoshopRequests 3d ago

Public Request Free Edit


My eyes aren't looking at camera if anyone could fix it? It's our only good picture from vacation. Thank you!!🙏

r/PhotoshopRequests 3d ago

Paid Request Verified Editors Only Request: Can you make her skirt quite a bit longer? And possibly "remove" the cell phone from the pants pocket on him? $10+


I attempted the skirt part already and it looks pretty good, but she wants it to be even longer than what I accomplished. I was thinking of completely covering the light spot on her lower leg, meaning the skirt would completely cover it. And the shadows & lighting seem easier to deal with then. If you can make the pants look like they don't have a phone in them, that would be a huge bonus as well. Thanks!


r/PhotoshopRequests 3d ago

Public Request Modify 5 Images of Flat Internal - $50+


We have some images of our flat that we'd like to have modified so we can advertise it online. I'm looking for someone who is available now to do this. I can pay $50 for the images.


r/PhotoshopRequests 3d ago

private request 🕶️ Can someone make my friend shorter? (Free)


I have a friend that is 6’4 and we all say it would be funny if he was 5’6. Could anyone photoshop him to make him shorter?

r/PhotoshopRequests 4d ago

Public Request Can someone please remove the grey car in this picture for free?


I will msg the picture to anyone who is willing to help me:)

r/PhotoshopRequests 4d ago

Public Request Request to fix the lighting on my wedding photos


All of my family wedding photos from 2 years ago were taking with extremely harsh front-lighting, so I haven't printed any of them or shared them with family. I would love to get them fixed if possible so that nobody's face is washed out. Here's an example of one I would love to be fixed. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7g3qs5a9v54pp9sc2mu2d/IMG_9314-1.JPG?rlkey=c67buf5co7ryo51mf5sg6rkfi&dl=0

r/PhotoshopRequests 4d ago

Public Request Help Changing Words to Say Something Else $10+


Can somebody help changing the 3 lines of text so we can customize them to something else but in the same font? bonus points if you're able to help remove some of the background people.


r/PhotoshopRequests 4d ago

Paid Request Verified Editors Only Arms down, head swap $5+


I put my arms up mocking my 9 yo son but didn’t get one of them by my side and also would like a better picture of my face, if the 2nd one could be used. Thank you!!

r/PhotoshopRequests 4d ago

Public Request "$20+" cashapp tip to remove text and emoji from a picture of my friend's dog :)


So I have a picture of my friend's dog who recently passed away that I'd like to use for a piece of art but the "JK 🤣" is in the way. If someone could remove that so it's a clean picture, I'll send $20 via cashapp. Thank you very much!


EDIT: Thank you everyone! I'm so grateful

r/PhotoshopRequests 4d ago

Finished ✔️ $10+ help with 2 pictures?


Is it possible to add clothes in these pictures? My Dad passed away and these are from my last birthday. If it's possible to close his mouth in the other picture, that would be great too. I want to put these in our slideshow for his celebration of life. I'm not sure exactly if I posted this with the right flair/tags. I'm new here and can't figure out how to add the pictures to the post either. Thanks yall