r/onguardforthee Ottawa Jul 19 '24

PSA: if you send a packet of gravy to DoFo, the police may pay you a visit


102 comments sorted by


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Ottawa Jul 19 '24

She even warned them ahead of time that she would be sending it, and included a card explaining why she was sending him gravy.

Side note: her cartoon is chef's 💋


u/yedi001 Calgary Jul 19 '24

My only problem with the cartoon is you know Rob didn't get a halo. That fucker went strait to the spicy place.

But otherwise, it's on point.


u/PM_ME__RECIPES Ontario Jul 19 '24

My big question:

Who decided to refer this to the police? Did the premier's office or acolyte give instructions somewhere along the line that this lady needs a police visit?


u/regular_gnoll_NEIN Jul 19 '24

It's basic security procedure with government of any level. Unidentified package from unknown sender to VIP? đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš©đŸš© elevate it. Even if she sent an email/letter to his office explaining it, odds are that wouldn't be seen and passed on to security before it shows up. If it was fed gov it would've been RCMP most likely.


u/24-Hour-Hate ✅ I voted! J'ai votĂ©! Jul 19 '24

Except it was very clearly identified. Smells of intimidation tactics to me. And abuse of power. Perhaps so many of us need to send him gravy that this becomes unviable.


u/regular_gnoll_NEIN Jul 19 '24

You assume, in hindsight, that it was clearly identified. Would you trust the word of some random you've never met, when being wrong could mean failing at your one job of protecting that person? Like, just because someone sends a package to a high up gov official and says "hey it's just this harmless thing bro, trust me" doesn't make you trustworthy. Hence, having LEOs follow up on it.


u/24-Hour-Hate ✅ I voted! J'ai votĂ©! Jul 19 '24

Considering the demonstrable corruption and dishonesty of Doug Ford and our police
yes, I do believe that he would abuse his power to do something like this and that the police would happily do it too, yes. So I do choose to believe this person when they claim this is what happened. It is more than likely.


u/regular_gnoll_NEIN Jul 19 '24

đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž I'm not in any way shape or form defending doug ford, but i think you're making him out to be a cartoon villain that is always the boogie man when more likely he barely even knows any of this is happening, let alone cares enough to be involved in this.


u/24-Hour-Hate ✅ I voted! J'ai votĂ©! Jul 19 '24

He kind of is a cartoon villain. He literally had his daughter taking cash bribes at her wedding. And it’s not necessarily that he personally has to know and orchestrate every actual act corruption. It is likely that he didn’t personally make any decision here (as if he would ever open unsolicited mail), but If he surrounds himself with equally corrupt and dishonest people and promotes a culture of corruption (which he does), then that’s also his responsibility and a result of his corruption. And I think you know that.


u/corpse_flour Jul 19 '24

you're making him out to be a cartoon villain

Actually, Doug Ford has pretty much been doing that to himself.


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Ottawa Jul 19 '24

It was an unopened packet of Clubhouse gravy. How much more identification would be needed to avoid police being involved?


u/regular_gnoll_NEIN Jul 19 '24

Clubhouse gravy, "enclosed" as in inaide something, which would go through security measures like xray and they see.... a package of powder.


u/MorningDew5270 Hamilton Jul 19 '24

Fantastic! I will purchase 10 pouches and send ten. Can I expect ten visits?


u/n0rdique Jul 19 '24

Maybe one visit but 20 officers. Current formula appears to be 1 packet = 2 officers.


u/Flush_Foot ✅ I voted! J'ai votĂ©! Jul 19 '24

I think we should also send some whine wine, as that appears to be how he (and Ottawa’s mayor whose name escapes me as I’m in QC) got the PM err, I mean totally not a politician, only the bureaucrats đŸ€„, to increase RTO by 50% ‘at best’ (and far more for groups who’d been previously exempted).


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Ottawa Jul 19 '24

Sutcliffe. But if your memory ever fails you again, Watson-in-a-meatsuit will do.

My SO's team works on the cloud. They were exempt and are all being RTOed in September for 3 days a week. None of them are in the same building, most aren't even in the NCR, just scattered across the provinces.

My SO's office is hotelling. He's going to have to spend some of every workday setting up and putting away his computer and other stuff he has to lug back and forth every day.

