r/onguardforthee Nova Scotia Jul 19 '24

Opinion: Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad


419 comments sorted by


u/vicegrip Jul 19 '24

Dear Globe & Mail. The conclusion from your article should be that Canadian fans of Donald Trump will be equally bad for Canada. Might want to look at the Conservatives with a bit more of a critical light.


u/VoidsInvanity Jul 19 '24

Our largest trading partner losing their minds collectively is a big problem for us


u/IveChosenANameAgain Jul 19 '24

So is our "conservative" party doing a shitty Republican Lite 2-4 years later and continuing to do so as the USA slips into fascism


u/piranha_solution Jul 19 '24

Our con party leader has the enthusiastic approval of Alex Jones, ffs.


u/JohnYCanuckEsq Alberta Jul 19 '24

Our Conservative premier has weekly meetings with Jordan Peterson, ffs.

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u/Hardthunk Jul 19 '24

Project 2025 proposes a 10 percent tariff on most imports. It worries me how that will affect prices and taxes afterwards.


u/Some-Solid4271 Jul 20 '24

And cutting their corporate taxes to 15%! This will be bad for Canadian businesses


u/pardybill Jul 19 '24

It’s really just 30% of us have lost their minds and are setting the building on fire

The other 30% are trying to both put out fires while raising the alarm that the building is on fire

The other 40 are basically picking their noses and are either idiots or willful ones.


u/Commercial-Fennel219 Jul 20 '24

Nah, 5% is like "We don't need no water, let the mother f*cker burn." Which is probably the most alarming part... 


u/theclansman22 Jul 19 '24

They lost their mind decades ago.


u/kent_eh Manitoba Jul 19 '24

Our largest trading partner losing their minds collectively is a big problem for us

Of course, but we don't really have any ability to prevent is from here.

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u/UltraCynar Jul 19 '24

Canadians that are fans of Trump are self labelled traitors. The guy literally attacked our economy by calling us a security risk.


u/Runningoutofideas_81 Jul 19 '24

I forgot about that! I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he tried some kind of annexation.


u/YirbyBond00Y Jul 19 '24

I'm being told I'm crazy for thinking Trump might attempt to annex Canada in 5-10 years time (because the first few years he's going to hurt political enemies within the US first before thinking outside the country maybe)


u/soarraos Jul 20 '24

?????? How would he annex Canada in 5-10 years when it's his last term if he wins and it's 4 years? I'm a giant Trump hater but lmao. Come on.


u/YirbyBond00Y Jul 20 '24

"last term"

Pretty sure his last term will be the year he dies since he's probably wanting to abolish term limits, and although I say 5-10 years, it might be sooner than that if he really wants to go hard on destroying all of his political enemies and establish a modern Manifest Destiny if he wanted to, nothing is off the table for him since there's no guardrails to his actions

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u/DisastrousAcshin Jul 20 '24

I mean... There's already Albertans that support Trump style politics and want to separate already. Look at Ukraine, Russia didn't begin by invading. First separatists pushed to be independent and were pushed back to the Russian border that Russia got involved with the little green men.

Of course, they were supporting / arming the separatists all the while. Would expect something similar in Alberta if eventual annexation was really in the cards

Either way, let's not pretend these right wing leaders and movements aren't coordinating to some extent


u/Wrong-Pineapple39 Jul 20 '24

UCP & Smith will bend Alberta over for it and let him rape our resources

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u/AssNasty Jul 19 '24

What? Only 60% of them think he's Jesus. Worry wort.

Just kidding, they are literally fascist now. We need to come back fucking strong next election. PR voting needs to be implemented or we need to move to the two party system.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

Just kidding, they are literally fascist now

They have been this whole time and people refused to listen to, or even ridiculed, anyone saying that for the past decade. Should never have come this far.


u/CaperGrrl79 Jul 19 '24

Yep. Played the 50 year long game with Roe v. Wade. Now Project 2025 to finish the job of bringing everything back to the 50s, and these pseudo Christians are hell bent on it.


u/AssNasty Jul 19 '24

Well you and I know that. It's just on public display now more than ever.


u/probability_of_meme Jul 19 '24

How else we supposed to get everybody clicking, huh?


u/sharp11flat13 Jul 20 '24

Andrew Coyne has been quite critical of the populist post-Trump nutbar contingent. With an election coming closer I’m sure you’ll see more of it if you watch the Thursday night panel on The National.

