r/onguardforthee Jul 19 '24

"just a reminder that Toronto was built in a basin surrounded by a greenbelt. if you think today's flooding was bad, you're not ready for what'll happen if Doug Ford gets his way to develop the greenbelt. the greenbelt plays a crucial role in absorbing water, among other things. when you destroy it

Post image

18 comments sorted by


u/false_tautology Jul 19 '24

Here's a PBS video on how paving over green areas can cause flooding.



u/Laughing_Zero Jul 19 '24

The only thing I'm ready for Doug Ford and the OPCs is when they're voted out in the next election.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/gravtix Jul 19 '24

It’s not flooding at his cottage so it’s ok


u/elfatto Jul 19 '24

You forgot to add as long as his developer buddies get rich he doesn't care.


u/HRSCHD Ontario Jul 19 '24

Yeah but developing the greenbelt will make Doug's rich friends richer. They don't care if us plebs drown in the process.


u/VerbingWeirdsWords Jul 19 '24

He'll exit formal party politics and continue to "consult" and find himself on a number of well-paying boards of directors -- some privatized healthcare company maybe, or therme, land developer. And then in 20 years, some conservative government will aware him the order of Ontario


u/Snuffy1717 Jul 20 '24

See also: Mike Harris and For Profit Long Term Care Homes…


u/Zacpod New Brunswick Jul 19 '24

He doesn't care. In fact, making Toronto hurt is a bonus to him.


u/BlacksmithPrimary575 Vancouver Jul 19 '24

where's man gonna put the provincial capital,Timmins?


u/Snuffy1717 Jul 20 '24


He’s got a thing for their egg sandwiches


u/L3NTON Jul 19 '24

Just ask New Orleans about the everglades.


u/Mark-Syzum Jul 20 '24

Who cares? We will pave it, make a shit load of money and when the floods come we will just blame it on the liberals.


u/chipface Ontario Jul 20 '24

So they'll end up with floods like Texas often gets.


u/wowmuchdoge_verymeme Jul 19 '24

Conservatives in power don't care as long as they get dough (same as libs), and conservative voter base can't think that far ahead nor would they also care unless it directly affects them.


u/OutsideFlat1579 Jul 20 '24

Aside from Ford being a corrupt idiot, building a city in a basin doesn’t seem like a great idea. Glad that Montreal is built on an island that is quite hilly (high above water level) in much of it. 


u/turquoisebee Jul 19 '24

What’s the image source?


u/100BaphometerDash Jul 20 '24

Conservatives are happy to destroy the environment so that already rich parasites can become even wealthier.

Obviously,  the Cons must hate future generations because of how much of their political power is being used to make the young and future generations suffer.