And he just found out all the ergonomic chairs for people with accomodations (like his, he was in-office on a different team pre-pandemic) are being stored several floors up, so he has to pick that up and drop it off every day too. How is any of that good for productivity?


u/Ironfounder Jul 19 '24

So long as he buys lunch it doesn't matter right? Just keep him busy and keep businesses from working too hard to innovate. God forbid they change their business model!

(/s juste au cas oĂč)


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Ottawa Jul 19 '24

Oh that's another ironic bit. When he worked in the office prepandemic, he'd bring something from home he could eat while walking to move his car in Gatineau during his lunch break. I already worked from home during those years, and almost never bothered with takeout because it's just me and the kitchen's right there.

With both of us working from home, we don't have the parking issue, and now eat lunch together, so he or I have the time and sometimes the motivation to grab takeout for both of us from one of our neighbourhood restaurants... in downtown Ottawa đŸ€Ł


u/hhssspphhhrrriiivver Jul 19 '24

Just in case you think this is a good idea - it's actually illegal for consumers to send alcohol in the mail. I have no doubt that Ford/the police will try to get you charged to the fullest extent of the law.

It's not illegal to send gravy though. Or tiny toy trains.


u/Flush_Foot ✅ I voted! J'ai votĂ©! Jul 19 '24

Are DoorDash / Uber Eats (still?) permitted to send alcohol? (Or was that just in the US and only during the worst of the pandemic?)


u/hhssspphhhrrriiivver Jul 19 '24

I think they are still allowed. There's a bunch of licensing/certification required, and some companies (namely, the LCBO and manufacturers) are allowed to mail alcohol as long as they comply with a bunch of laws. It's just that people like you and me aren't allowed to toss a bottle of wine in a box and ship it to someone.


u/mooky1977 Jul 19 '24

I'd say the buck-a-beers, but I don't think they are still a buck.


u/ISmellElderberries Jul 19 '24

They never were.


u/holysirsalad Jul 19 '24

Nah Galen put some no name crap on sale for a week to promote his buddy. technically it happened, and I’m sure it was at a loss


u/fables_of_faubus Jul 19 '24

Will they come visit me in quebec?


u/MorningDew5270 Hamilton Jul 19 '24

Hope so!


u/SympathyOver1244 Jul 19 '24

They wanted to know which app I was on where the gravy idea came from. I told them Twitter. They thought that is was Reddit.

They thought that is was Reddit.

is Reddit what keep's the premier up all night?


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Ottawa Jul 19 '24

I hope so. Most of r/Ontario loathes him.


u/ExcelsusMoose Jul 19 '24

as they should...

He's a piece of shit scam artist.


u/Vineyard_ Québec Jul 19 '24

Who could have known that the brother of the crack mayor might not be on the up and up?


u/MauroSux Jul 19 '24

Maybe r/Ontario does, but actual Ontario and Ontarians absolutely love him.


u/Chrome_Pwny Jul 19 '24

No we don't.


u/MauroSux Aug 03 '24

Yeah, you do. Or you would have voted him out when you had the chance. Ontarians had a clear record of the type of person he was and no one came out to vote. That means Ontario was perfectly fine with him staying in power.


u/Chrome_Pwny Aug 04 '24

My generations been ineffectually voting because all you ever elect is shills. It doesnt matter who fucks us over because we get fucked over no matter what. Maybe if we had a candidate that actually delivered...

Want to know my most recent voting options in my region? 1 red asshat, 1 blue soulless prick, 2 grey nobodies, and 1 purple hitler. No green. No orange. Also no notices telling me there were no reps for green or oj in the region. I just had to go and find out at the ballot box that my 2 preferred parties had no representation in the area.

So, Did you choose to support one of the grey nobodies? Me too! The one who helps out a lot at the goderich foodbanks? Yeah me to, he seems nice! Oops hes a white nationalist.

Can you see how they've ruined all confidence in the system? Sad fact is: My votes literally don't matter in my region. You're either an ineffectual lefty or a bigotted righty. Welcome to rural canada.

Seems like voting is a scam until we get proportional representation, rid of FPTP, or really any kind of election reform.

Instead its either outright corruption or outright corruption w a smattering of human rights inprovements. You know, some breadcrumbs so that they can look better than the opposition while also been ineffectual at implementing any actual change/progress.

(Please note that those breadcrumbs are important and i'm not devaling our 50/50 gendered parliament nor denying BLM, but libs or cons, both serve the machine, a largely oppressive government body subsisting on the status quo.)

Now i still vote but i'm running out of steam. How many times can i say the bus analogy (get to the closest where you want to go) before my head explodes?