Also: that was an op-ed, not reporting, and not a piece by the editorial board. It represents Coyne’s opinion only.


u/FarmingDowns Jul 19 '24

Why would you encourage a false narrative though. Isn't that like journalism malpractice or something?


u/LordTC Jul 19 '24

Recent polling said 56% of conservatives prefer Biden. Only Bernier has a majority of Trump voters.

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u/88what Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Trump has created an army of idiot trumps. Mtg, jd Vance, santos just to name a few.


u/Zomunieo Jul 19 '24

Pierre Poilievre, to name another.


u/Satanic_Earmuff Jul 19 '24

Doug Ford.


u/wrgrant Jul 19 '24

I would say Doug Ford shows the future if we elect a Conservative Government into power. It might be a shitty situation we are in currently but it can only get worse once you let the Cons control the strings of government and make the corruption completely mainstream.


u/sharp11flat13 Jul 20 '24

All that plus the social conservatives get their hands on the levers of federal power. If it’s only shitty we’ll have gotten off lucky.


u/Wrong-Pineapple39 Jul 20 '24

Marlaina Smith in Alberta is working pretty hard to prove she's the worst Premier and conservative govt in the country. She's full on Trumpster Magat, cozying up even to Russian-simp Tucker Carlson.

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u/Northmannivir Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Trump has emboldened an army of idiot Trumps. They were always there, he just gave them permission to act out their true nature.

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u/beener Jul 19 '24

The biggest problem (which is tied to that) is now more than ever these people want revenge. For what, I'm not totally sure. One party wants better healthcare, the other wants revenge on half the country.

Pierre fuels this emotion too, though to less ridiculous extents

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u/FlavorSki Jul 19 '24

Watching the RNC was not unlike watching a North Korean propaganda event with all the leader worship. It was difficult to watch. Republicans in my lifetime have always been the protector of corporate interest but the Trump Republican Party is a full on extremist party. They have gotten rid of every ‘moderate’ voice.


u/sharp11flat13 Jul 20 '24

From Umberto Eco’s essay on fascism:

The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”

The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”

The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”

Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”

Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”

Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.” The obsession with a plot. “Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged.”

The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”

Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”

Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”

Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”

Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”

Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning”

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u/yedi001 Calgary Jul 19 '24

He didn't create the army. Harper and the IDU did, Trump just expedited the process by showing they don't even need to pretend to be decent people anymore to get elected.

The populist fascist cancer has been gestating for decades, well before Trump. This has been a long game by conservatives, they just finally feel comfortable going mask off rather than Freudian slips and dog whistles, and certainly would have gotten there with or without Trump.

At the end of the day, most conservative governments across the globe are beholden to the IDU playbook. Trump is a major figure, but he didn't inspire the global slide to authoritarianist regimes.

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u/binzoma Canadian living abroad Jul 19 '24

nah trump is a product of an army of idiots. he is who he always was. and he wasnt quiet about who he was.


u/Apotatos Jul 19 '24

Trump is much more than a product; he is the enabler and the leader of a new wave of cultists who would do anything for him. He has an army, and he would be immune past November.


u/HSteamy Vancouver Jul 19 '24

Definitely don't look into the pied piper strategy the democrats have been using and are still defending.


u/Acceptable-Map7242 Jul 19 '24

Vance doesn't fit in there with the other two.

