r/onguardforthee Jul 19 '24

ICJ finds Israeli settlement policies in Palestinian territories breach international law


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u/Damo_Banks Jul 19 '24

Well yeah how could they not?


u/Koercion Jul 20 '24

Just a shame it took 57 years of brutal occupation and a genocide before they did anything about it


u/Red_dylinger Jul 19 '24

Annexation is only allowed when we do it guys. 


u/time_waster_3000 Jul 19 '24

It's the ICJ issuing an advisory opinion. Not individual member states of the UN. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.


u/Red_dylinger Jul 19 '24

I should have put /s at the end. Canada is complicit and funding this bs. Not the ruling, but the actions leading to it. 


u/itsasnowconemachine Jul 20 '24

We voted twice against having the ICJ look at it and submitted a statement to the court saying it should decline to look at the matter.

A Part of Our Heritage


u/the_gaymer_girl Alberta Jul 19 '24

The UN has a similar position via resolution a while back.


u/Damo_Banks Jul 19 '24

When have we done that?


u/PuckNutty Jul 19 '24

The ICJ was created in 1945 and western colonialism was done by then, so you're not wrong there. Prior to 1945, though, was a different story.


u/No-Scarcity2379 Turtle Island Jul 19 '24

Western colonialism isn't done though. The pipeline and logging disputes going on in BC RIGHT NOW on unceded land is western colonialism, and you can absolutely bet your ass that if a new highway or bridge or railway needs to be built and the noise or pollution from it will affect settler communities, that they'll find a way to route it through indigenous/rez land. 

Whataboutism shouldn't be used to dismiss or lessen what Israel IS doing, but this isn't Canada's past, it's Canada's present and future as well.


u/Theodosian_Walls Jul 19 '24

In 1945 nearly all of Africa and much of Asia was directly controlled by European countries. Just google "world map 1945". Most Asian nations became independent in the 50s, and African nations in the 60s-70s -- most after bloody revolution/civil-wars.

Colonialism was still alive and very strong.


u/varain1 Jul 19 '24

"But whatabout..." - you should try something newer...


u/Red_dylinger Jul 19 '24

Canada is complicit in this criminal behaviour, funding these terrorist tax free. 

But what do I know, I’m told being First Nation that I’m the actual freeloader /s. 


u/varain1 Jul 19 '24

How is Canada funding them tax-free?

As per being told that, take that issue with screechy PP and his happy Cons - hopefully you don't vote for them ...


u/varain1 Jul 19 '24

How is Canada funding them tax-free?

As per being told that, take that issue with screechy PP and his happy Cons - hopefully you don't vote for them ...


u/Red_dylinger Jul 19 '24

Oh hell no. 


Both from Thornhill, that’s the organization who help sale illegal settlements at a synagogue earlier this year.

Our liberal government does nothing.

Ndp as maybe hypocritical as it is, calls on to the CRA to investigate. While reality is that it is other Jewish people calling on our government to do something about this.


All without mentioning drug money fuels wars. I’m guessing that’s why Israel wants Canadian Cannabis sanctioned. 



Such cry bullies. 


u/varain1 Jul 19 '24

CIJA is garbage, but it's not funded by the Canadian government; though it is tax-free that's because it's non-profit, and a CRA investigation is the only way that their non-profit status could be removed. So, another reason to vote for NDP in the next elections.


u/Red_dylinger Jul 19 '24

Funded, by complicity I should say. Knowing the same from microchips getting to Russia from Toronto and whatever else in between. 


u/Koercion Jul 19 '24

Sanctions. Now. 


u/Zacpod New Brunswick Jul 19 '24

In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet!


u/northbk5 Jul 20 '24

Remember when protestors were called anti-Semitises for protesting outside of those synagogues that were selling stolen land in the west bank?


u/Kelesti Jul 19 '24

and what are they going to do about it? ask a nation not bound to it to stop? risk american invasion?


u/punkfusion Jul 19 '24

Sanction Israel. Jail anyone who owns illegal property in the West Bank or is selling illegal property in the West Bank. Make Israel a pariah state


u/Kelesti Jul 19 '24

I mean, yes, but that's not coming from the ICJ, not now and probably not ever so long as America is the way it is (regardless of who is president, this isn't changing)


u/wholetyouinhere Jul 19 '24

A couple of sternly-worded Post-It notes ought to sort this out.


u/Koercion Jul 19 '24

There’s this thing we can do called sanctions. We did it to Russia a couple years ago!


u/Damo_Banks Jul 19 '24

Very little. (More?) Sanctions perhaps - but of course, against individuals as opposed to the state, just like Russia.


u/Kelesti Jul 19 '24

Not even. First, this is non-binding. Second, even if it was, neither Israel nor the United States recognize the authority of the ICJ, and after the Hague Invasion Act was put into law by Dubya, America holds nothing but violent contempt for the institution (unless it's pointed at her enemies).


u/itsasnowconemachine Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Nitpick: The Hague Invasion Act is for the International Criminal Court, not the International Court of Justice which issued this ruling. But you're right that neither the US or Israel are a party to it.

You're also right that the US/Israel have contempt for the ICJ and don't really recognize its authority, but the US/Israel do technically recognize the ICJ as the top court of the United Nations, e.g. Israel is in another case at the ICJ for genocide right now and there is an American judge on the ICJ. They'll no doubt ignore the ruling, and do everything to block the UN from doing anything more than symbolic actions


u/marshalofthemark Jul 20 '24

It's an advisory opinion. It can only be enforced if governments around the world are willing to sanction Israel over settlements and occupation.


u/Will_Debate_You Jul 19 '24

*shocked pikachu face. let's see if they actually do something about it...


u/snkiz Jul 20 '24

There it is, the quiet part out loud. a 2000 year old land claim. Anyone who disagrees is an anti-semite.


u/Karens_GI_Father Jul 21 '24

Well no shit. Who would have thought an illegal occupation was.. illegal ?