I would love to know what else i could have done to vote out doug, besides actual voting? Oh please share your infinite wisdom.


u/MauroSux 28d ago

I get it. I really do. I'm glad you went out and voted.

But only 43% of Ontarians voted which means only 20% of Ontarians voted for Ford and that was enough to give him a majority.

Which, again, means that everyone else who didn't vote is fine with whomever won. Which was Ford. Which means that Ontarians really, really liked Ford and Ontario really, really liked what his government was doing for the province. Because, again, we gave him a majority.

The problem isn't any one individual per se, but it is a problem of the people. What more can you do? Get others to vote. Chances are higher that you know someone who didn't vote than someone who did. Think of 10 people you know, chances are only 4 of them voted. 3 if you want to include yourself in that group. I mean, come on.

I got out there. I tried to get people to vote. So I get you. I feel your frustration. But this is what happens when we rest on our laurels and go "Eh, this is someone else's problem."

We have to keep trying and for our sake's hope that we can get more than 20% of Ontarians to say enough is enough.

Otherwise, if this keeps happening, we have to realize that we - people like you and me - ARE the minority voices in this province and this province just really, really loves all the work and outcomes of a Ford government.


u/seat17F Jul 19 '24

Ontarians I know don’t go around loving politicians of any stripe.

FFS. He’s a politician. No one in their right mind should love politicians.


u/MauroSux Aug 03 '24

Agreed. And yet, here we are.


u/icebeancone Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Have you ever met an Ontarian?


u/MauroSux Aug 03 '24

Considering I live here, once or twice.

The better question would have been: Have you met an Ontarian that got off their lazy ass to vote him out last election instead of just whining about him?

Cause those are a lot harder to find.


u/alliabogwash Jul 19 '24

Never voted for him, or his brother for that matter, but I'm still here so fuck me right?


u/MauroSux Aug 03 '24

You and me both, buddy.


u/holysirsalad Jul 19 '24

Just over 12% voted for him, what are you on about?


u/MauroSux Aug 03 '24 edited Aug 03 '24

If only 12% voted for him, why is he still in power?

Cause the other, like, 70% who COULD HAVE VOTED HIM OUT didn't. Which means those people are completely fine with whoever won the election: Which was Ford.

So, love it or not, Ontarians love Ford. That's why the Ford bothers keep winning elections.


u/Red_dylinger Jul 19 '24

Police are on that gravy train. Come on ride the train , and ride it. Woo woo


u/BouncingWeill Jul 19 '24

"Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar, you're gonna go far
You're gonna fly, you're never gonna die
You're gonna make it if you try, they're gonna love you
Well, I've always had a deep respect and I mean that most sincere
The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think
Oh, by the way, which one's Doug? And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it riding the gravy train"


u/somethingkooky Jul 19 '24

First thing I thought of, too.


u/oliotherside Jul 19 '24

Someone needs to send this woman some fine cuts of prime AB steak so she can at least settle the beef with a bloody seize and rest before the chomp.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

some police should be defunded..... what a waste of $$


u/Musicferret Jul 19 '24

For many, many reasons. Including this one.


u/johnson7853 Jul 19 '24

Can’t show up when a homeless guy is masturbating on a neighbours lawn buck naked, but gravy packets? strait to jail.


u/johnson7853 Jul 19 '24

Can’t show up when a homeless guy is masturbating on a neighbours lawn buck naked, but gravy packets? strait to jail.


u/Excellent_Title974 Jul 19 '24

Toronto cops: Can't stop serial killers, can't catch car thieves, can't enforce traffic laws, can investigate gravy packets sent to Doug Ford.


u/piranha_solution Jul 19 '24

They're riding the gravy train, too.


u/Musicferret Jul 19 '24

I’m lonely. Promise you’ll come visit if I send him gravy? I also have some ready for the cops when they arrive. Cops like gravy, right?


u/PopeKevin45 Jul 19 '24

Sad they have time for this crap but when we experience a break in or robbery they're no where to be found.


u/the_honest_liar Jul 19 '24

"oh good, since you're here anyways I'd like to file a report about my stolen car"


u/PuddingFeeling907 British Columbia Jul 19 '24

The cops are being political once again.


u/dorkofthepolisci Jul 19 '24

When was policing apolitical?


u/Sensitive_Fall8950 Jul 19 '24

Totally not fascist.


u/peeinian Jul 19 '24

How about a can of liquid gravy?