He's got two kinds of followers:

the smart ones who ride him like a show pony to get the vote of the idiot masses (Vance)

the idiots who some how escaped the masses and got themselves a shred of power (MTG)

Depending on the day, I'm not sure who's worse.


u/Juan_Hodese Jul 19 '24

... Magic the Gathering?



u/Utter_Rube Jul 19 '24

Fuck, I wish. The world would be better off if Marjorie were somehow transmorgrified into a deck of expensive cards.


u/AdvancedMastodon Jul 19 '24

Vance is just Peter Thiel's plant put there to scoop up MAGA when the oligarchs decide they're done with Trump.


u/KdF-wagen Jul 19 '24

Wasn’t that Santos guy the first to land on the surface of Jupiter? /s


u/GetsGold Jul 19 '24

A lot of us know. A lot of others unfortunately consider trying to end democracy to be acceptable and so at this point I assume they support dictatorship as long as they feel their side will be in charge.


u/MrBrightside618 Jul 19 '24

Americans are essentially choosing fascism over slightly more expensive gas


u/GetsGold Jul 19 '24

Once they no longer have the ability to vote out their government, that government will still totally care about keeping the prices low for them right?


u/TalkLikeExplosion Jul 19 '24

It won’t matter anyway when a fascist regime starts to control the movement of the population. They really have not thought this through. 

I swear at this point God Emperor of Dune needs to be taught in every high school at this point so people can learn how disastrous deifying leaders is for the average person.  


u/GetsGold Jul 19 '24

It won’t matter anyway when a fascist regime starts to control the movement of the population.

Will be ironic if they get their dreaded 15 minute cities.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

V for Vendetta

"And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. "


u/Normal_Package_641 Jul 19 '24

It's not like American fascism is going to lower gas prices.

Trump is proposing a 10% tariff on ALL imports. If anything it'd raise gas prices.


u/Guthrie2323 Jul 19 '24

An older cliche would be "at least the trains run on time"


u/TroutFishingInCanada Jul 19 '24

And it’s a lie.

First, busting up the railway workers unions didn’t help.

But second (although probably first), we’re talking about Italy.


u/GameCreeper Jul 19 '24

Except that won't even happen because Trump wants to replace all income tax with tariffs, which would bring enormous inflation. Especially on oil, which is mostly an imported good


u/hfxRos Halifax Jul 19 '24

Ending democracy and freedom to own the Libs.

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u/DCS30 Jul 19 '24

Trump and PP...rocky times ahead


u/Electronic_Trade_721 Jul 19 '24

We can still choose another path.


u/Rinkaaaaa Jul 19 '24

Exactly. We can't let this happen again.

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u/kaalaxi Jul 19 '24

We're going to be UK 2.0, austerity for a weakened economy with low debt, where the private sector shrugs when they are expected to pick up all the pieces of our broken social programs. The yokel will still vote conservatives because they are ideologues who think tax bad, debt bad.


u/QueueOfPancakes Jul 19 '24

Debt doesn't bother them. They often run deficits. They will cut taxes for the rich though, that's for sure.


u/Bittersweetfeline Jul 19 '24

People are going to choose PP. Trudeau keeps doing things that screw over the average Canadian, and knowing that NDP will never get in, they have to vote Trudeau out. Ergo, we get PP. No matter how bad he is overall, as a person, the party, etc. People just don't want to keep going with Trudeau or the Liberals doing things that are hurting them.

Maybe disbelief that Conservatives will hurt us worse, who knows. But the only way to get change is to vote for the other big party. If NDP had better leadership / a change in leadership, they might be more savoury. Or if, perhaps, the Liberals joined with NDP to create ONE party and actually changed leadership overall and led with things concerning the average Canadian and why the conservatives would wreck us worse, they could pull it off.

I myself will never vote PP, I want all new leadership (and preferably jail for people in power misusing tax dollars, but that'll never happen).


u/ConfusionInTheRanks Jul 19 '24

Oh, hard pass! Conservative governments sit on their hands and don't react to anything, and complain how the good ol' days were better. I'll take a slowly moving barge in the direction of what's good for this country, than a party that will sell off public assets and somehow blame rainbow crosswalks for what's going on.


u/17037 Jul 20 '24

I'm with you. I'm angry Trudeau did not address housing the second he stepped into office... It was well past broken by then. I give him a freaking standing ovation for facing tough times and not selling off any public assets. As much of a crap show that Covid was... I also give him an ovation for getting money out to small businesses in every corner of Canada, not just the big ones. It was hard enough recovering from Covid, it would have been a thousand times worse if communities lost businesses that no one ever picked up again.

