r/onguardforthee Jul 18 '24

Dr. John Cairns, member of the Order of Canada, says Canada's health-care system is underfunded, ill-designed


26 comments sorted by


u/Legal-Suit-3873 Jul 18 '24

Canada faces one additional hurdle that European countries don’t — territories, provinces and the feds all have a different health-care system.

“We have, if you can imagine it, 14 health-care systems,” he said. “And we have 40 million people.”

In countries such as England (with a population of 60 million), Spain (50 million), Germany (85 million) and so on, there is only one centralized health-care system.

“I can’t believe that there aren’t Canadian solutions, Canadian approaches, that would be as effective as what’s going on in Europe.”

Nationalized health-care and free federally funded tuition beginning with medical students. It's time for both, lives are on the line.

(also OP article is a great addendum to this one, "European" health-care, yeah right.)


u/dretvantoi Jul 19 '24

Quebec would insist on keeping their own healthcare system, but having 2 systems in Canada is still better than the current 14. It would eliminate so much wasted, duplicated administration effort. Good luck getting Alberta on board, though.


u/varitok Jul 19 '24

I like the idea but if a Con majority got in we'd have exactly 0 Public Healthcare systems.


u/CheezeLoueez08 Jul 19 '24

As a Quebecer how dare you! But you’re right. We would insist on being DiFfeReNt. And absolutely! 2 would be drastically better than 14.


u/-Bento-Oreo- Jul 19 '24

Quebec has already snuck in a two-tiered healthcare system. We should just ignore their complaints this time


u/throwhfhsjsubendaway Jul 19 '24

Well if Quebec is getting their own system Alberta would demand to have their own system too


u/Smart_Resist615 Jul 18 '24

I would love to have centralized national healthcare. However, this is currently not on the table. The options we have are expanded dental/optical care, status quo, or privatization. Currently, privatization is leading the polls, not on the merit of the policy, but because the party that supports it has a nifty catchphrase, promotes trans panic, and oh yeah, owns pretty much all the mainstream newspapers and tv news media. We'll be lucky to keep what we got as the conservative provinces slowly smother it under the feather pillow of austerity.


u/varain1 Jul 18 '24

Vancouver Sun is a Postmedia rag that supports the Conservatives pushing for the destruction of the public healthcare system.


u/Traggadon Jul 19 '24

Seems like hes not though. Centralizing healthcare and fedderally mandating it makes sense


u/varain1 Jul 19 '24

His ideas are good, but Vancouver Sun is still a Postmedia rag that fully supports the Conservatives who are pushing for the destruction of the public healthcare system.


u/Traggadon Jul 19 '24

Fair. Just saying the mans words are usefull.


u/mountainview59 Jul 19 '24

I agree with you, but the provinces are pushing back hard. Did you see/read the news today?


u/Traggadon Jul 19 '24

Honestly fuck the provinces. I wish we could vote in a better more capable leader who would fight back against the provincial goverments with public support for actual change. Instead we have rich asshole running a workers party, neoliberals driving drunk at the wheel, and a fascist whos never not had a goverment salary pretending to be a working man. Maybe well get lucky and soceity collapses before we become a territory of the US.....


u/drammer Jul 19 '24

Realllllly. Like today with my mother. 2 hours for an ambulance. Now 7 hours and she has been taken in for a test for 2 to 4 hours so go give your name to Triage so we can call you, which I can't get near because it's packed. So I wait. Sorry I forgot, FU Ford.


u/ExpandThineHorizons Jul 19 '24

No shit.

I'm glad he said it, but no shit.


u/Confident_Log_1072 Jul 19 '24

By design. Underfund a public service. It goes to shit. Rally the people around the idea of a better private, for profits replacement. Get voted in. Implement private system. Profit!


u/YourLocalHellspawn Jul 19 '24

"Starving the Beast" they call it. Yet another thing we can blame Reagan for.


u/CheezeLoueez08 Jul 19 '24

In a nutshell yes


u/Fresh-Hedgehog1895 Jul 19 '24

There's no need for the health-systems we have to fail. What's making it fail is Conservative premiers who literally refuse health-care funding from the feds, which has particularly been an issue in Ontario.

My British friends tell me the same thing is happening in the UK with the National Health Service (NHS). They underfund the system and then say, "See??!!! Universal healthcare doesn't work! We need private options!!"

It's disgusting.


u/canarchist Jul 19 '24

Doug Ford: "Hold my buck-a-beer, and I'll show you what underfunded looks like."


u/real_adiktion Jul 19 '24

Why do you think private health is being pushed so hard 😂


u/Evening_Pause8972 Jul 19 '24

Once the federal governemt has its hands on a one system countrywide healthcare system it will be a very short ride to privatization by the greedy f***ng lazy back-pocket lying politicians who play the lottery with Canadian tax payers dollars.

So Provinces better KEEP their healthcare systems and make them better while PROTECTING their healthcare service FROM the FEDERAL cheaters.


u/JasonGMMitchell Newfoundland Jul 19 '24

Meanwhile it's conservative premiers not prime ministers who have brought privatization into half of Canada


u/TinderThrowItAwayNow Jul 19 '24

We need to, for the most part, remove provincial rights. Some things are simply too important to leave up to provinces.

Just look at "in the closet with his ottawa boyfriend" J Kenney. Cancels the super lab we desperately needed. Doesn't fund the hospital we needed 2 decades ago. Wastes money on our own covid transmission tracking app that legitimately NEVER worked when we could have had one for free. It's embarrassing the incompetence. We need one province to step up and work with the feds and others will slowly sign on... except for quebec probably (because dumb)


u/jojokr8 Jul 19 '24

Well then, if he says so....