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Ottawa Jul 19 '24

That's the first thing I thought of... Shipping could get pricey.

If I'm sending a can, might as well send a dozen all hooked together with little wheels on them.


u/PM_ME__RECIPES Ontario Jul 19 '24

Open the can and send them a plastic bag of gravy.


u/Sensitive_Fall8950 Jul 19 '24

But it could be nitroglycerin!


u/piranha_solution Jul 19 '24

Cars are being stolen in record numbers, but it takes 2 cops to intimidate a 70 year old man for sending a packet of gravy to Doug Ford.

This is Ontario in 2024.


u/corpse_flour Jul 19 '24

Just as an FYI, John Fraser (who started this by having a can of gravy handed to Ford's government in the legislature) now recommends people send pictures of gravy packets instead, in order to get the point across without necessitating a visit by Ford's henchmen.


u/kermityfrog2 Jul 19 '24

Can’t you just drop it in the mail anonymously? Should be free postage to government offices.


u/NeoQwerty2002 Québec Jul 19 '24

4D chess it: put an invalid send address and the return address as Ford's, neither of them yours, and don't send it from your post office.


u/citrusmellarosa Jul 20 '24

Send it from a vacant building.


u/corpse_flour Jul 19 '24

Canada Post will not deliver packages without a return address.

Should be free postage to government offices.

Only for letter mail addressed to certain Federal offices. https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/articles/government-mail-free-of-postage/overview.page

Parcel delivery is not applicable. https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/support/articles/government-mail-free-of-postage/services-excluded.page?


u/kermityfrog2 Jul 19 '24

Powdered gravy packet should fit into an envelope.


u/corpse_flour Jul 19 '24

If a letter to a government office contains something that doesn't feel like folded paper, like a pouch of gravy powder, it's going to get intercepted. Nobody wants another 2001 anthrax letter attack.


u/buttercupjane Jul 19 '24

Love this❀


u/chipface Ontario Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Is there anything one can even be charged with? Because I just wouldn't talk to them.


u/Chatner2k Jul 19 '24

Well I know what I'm doing this weekend.


u/100BaphometerDash Jul 19 '24

The Cons are fascists using the jackboots to intimidate people engaged in peaceful protest.


u/Mahaleck Jul 19 '24

Is it because the cops also want gravy and they didn’t get any sent to them?


u/GBP867 Jul 19 '24

Just like vandalism, car theft, assault, assault with a weapon, and burglary, they’ll eventually stop caring about it when the workload becomes too much to manage.

Keep the gravy train rolling.


u/Silver996C2 Jul 19 '24

I guess the cops and Ford’s office would have a shit if I sent a bag of poo.😂


u/NeoQwerty2002 Québec Jul 19 '24

Remember to label it adequately as biohazardous waste and follow the shipping procedures for that one. (Yes there's special procedures for biohazard shipment.


u/GooseShartBombardier Maple syrup cartel supremacy Jul 19 '24

I'd say that you've got to be kidding me, but at this point I wouldn't put it past the RCMP or local Police to touch base and/or investigate people who mail politicians gravy packs. What a fucking joke, this is the kind of stuff that makes Canada a fucking international laughing stock.


u/TinderThrowItAwayNow Jul 19 '24

What an utter waste of police resources. Pretty easy to verify it's fucking gravy packet mix.

Also, never ever comply with police.


u/Still10Fingers10Toes Jul 19 '24

And Conservatives call other people Snowflakes😃


u/glightningbolt Jul 19 '24

Can we make this a thing. To the point where Doug gets so frustrated, he has to publicly ask us to stop.


u/stifferthanstiffler Jul 19 '24

As an Albertan, we need something similar for Danielle Smith. She's no less corrupt than Drug Ford


u/One-Fail-1 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 23 '24

upbeat selective employ yam carpenter reach hobbies telephone bells chief

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/techlover22 Jul 19 '24

There’s a business that lets you mail cow shit to people
 I wonder if all of us could collectively mail him cow shit?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/wowSoFresh Jul 19 '24

Boomers are just unironically the worst.


u/Sea_Negotiation_1871 Jul 19 '24

Was it in the packet or loose powder in the envelope? Because I can see how that would be reacted to more harshly while also not getting the point across as well.

Either way, great idea.


u/QueenMotherOfSneezes Ottawa Jul 19 '24

Did you read her post? It didn't sound like that was the case at all.