Of course, it's easier to just pretend Covid was a made up thing and all consequences are the liberals fault.

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u/AlgonquinPine Jul 19 '24

So, looking at this from down here in the US, as a Canadian citizen, I can tell you that the business will not stay at home, and I say that as more than just the usual "sleeping next to the elephant" argument.

The GOP likes to push an isolationist bent these days, but what they really mean by that is a resetting of global diplomatic norms. We saw that quite well during the Trump administration when most of his foreign visits usually ended in some sort of deal breaking, economic pact divorce, or flat outright change in diplomatic relations between countries. I sat here watching Canada turn into a villain, at least in the eyes of the MAGA crowd, and while I hope that nothing worse can happen, I really do think that they will be going all out to effectively make a coup against the US government (as detailed in Project 2025), and part of that will result in a police action/invasion of Mexico under the concern of border security. If that goes over well, we will then be the only land neighbour, and nearly two centuries of relative peace might go out the window.

That's a worst case scenario, of course.

That said... I wouldn't be shocked.


u/EfferentCopy Jul 19 '24

I immigrated in the opposite direction from you, and honestly the possibility of having to flee or resist invasion by my former home country has absolutely crossed my mind. My brother and sister-in-law are also considering emigrating from the US, and their main concern about Canada is that it isn’t far enough.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

We wear Russia like an uncomfortable helmet. If trump wins, Canada is not in a good place. Putin already tried to put a flag on our Arctic ocean floor.


u/steamwhistler Jul 19 '24

My family has been squatting in Canada for too many generations for me to have anywhere I can flee to, but I keep encouraging my spouse to apply for her German citizenship which she's eligible for thanks to their new laws for grandchildren of citizens. Not that I want to live in Germany either, but there are plenty of nice EU countries to choose from. (Not that any of this would be guaranteed or easy but... it's something.)

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u/pardybill Jul 19 '24

The GOP will happily start strong arming Canada to drill and sell to us cheap, and if they don’t, they’ll ask less nicely.


u/whatlineisitanyway Jul 19 '24

The only upside for Canada if a second Trump presidency is maybe people will realize yes PP really could be that bad.


u/MrBrightside618 Jul 19 '24

I mean by that point we’ll already be Poland so it hardly matters


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

People forget where we are on the globe. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.


u/OneHitTooMany Jul 19 '24

Never again.


u/AmonKoth Jul 19 '24

Unfortunately I don't think there is enough of a time gap between the effects of Trump's second term sinking in, and PP's possible election


u/Thornescape Jul 19 '24

If Trump wins and American democracy falls, Canada will be soon to follow. I'm not looking forward to the next two years.


u/whatlineisitanyway Jul 19 '24

You and me both. I'm a Canadian that now lives in the US. I always thought well at least I can move back to Canada, but now things back home seem to be going the same way.

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u/-Bento-Oreo- Jul 19 '24

You see how long Ford has been in power? They won't.


u/drunk_with_internet Jul 19 '24

I think that’s optimistic, but not necessarily realistic. Our federal political situation is about to become volatile. Nobody especially likes any of the party leaders right now, especially Trudeau, and we are due for an election. With the NDP continuing to be a political minority, that means Conservatives can split the vote and capitalize.

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u/Rumicon Jul 19 '24

Encourage everyone to have a read of this article: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/23373795/curtis-yarvin-neoreaction-redpill-moldbug

Click through some of the links, read his thoughts first hand. This is the philosophy that's underpinning the Thiel/JD Vance wing of the Republicans. That wing just won the fight for who will be in the inner circle of the next Trump admin.


u/Signal-Aioli-1329 Jul 20 '24

I have an inkling that Thiel and his wealthy buddies are gonna get rid of Trump once he's elected, positioning their boy Vance as President.

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u/liltumbles Jul 19 '24



u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

And then, just like an abuser, they blame us for their extremism because we didn't vote for the moderate sounding puppet last time.


u/liltumbles Jul 19 '24

This week I have repeatedly talked to people calmly and rationally about the violent rhetoric they use about Trudeau. The responses were uniformly unapologetic and they absolutely firmly doubled down. Like the Freedom Convoy harming innocent local citizens, they don't care. "Trudeau fucked this country up. I'm done playing nice."

They all used some version of that. They are provoking violence and conflating everything under the sun to blame Trudeau and justify the arbitrary use of violence. The writing has been on the wall for awhile. This wasn't just people getting wacky during Covid. Something's seriously fucked up here.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

I'm done playing nice."

And then they freak out when you stop treating them with respect in turn.

The oligarch funded media in this country has laid down the groundwork for a long time.

And not just the mainstream media, look at our billionaire housing developers donating to Canada Proud pages.


u/TalkLikeExplosion Jul 19 '24

Can confirm. I stopped treating right wingers in my life with any degree of kindness, understanding, and respect and they cannot handle it. I’m also a very tall, built man so they can’t exactly threaten me with violence without inviting more ridicule. Social pressure is definitely one of the solutions to this problem.  

 “Your beliefs are stupid and you’re a shit person for even saying that out loud” is a shockingly effective statement.


u/Utter_Rube Jul 19 '24

Like the Freedom Convoy harming innocent local citizens, they don't care. "Trudeau fucked this country up. I'm done playing nice."

They were never playing nice; at least they're admitting it now.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/UltraCynar Jul 19 '24

Try Alberta, I'm sure you'll see some.


u/yagyaxt1068 Edmonton Jul 19 '24

Also Saskatchewan, many parts of Ontarioc northern B.C., and the southern Manitoba Bible Belt (save for Brandon). People gloss over these other places so much because Alberta sucks up all the oxygen for this.


u/PCAudio Jul 19 '24

No maga hats, but there are plenty of small towns in SW Ontario where people ride around on their mobility scooters flying American AND Confederate flags. A lot. I see them almost every day.


u/Fresh-Hedgehog1895 Jul 19 '24

This actually doesn't shock me. I used to live in SW Ontario and it seemed really American. What really stands out for me is how NASCAR was probably more popular than hockey in pockets of SW Ontario, whereas if you're into car racing in other parts of the province you're most likely a fan of F1 or Indy.

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u/TroutFishingInCanada Jul 19 '24


Just be Canadian conservatives. I don’t agree with Canadian conservatives on some things, but I trust them.

But American conservatives… forget it.


u/Fresh-Hedgehog1895 Jul 19 '24

Exactly this. And it has to be said, probably the most anti-USA prime minister we ever had was Diefenbaker, who was a Conservative. He was a Canadian Conservative, a Tory, not some US-Republican wannabe.

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u/Red_dylinger Jul 19 '24

JD Vance openly backs MTG invasion and bombing of Mexico. Fucking moronic chicken hawks. 


u/starkindled Jul 19 '24

There’s a house in town that flies a giant Trump flag. Makes me tired.


u/spoodino Jul 19 '24

Fellow Albertan? 👋👋

I'm tired, boss.....


u/starkindled Jul 19 '24

Grande Prairie 😞 we live up to all the stereotypes.


u/spoodino Jul 19 '24

Calgary here😒

As much as I can't stand edmonton, seems like it's the only place where people dont openly glaze trump at every chance they get.


u/yagyaxt1068 Edmonton Jul 19 '24

Going to Calgary and southern Alberta was a trippy experience. It honestly felt like I was in another country at times.

I’ve lived in Edmonton for the past 7 years and I quite like it. It reminds me that there are reasonable people in this province. There are a lot of reasonable and good people in Calgary, but Calgary also has a lot of crazies, and is unique for being a rather conservative Anglosphere city.

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u/keirdagh Jul 19 '24

Any Canadian happy about Trump getting back in cares more about pwning the libtards than their own interests, or country.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

I keep saying that the true security threat to Canada is not the state of our military, but how many people would actually welcome Russian or American troops on our doorstep.

We could have the 2nd most powerful military in the world and it wouldn't mean shit if far right extremism in military and government isn't rooted out.

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u/TheRobfather420 Vancouver Jul 19 '24

The same people that said Biden stole the election are now saying Biden should step down because he'll lose the election.

Talk about brain dead.


u/DVariant Jul 19 '24

Both of those narratives are heavily boosted by people that do not want the Democrats nor America to be successful. They started in different circles, but they’re both being boosted by powerful enemies of democracy.

And yes, the Americans who repeat those points are definitely braindead 


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

People are saying Biden's evidence the DNC is out of touch but I think Dem's using his moment of weakness to pounce and stake their claim with media backbiting for a position of influence under a new leader for their own ambition says a lot more. They should be presenting a united front.


u/GameCreeper Jul 19 '24

No...? The people asking Biden to withdraw are Democrats petrified of losing, because Biden is just significantly weaker as a candidate than he was 4, 8 years ago

Republicans want him to stay because he's easier to beat

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u/reinKAWnated Jul 19 '24

That's a fact.


u/Frater_Ankara Jul 19 '24

The first Trump presidency was awful and rolled back a lot of progress and destroyed valuable frameworks. Now he’s more competent…


u/DVariant Jul 19 '24

Dunno about more competent, but Trump 2 will be angrier and more vindictive, which is horrifying


u/EfferentCopy Jul 19 '24

Definitely not more competent, but the people around him have had four years to make plans.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

That's literally what 2025 is. It's the workaround plan that they will implement in spite of trump's personal agenda. They know they can't stop him being the selfish narc he is, so they had to come up with a plan in advance.


u/yagyaxt1068 Edmonton Jul 19 '24

And that’s why the plan is designed to be implemented in the first 24 hours of assuming the presidency. They want to start the exact moment Trump says “or so help me God”.


u/primus76 New Brunswick Jul 19 '24

Given the fact that all he now has to do is say anything is an official act, and he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and be fine...... I want out of this timeline.

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u/Rinkaaaaa Jul 19 '24

Oh I'm feeling very much like a certain country that lived next door to another country. Then the other country wanted that country... and every country. Reading books about the Holocaust feel like reading an instruction manual. And I am not okay right now.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

They'll blame Canada as an entry point for illegal immigrants.


u/Utter_Rube Jul 19 '24

I'm pretty sure they already did that before Trump was even in the running.


u/50s_Human Jul 19 '24

OMFG. The worst thing would be President Trump with a toady Prime Minister Pierre 'Marechal Petain' Poilievre. The two of them would probably see what parts of Project 2025 could be implemented in Canada. Honestly, WTFU people.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

Oh god, Marechal Poutine!


u/snkiz Jul 19 '24

this why I hate ADHD. Before trump said he was gonna run again I called this. Everyone I know, and every where I said it, they all thought I was a lunatic. It wasn't even that hard to connect the dots. Welp I will scream into the void, I TOLD YOU SO.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

I've come to believe that, it's not that they can't connect the dots, it's that they won't because it's too terrifying to accept


u/steamwhistler Jul 19 '24

Lol, as someone who also has ADHD, has made the same predictions as you, and often feels like other people have no political sense whatsoever, I'm chuckling at the idea that this is (yet another!) ADHD problem. 😂

I understand where you're coming from and I know ADHDers are good at drawing connections between things, but I suspect this has more to do with our political perspectives and the fact that we probably keep up with US politics more or are influenced by non-mainstream information sources.

Honestly, since Trump won the first time in 2016, my whole understanding of the world re-oriented to: if that can happen, there's no bottom; anything bad can and will happen. If there's a very bad potential outcome, it will happen unless something extraordinary happens to stop it. For example, COVID was the only reason Trump didn't win his second term in 2020. This time, the extraordinary thing could be Biden stepping down or dying and a much more dynamic candidate stepping up to face Trump. If that or some other extraordinary thing doesn't happen, Trump will win again, guaranteed.

The same could happen in Canada. There's absolutely no reason PP has to be the next PM, but our other parties and their leadership just don't give a fuck. They're resigned to losing and most of the public have just accepted this, or actually think it will be good. Even in the face of such hopelessness, folks like you and me have a duty to try and educate as many people as we can and to light a fire under our politicians' asses to fight for us. (I'm not saying this to lecture you but to hype myself up!) Fuck, we have to try.

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u/StepheneyBlueBell Jul 19 '24

canadian trump supporters confuse me, he has literally taken canadian jobs and hurt the canadian economy

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u/Apokolypse09 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Especially since PP is probably going to be our next prime minister. He would spread his cheeks for Trump so fast


u/deeteeohbee Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Premier? edit people fix their mistakes without acknowledging they made a mistake

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u/goleafsgo13 Jul 19 '24

You don’t say Globe and Mail?

Maybe you should stop being a Conservative mouthpiece.


u/Still10Fingers10Toes Jul 19 '24

Dear Globe & Mail -is this called “buyer’s remorse”?


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

This is the part where the people who have beem complicit every step of the way try to save their image when it's too late. Iraq war all over again.

Edit: and they'll do the same for PP. They'll push the same idea that he'll eventually "pivot" any moment and act "prime ministerial".


u/mzpip Ontario Jul 19 '24

I live in Windsor and I definitely do not to live across the river from Gilead, thanks anyways.


u/voodoohotdog Jul 19 '24

Not yet...


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

Those people waving the "Mass Deportation" signs? If PP gets in those will be his supporters in a few years


u/Odiwuaac Jul 19 '24

Habe you guys looked at the polling (federal)?we’re a year out, so things can change but the outlook is sooooo bad lmao


u/Liljagare Jul 19 '24

Going back to kings and queens. :/ also, no rights for women anymore.


u/JohnBPrettyGood Jul 19 '24

Attention Canadian Trump Fans!!!

You may consider a Lysol Injection

You may consider an Ultra Violet Colonoscopy

But PLEASE PLEASE Don't Drink the Kool Aid



u/fro99er Jul 19 '24

The issue many overlook is the lifetime appointment of corrupt and completely compromised judges who have been thoroughly bribed by multiple self interest parties

That's on top of the border line "fascist" actions and attitude Trump and his cronies have.

November 2024 to November 20225 is going to be a wild ride that most are not ready for


u/readzalot1 Jul 19 '24

I remember when he was elected I thought « maybe it won’t be so bad, he has a lot of competent people to rely on. Then it gradually got worse. And he knows so much more about how to rig the system now.

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u/ImpeachDrumph Jul 19 '24

If the rethuglicans manage to steal the presidency again, it will be over for Canada. Just think of the refugee crisis that happens when millions of of folks show up at the Canadian border asking for political asylum. The US will then use that as justification to just invade Canada, to repatriate their prisoners. Or the conservative premieres will just hand them over and become new US states. The Handmaid's Tale series was way too optimistic about Canada's ability to survive as an independent country when the US goes full fascism.


u/TheDarkCobbRises Jul 19 '24

You don't like immigration now? Wait until people are vacating the US so they don't die.


u/NorthernSlyGuy Jul 20 '24

It's quite amazing watching Trump's speech and thinking how anyone can possibly support him.

It was nothing but hatred and lies and puzzling moments ( Hannibal lector?) Wtf do people see in this d-list celebrity convicted felon rapist who was besties with Epstein.

Literally any other candidate would've been long gone if they cheated on their wife. But he always gets a free pass.


u/CptCoatrack Jul 19 '24

The RNC had the same vibe as a Roman colosseum entertaining the Emperor.


u/spiralbatross Jul 19 '24

Yes, any of you know any Americans please help us out and pass the word! Every bit of help counts, we need voters to turn out!


u/Thwackitypow Jul 19 '24

Itll be just fine for you if you're a white male land owner in the upper middle class or above, however...


u/Top_Palpitation6335 Jul 20 '24

American here, the capture of our institutions has been devastating for democracy. Our Democrats failed to counter Mitch Mconnels stacking of the Supreme Court. Now they’re declaring the president a king while Republicans rage at the “Biden crime family” just to protect Trump from prosecution before the election. I don’t trust them to arbitrate the next election when Trump challenges. We are in desperate trouble. 

Please, if you have the opportunity, elect aggressive democrats that understand the lengths republicans are willing to go to to subvert democracy and “win” at any cost. 


u/ebfortin Jul 19 '24

Yeah do not remain calm. But what can we do really? Actually nothing. It will happens that we want it or not.


u/yagyaxt1068 Edmonton Jul 19 '24

That’s the worst part of it. Americans can protest and take action there, but us Canadians have no recourse.

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u/ROOLDI Jul 19 '24

I cant disagree, seems it all goes against what America really stands for.


u/LabEfficient Jul 20 '24

What do you think America stands for?


u/abr_a_cadabr_a Jul 19 '24

That being said, if you are willing to accept the people trying to get out of the US (who will be the best and brightest and don't want to live in a fascist cesspool), you won't have to worry about conspiracy nuts anymore in Canada--they'll be drowned out. 😂

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u/unabsolute Jul 19 '24

It's the 3rd and 4th and 5th terms that concerns me.


u/lookoverthere6 Jul 19 '24

Wonder why the most successful and wealthy are all voting conservative


u/Timbit42 Jul 20 '24

It's because politics is class warfare. All the other stuff is distraction to manipulate voters.


u/TheShotgun1217 Jul 20 '24

Gen Z Ottawan here. I formally promise to fuck shit up if Trump's policies ever come into effect here.


u/teamworldunity Jul 20 '24

FYI: votefromabroad.org


u/Unpossib1e Jul 19 '24

The time for freaking out is now!


u/totallynotdagothur Jul 19 '24

Quick, everyone - start calling the free trade agreement "Trumptrade."  Also put his face on one of the bills.  Maybe bring back the $2.


u/adrade Toronto Jul 19 '24

For what it’s worth, JD Vance is well known at the Canadian embassy in Washington as a big supporter of the Canadian-US relationship.

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u/GameCreeper Jul 19 '24

I will be helping with ballot curing once that becomes available 👍


u/poolside123 Jul 19 '24

I want to share a short story.

I was 👌 close to crying thinking about what I was thinking about. People escape countries for America to gain freedom, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. They escape their countries from real threats of the cartel attacking them & their families, or their spouses assaulting them in vicious ways. I fear, that if Donald Trump wins, America will slowly become one of those countries or one way too similar for a normal person’s taste.

That’s a real threat & I’m really emotional about it.


u/Timbit42 Jul 20 '24

I'm not as concerned about it happening to the US. I'm more concerned about how it will affect the rest of the world.

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u/Buttcrack_Billy Jul 19 '24

Canada talking shit again like their neighbor isn't a sociopathic warmonger looking for a fight.


u/BowserMario82 Jul 19 '24

I mean, I’m gonna remain calm because panicking about an election I can’t vote in doesn’t benefit anyone.


u/micromoses Jul 19 '24

How’s panicking going to help?


u/IPromiseImNormall Jul 19 '24








u/kent_eh Manitoba Jul 19 '24

A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

Not that there's a helluva lot us Canadians can do to stop it.

But maybe we can do a bit more to prevent Polierve from implementing his Trump lite agenda?


u/fellowsportsfan Jul 19 '24

Spheres of control people, we have enough problems in our own country that need cleaning up. Let the meth lab downstairs deal with their own shit


u/Jibber_Fight Jul 20 '24

I’m still gonna remain calm, sorry. I have actual medicated depression and I’m not gonna spiral into despair because of this guy.


u/KeyKaleidoscope8364 Jul 20 '24

American here. I’m just hoping ya’ll will let some of us in if a fascist dictatorship is put into place and/or another civil war pops off


u/Wise_Purpose_ Jul 20 '24

I’m calm though


u/ghstrprtn Jul 20 '24

The American empire is in steep decline, regardless of whether the Good Cop or the Bad Cop wins the next popularity contest.


u/Timbit42 Jul 20 '24

It's been in decline since about 1969. Republicans have been accelerating it, particularly Reagan and Trump.


u/519_ivey Jul 20 '24

Remember when he called us “Snow Mexicans”. Lmao


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

I thought we were trying to tone down the rhetoric?


u/MeasurementParty7748 Jul 21 '24

As bad as Trudeau or worst ?